Senator Ben Sasse Just Issued a Terrifying Warning About Mexico


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Senator Ben Sasse Just Issued a Terrifying Warning About Mexico

Senator Ben Sasse Just Issued a Terrifying Warning About Mexico
5 Nov 19 ~ By Katie Pavlich
After the murder of nine American women and children in Mexico by vicious drug cartels yesterday, Republican Senator Ben Sasse is sending a warning about the state of the country and its government.
“Drug cartels ambushed an innocent family on their way to a wedding and massacred nine Americans, including babies. The hard truth is that Mexico is dangerously close to being a failed state. This is what happens when Mexico’s politicians look the other way and let drug cartels bribe their way to power. Enough," Sasse released in a statement. "Mexico’s president hasn’t taken the threat seriously and innocent American lives have been lost again. The Mexican government must partner with U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies to wage a full-scale offensive against these butchers.” Meanwhile, the Trump administration remains focused on securing the U.S. southern border with Mexico.

Anyone living on the border states has been seeing and saying this for last 30 years. Meanwhile, vacuous, pusillanimous big-mouth carnival barker fools like Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff and Sanders continue talking about “Diversity is our strength! Let them in!”. Now they're scared because the reality of who they are is obvious? Actually, I fear that the situation here with our own civil wart and corruption is not THAT much different from Mexico. While in Chicago year to date; Shot & Killed: 409, Shot & Wounded: 1974, Total Shot: 2383, Total Homicides: 445, sounding more like casualty reports from Afghanistan during the Obama administration....
Is it time to invade Mexico and conduct a punitive strike against the cartels and corrupt governments? Pershing under orders from Wilson (Dem) in 1916 launching a punitive expedition into Mexico. It's bad enough that the drugs coming in through Mexico are killing more Americans each year than the Vietnam war ever did, but now they've escalated to massacring innocent Americans. Is it time to stop it?
I laugh at Ben Sasse suddenly getting "woke" to the issues that President Trump has been working on his entire Presidency.
The problem with Mexico is that its some of its police forces are corrupt and assisting the drug cartels and its current president is likely in league with a cartel as he allowed the son of El Chapo to walk out of jail after Mexican forces had a sustained gun battle with him and his cartel members. The only thing that will change what's going on down there is if and when the overall public forces the government to solve its drug cartel problem, or the US invades Mexico and solves it militarily.
The problem with Mexico is that its some of its police forces are corrupt and assisting the drug cartels and its current president is likely in league with a cartel as he allowed the son of El Chapo to walk out of jail after Mexican forces had a sustained gun battle with him and his cartel members. The only thing that will change what's going on down there is if and when the overall public forces the government to solve its drug cartel problem, or the US invades Mexico and solves it militarily.

Corrupt government has always been the problem in Mexico so it would behove us to sit up and take notice. Trump is here to save us from the same fate as long as enough people can pull their heads out of their asses long enough to let him do it.
There's a little town in Mexico called Cheran. The women got together and threw out the police and the government. Guess what happened after that. The cartels left and the town changed back to normal.

Voting for the lesser of two evils and the chaos this routine caused is what empowered the cartel there. So they tossed out the entire two-party structure that caused the chaos which was what was allowing the cartel to thrive.

The cartels, empowered by government, were completely destroying their environment. Notwithstanding all of the drug dealers in the town. Then, when the illegal logging operation was ready to take down their sacred tree (their heritage, effectively), and when they began contaminating their water supply, people started asking them why they were doing this. The response from the cartel was simple. They said first we're gonna take your trees. Then we're gonna take your houses. Then we're gonna take your women. So, that's when the women began organizing. They did so by passing around notes at first. Eventually they got rid of the whole corrupt entity.

End of the day, it's like this. These cartels cannot survive without the aid of chaos brought on by the divide and conquer flavor of modern government.
The problem with Mexico is that its some of its police forces are corrupt and assisting the drug cartels and its current president is likely in league with a cartel as he allowed the son of El Chapo to walk out of jail after Mexican forces had a sustained gun battle with him and his cartel members. The only thing that will change what's going on down there is if and when the overall public forces the government to solve its drug cartel problem, or the US invades Mexico and solves it militarily.

Corrupt government has always been the problem in Mexico so it would behove us to sit up and take notice. Trump is here to save us from the same fate as long as enough people can pull their heads out of their asses long enough to let him do it.
We should have annexed it right past the Suez Canal 100 plus some years ago and have been done with it.
Actually he has been saying it for some time-

Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., told Fox News on Monday night that he voted against a resolution to stop President Trump's declaration of a national emergency at the U.S.-Mexico border because "the president is absolutely right" and the emergency declaration "is not a close call."

"I think there are three different issues here," Sasse told "Special Report with Bret Baier." "The first is, do we objectively have a crisis at the border? And, we do ... Second, does the president have the authority to declare a crisis in this kind of circumstance? ... I think the president does have that authority. That is a different question than whether or not that's a good law."
Ben Sasse explains why he flipped on Trump's border emergency declaration
The problem with Mexico is that its some of its police forces are corrupt and assisting the drug cartels and its current president is likely in league with a cartel as he allowed the son of El Chapo to walk out of jail after Mexican forces had a sustained gun battle with him and his cartel members. The only thing that will change what's going on down there is if and when the overall public forces the government to solve its drug cartel problem, or the US invades Mexico and solves it militarily.

Corrupt government has always been the problem in Mexico so it would behove us to sit up and take notice. Trump is here to save us from the same fate as long as enough people can pull their heads out of their asses long enough to let him do it.
We should have annexed it right past the Suez Canal 100 plus some years ago and have been done with it.
When we won the Mexican War in 1846, we should have just kept Mexico, instead of settling for California, Arizona, New Mexico and the Texas Republic.
The problem with Mexico is that its some of its police forces are corrupt and assisting the drug cartels and its current president is likely in league with a cartel as he allowed the son of El Chapo to walk out of jail after Mexican forces had a sustained gun battle with him and his cartel members. The only thing that will change what's going on down there is if and when the overall public forces the government to solve its drug cartel problem, or the US invades Mexico and solves it militarily.

Corrupt government has always been the problem in Mexico so it would behove us to sit up and take notice. Trump is here to save us from the same fate as long as enough people can pull their heads out of their asses long enough to let him do it.
We should have annexed it right past the Suez Canal 100 plus some years ago and have been done with it.
When we won the Mexican War in 1846, we should have just kept Mexico, instead of settling for California, Arizona, New Mexico and the Texas Republic.
And now we have the invading Mexicans getting us back still, as a thorn in the side here.

The problem with Mexico is........Their are too many Mexicans there................................Longshanks
I laugh at Ben Sasse suddenly getting "woke" to the issues that President Trump has been working on his entire Presidency.
Trump has done nothing about Mexico. His bollards are easily sawed through. He has certainly empowered cartels by attacking Mexico's government and economy.
Senators routinely issue "terrifying warnings" in the interest of getting re-elected.
Actually he has been saying it for some time-

Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., told Fox News on Monday night that he voted against a resolution to stop President Trump's declaration of a national emergency at the U.S.-Mexico border because "the president is absolutely right" and the emergency declaration "is not a close call."

"I think there are three different issues here," Sasse told "Special Report with Bret Baier." "The first is, do we objectively have a crisis at the border? And, we do ... Second, does the president have the authority to declare a crisis in this kind of circumstance? ... I think the president does have that authority. That is a different question than whether or not that's a good law."
Ben Sasse explains why he flipped on Trump's border emergency declaration

There is only 1 issue. Sasse is a politician and is willing to sell his soul to the devil to get re-elected. It is no simpler than that. He does not have the power to ignore the Constitution.
Political correctness makes people fucking retarded
The problem with Mexico is that its some of its police forces are corrupt and assisting the drug cartels and its current president is likely in league with a cartel as he allowed the son of El Chapo to walk out of jail after Mexican forces had a sustained gun battle with him and his cartel members. The only thing that will change what's going on down there is if and when the overall public forces the government to solve its drug cartel problem, or the US invades Mexico and solves it militarily.

Corrupt government has always been the problem in Mexico so it would behove us to sit up and take notice. Trump is here to save us from the same fate as long as enough people can pull their heads out of their asses long enough to let him do it.
We should have annexed it right past the Suez Canal 100 plus some years ago and have been done with it.
When we won the Mexican War in 1846, we should have just kept Mexico, instead of settling for California, Arizona, New Mexico and the Texas Republic.

In hindsight the California "keep" might not have been a great idea.
Guns! Americans especially WHITES GET A GUN! Fuck the government fuck the laws! Get a gun and use it!
The problem with Mexico is that its some of its police forces are corrupt and assisting the drug cartels and its current president is likely in league with a cartel as he allowed the son of El Chapo to walk out of jail after Mexican forces had a sustained gun battle with him and his cartel members. The only thing that will change what's going on down there is if and when the overall public forces the government to solve its drug cartel problem, or the US invades Mexico and solves it militarily.

Corrupt government has always been the problem in Mexico so it would behove us to sit up and take notice. Trump is here to save us from the same fate as long as enough people can pull their heads out of their asses long enough to let him do it.
Actually that is what bureaucratic govt gives the people. Corruption, the Crime, fear and despair of the people. Let's not kid ourselves. That is what the Progressive Marxist Socialist Left has promised to give us. We shouldn't be surprised. Just imagine that over 60000 Americans died from drug OD last year mainly due to drugs smuggled from Mexico. Meanwhile PMS/DSA Dems tell us there's no crisis on the border...

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I laugh at Ben Sasse suddenly getting "woke" to the issues that President Trump has been working on his entire Presidency.
Trump has done nothing about Mexico. His bollards are easily sawed through. He has certainly empowered cartels by attacking Mexico's government and economy.
The Sun went down one hour earlier than it on Saturday. Should we also how e Trump for that too?

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