Senate Finally Back to Normal


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Dingy Harry “works from home” - where he belongs! The GOP Senate leadership is doing what has been missing since Democrats took over the Senate – allowing open debate and votes on bills. Votes when individual Senators have to stand up and show exactly where they stand.

Beside articles like these, one can only visit to obtain this heartening information. Okay, so we might not agree with some of the bills and who is voting for what, BUT AT LEAST IT'S OPEN TO SCRUTINY!

Read more @ The Senate is Finally Getting Back to 8216 Normal 8217 After the Disastrous Reign of Democrats
First order of business was not a jobs bill, but partisan hacking up the same old shit, such is progress to a GOPer?
The Senate Finally Gets Down to Business

But not without snags. Guess it's been so long since they had to do what they were sent to Washington to do, they kinda forgot what it's all about.

And it's not going to get any easier. The House is passing lots of stuff they promised when running for office. So is the Senate. But now that Dingy Harry's not covering for him anymore, Obama's gonna have to suck it up.

Read the article @ The Republican Congress Meets Reality - The Atlantic
Anything to show Obama as the empty suit he is. He may not be as much of a dingbat as either Reid or Pelosi but he's still qualifies as lunatic left. Although it is amazing that there were enough halfwits to elect him much less reelect him.
They need to fund infrastructure projects and invest in science and r&d!

They ahve no money to invest. They had to make budget cuts and raise taxes on the rich just to make obama's free 2 year college plan applicable. We can't even pass a jobs bill without cutting else where. Look, the days of the stimulous are not a reality anymore. We can't spend even a fraction of that money without taking from elsewhere. The only way to create jobs and reveue to do these things is to repel legislation that is preventing these things, and pass tax incentives, which is an indirect investment, these don't cost a thing right now. That's what we are down to.

Thank you Obama you stupid fuck.
OK, they returned to their superiority in the Senate, now they can impeach Obama! But it seems that they will be powerless against him as always. And even more against Hillary if she will get her way.
Can anyone point to a single piece of legislation to come from the failed Republican Congress?
First order of business was not a jobs bill, but partisan hacking up the same old shit, such is progress to a GOPer?
The only jobs bill needed is one that says if you don't work, you don't eat.

Let em die......a staple of American Conservatism

As opposed to Democrats, who think we can endlessly feed layabouts for free, give them free housing, free welfare, free EBT, and this stuff just falls out of the air magically and doesn't actually have to be produced by people who WORK FOR A LIVING.

Democrats constantly cry about being harsh to the poor, but then they insist on putting all the eggs in one basket, then drilling holes in the basket with endless debt, so when the basket tips over, everybody suffers.

You dems are delusional in that you genuinely think that because the system hasn't fully collapsed, that it never can collapse no matter how much you steal and graft.

So you keep stealing, you keep redistributing. "The system hasn't collapsed yet!" you say, as you continue to push your luck, pushing for more and more debt, basically DARING the system to collapse.

You will eventually eat your own. Your endless money devaluation will eventually end up the same way it did in the USSR, Cuba, and Venezuela: Everyone has your worthless money, but there's nothing on the shelves anymore.

We will know we are finally in the workers' paradise when we all are rich, yet have nothing to buy and line up in hours long lines because we heard a store might have got a little bit of inventory in.
First order of business was not a jobs bill, but partisan hacking up the same old shit, such is progress to a GOPer?
The only jobs bill needed is one that says if you don't work, you don't eat.

Let em die......a staple of American Conservatism

As opposed to Democrats, who think we can endlessly feed layabouts for free, give them free housing, free welfare, free EBT, and this stuff just falls out of the air magically and doesn't actually have to be produced by people who WORK FOR A LIVING.

Democrats constantly cry about being harsh to the poor, but then they insist on putting all the eggs in one basket, then drilling holes in the basket with endless debt, so when the basket tips over, everybody suffers.

You dems are delusional in that you genuinely think that because the system hasn't fully collapsed, that it never can collapse no matter how much you steal and graft.

So you keep stealing, you keep redistributing. "The system hasn't collapsed yet!" you say, as you continue to push your luck, pushing for more and more debt, basically DARING the system to collapse.

You will eventually eat your own. Your endless money devaluation will eventually end up the same way it did in the USSR, Cuba, and Venezuela: Everyone has your worthless money, but there's nothing on the shelves anymore.

We will know we are finally in the workers' paradise when we all are rich, yet have nothing to buy and line up in hours long lines because we heard a store might have got a little bit of inventory in.
Have the poor ever benefitted from giving them less?

Provide a single example where the poor ended up better off after their benefits were cut

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