Senate Bill S510 Makes it illegal to Grow, Share, Trade or Sell Homegrown Food


Aug 2, 2010
[ame=]YouTube - Local farms could be illegal[/ame]

As many people are feeling the economic downturn hit them, they are growing their own food. However, the government might try to take that choice away from the people as well by passing a bill that would make it illegal to clean and store seeds.
I rold yall about Homealnd security growing into a monster. they want to regulate food safety now?

Monsanto and such want the small farmers out of business.
I wish them luck with that one.

Passing that law would be as inconsequential as repealing the 2nd Amendment. They might do it, but who is going to obey it?
Again an effort by big agribusiness to wipe out the organic food industry.

I notice the guy that submitted this is a Dim. and I mean that sincerely. I wonder if he or agribusiness lobbyists wrote it?
I got to "well, I've read a summary of the bill" and had to stop. If you're looking for an analysis of a bill, start with someone who at least claims to have actually read it.
Why? The idiots that vote for it and make it law don't read it, they told us as much. Pappadave,
I can understand making it illegal to sell homegrown food products as that is unregulated. I have my doubts that any law would outlaw "growing, sharing, or trading" homegrown produce.
I got to "well, I've read a summary of the bill" and had to stop. If you're looking for an analysis of a bill, start with someone who at least claims to have actually read it.

If this bill can tell a person what they can and can't grow on their own land then this country has in fact legislated itslef into a dictatorship.
Read The Bill: S. 510 -
I am not sure exactly what it does after reading the summary found here. It says in the first section "except farms and restaurants". Of course what is the definition of a farm?

summary found here:

S. 510 - Summary: FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (

If their definition of farm is only commercial enterprises this bill sucks as it would wipe out roadside veggie stands and such.
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I can understand making it illegal to sell homegrown food products as that is unregulated. I have my doubts that any law would outlaw "growing, sharing, or trading" homegrown produce.

Theres nothing wrong with giveing fresh produce away it's been happening for years.

I should know, I always have 1/2 a deep freeze stocked with red meat and steaks from the family farm. I give it away to my friends all the time.

Like I said, I am suspect that this bill is this far reaching. Though I do think anyone that sells produce (even "organic") needs to be under some sort of regulatory authority.
I can understand making it illegal to sell homegrown food products as that is unregulated. I have my doubts that any law would outlaw "growing, sharing, or trading" homegrown produce.

me, too... and given that GPO hasn't yet put the text of the bill online, i think i'll wait to read it before beating i get all faux hysterical about it

The text of S510 has not yet been received from GPO

Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
I can understand making it illegal to sell homegrown food products as that is unregulated. I have my doubts that any law would outlaw "growing, sharing, or trading" homegrown produce.

me, too... and given that GPO hasn't yet put the text of the bill online, i think i'll wait to read it before beating i get all faux hysterical about it

The text of S510 has not yet been received from GPO

Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

I have to say too, as someone who grew up with livestock and raised beef cattle, I find the mentality of some of the "organic" people to be absurd. I can understand not wanting beef that has hormones in it. However, to be "organic" you also can't use antibiotics or vaccinate your livestock.

That's just cruel.
I can understand making it illegal to sell homegrown food products as that is unregulated. I have my doubts that any law would outlaw "growing, sharing, or trading" homegrown produce.

me, too... and given that GPO hasn't yet put the text of the bill online, i think i'll wait to read it before beating i get all faux hysterical about it

The text of S510 has not yet been received from GPO

Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

I have to say too, as someone who grew up with livestock and raised beef cattle, I find the mentality of some of the "organic" people to be absurd. I can understand not wanting beef that has hormones in it. However, to be "organic" you also can't use antibiotics or vaccinate your livestock.

That's just cruel.

Most organic beef is not free of antibiotics and vaccinations.

I know because I know "organic" beef producers.

I would not want ot buy a beef that had infections or black leg or soemsuch.
Michigan has expanded the ability of homegrown and cooked or baked food products to be sold. You must label the food stuff as not inspected by the Dept. of Agriculture, but alot of things are now allowed that had been restricted before. Doesn't seem like such a bill would gain much traction in Congress right now with the economy the way it is. Not too worried.

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