Sen. Bob Menendez and wife indicted on bribery charges, Justice Department says

1st post
Looks like ACTUAL EVIDENCE was presented and charges were brought....that is how it usually works...

What is taking Republicans so long?

they have tons of evidence that Biden accepted bribes, don't they?
You can't indict a sitting President, he must be impeached and removed first...the impeachment process has started.

Where you been?

I am old enough to remember when Mendenez was a target of the Obama/Xiden regime back in 2016, he was charged, the charges were later dismissed, looks like Xiden really doesn't like this guy
5th post

Another politician indicted by the corrupt DOJ.

So right here, right now we are presented with MAGA MAGGOT HYPOCRISY!!!

Menendez has already been judged guilty because he is Democrat.

P01135809 is pure as the driven snow, with 91-Seperate Felony counts against him, including 31-Counts of Violating the Espinoage Act of 1917. He must innocent, yet with Menendez you have already judged him

What a POS this guy is...A democrat too boot....Let's hope AG Garland has the balls to see this through and put his ass away.

We all know the DOJ is corrupt and owned by Liberals, the Democrats, Marxists, and George SOROS. Something is afoot here.

Glorious Leader Trump will have to give us marching orders on how to proceed. I mean they're going after this man and his wife. Can you imagine -- they might be going after Melania next.
Bob Menendez charged with bribery.
They actually have this thing called evidence, just like they have against Trump, but do not have against Biden.

Trump pardoned all the many corrupt GOP politicians that were indicted when he was president. I doubt Biden pardons this guy, because he is not corrupt like Trump and the GOP.

Over the past 10 years there have been countless corrupt, and indicted republicans, and very very few democrats.

And despite that New Jersey still chose to reelect him.
Lots more Americans will vote for Trump.

in 2016, many voted for the disgusting degenerate, who was running a criminal enterprise:

"A Manhattan jury has found two Trump Organization companies guilty on multiple charges of criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records connected to a 15-year scheme to defraud tax authorities by failing to report and pay taxes on compensation for top executives. The Trump Corp. and Trump Payroll Corp." -- Dec 7, 2022

Many chose to ignore the obvious.

10th post
Well, how was he even indicted if the Deep State only charges Republicans?

It's almost like conservatives are just full of shit
Yup. And you won’t find many (if any) Dems or libs defending him.

Try him, sentence him, and lock him up.

This , by the way, is what corruption looks like.

Cash in pockets, gold bars in his home, communications directly implicating him

Unlike the bullshit they are trying to pull with Joe Biden
What a POS this guy is...A democrat too boot....Let's hope AG Garland has the balls to see this through and put his ass away.
Most democrats act this way because the WEF justice department is weaponized to protect them.

I bet this is a cover and he gets off.
Bob Menendez charged with bribery.
They actually have this thing called evidence, just like they have against Trump, but do not have against Biden.

Trump pardoned all the many corrupt GOP politicians that were indicted when he was president. I doubt Biden pardons this guy, because he is not corrupt like Trump and the GOP.

Over the past 10 years there have been countless corrupt, and indicted republicans, and very very few democrats.

It's bullshit. We all know the DOJ does not go after Democrats.

and I remember your impeachment speak: "No I am tired of all these stupid fake scandals across the board. I said Trump shouldn't be removed for this, but he is clearly guilty of this. The same with Obama and the IRS." -- Obama and the IRS? No laws were broken and it's all bs
It's bullshit. We all know the DOJ does not go after Democrats.

and I remember your impeachment speak: "No I am tired of all these stupid fake scandals across the board. I said Trump shouldn't be removed for this, but he is clearly guilty of this. The same with Obama and the IRS." -- Obama and the IRS? No laws were broken and it's all bs
does AntonToo hve a clue?

Inquiring minds want to -- no they don't.
Over the past 10 years there have been countless corrupt, and indicted republicans, and very very few democrats.

Under the Hitler regime, there were very few Nazis charged with crimes, but millions of non-Nazis.
It matters a lot who is running the sytem.

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