Self-proclaimed Proud Boy Alan Swinney Found Guilty Of Assault, Menacing, Unlawful Use of Firearm

Amen! The city is a magnet for leftist lunatics and it tolerates and encourages the sort of mentally impaired
"social justice warriors" that the prosecutor of the Proud Boy mentioned in court as a wonderful thing.

“He came here with a six shooter so that he could terrorize our social justice movement here in Portland, plain and simple,” said co-prosecutor, deputy district attorney Nathan Vasquez
So now you want Portland burned to the ground. Make up your mind.
Show me that BLM is an organized terrorist organization. Proud Boys, on the other hand has been shown to be a terrorist organization. Designating them as such makes it harder for them to fundraise and attract members while also opening the possibility of ceasing assets. But because you're stupid, you had no idea of the implications of the designation.

Furthermore, I'd like to thank you for supporting the arrest and prosecution of Proud Boys for conspiracy charges in the Federal Court system. Your tax dollars put to great use!
This isn't Canada, shit for brains, for one thing. So your b.s. about Proud Boys being designated as
terrorists is just plainly a lie.

And you don't have to thank me for supporting the one sided politicized prosecutions of Proud Boys, per se,
as terrorists. In a nation, however, where the media and FBI and Biden (In) Justice Department themselves are corrupt and highly partisan, it's not surprising that "justice" is a highly compromised and biased term.

In Portland for over a year Antifa and it's acolytes have attacked and tried to burn down federal court buildings.
Yet where are prosecutors or federal officials trying to bring order to the violent anarchy?
Proud Boys are a scapegoat and an easy target in a corrupt city where the real violent criminals
operate with the city's blessings.
Fuck Nathan Vasquez.
This isn't Canada, shit for brains, for one thing. So your b.s. about Proud Boys being designated as
terrorists is just plainly a lie.

And you don't have to thank me for supporting the one sided politicized prosecutions of Proud Boys, per se,
as terrorists. In a nation, however, where the media and FBI and Biden (In) Justice Department themselves are corrupt and highly partisan, it's not surprising that "justice" is a highly compromised and biased term.

In Portland for over a year Antifa and it's acolytes have attacked and tried to burn down federal court buildings.
Yet where are prosecutors or federal officials trying to bring order to the violent anarchy?
Proud Boys are a scapegoat and an easy target in a corrupt city where the real violent criminals
operate with the city's blessings.
Fuck Nathan Vasquez.
Ok well I'll sit back and keep counting the right wing terrorist arrest, prosecutions, and guilty rulings or pleas. Meanwhile, you'll still be sitting here waiting for arrests from some group named Antifa that doesnt even exist.
A guy goes to jail for shooting paint balls at looters and anarchists in Oregon but the D.A. in Chicago refuses to press charges for a shootout that left one person dead. WTF?
A guy goes to jail for shooting paint balls at looters and anarchists in Oregon but the D.A. in Chicago refuses to press charges for a shootout that left one person dead. WTF?
Let me guess. You dont live in Oregon OR Chicago.
Is this kid going to jail because they labeled him "far right" or a "proud boy"? Is that why lefties hate him? Things have gotten so bad in Chicago that gunfights seem to be the rule rather than the exception. The Chicago D.A. released five suspects in a deadly shootout calling them "mutual combatants". In the people's republic of Oregon they put a kid in jail for shooting paintballs at looters. Go figure.

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