Second Only To Trump…


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. The target of the Leftists is the most successful President in one hundred years: Ronald Reagan.
That’s the reason both are targets. There is the need to hide the failure of the Leftist political and economic programs: Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Fascism, Nazism, and Progressivism.

Everything the above ideologies expound should be viewed through the prism of rule #1.
Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

2.Which brings us to Ocasio-Cortez. The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.
Her recent pronouncements are clues to that conundrum.

3. “On Sunday, shared a video of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) at SXSW, talking about President Reagan's legacy and how he "pitted" whites against browns and blacks.

"And one perfect example [she said] – a perfect example – of how special interests and the powerful have pitted white working class Americans against brown and black working Americans in order to just screw over all working class Americans is Reaganism in the '80s…. rooted in racist caricature, it gives people a logical, a "logical" reason to say, 'Oh, yeah, no. Toss out the whole safety net.'"

4. New York Times best selling author Craig Shirley has written numerous books on President Ronald Reagan and his presidency [and he writes:] Reagan appointed more African Americans to government positions as governor of California than any other executive of the state.

There is no evidence of @AOC ever picked up a book on President Reagan. so she would not know he was the president who signed the order creating the Dr. Martin Luther King national holiday.”
Boom: AOC Gets Schooled On Reagan After Numerous Ignorant Blanket Statements About The Gipper

Ocasio-Cortez. The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” ― Ronald Reagan
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1. The target of the Leftists is the most successful President in one hundred years: Ronald Reagan.

Success. That’s the reason both are targets. There is the need to hide the failure of the Leftist political and economic programs: Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Fascism, Nazism, and Progressivism.

Everything the above ideologies expound should be viewed through the prism of rule #1.

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

2.Which brings us to Ocasio-Cortez. The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.
Her recent pronouncements are clues to that conundrum.

3. “On Sunday, shared a video of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) at SXSW, talking about President Reagan's legacy and how he "pitted" whites against browns and blacks.

"And one perfect example [she said] – a perfect example – of how special interests and the powerful have pitted white working class Americans against brown and black working Americans in order to just screw over all working class Americans is Reaganism in the '80s…. rooted in racist caricature, it gives people a logical, a "logical" reason to say, 'Oh, yeah, no. Toss out the whole safety net.'"

4. New York Times best selling author Craig Shirley has written numerous books on President Ronald Reagan and his presidency [and he writes:] Reagan appointed more African Americans to government positions as governor of California than any other executive of the state.

There is no evidence of @AOC ever picked up a book on President Reagan. so she would not know he was the president who signed the order creating the Dr. Martin Luther King national holiday.” Boom: AOC Gets Schooled On Reagan After Numerous Ignorant Blanket Statements About The Gipper

Ocasio-Cortez. The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” ― Ronald Reagan

Yet they raise and defend her just as they did Obama, what a pathetic lot!

I’m certainly no fan of many of our currently elected officials, but here with AOC we have a candidate who would have failed being elected dog catcher, but somehow makes the morning, afternoon and evening news with some of the dumbest comments, yet she’s somehow made to be relevant?
1. The target of the Leftists is the most successful President in one hundred years: Ronald Reagan.

Success. That’s the reason both are targets. There is the need to hide the failure of the Leftist political and economic programs: Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Fascism, Nazism, and Progressivism.

Everything the above ideologies expound should be viewed through the prism of rule #1.

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

2.Which brings us to Ocasio-Cortez. The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.
Her recent pronouncements are clues to that conundrum.

3. “On Sunday, shared a video of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) at SXSW, talking about President Reagan's legacy and how he "pitted" whites against browns and blacks.

"And one perfect example [she said] – a perfect example – of how special interests and the powerful have pitted white working class Americans against brown and black working Americans in order to just screw over all working class Americans is Reaganism in the '80s…. rooted in racist caricature, it gives people a logical, a "logical" reason to say, 'Oh, yeah, no. Toss out the whole safety net.'"

4. New York Times best selling author Craig Shirley has written numerous books on President Ronald Reagan and his presidency [and he writes:] Reagan appointed more African Americans to government positions as governor of California than any other executive of the state.

There is no evidence of @AOC ever picked up a book on President Reagan. so she would not know he was the president who signed the order creating the Dr. Martin Luther King national holiday.” Boom: AOC Gets Schooled On Reagan After Numerous Ignorant Blanket Statements About The Gipper

Ocasio-Cortez. The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” ― Ronald Reagan

Ah, more team speak from a great divider, PC.

But yeah, if you like Trump and Reagan I'll give you links to every post I find where folks spoke badly of the Obama deficits so you can ridicule them.
Ronald Reagan , Bush Jr and Trump are the worst presidents of the last 100 years.
1. The target of the Leftists is the most successful President in one hundred years: Ronald Reagan.

Success. That’s the reason both are targets. There is the need to hide the failure of the Leftist political and economic programs: Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Fascism, Nazism, and Progressivism.

Everything the above ideologies expound should be viewed through the prism of rule #1.

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

2.Which brings us to Ocasio-Cortez. The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.
Her recent pronouncements are clues to that conundrum.

3. “On Sunday, shared a video of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) at SXSW, talking about President Reagan's legacy and how he "pitted" whites against browns and blacks.

"And one perfect example [she said] – a perfect example – of how special interests and the powerful have pitted white working class Americans against brown and black working Americans in order to just screw over all working class Americans is Reaganism in the '80s…. rooted in racist caricature, it gives people a logical, a "logical" reason to say, 'Oh, yeah, no. Toss out the whole safety net.'"

4. New York Times best selling author Craig Shirley has written numerous books on President Ronald Reagan and his presidency [and he writes:] Reagan appointed more African Americans to government positions as governor of California than any other executive of the state.

There is no evidence of @AOC ever picked up a book on President Reagan. so she would not know he was the president who signed the order creating the Dr. Martin Luther King national holiday.” Boom: AOC Gets Schooled On Reagan After Numerous Ignorant Blanket Statements About The Gipper

Ocasio-Cortez. The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” ― Ronald Reagan
Democrats are moving more and more left.....and AOC is helping to accomplish this goal.
Ronald Reagan , Bush Jr and Trump are the worst presidents of the last 100 years.

Ronald Reagan , Bush Jr and Trump are the worst presidents of the last 100 years.

Ocasio-Cortez. The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.

I certainly can see why you'd take that personally.
1. The target of the Leftists is the most successful President in one hundred years: Ronald Reagan.

Success. That’s the reason both are targets. There is the need to hide the failure of the Leftist political and economic programs: Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Fascism, Nazism, and Progressivism.

Everything the above ideologies expound should be viewed through the prism of rule #1.

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

2.Which brings us to Ocasio-Cortez. The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.
Her recent pronouncements are clues to that conundrum.

3. “On Sunday, shared a video of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) at SXSW, talking about President Reagan's legacy and how he "pitted" whites against browns and blacks.

"And one perfect example [she said] – a perfect example – of how special interests and the powerful have pitted white working class Americans against brown and black working Americans in order to just screw over all working class Americans is Reaganism in the '80s…. rooted in racist caricature, it gives people a logical, a "logical" reason to say, 'Oh, yeah, no. Toss out the whole safety net.'"

4. New York Times best selling author Craig Shirley has written numerous books on President Ronald Reagan and his presidency [and he writes:] Reagan appointed more African Americans to government positions as governor of California than any other executive of the state.

There is no evidence of @AOC ever picked up a book on President Reagan. so she would not know he was the president who signed the order creating the Dr. Martin Luther King national holiday.” Boom: AOC Gets Schooled On Reagan After Numerous Ignorant Blanket Statements About The Gipper

Ocasio-Cortez. The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” ― Ronald Reagan

Yet they raise and defend her just as they did Obama, what a pathetic lot!

I’m certainly no fan of many of our currently elected officials, but here with AOC we have a candidate who would have failed being elected dog catcher, but somehow makes the morning, afternoon and evening news with some of the dumbest comments, yet she’s somehow made to be relevant?

This thread will document further this truth: Ocasio-Cortez. The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.
5. The Left, out to silence any opposition voices, invented terms like ‘offended, insulted, trigger warning, safe spaces, etc.’…really, iterations of censorship.

I fear I have been guilty of some of the above by quoting this in the OP:

There is no evidence of @AOC ever picked up a book…”

That four letter word starting with ‘b’ will do it every time.

Every conservative has had the experience of asking a Liberal to name a few books that have informed their political outlook and gotten that same deer-in-the-headlights look.
They treat books the way a vampire treats a cross.

“Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges.”
1. The target of the Leftists is the most successful President in one hundred years: Ronald Reagan.

Success. That’s the reason both are targets. There is the need to hide the failure of the Leftist political and economic programs: Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Fascism, Nazism, and Progressivism.

Everything the above ideologies expound should be viewed through the prism of rule #1.

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

2.Which brings us to Ocasio-Cortez. The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.
Her recent pronouncements are clues to that conundrum.

3. “On Sunday, shared a video of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) at SXSW, talking about President Reagan's legacy and how he "pitted" whites against browns and blacks.

"And one perfect example [she said] – a perfect example – of how special interests and the powerful have pitted white working class Americans against brown and black working Americans in order to just screw over all working class Americans is Reaganism in the '80s…. rooted in racist caricature, it gives people a logical, a "logical" reason to say, 'Oh, yeah, no. Toss out the whole safety net.'"

4. New York Times best selling author Craig Shirley has written numerous books on President Ronald Reagan and his presidency [and he writes:] Reagan appointed more African Americans to government positions as governor of California than any other executive of the state.

There is no evidence of @AOC ever picked up a book on President Reagan. so she would not know he was the president who signed the order creating the Dr. Martin Luther King national holiday.” Boom: AOC Gets Schooled On Reagan After Numerous Ignorant Blanket Statements About The Gipper

Ocasio-Cortez. The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” ― Ronald Reagan
Democrats are moving more and more left.....and AOC is helping to accomplish this goal.

Of course.

But that's not the point of this particular thead

Here you will find proof of lies told by Ocasio, and that they are the same lies Liberals/Democrats have told for decades.

And the query posed, is, do they do so because they don't know the truth, or because they must lie to advance the cause.

There is no evidence of @AOC ever picked up a book…”
And, of course, true of their entire herd....
1. The target of the Leftists is the most successful President in one hundred years: Ronald Reagan.

Success. That’s the reason both are targets. There is the need to hide the failure of the Leftist political and economic programs: Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Fascism, Nazism, and Progressivism.

Everything the above ideologies expound should be viewed through the prism of rule #1.

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

2.Which brings us to Ocasio-Cortez. The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.
Her recent pronouncements are clues to that conundrum.

3. “On Sunday, shared a video of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) at SXSW, talking about President Reagan's legacy and how he "pitted" whites against browns and blacks.

"And one perfect example [she said] – a perfect example – of how special interests and the powerful have pitted white working class Americans against brown and black working Americans in order to just screw over all working class Americans is Reaganism in the '80s…. rooted in racist caricature, it gives people a logical, a "logical" reason to say, 'Oh, yeah, no. Toss out the whole safety net.'"

4. New York Times best selling author Craig Shirley has written numerous books on President Ronald Reagan and his presidency [and he writes:] Reagan appointed more African Americans to government positions as governor of California than any other executive of the state.

There is no evidence of @AOC ever picked up a book on President Reagan. so she would not know he was the president who signed the order creating the Dr. Martin Luther King national holiday.” Boom: AOC Gets Schooled On Reagan After Numerous Ignorant Blanket Statements About The Gipper

Ocasio-Cortez. The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” ― Ronald Reagan
Democrats are moving more and more left.....and AOC is helping to accomplish this goal.

Of course.

But that's not the point of this particular thead

Here you will find proof of lies told by Ocasio, and that they are the same lies Liberals/Democrats have told for decades.

And the query posed, is, do they do so because they don't know the truth, or because they must lie to advance the cause.

There is no evidence of @AOC ever picked up a book…”
And, of course, true of their entire herd....
AOC is just a useful idiot that Democrats are using to push the party left.
She makes the establishment leftists look moderate in comparison.
That's her role to play.
She has no intention on being honest.
1. The target of the Leftists is the most successful President in one hundred years: Ronald Reagan.

Success. That’s the reason both are targets. There is the need to hide the failure of the Leftist political and economic programs: Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Fascism, Nazism, and Progressivism.

Everything the above ideologies expound should be viewed through the prism of rule #1.

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

2.Which brings us to Ocasio-Cortez. The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.
Her recent pronouncements are clues to that conundrum.

3. “On Sunday, shared a video of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) at SXSW, talking about President Reagan's legacy and how he "pitted" whites against browns and blacks.

"And one perfect example [she said] – a perfect example – of how special interests and the powerful have pitted white working class Americans against brown and black working Americans in order to just screw over all working class Americans is Reaganism in the '80s…. rooted in racist caricature, it gives people a logical, a "logical" reason to say, 'Oh, yeah, no. Toss out the whole safety net.'"

4. New York Times best selling author Craig Shirley has written numerous books on President Ronald Reagan and his presidency [and he writes:] Reagan appointed more African Americans to government positions as governor of California than any other executive of the state.

There is no evidence of @AOC ever picked up a book on President Reagan. so she would not know he was the president who signed the order creating the Dr. Martin Luther King national holiday.” Boom: AOC Gets Schooled On Reagan After Numerous Ignorant Blanket Statements About The Gipper

Ocasio-Cortez. The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” ― Ronald Reagan
Democrats are moving more and more left.....and AOC is helping to accomplish this goal.

Of course.

But that's not the point of this particular thead

Here you will find proof of lies told by Ocasio, and that they are the same lies Liberals/Democrats have told for decades.

And the query posed, is, do they do so because they don't know the truth, or because they must lie to advance the cause.

There is no evidence of @AOC ever picked up a book…”
And, of course, true of their entire herd....
AOC is just a useful idiot that Democrats are using to push the party left.
She makes the establishment leftists look moderate in comparison.
That's her role to play.
She has no intention on being honest.

"AOC is just a useful idiot "

Prescient you should say that.....I use that term later in the thread.
Since they cannot claim success in either domestic nor foreign policy for the ingrate that the Left claimed was the messiah, and God, and is imperative to smear the man who chaired the most successful presidency in a hundred year....Ronald Reagan.
And since their drones have been cowed, and never question, they can simply lie.

As Ocasio does.....

6. When Ocasio-Cortez says this about Reagan: “pitted white working class Americans against brown and black”… was she including Puerto Ricans in that smear?

“There is no evidence that @AOC ever picked up a book on President Ronald Reagan, so she would not know Reagan favored statehood for Puerto Rico.

There is no evidence that @AOC ever picked up a book on President Reagan, so she would not know he received over 43 percent of the Hispanic vote in 1980.

There is no evidence that @AOC ever picked up a book on President Ronald Reagan. so she would not know that Reagan’s economic policies did more for African Americans and Hispanics than any other president in US history.” Boom: AOC Gets Schooled On Reagan After Numerous Ignorant Blanket Statements About The Gipper

Which brings us to Ocasio-Cortez. The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.
7. The latest fool to lead the Democrat Party, Ocasio-Cortez continued: “…pitted white working class Americans against brown and black working Americans in order to just screw over all working class Americans is Reaganism…”

There is no evidence that @AOC ever picked up a book on President Ronald Reagan. so she would not know that Reagan’s economic policies did more for African Americans and Hispanics than any other president in US history.

There is no evidence that @AOC ever picked up a book on President Ronald Reagan, so she would not know he created over 18 million jobs during his eight years in office and kicked off a 26 year run of economic growth.” Boom: AOC Gets Schooled On Reagan After Numerous Ignorant Blanket Statements About The Gipper

The benefits from Reaganomics:

  1. The economy grew at a 3.4% average rate…compared with 2.9% for the previous eight years, and 2.7% for the next eight.(Table B-4)
  2. Inflation rate dropped from 12.5% to 4.4%. (Table B-63)
  3. Unemployment fell to 5.5% from 7.1% (Table B-35)
  4. Prime interest rate fell by one-third.(Table B-73)
  5. The S & P 500 jumped 124% (Table B-95)
  6. Charitable contributions rose 57% faster than inflation. Dinesh D’Souza, “Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary May Became an Extraordinary Leader,” p. 116

b. and c. Kiva Lending Team: Team REAL Americans | Kiva

Compared to this:
1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.
8. Still unsettled about this question: The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.

Here she goes again:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


Ok great, now talk about Reagan and:
- The gutting of our mental health system +
- The explosion of homelessness under his watch +

Many times I have seen this lie used against Reagan, and the reason is Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

It was a Democrat President, two decades before Reagan who was responsible.
It was Democrat John F. Kennedy's plan
Carter continued it.
The plan was a Reagan turned it over to the states.


President John F. Kennedy signs the Community Mental Health Act to provide federal funding for the construction of community-based preventive care and treatment facilities. Between the Vietnam War and an economic crisis, the program was never adequately funded.


President Jimmy Carter signs the Mental Health Systems Act, which aims to restructure the community mental-health-center program and improve services for people with chronic mental illness.


Under President Ronald Reagan, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act repeals Carter’s community health legislation and establishes block grants for the states, ending the federal government’s role in providing services to the mentally ill. Federal mental-health spending decreases by 30 percent.
TIMELINE: Deinstitutionalization And Its Consequences

“The purpose of the CMHA was to build mental health centers to provide for community-based care, as an alternative to institutionalization. At the centers, patients could be treated while working and living at home.

Only half of the proposed centers were ever built; none were fully funded, … Many patients, formerly warehoused in institutions, were released into the community. …. homeless in large cities,[6][7] but without the mental health care they needed.” Community Mental Health Act - Wikipedia

Truth from a Democrat is as rare as a snow snake.

Ocasio-Cortez. The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.
9. Still unsettled about this question: The only puzzlement about this dolt is whether she is as dumb as asphalt, or a practiced and intentional liar.

Here she goes again:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Reagan responsible for....
- HIV/AIDS crisis and demonization of LGBT+ community

Wrong. Again.

There was no disease known as HIV/AIDS when Ronald Reagan was elected. When it became known, recognized, he took the steps he could.

After suggesting in March that President Ronald Reagan had taken action to help the gay community during the AIDS crisis, a campaigning Hillary Clinton found herself pilloried by gay activists and others certain that he had done nothing of the sort. They were mistaken. In dealing with AIDS, Reagan did what he so often did well—he appointed people who shared his political convictions but could be relied on to make sound decisions based on apolitical facts and solid science. These appointees framed and announced such decisions in ways that would not result in politically polarizing efforts—in this case, efforts to fight a disease that disproportionately afflicted the gay community.

…both of the two Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commissioners Reagan appointed during his presidential tenure were doctors who made the right calls in leading the assault on AIDS.

The first report of patients suffering from what would be called AIDS appeared in June 1981, when the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported five cases, two fatal, of a rare form of fungal pneumonia that had struck young men living in Los Angeles. A month later, a second CDC report described clusters of Kaposi’s sarcoma—a rare, aggressive form of skin cancer caused by a strain of herpes virus. At the time, no FDA-approved treatments existed for the viral infection itself, or for fungal pneumonia, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and many other obscure diseases on the long list of afflictions that assailed patients when their immune systems collapsed and bacteria, protozoa, and viruses invaded to feast on their brains, lungs, blood, liver, heart, bone marrow, guts, skin, and eyes. And it was unlikely that any would be approved soon.

....the Reagan FDA began writing new rules that spelled out when significant parts of the old rules wouldn’t be fully or rigorously enforced. By doing so, the agency accelerated patient access to desperately needed drugs.”
Ronald Reagan’s Quiet War on AIDS
10. Perhaps it is efficacious to look at the bigger picture.....the political view of each: Reagan and Ocasio.

...for perspective, in comparing Ocasio-Cortez and the great man she attempts to slander, these words:

“How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.”
Ronald Reagan

These are the only two possible views of the political realm...a governance based either a. or b.
Ronald Reagan, and conservatives…
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Ocasio and the Democrats…
the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

" Franklin Roosevelt had pictured a place where citizens were joined in a collective enterprise ... Reagan pictured a more individualistic America where everyone would flourish once freed from the shackles of the state, and so the watchwords became self-reliance and small government."
The Liberal Crackup

Former Massachusetts Att'y General Coakley: "We try and discourage people from self help."

Ocasio, one more Democrat nonentity hoping to build a career by smearing one far greater than she is.
11. “Dismissing the antics of Ocasio-Cortez with snarky rebuttals or superficial jokes misses this key point. She is not the problem. She is merely the face of the far deeper malady infecting American culture and western civilization generally. It is a cultural problem an inch deep but a thousand miles wide. Notions of socialism now reach far into our political system and the American business sector; its tentacles have entwined the entertainment industry, and it has sucked the lifeblood from our once-outstanding educational system.

In October 1964, then-private citizen Ronald Reagan birthed a political movement and stirred a nation to action, with his nationally-broadcast speech declaring a “rendezvous with destiny.” Reagan identified the existential dangers facing American civilization (including the burgeoning growth of government and the threat from socialism’s bigger brother, communism). Drawing then on the reservoir of goodwill, patriotism and education bequeathed to us by our predecessor generations, Reagan warned that without girding for and meeting head-on the battle already looming, we would doom our children and grandchildren to a “thousand years of darkness.” ‘Bubblegum Socialism’ Is No Laughing Matter

Victory for Ocasio-Cortez’s attack on Reagan is not possible when one compares the accomplishments of capitalism to the failures of communism and socialism.

But, this is not possible as well, because, as we have seen, for most Liberals, ““There is no evidence of @AOC ever picked up a book…”

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