Seattle Times endorses a Republican for governor


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Rob McKenna over Jay Inslee.

Problem is - Inslee has a hefty lead in the polls.

Nice gesture though.

The Times endorsed Bush over Kerry in 2004 and took a lot of heat.
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No-brainer pick - but I'll bet the Seattle Times is taking heat from outraged libs.
Rob McKenna over Jay Inslee.

Problem is - Inslee has a hefty lead in the polls.

Nice gesture though.

The Times endorsed Bush over Kerry in 2004 and took a lot of heat.

The Seattle Times is not owned by anyone living in Seattle. I don't care what someone living in Arkansas or somewhere like that wants as the governor of my state.
Rob McKenna over Jay Inslee.

Problem is - Inslee has a hefty lead in the polls.

Nice gesture though.

The Times endorsed Bush over Kerry in 2004 and took a lot of heat.

The Seattle Times is not owned by anyone living in Seattle. I don't care what someone living in Arkansas or somewhere like that wants as the governor of my state.

Inslee will win easily anyway.

Dan Evans -R was the best gov Washington ever had - 1964-1976 I beleive.
Rob McKenna over Jay Inslee.

Problem is - Inslee has a hefty lead in the polls.

Nice gesture though.

The Times endorsed Bush over Kerry in 2004 and took a lot of heat.

The Seattle Times is not owned by anyone living in Seattle. I don't care what someone living in Arkansas or somewhere like that wants as the governor of my state.

Inslee will win easily anyway.

Dan Evans -R was the best gov Washington ever had - 1964-1976 I beleive.

Evans was indeed. He was in the mold of a Goldwater or Eisenhower. A man of honor. I have no idea what religion he was associated with. That is a good thing. Our attourney general is a two faced religious ideologue twerp.
Rob McKenna over Jay Inslee.

Problem is - Inslee has a hefty lead in the polls.

Nice gesture though.

The Times endorsed Bush over Kerry in 2004 and took a lot of heat.

The uber liberal Seattle....imagine that!!

Also, endorsing Romney:

For president: Mitt Romney - Opinion - ( Las Vegas Review Journal )

No state had a bigger stake in Wednesday's presidential debate than Nevada. No other state has suffered more economic hardship over the past five years. No state has a greater need for jobs than Nevada, which leads the nation with a real unemployment rate of at least 22 percent. No state will benefit more from a real economic recovery.

Nevada is one of a handful of swing states that will decide which man wins the White House one month from now. But Nevadans' impressions of Democratic President Barack Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney have been driven largely by negative advertising and stump speeches. Wednesday's debate marked the first time voters saw the men present, defend and contrast their ideas for how to grow the American economy and manage the executive branch of the federal government. Which man's leadership is more likely to spur investment in businesses and encourage companies to hire?
The Seattle Times is not owned by anyone living in Seattle. I don't care what someone living in Arkansas or somewhere like that wants as the governor of my state.

Inslee will win easily anyway.

Dan Evans -R was the best gov Washington ever had - 1964-1976 I beleive.

Evans was indeed. He was in the mold of a Goldwater or Eisenhower. A man of honor. I have no idea what religion he was associated with. That is a good thing. Our attourney general is a two faced religious ideologue twerp.

Based on what, your limited imagination?????

Inslee is a party puppet. Yes the low life will probably get elected. But not with my assistance.
Inslee will win easily anyway.

Dan Evans -R was the best gov Washington ever had - 1964-1976 I beleive.

Evans was indeed. He was in the mold of a Goldwater or Eisenhower. A man of honor. I have no idea what religion he was associated with. That is a good thing. Our attourney general is a two faced religious ideologue twerp.

Based on what, your limited imagination?????

Inslee is a party puppet. Yes the low life will probably get elected. But not with my assistance.

Why would it? You are not a resident of Washington state. Inslee is not a low life. You are a low life. Rob Mckenna is a religious zealot = low life.
The Seattle Times is not owned by anyone living in Seattle. I don't care what someone living in Arkansas or somewhere like that wants as the governor of my state.

Inslee will win easily anyway.

Dan Evans -R was the best gov Washington ever had - 1964-1976 I beleive.

Evans was indeed. He was in the mold of a Goldwater or Eisenhower. A man of honor. I have no idea what religion he was associated with. That is a good thing. Our attourney general is a two faced religious ideologue twerp.

I doubt Washington state will ever have another GOP gov.

The last one was John Spellman in the early 80s. Road Reagans coattails.
Inslee will win easily anyway.

Dan Evans -R was the best gov Washington ever had - 1964-1976 I beleive.

Evans was indeed. He was in the mold of a Goldwater or Eisenhower. A man of honor. I have no idea what religion he was associated with. That is a good thing. Our attourney general is a two faced religious ideologue twerp.

I doubt Washington state will ever have another GOP gov.

The last one was John Spellman in the early 80s. Road Reagans coattails.

We could have a fiscally conservative Governor. The tea party religious types probably not in the forseeable future. Sometimes the localities get ahead of themselves with construction projects that don't make sense for the public in general. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have a governor that looks hard at some of these public investments.

Right now we are under a blitz attack over the stupid basketball/hockey stadium. They are NOW talking about putting a toll on the new viaduct tunnel..of course they never mentioned THAT when pushing for replacing the above ground viaduct. The tolls they have put on the floating 520 bridge is outrageous and they are thinking of adding one to I-90 accross Mercer Island. We do need someone in power to push back against these taxes.
Inslee will win easily anyway.

Dan Evans -R was the best gov Washington ever had - 1964-1976 I beleive.

Evans was indeed. He was in the mold of a Goldwater or Eisenhower. A man of honor. I have no idea what religion he was associated with. That is a good thing. Our attourney general is a two faced religious ideologue twerp.

I doubt Washington state will ever have another GOP gov.

The last one was John Spellman in the early 80s. Road Reagans coattails.

The dem crimminals stole the election from Dino Rossi.

Rossi won the first 2 votes - but lost in the 3rd and final tally.

Sound familiar??

keep on counting until you win......................
Rob McKenna over Jay Inslee.

Problem is - Inslee has a hefty lead in the polls.

Nice gesture though.

The Times endorsed Bush over Kerry in 2004 and took a lot of heat.

The uber liberal Seattle....imagine that!!

Also, endorsing Romney:

For president: Mitt Romney - Opinion - ( Las Vegas Review Journal )

No state had a bigger stake in Wednesday's presidential debate than Nevada. No other state has suffered more economic hardship over the past five years. No state has a greater need for jobs than Nevada, which leads the nation with a real unemployment rate of at least 22 percent. No state will benefit more from a real economic recovery.

Nevada is one of a handful of swing states that will decide which man wins the White House one month from now. But Nevadans' impressions of Democratic President Barack Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney have been driven largely by negative advertising and stump speeches. Wednesday's debate marked the first time voters saw the men present, defend and contrast their ideas for how to grow the American economy and manage the executive branch of the federal government. Which man's leadership is more likely to spur investment in businesses and encourage companies to hire?

When the Seattle Times made changes to their editorial board several years ago they made a hard right turn. I put up with their crap for a while ('hoping' they would 'change') but about a year ago I canceled my home delivery subscription but-----but I'm wondering how righties are able to square the Seattle Times endorsements for Republicans and conservative Democrats during the primaries with the Seattle Times endorsement for the Socialist/Marxist/Fascist/foreign born --- President Barack Obama? --- all I can figure is, Romney must have really-really blown the interview!


Rob McKenna over Jay Inslee.

Problem is - Inslee has a hefty lead in the polls.

Nice gesture though.

The Times endorsed Bush over Kerry in 2004 and took a lot of heat.

The uber liberal Seattle....imagine that!!

Also, endorsing Romney:

For president: Mitt Romney - Opinion - ( Las Vegas Review Journal )

No state had a bigger stake in Wednesday's presidential debate than Nevada. No other state has suffered more economic hardship over the past five years. No state has a greater need for jobs than Nevada, which leads the nation with a real unemployment rate of at least 22 percent. No state will benefit more from a real economic recovery.

Nevada is one of a handful of swing states that will decide which man wins the White House one month from now. But Nevadans' impressions of Democratic President Barack Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney have been driven largely by negative advertising and stump speeches. Wednesday's debate marked the first time voters saw the men present, defend and contrast their ideas for how to grow the American economy and manage the executive branch of the federal government. Which man's leadership is more likely to spur investment in businesses and encourage companies to hire?

When the Seattle Times made changes to their editorial board several years ago they made a hard right turn. I put up with their crap for a while ('hoping' they would 'change') but about a year ago I canceled my home delivery subscription but-----but I'm wondering how righties are able to square the Seattle Times endorsements for Republicans and conservative Democrats during the primaries with the Seattle Times endorsement for the Socialist/Marxist/Fascist/foreign born --- President Barack Obama? --- all I can figure is, Romney must have really-really blown the interview!



I haven't seen anyone quote a Times editorial in years. If they didn't have a sports section I don't think they would survive. The new owners of the then Times/Post Intelligencer made a big miscalculation about the nature of Seattlites. They never saw the internet coming or Starbucks or really much of any of the changes around here. I'm surprised they are still in business. We don't want to be "told" what to think by some out of town/out of state media conglomorant.

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