Seattle Teachers on Strike, 6 Figures and 3 Months Off a Year Not Enough

You are a waste of oxygen.
Those poor kids are losing out on indoctrination time!

Why don't you go there and get a teaching job since it's so wonderful?
School choice is an impossible goal. You want your tax dollars going to a madrassa or other religious instruction?

You do realize that there are areas in the US with no private schools. I taught in several public school districts with no private schools.

Nice deflection! I guess you never tire of having your ass handed to you!
So, let's see if I have this right...Private school teachers are (often) not qualified to teach in public schools, and are only biding their time until they can get on the government's teat.

Private school outcomes are no better than public school outcomes (which is why rich people send their kids there), but

The reason why private schools do better is because they are selective about which students they accept, and they can expel those who are overly troublesome.

Does that sound right?

Collective bargaining has no place in the public sector, which is why unionized teachers are overpaid (that is, more than market value), have extraordinary benefits, have Summers off, and can retire after 30 years (i.e., at age 52 typically), enjoying a lifetime pension along with wonderful continuing benefits at taxpayer expense.

OTOH, in many states where they don't have unions, their compensation is preposterous. My "pie-in-the-sky" solution is for the [unconstitutional] Department of Education to survey teacher compensation around the country and publish recommended compensation guidelines, adjusted for local COL. That would not be binding on state legislatures, but it could embarrass them into doing something approaching the Right Thing.
So, let's see if I have this right...Private school teachers are (often) not qualified to teach in public schools, and are only biding their time until they can get on the government's teat.

Private school outcomes are no better than public school outcomes (which is why rich people send their kids there), but

The reason why private schools do better is because they are selective about which students they accept, and they can expel those who are overly troublesome.

Does that sound right?

Collective bargaining has no place in the public sector, which is why unionized teachers are overpaid (that is, more than market value), have extraordinary benefits, have Summers off, and can retire after 30 years (i.e., at age 52 typically), enjoying a lifetime pension along with wonderful continuing benefits at taxpayer expense.

OTOH, in many states where they don't have unions, their compensation is preposterous. My "pie-in-the-sky" solution is for the [unconstitutional] Department of Education to survey teacher compensation around the country and publish recommended compensation guidelines, adjusted for local COL. That would not be binding on state legislatures, but it could embarrass them into doing something approaching the Right Thing.
I said many private school teachers are unqualified to be public school teachers. FACT!

I also said if they were qualified, they were merely waiting to move to a public school when a position was available.

You obviously do not understand the concept of average. There are some exceptional private schools, but they are vastly outnumbered by inferior performing private schools catering to parents who seek religious instruction, parochial schools not included in that category.

Let me clue you in there, please. Unionized teachers do NOT have collective bargaining rights in many states (red) and have lousy pay and benefits.

Retirement for me in Florida was 40% of a lousy pay scale after 30 years and no other benefits. Teachers were barred from striking by state law.

In Kentucky, teachers fund 100% of their own retirement benefits. I retired because our governor and state legislature wanted to reduce the benefits that we paid for! They ultimately failed because the courts ruled against them trying to steal our retirement funds.

Your pie in the sky solution needs a good reality check. Teacher compensation is a district function which usually means it sucks if you do not have the ability to strike for better benefits! The district tells you what you get and you get to say thank you!

In summary, you need to educate yourself on education.
Those poor kids are losing out on indoctrination time!

I don't belong to the union and I'm not a fan of teacher strikes.

But things are pretty bad out there for teachers. Anyone can take an honest look at society and come to their own conclusions
I'm salaried and don't get paid by the hour and I work more than a 40 hour week. I also work 12 months a year unlike teachers.

At the end of three teaching days put together I will have taught approximately 400 elementary children.


Sure, pal.
I suppose you are qualified to teach kindergarten.

You realize that kindergarten teachers are teaching reading these days?

Good. Let's start there.

You have 20 kindergarten students. You are tasked with teaching them all to read, at beginning stages.

Five of them do not know even three letters.

Two of them are reading at a third grade level.

The rest are somewhere in between.

Oh, and you will have to keep accurate data on every child to placate the politicians. And oh, one of your kinders is not potty trained. You know, the parents "just didn't get around to it". Another one wears headphones all the time because of "sensory issues", and the other is most certainly autistic but not diagnosed because mom and dad "don't want him to be labeled".

Also, you were promised a full-time aide, but no one wants to change the poopy pants of the one kid, and deal with the meltdowns of the undx autistic child, so the district can't find someone to work the $12/hour they're offering all day. So all you have is someone "popping in" to help. Which is almost never.

Also, you're lazy.

Good luck!
You realize that kindergarten teachers are teaching reading these days?

Good. Let's start there.

You have 20 kindergarten students. You are tasked with teaching them all to read, at beginning stages.

Five of them do not know even three letters.

Two of them are reading at a third grade level.

The rest are somewhere in between.

Oh, and you will have to keep accurate data on every child to placate the politicians. And oh, one of your kinders is not potty trained. You know, the parents "just didn't get around to it". Another one wears headphones all the time because of "sensory issues", and the other is most certainly autistic but not diagnosed because mom and dad "don't want him to be labeled".

Also, you were promised a full-time aide, but no one wants to change the poopy pants of the one kid, and deal with the meltdowns of the undx autistic child, so the district can't find someone to work the $12/hour they're offering all day. So all you have is someone "popping in" to help. Which is almost never.

Also, you're lazy.

Good luck!
Somehow it’s worked for the past century and kids of any past generation could run circles around today’s generation.

Name the Capitols of each of the 50 States:
9 year old in 1915: Sacramento, Richmond, blah blah blah…
17 year old today: What’s a Capitol?

Penmanship in 1790 looks like a machine did it.
Penmanship of a 17 year old today looks like something from a daycare center.
Somehow it’s worked for the past century and kids of any past generation could run circles around today’s generation.

Name the Capitols of each of the 50 States:
9 year old in 1915: Sacramento, Richmond, blah blah blah…
17 year old today: What’s a Capitol?

Penmanship in 1790 looks like a machine did it.
Penmanship of a 17 year old today looks like something from a daycare center.

Memorizing state capitols is not very useful information. Why would you need to memorize that? Why would beautiful penmanship matter in a world where everyone types?

Better: find states on a map. Explain the electoral system.

Better: become a proficient typist.
Memorizing state capitols is not very useful information. Why would you need to memorize that? Why would beautiful penmanship matter in a world where everyone types?

Better: find states on a map. Explain the electoral system.

Better: become a proficient typist.
11% of the kids today couldn’t find the USA on a world map….

Let alone be able to read a clock.

11% of the kids today couldn’t find the USA on a world map….

Let alone be able to read a clock.

Look around at American society.

You're going to blame the teachers for that one in ten kids who can't find the US on a map? Really? The teachers.


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