Season 5, Game of Thrones

Cable is our second highest bill, even more than electric and gas. I sure would love to get that bill down. You say you have Sling already and it's working for you?

It works great...some details.
If your TV is not internet ready, you will need a device like Roku/Amazon Fire TV/Apple TV. It is a small device that is very-very easy to set up and all three work with an HDMI cable.
Watch this....

Even though a Roku is extremely portable between TV's - you cannot watch it on multiple TV's at the same time. Although you can buy a second/third Roku and watch it at no add'l cost.

Also watch is a little old, so there is more (a lot) than when this video was made.

I'll look through their website this weekend. Thank you. :)
What did ya'll think of the first episode of the season?
What did ya'll think of the first episode of the season?
I liked it. Wth is Dany going to do about her dragons? How can she be the Mother of Dragons without them? They're clearly pissed. Also, I fucking love Jon Snow, that witch seems to as well.

Was anyone else bored? I see Gracie is but I wasn't, they were setting the stage and they seem to have covered a lot of ground for the first episode. Tyrion is moving and drinking but I see him being okay. Cersei? What a bitch.

I see Arya will be on next week.
What did ya'll think of the first episode of the season?
It can't all be sex, blood and action all the time (that becomes mindless drivel). If it was a mid-season finale or season finale, yes it would have been a let down, but I am glad they opened up by answering a lot of the questions for all the main stories: 1. Stannis and Snowe at the Wall, 2. Kings Landing After Tywin's death, 3. Tyrion's story, 4. Danny's story and the Dragons, 5. Brienne (sp?) and 6. Sansa and Littlefinger etc. It started off with giving updates on everything except Bran (which I think he has a season off) and Ramsay, the Iron Born and the Boltons. I actually enjoyed it, actions will come I am confident of that.

Best part of the episode, and I laughed hysterically when I watched it, was Lord Robin trying to swing a sword after years being spoiled rotten for years. That was too funny.
What did ya'll think of the first episode of the season?
I liked it. Wth is Dany going to do about her dragons? How can she be the Mother of Dragons without them? They're clearly pissed. Also, I fucking love Jon Snow, that witch seems to as well.

Was anyone else bored? I see Gracie is but I wasn't, they were setting the stage and they seem to have covered a lot of ground for the first episode. Tyrion is moving and drinking but I see him being okay. Cersei? What a bitch.

I see Arya will be on next week.

I enjoyed it. This was a set-up episode for sure. It's laying the foundation for the rest of the season. I can't wait for the Ayra story this season b/c it is going to be wonderful.
What did ya'll think of the first episode of the season?
I liked it. Wth is Dany going to do about her dragons? How can she be the Mother of Dragons without them? They're clearly pissed. Also, I fucking love Jon Snow, that witch seems to as well.

Was anyone else bored? I see Gracie is but I wasn't, they were setting the stage and they seem to have covered a lot of ground for the first episode. Tyrion is moving and drinking but I see him being okay. Cersei? What a bitch.

I see Arya will be on next week.

I enjoyed it. This was a set-up episode for sure. It's laying the foundation for the rest of the season. I can't wait for the Ayra story this season b/c it is going to be wonderful.
I didn't watch until this morning so I wouldn't get interrupted. I agree with you. I generally scroll past the war scenes, the torture scenes are iffy for me, I did love when Jon Snow left that burning at the stake. I thought he was just getting sick but then you see him shooting the guy with an arrow to the heart to help him stop the suffering.

I find the Wildings a scary bunch and the Faceless ones. I'm always interested in what's coming next though.
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What did ya'll think of the first episode of the season?
I liked it. Wth is Dany going to do about her dragons? How can she be the Mother of Dragons without them? They're clearly pissed. Also, I fucking love Jon Snow, that witch seems to as well.

Was anyone else bored? I see Gracie is but I wasn't, they were setting the stage and they seem to have covered a lot of ground for the first episode. Tyrion is moving and drinking but I see him being okay. Cersei? What a bitch.

I see Arya will be on next week.

I enjoyed it. This was a set-up episode for sure. It's laying the foundation for the rest of the season. I can't wait for the Ayra story this season b/c it is going to be wonderful.
I didn't watch until this morning so I wouldn't get interrupted. I agree with you. I generally scroll past the war scenes, the torture scenes are iffy for me, I did love when Jon Snow left that burning at the stake. I thought he was just getting sick but then you see him shooting the guy with an arrow to the heart to help him stop the suffering.

I find the Wildings a scary bunch and the Faceless ones. I'm always interested in what's coming next though.

John Snow's story line is great, not to mention he is surface of the sun hot. Meow. lol. I feel bad for the Wildings. It wasn't there fault they just so happened to be born on the wrong side of the Wall. Next week they should introduce Dorne and Sunspear for the first time which is very exciting.
I think they maintained the previous high level of storytelling, and did everything well. The sets, costumes, and scenery are breathtaking; technically I think the people responsible for those aspects are fantastic.

They covered a lot of ground vis a vis the books, but I was nauseated to see the gratuitous homo-sex scene with Margaery's brother. It was not in the book and completely unnecessary.

The death by fire of the king of the north was dressed up a bit, and I'm not sure why they did it. In the book he disgraced himself by crying and whining in the flames before Jon Stark/Snow finally killed him with the arrow.

The casting of Sansa is getting a bit uncomfortable, as she is a 14-year-old girl in the book, and she can no longer carry that off. They are glossing over a lot of (boring) material with Brienne - no harm done. Arya is an interesting story line, but I doubt that they will pick it up in any detail. The actress and character seem to have quite a following in the blogosphere.

Thank God for the different ways to watch shows. this is opposite The Good Wife in my market and I wouldn't want to miss either one.
I think they maintained the previous high level of storytelling, and did everything well. The sets, costumes, and scenery are breathtaking; technically I think the people responsible for those aspects are fantastic.

They covered a lot of ground vis a vis the books, but I was nauseated to see the gratuitous homo-sex scene with Margaery's brother. It was not in the book and completely unnecessary.

The death by fire of the king of the north was dressed up a bit, and I'm not sure why they did it. In the book he disgraced himself by crying and whining in the flames before Jon Stark/Snow finally killed him with the arrow.

The casting of Sansa is getting a bit uncomfortable, as she is a 14-year-old girl in the book, and she can no longer carry that off. They are glossing over a lot of (boring) material with Brienne - no harm done. Arya is an interesting story line, but I doubt that they will pick it up in any detail. The actress and character seem to have quite a following in the blogosphere.

Thank God for the different ways to watch shows. this is opposite The Good Wife in my market and I wouldn't want to miss either one.
I love The Good Wife too.
What did ya'll think of the first episode of the season?
I liked it. Wth is Dany going to do about her dragons? How can she be the Mother of Dragons without them? They're clearly pissed. Also, I fucking love Jon Snow, that witch seems to as well.

Was anyone else bored? I see Gracie is but I wasn't, they were setting the stage and they seem to have covered a lot of ground for the first episode. Tyrion is moving and drinking but I see him being okay. Cersei? What a bitch.

I see Arya will be on next week.
What did ya'll think of the first episode of the season?
I liked it. Wth is Dany going to do about her dragons? How can she be the Mother of Dragons without them? They're clearly pissed. Also, I fucking love Jon Snow, that witch seems to as well.

Was anyone else bored? I see Gracie is but I wasn't, they were setting the stage and they seem to have covered a lot of ground for the first episode. Tyrion is moving and drinking but I see him being okay. Cersei? What a bitch.

I see Arya will be on next week.

I enjoyed it. This was a set-up episode for sure. It's laying the foundation for the rest of the season. I can't wait for the Ayra story this season b/c it is going to be wonderful.
I agree I can't wait to see her transform into a ruthless assassin and start seeking out her revenge. Hopefully she takes out the Freys!
What did ya'll think of the first episode of the season?
I liked it. Wth is Dany going to do about her dragons? How can she be the Mother of Dragons without them? They're clearly pissed. Also, I fucking love Jon Snow, that witch seems to as well.

Was anyone else bored? I see Gracie is but I wasn't, they were setting the stage and they seem to have covered a lot of ground for the first episode. Tyrion is moving and drinking but I see him being okay. Cersei? What a bitch.

I see Arya will be on next week.
What did ya'll think of the first episode of the season?
I liked it. Wth is Dany going to do about her dragons? How can she be the Mother of Dragons without them? They're clearly pissed. Also, I fucking love Jon Snow, that witch seems to as well.

Was anyone else bored? I see Gracie is but I wasn't, they were setting the stage and they seem to have covered a lot of ground for the first episode. Tyrion is moving and drinking but I see him being okay. Cersei? What a bitch.

I see Arya will be on next week.

I enjoyed it. This was a set-up episode for sure. It's laying the foundation for the rest of the season. I can't wait for the Ayra story this season b/c it is going to be wonderful.
I agree I can't wait to see her transform into a ruthless assassin and start seeking out her revenge. Hopefully she takes out the Freys!

Assuming Lady Stoneheart doesn't take them all out first. lol
What did ya'll think of the first episode of the season?
I liked it. Wth is Dany going to do about her dragons? How can she be the Mother of Dragons without them? They're clearly pissed. Also, I fucking love Jon Snow, that witch seems to as well.

Was anyone else bored? I see Gracie is but I wasn't, they were setting the stage and they seem to have covered a lot of ground for the first episode. Tyrion is moving and drinking but I see him being okay. Cersei? What a bitch.

I see Arya will be on next week.
What did ya'll think of the first episode of the season?
I liked it. Wth is Dany going to do about her dragons? How can she be the Mother of Dragons without them? They're clearly pissed. Also, I fucking love Jon Snow, that witch seems to as well.

Was anyone else bored? I see Gracie is but I wasn't, they were setting the stage and they seem to have covered a lot of ground for the first episode. Tyrion is moving and drinking but I see him being okay. Cersei? What a bitch.

I see Arya will be on next week.

I enjoyed it. This was a set-up episode for sure. It's laying the foundation for the rest of the season. I can't wait for the Ayra story this season b/c it is going to be wonderful.
I agree I can't wait to see her transform into a ruthless assassin and start seeking out her revenge. Hopefully she takes out the Freys!
I can't agree that she will become a ruthless assassin. She is more like Jon Snow and I really can't wait until the two of them meet to see what happens there. Not romantically but as like minded leaders.
Digging around in an attempt to find hints about Arya's journey since we last saw her in the finale, on the ship, after giving the iron coin to the ship's captain and saying the words, Valar Morghulis.

What Does Valar Morghulis Mean? What About Valar Dohaeris?

“If the day comes when you would find me again, give that coin to any man from Braavos, and say these words to him--valar morghulis.”

---Jaqen H’ghar, A Clash of Kings, pg. 691.

In a memorable scene from A Clash of Kings, Jaqen H’ghar leaves Arya with only an old iron coin, and two words to say to any Braavosi she meets. Arya repeats this words often times throughout the series, never quite knowing what they mean. What does the enigmatic phrase signify?

1) Valar Morghulis

Valar morghulis seems to translate to ‘All men must die,’ or ‘all men are mortal.’ In Storm of Swords, pg. 308, Missandei uses the phrase, and it seems to be in the High Valyrian tongue. And on page 748, Oberyn Martell uses the phrase, confirming it is from Valyria.

For a discussion on why Jaqen may have told Arya to use that phrase, see the ‘What do we know about Faceless Men?’ discussion.

2) Valar Dohaeris

Arya finally uses the words valar morghulis at the end of Storm of Swords, speaking them to a Braavosi ship captain. The captain replies with an odd sort of salute, and the phrase valar dohaeris. Now what does this phrase mean?

Quite frankly, we don’t know. It’s never stated in the books. The best clue comes from something Ygritte says on page 464 of A Storm of Swords:

“You’re mine,” she whispered. “Mine, as I’m yours. And if we die, we die. All men must die, Jon Snow. But first we’ll live.”

Ignoring the question of how the wilding culture could have adopted a High Valyrian phrase, Ygritte’s ‘all men must die,’ seems close to Dany’s translation for valar morghulis. It is possible, then, that ‘first we’ll live’ is the translation of valar dohaeris. However, nothing is certain, so we can only conjecture about the definition at this point.

What Does Valar Morghulis Mean

The link about faceless men doesn't work, btw.
So...we get just a wee bit more info of what this season is going to be about. Sorta.
And.....the MIA dragon shows up! I wonder what is going to happen now that it did.

I KNEW Dani made a mistake beheading that guy. Just knew it. Big mistake. BIG.
So...we get just a wee bit more info of what this season is going to be about. Sorta.
And.....the MIA dragon shows up! I wonder what is going to happen now that it did.

I KNEW Dani made a mistake beheading that guy. Just knew it. Big mistake. BIG.
Last episode:

Not a ton of action, but a great episode regardless.
1. I love Sam's speech to nominate Jon Snowe. It was simply awesome. I love how he kept pointing out the coward was a coward. Then the predictable tie and the old man casting the even more predictable winning vote for John Snowe. A little corny, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

2. Briene of Tarth mission is getting rather annoying. Arya didn't want her help and she killed her mentor and protector. How was that of help to her? Littlefinger might be a wolf in sheep's clothes and a backstabber, but I do think he has some genuine affection for Sansa and desires to see her safe. Nevertheless the safest place for her is that fortress on the mountain. If Sansa would have gone with her, then Sansa would be in moral danger!

3. I am seriously looking forward to Arya morphing into a deadly assassin.

4. I hope that crazy broad in Dorne gets what is coming for her. Oberyn wasn't murdered. It willful entered in combat and took the risk. Her wanting to torture and mutilate a helpless innocent girl is pathetic. I look forward to her death. I just hope she dies before something is done to Cersi child. I have a tough time to torture and mutilation scene, esp of young woman (if it does happen and it's brutal, I might leave the show).

5. Bad call Danny. Why in the world would she execute a loyal servant because he killed a scumbag that wants to take down Danny? Bad call!

6. Dorgon returns and he shunes his mother. My guess is that town below is going to get lit up.

7. Jaime and Bronn's bromance might be interesting. I think it will end with Bronn's death this season and that is upsetting.

8. Lastly the talk between Tyrion and Varys was classic!

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