Screwed Up Messaging #001 - Climate Change morons interrupt tennis match

Almost as stupid as rejecting overwhelming scientific evidence or concentrating on the "message" rather than the facts.
The more people understand the earth's climate history, the more likely they will be skeptical of the AGW claims. And you can't get more factual than the earth's climate history.
That is precisely what I would say to you. Projection at its finest here.
That's only because you have never placed this discussion in its proper context of the planet's climate history. You would like us to assume the modeling they use is legitimate and ignore the overwhelming evidence that the planet is uniquely configured for colder temperatures and that an increase of 120 parts per million of CO2 will override the planet's natural affinity/configuration for colder temperatures when the geologic record has never sown such a propensity for that.
Well, this is hysterical.

My daughter is going to her first Burning Man. She has heard so much about it.

She's also sympathetic to the alarmists.

I'll be curious to see what she says when she gets home.

A lot of people at Burning Man are (were) sympathetic.

Can these people be any more stupid ?

They continue to endear themselves to people by making their lives tougher.

Wow....what a great strategy.

I have only recently heard about this guy, but his message is spot on in my estimation.

I am more than willing to talk to folks about this if they are not frothing at the mouth and making all kind of insane claims.

But the idiots who block Burning Man and who interrupt sporting events are killing themselves.

Lomborg is not a climate scientist. But he is a poly scie/statistician so he knows how to read data.

From his article:

Climate economic studies convincingly show that one of the best investments to fix climate in the medium run is to invest heavily in green R&D. Because research is cheap, we can explore many avenues, from better renewables and battery storage, to carbon capture and fusion, fission, carbon-neutral oil-producing algae, and more. If we can innovate on the price of green energy down below that of fossil fuels, everyone will switch — not just well-meaning rich people, but also most Chinese, Indians and Africans. The models show that each dollar invested in green energy R&D will avoid eleven dollars of climate damage.


Indeed, one of the UN Climate Panel authors warned against this: “We risk turning off the public with extremist talk that is not carefully supported by the science.”


There is a picture of Greta...with this caption.....

Swedish activist Greta Thunberg has helped fuel the belief among young people that they will die of climate change.

Love it.

Especially when all the yacking is about the science.....

The UN Climate Panel’s middle-of-the-road estimate for the end of the century is that we will be even better off. There will be virtually no one left in extreme poverty, everyone will be much better educated, and the average income per person in the world will be 450 percent of what it is today. Yet, because climate is a real challenge, it will leave us less well off. Based on three decades of studies, the UN and the world’s only Nobel climate economist estimate global warming will reduce the 21st century welfare increase from 450 percent to “only” 434 percent of today’s income.

Meaning that even factoring in climate change.....things are still looking pretty rosey.

More to follow from the article:
I think the Post editorial board got this right.

Destroying our planet. Destroying species on our planet. That's going to happen anyway.

They just don't get it.

That is precisely what I would say to you. Projection at its finest here.

From reading through this and other threads, nobody is listening to you.

But you are so RIGHT ! You just can't stand it.

Suck on it.
Well, I was only able to glance over the article. Here for your consideration.

While I don't land on any side, I do know these people are making it easier for their opponents.

He may not get the action he wants, but at least he'll get some engagement....I hope.

The message becomes less important with each of these little tantrums.

I simply don't trust these asswipes.
UNICEF is now pulling kids into this discussion.

Last donation they'll ever get from me.

I guess, in a way, I should be grateful.

They are marginalizing themselves and will make it easy to push them aside.

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