Screen Actors Guild "reparation awards": Welcome to "diversity TV"; Libs get delusional.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
SAG Awards: Diversity Reigns in a Rebuke to #OscarsSoWhite

Good Lord people. Fucking get over it or move on already. In the waken of the Oscars....the SAG (Screen Actors Guild) had their award show and may as well have called it "reparations night". They boasted "Welcome to diversity TV" and "This is what diversity looks like"

A large number of non whites were awarded. And hey...their work and performances probably deserved the award. Or...maybe not. We'll never know because honestly the SAG had NO CHOICE BUT to award a lot of non whites. Hollywood's liberalism card may have been revoked.'ve just gone delusional now. You fuckers are absolutely obsessed with race...and I fully intend to mock you along the way.

Video from the awards....

Maybe SAG will rename their night to the "Look We Aren't Racist Awards"
Reading some movie critic sites. They're celebrating this of course and asking if the black actor from the African civil war flick was helped out by the all white Oscars since he won numerous SAG awards. I feel bad for the guy too. Peers in his industry (white libs) will always look at his 2016 SAG Awards with a big giant * on it.

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