Scott Walker thinks doctors should lie to women to prevent abortions

I'm sorry, you don't get to bitch about poverty and at the same time be against raising the minimum wage.
Dunderhead, poverty is higher BECAUSE of the higher min wage. Do you not get this?

The minimum wage is not higher. It's been falling for 45 years.

perhaps you should get help with math


And you need help with reasoning.

Minimum Wage Would Be $21.72 If It Kept Pace With Increases In Productivity

The minimum wage in 2012 if it kept up with increases in worker productivity, according to a March study by the Center for Economic and Policy Research. While advancements in technology have increased the amount of goods and services that can be produced in a set amount of time, wages have remained relatively flat, the study points out.

Even if the minimum wage kept up with inflation since it peaked in real value in the late 1960s, low-wage workers should be earning a minimum of $10.52 an hour, according to the study.

Between the end of World War II and the late 1960s, productivity and wages grew steadily. Since the minimum wage peaked in 1968, increases in productivity have outpaced the minimum wage growth.

The current minimum wage stands at $7.25 an hour. In 2011, more than 66 percent of Americans surveyed by the Public Religion Research Institute supported raising this figure to $10.

Minimum Wage Would Be 21.72 If It Kept Pace With Increases In Productivity Study
If the min wage were tied to the Vietnamese Dong it would be much lower. But keep spinning.

Here's the killer graph. None of the libs will even begin to understand it.

Your graph is only valid if minimum wage increases outpace the rate of inflation or outpace economic growth which creates demand for more labor.
Yes, like 5.4 unemployment.

you can shove your phony unemployment rate

where the sun dont shine

Life under Obama sucks. And these numbers prove it

The reason? Quality of life is poor. Starting at the very bottom, poverty levels point to stagnation. In January 2009 the poverty rate stood at 14.3 per cent. It rose to around 15 per cent and then fell back down in 2013 to 14.5 per cent (but the actual number of those in poverty remained the same from 2012). Things are worse for black Americans, whose poverty rate has risen in that same period from 25.8 per cent to 27.2 per cent.

Life under Obama sucks. And these numbers prove it - Telegraph

I'm sorry, you don't get to bitch about poverty and at the same time be against raising the minimum wage.
Dunderhead, poverty is higher BECAUSE of the higher min wage. Do you not get this?

LOL, Mississippi is proof enough!

Mississippi has the greatest percentage of poor people in the nation, 21.9%. The state has the greatest percentage of households making below $30,000 a year, 42.53%, and the smallest percentage of households making $200,000 or more, 1.54%. Suffice it to say, poverty is a major issue in Mississippi and it is getting worse. From 2007 to 2009, the state's poverty rate increased from 20.6% to 21.9%.

How about Georgia? Their state minimum wage is $5.15

Gini Coefficient: 0.469
Median Income: $43,340 (10th Lowest)
Households Earning $200,000+: 3.43% (19th Highest)
Population Living Below Poverty Line: 16.50% (12th Highest)

According to the non-profit research organization Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), Georgia's tax system is regressive. This means that low-income families pay more of their income in state and local taxes than upper-income families do. The poorest 20% of Georgians have 3.2% of statewide personal income before taxes, but their share of after-tax income is just 3.1%. The best-off 1% of residents enjoys 16.7% of pretax Georgia income, and 17.2% of after-tax income. More than 20% of Georgians are living below the poverty line.

See more information at 24/7 Wall Street.

  • The Georgia state minimum wage is $5.15. Employees covered under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act are subject to the federal minimum wage of $7.25, but those not covered under the FLSA may be paid the state minimum wage of $5.15.

Here's another welfare state

Alabama $7.25

Gini Coefficient: 0.471
Median Income: $39,980 (3rd Lowest)
Households Earning $200,000+: 2.13% (9th Lowest)
Population Living Below Poverty Line: 17.50% (6th Highest)

Alabama has the 5th largest percentage of households making less than $30,000 a year, and the tenth-highest percentage of households making above $100,000 a year. It also has the sixth-highest percentage of people living below the poverty line: 17.5%. From 2008 to 2009, the number of households making $200,000 or more a year fell from 2.3% to 2.1%. The number of households receiving food stamps, however, increased 26% from 2008 to 2009. "We're seeing record numbers on food stamps and insurance programs, and there really is a direct correlation," said Jim Carnes, spokesman for the anti-poverty advocacy group Alabama Arise, in The Birmingham News. "As the poverty rate increases, government services have a greater demand."

Texas $7.25

Gini Coefficient: 0.474
Median Income: $47,475 (22nd Lowest)
Households Earning $200,000+: 3.83% (16th Highest)
Population Living Below Poverty Line: 17.20% (8th Highest)

Texas has the largest percentage of its population falling either below the poverty line or making more than $200,000 a year, relative to the other states. Just over 21% of the state's population falls into one of these two camps, although most fall into the former group. According to an article from the St. Petersburg Times', Texas had a GINI index of 0.37 in 1970, which increased to 0.42 in 1990, and is now 0.474, implying increasing long-term income inequality.

See more information at 24/7 Wall Street.
And? What is your point here? Spell it out clearly.


like that is going to happen

I'm sorry, you don't get to bitch about poverty and at the same time be against raising the minimum wage.
Dunderhead, poverty is higher BECAUSE of the higher min wage. Do you not get this?

The minimum wage is not higher. It's been falling for 45 years.

perhaps you should get help with math



The real minimum wage below is in RED:


Actually, charts like this are floating all over the cyber spaces, using all kinds of figures of the nominal minimum wage. The odd thing, though, is that this one implies a particularly low nominal minimum wage, compared to most of the other charts.

It is a factual representation of the federal minimum wage.
Dunderhead, poverty is higher BECAUSE of the higher min wage. Do you not get this?

The minimum wage is not higher. It's been falling for 45 years.

perhaps you should get help with math



The real minimum wage below is in RED:


Actually, charts like this are floating all over the cyber spaces, using all kinds of figures of the nominal minimum wage. The odd thing, though, is that this one implies a particularly low nominal minimum wage, compared to most of the other charts.

It is a factual representation of the federal minimum wage.
LOL! No, it isnt. You understand that, right?
I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!


the prezbo is in the midst of creating

the biggest mess the world has ever seen

Yes, like 5.4 unemployment.

you can shove your phony unemployment rate

where the sun dont shine

Life under Obama sucks. And these numbers prove it

The reason? Quality of life is poor. Starting at the very bottom, poverty levels point to stagnation. In January 2009 the poverty rate stood at 14.3 per cent. It rose to around 15 per cent and then fell back down in 2013 to 14.5 per cent (but the actual number of those in poverty remained the same from 2012). Things are worse for black Americans, whose poverty rate has risen in that same period from 25.8 per cent to 27.2 per cent.

Life under Obama sucks. And these numbers prove it - Telegraph

I'm sorry, you don't get to bitch about poverty and at the same time be against raising the minimum wage.

fuck you

i can post whatever the hell i want

dumb asses like you think raising the minimum wage

raises folks out of poverty


really making a guaranteed 8.50 gets one out of poverty

how absurd


Minimum wage should be higher than $8.50. You don't get to bitch about poverty when you are against raising the minimum wage. And every time I see you bitch about it, I'm going to point out the fact that you're a moron.
you can shove your phony unemployment rate

where the sun dont shine

Life under Obama sucks. And these numbers prove it

The reason? Quality of life is poor. Starting at the very bottom, poverty levels point to stagnation. In January 2009 the poverty rate stood at 14.3 per cent. It rose to around 15 per cent and then fell back down in 2013 to 14.5 per cent (but the actual number of those in poverty remained the same from 2012). Things are worse for black Americans, whose poverty rate has risen in that same period from 25.8 per cent to 27.2 per cent.

Life under Obama sucks. And these numbers prove it - Telegraph

I'm sorry, you don't get to bitch about poverty and at the same time be against raising the minimum wage.
Dunderhead, poverty is higher BECAUSE of the higher min wage. Do you not get this?

LOL, Mississippi is proof enough!

Mississippi has the greatest percentage of poor people in the nation, 21.9%. The state has the greatest percentage of households making below $30,000 a year, 42.53%, and the smallest percentage of households making $200,000 or more, 1.54%. Suffice it to say, poverty is a major issue in Mississippi and it is getting worse. From 2007 to 2009, the state's poverty rate increased from 20.6% to 21.9%.

How about Georgia? Their state minimum wage is $5.15

Gini Coefficient: 0.469
Median Income: $43,340 (10th Lowest)
Households Earning $200,000+: 3.43% (19th Highest)
Population Living Below Poverty Line: 16.50% (12th Highest)

According to the non-profit research organization Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), Georgia's tax system is regressive. This means that low-income families pay more of their income in state and local taxes than upper-income families do. The poorest 20% of Georgians have 3.2% of statewide personal income before taxes, but their share of after-tax income is just 3.1%. The best-off 1% of residents enjoys 16.7% of pretax Georgia income, and 17.2% of after-tax income. More than 20% of Georgians are living below the poverty line.

See more information at 24/7 Wall Street.

  • The Georgia state minimum wage is $5.15. Employees covered under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act are subject to the federal minimum wage of $7.25, but those not covered under the FLSA may be paid the state minimum wage of $5.15.

Here's another welfare state

Alabama $7.25

Gini Coefficient: 0.471
Median Income: $39,980 (3rd Lowest)
Households Earning $200,000+: 2.13% (9th Lowest)
Population Living Below Poverty Line: 17.50% (6th Highest)

Alabama has the 5th largest percentage of households making less than $30,000 a year, and the tenth-highest percentage of households making above $100,000 a year. It also has the sixth-highest percentage of people living below the poverty line: 17.5%. From 2008 to 2009, the number of households making $200,000 or more a year fell from 2.3% to 2.1%. The number of households receiving food stamps, however, increased 26% from 2008 to 2009. "We're seeing record numbers on food stamps and insurance programs, and there really is a direct correlation," said Jim Carnes, spokesman for the anti-poverty advocacy group Alabama Arise, in The Birmingham News. "As the poverty rate increases, government services have a greater demand."

Texas $7.25

Gini Coefficient: 0.474
Median Income: $47,475 (22nd Lowest)
Households Earning $200,000+: 3.83% (16th Highest)
Population Living Below Poverty Line: 17.20% (8th Highest)

Texas has the largest percentage of its population falling either below the poverty line or making more than $200,000 a year, relative to the other states. Just over 21% of the state's population falls into one of these two camps, although most fall into the former group. According to an article from the St. Petersburg Times', Texas had a GINI index of 0.37 in 1970, which increased to 0.42 in 1990, and is now 0.474, implying increasing long-term income inequality.

See more information at 24/7 Wall Street.
And? What is your point here? Spell it out clearly.


like that is going to happen


Apparently, you two dummies can't comprehend what you read.
the prezbo is in the midst of creating

the biggest mess the world has ever seen

Yes, like 5.4 unemployment.

you can shove your phony unemployment rate

where the sun dont shine

Life under Obama sucks. And these numbers prove it

The reason? Quality of life is poor. Starting at the very bottom, poverty levels point to stagnation. In January 2009 the poverty rate stood at 14.3 per cent. It rose to around 15 per cent and then fell back down in 2013 to 14.5 per cent (but the actual number of those in poverty remained the same from 2012). Things are worse for black Americans, whose poverty rate has risen in that same period from 25.8 per cent to 27.2 per cent.

Life under Obama sucks. And these numbers prove it - Telegraph

I'm sorry, you don't get to bitch about poverty and at the same time be against raising the minimum wage.

fuck you

i can post whatever the hell i want

dumb asses like you think raising the minimum wage

raises folks out of poverty


really making a guaranteed 8.50 gets one out of poverty

how absurd


Minimum wage should be higher than $8.50. You don't get to bitch about poverty when you are against raising the minimum wage. And every time I see you bitch about it, I'm going to point out the fact that you're a moron.
Hell make it $50 and we'll all be rich, right?
I'm sorry, you don't get to bitch about poverty and at the same time be against raising the minimum wage.
Dunderhead, poverty is higher BECAUSE of the higher min wage. Do you not get this?

LOL, Mississippi is proof enough!

Mississippi has the greatest percentage of poor people in the nation, 21.9%. The state has the greatest percentage of households making below $30,000 a year, 42.53%, and the smallest percentage of households making $200,000 or more, 1.54%. Suffice it to say, poverty is a major issue in Mississippi and it is getting worse. From 2007 to 2009, the state's poverty rate increased from 20.6% to 21.9%.

How about Georgia? Their state minimum wage is $5.15

Gini Coefficient: 0.469
Median Income: $43,340 (10th Lowest)
Households Earning $200,000+: 3.43% (19th Highest)
Population Living Below Poverty Line: 16.50% (12th Highest)

According to the non-profit research organization Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), Georgia's tax system is regressive. This means that low-income families pay more of their income in state and local taxes than upper-income families do. The poorest 20% of Georgians have 3.2% of statewide personal income before taxes, but their share of after-tax income is just 3.1%. The best-off 1% of residents enjoys 16.7% of pretax Georgia income, and 17.2% of after-tax income. More than 20% of Georgians are living below the poverty line.

See more information at 24/7 Wall Street.

  • The Georgia state minimum wage is $5.15. Employees covered under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act are subject to the federal minimum wage of $7.25, but those not covered under the FLSA may be paid the state minimum wage of $5.15.

Here's another welfare state

Alabama $7.25

Gini Coefficient: 0.471
Median Income: $39,980 (3rd Lowest)
Households Earning $200,000+: 2.13% (9th Lowest)
Population Living Below Poverty Line: 17.50% (6th Highest)

Alabama has the 5th largest percentage of households making less than $30,000 a year, and the tenth-highest percentage of households making above $100,000 a year. It also has the sixth-highest percentage of people living below the poverty line: 17.5%. From 2008 to 2009, the number of households making $200,000 or more a year fell from 2.3% to 2.1%. The number of households receiving food stamps, however, increased 26% from 2008 to 2009. "We're seeing record numbers on food stamps and insurance programs, and there really is a direct correlation," said Jim Carnes, spokesman for the anti-poverty advocacy group Alabama Arise, in The Birmingham News. "As the poverty rate increases, government services have a greater demand."

Texas $7.25

Gini Coefficient: 0.474
Median Income: $47,475 (22nd Lowest)
Households Earning $200,000+: 3.83% (16th Highest)
Population Living Below Poverty Line: 17.20% (8th Highest)

Texas has the largest percentage of its population falling either below the poverty line or making more than $200,000 a year, relative to the other states. Just over 21% of the state's population falls into one of these two camps, although most fall into the former group. According to an article from the St. Petersburg Times', Texas had a GINI index of 0.37 in 1970, which increased to 0.42 in 1990, and is now 0.474, implying increasing long-term income inequality.

See more information at 24/7 Wall Street.
And? What is your point here? Spell it out clearly.


like that is going to happen


Apparently, you two dummies can't comprehend what you read.
If you can't explain your point then you would be the dummy.
Yes, like 5.4 unemployment.

you can shove your phony unemployment rate

where the sun dont shine

Life under Obama sucks. And these numbers prove it

The reason? Quality of life is poor. Starting at the very bottom, poverty levels point to stagnation. In January 2009 the poverty rate stood at 14.3 per cent. It rose to around 15 per cent and then fell back down in 2013 to 14.5 per cent (but the actual number of those in poverty remained the same from 2012). Things are worse for black Americans, whose poverty rate has risen in that same period from 25.8 per cent to 27.2 per cent.

Life under Obama sucks. And these numbers prove it - Telegraph

I'm sorry, you don't get to bitch about poverty and at the same time be against raising the minimum wage.

fuck you

i can post whatever the hell i want

dumb asses like you think raising the minimum wage

raises folks out of poverty


really making a guaranteed 8.50 gets one out of poverty

how absurd


Minimum wage should be higher than $8.50. You don't get to bitch about poverty when you are against raising the minimum wage. And every time I see you bitch about it, I'm going to point out the fact that you're a moron.
Hell make it $50 and we'll all be rich, right?

I see logic and reason isn't your strong suit.
Dunderhead, poverty is higher BECAUSE of the higher min wage. Do you not get this?

LOL, Mississippi is proof enough!

Mississippi has the greatest percentage of poor people in the nation, 21.9%. The state has the greatest percentage of households making below $30,000 a year, 42.53%, and the smallest percentage of households making $200,000 or more, 1.54%. Suffice it to say, poverty is a major issue in Mississippi and it is getting worse. From 2007 to 2009, the state's poverty rate increased from 20.6% to 21.9%.

How about Georgia? Their state minimum wage is $5.15

Gini Coefficient: 0.469
Median Income: $43,340 (10th Lowest)
Households Earning $200,000+: 3.43% (19th Highest)
Population Living Below Poverty Line: 16.50% (12th Highest)

According to the non-profit research organization Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), Georgia's tax system is regressive. This means that low-income families pay more of their income in state and local taxes than upper-income families do. The poorest 20% of Georgians have 3.2% of statewide personal income before taxes, but their share of after-tax income is just 3.1%. The best-off 1% of residents enjoys 16.7% of pretax Georgia income, and 17.2% of after-tax income. More than 20% of Georgians are living below the poverty line.

See more information at 24/7 Wall Street.

  • The Georgia state minimum wage is $5.15. Employees covered under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act are subject to the federal minimum wage of $7.25, but those not covered under the FLSA may be paid the state minimum wage of $5.15.

Here's another welfare state

Alabama $7.25

Gini Coefficient: 0.471
Median Income: $39,980 (3rd Lowest)
Households Earning $200,000+: 2.13% (9th Lowest)
Population Living Below Poverty Line: 17.50% (6th Highest)

Alabama has the 5th largest percentage of households making less than $30,000 a year, and the tenth-highest percentage of households making above $100,000 a year. It also has the sixth-highest percentage of people living below the poverty line: 17.5%. From 2008 to 2009, the number of households making $200,000 or more a year fell from 2.3% to 2.1%. The number of households receiving food stamps, however, increased 26% from 2008 to 2009. "We're seeing record numbers on food stamps and insurance programs, and there really is a direct correlation," said Jim Carnes, spokesman for the anti-poverty advocacy group Alabama Arise, in The Birmingham News. "As the poverty rate increases, government services have a greater demand."

Texas $7.25

Gini Coefficient: 0.474
Median Income: $47,475 (22nd Lowest)
Households Earning $200,000+: 3.83% (16th Highest)
Population Living Below Poverty Line: 17.20% (8th Highest)

Texas has the largest percentage of its population falling either below the poverty line or making more than $200,000 a year, relative to the other states. Just over 21% of the state's population falls into one of these two camps, although most fall into the former group. According to an article from the St. Petersburg Times', Texas had a GINI index of 0.37 in 1970, which increased to 0.42 in 1990, and is now 0.474, implying increasing long-term income inequality.

See more information at 24/7 Wall Street.
And? What is your point here? Spell it out clearly.


like that is going to happen


Apparently, you two dummies can't comprehend what you read.
If you can't explain your point then you would be the dummy.

Okay Einstein, you said that poverty is higher because of the higher minimum wage. I just showed you that the lowest paying state in the country has the highest amount of poverty.

Holy shit, you're a moron.
you can shove your phony unemployment rate

where the sun dont shine

Life under Obama sucks. And these numbers prove it

The reason? Quality of life is poor. Starting at the very bottom, poverty levels point to stagnation. In January 2009 the poverty rate stood at 14.3 per cent. It rose to around 15 per cent and then fell back down in 2013 to 14.5 per cent (but the actual number of those in poverty remained the same from 2012). Things are worse for black Americans, whose poverty rate has risen in that same period from 25.8 per cent to 27.2 per cent.

Life under Obama sucks. And these numbers prove it - Telegraph

I'm sorry, you don't get to bitch about poverty and at the same time be against raising the minimum wage.

fuck you

i can post whatever the hell i want

dumb asses like you think raising the minimum wage

raises folks out of poverty


really making a guaranteed 8.50 gets one out of poverty

how absurd


Minimum wage should be higher than $8.50. You don't get to bitch about poverty when you are against raising the minimum wage. And every time I see you bitch about it, I'm going to point out the fact that you're a moron.
Hell make it $50 and we'll all be rich, right?

I see logic and reason isn't your strong suit.
You can't defend $8.50 and you can't defent $50. Who is the one lacking logic here?
I'm sorry, you don't get to bitch about poverty and at the same time be against raising the minimum wage.

fuck you

i can post whatever the hell i want

dumb asses like you think raising the minimum wage

raises folks out of poverty


really making a guaranteed 8.50 gets one out of poverty

how absurd


Minimum wage should be higher than $8.50. You don't get to bitch about poverty when you are against raising the minimum wage. And every time I see you bitch about it, I'm going to point out the fact that you're a moron.
Hell make it $50 and we'll all be rich, right?

I see logic and reason isn't your strong suit.
You can't defend $8.50 and you can't defent $50. Who is the one lacking logic here?

You're right, I can't defent $50. LOL! Moron.
LOL, Mississippi is proof enough!

Mississippi has the greatest percentage of poor people in the nation, 21.9%. The state has the greatest percentage of households making below $30,000 a year, 42.53%, and the smallest percentage of households making $200,000 or more, 1.54%. Suffice it to say, poverty is a major issue in Mississippi and it is getting worse. From 2007 to 2009, the state's poverty rate increased from 20.6% to 21.9%.

How about Georgia? Their state minimum wage is $5.15

Gini Coefficient: 0.469
Median Income: $43,340 (10th Lowest)
Households Earning $200,000+: 3.43% (19th Highest)
Population Living Below Poverty Line: 16.50% (12th Highest)

According to the non-profit research organization Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), Georgia's tax system is regressive. This means that low-income families pay more of their income in state and local taxes than upper-income families do. The poorest 20% of Georgians have 3.2% of statewide personal income before taxes, but their share of after-tax income is just 3.1%. The best-off 1% of residents enjoys 16.7% of pretax Georgia income, and 17.2% of after-tax income. More than 20% of Georgians are living below the poverty line.

See more information at 24/7 Wall Street.

  • The Georgia state minimum wage is $5.15. Employees covered under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act are subject to the federal minimum wage of $7.25, but those not covered under the FLSA may be paid the state minimum wage of $5.15.

Here's another welfare state

Alabama $7.25

Gini Coefficient: 0.471
Median Income: $39,980 (3rd Lowest)
Households Earning $200,000+: 2.13% (9th Lowest)
Population Living Below Poverty Line: 17.50% (6th Highest)

Alabama has the 5th largest percentage of households making less than $30,000 a year, and the tenth-highest percentage of households making above $100,000 a year. It also has the sixth-highest percentage of people living below the poverty line: 17.5%. From 2008 to 2009, the number of households making $200,000 or more a year fell from 2.3% to 2.1%. The number of households receiving food stamps, however, increased 26% from 2008 to 2009. "We're seeing record numbers on food stamps and insurance programs, and there really is a direct correlation," said Jim Carnes, spokesman for the anti-poverty advocacy group Alabama Arise, in The Birmingham News. "As the poverty rate increases, government services have a greater demand."

Texas $7.25

Gini Coefficient: 0.474
Median Income: $47,475 (22nd Lowest)
Households Earning $200,000+: 3.83% (16th Highest)
Population Living Below Poverty Line: 17.20% (8th Highest)

Texas has the largest percentage of its population falling either below the poverty line or making more than $200,000 a year, relative to the other states. Just over 21% of the state's population falls into one of these two camps, although most fall into the former group. According to an article from the St. Petersburg Times', Texas had a GINI index of 0.37 in 1970, which increased to 0.42 in 1990, and is now 0.474, implying increasing long-term income inequality.

See more information at 24/7 Wall Street.
And? What is your point here? Spell it out clearly.


like that is going to happen


Apparently, you two dummies can't comprehend what you read.
If you can't explain your point then you would be the dummy.

Okay Einstein, you said that poverty is higher because of the higher minimum wage. I just showed you that the lowest paying state in the country has the highest amount of poverty.

Holy shit, you're a moron.
You're committing more fallacies than you know.
You ae looking at absolute wages at a moment in time. That doesnt really tell you anything. Look at wage growth instead. You'll find for example that Texas is the third fastest wage growth state in the country.
The States With the Fastest-Growing Wages Are Controlled by Republicans Coincidence - The Atlantic
fuck you

i can post whatever the hell i want

dumb asses like you think raising the minimum wage

raises folks out of poverty


really making a guaranteed 8.50 gets one out of poverty

how absurd


Minimum wage should be higher than $8.50. You don't get to bitch about poverty when you are against raising the minimum wage. And every time I see you bitch about it, I'm going to point out the fact that you're a moron.
Hell make it $50 and we'll all be rich, right?

I see logic and reason isn't your strong suit.
You can't defend $8.50 and you can't defent $50. Who is the one lacking logic here?

You're right, I can't defent $50. LOL! Moron.
You cant defend $8.50 either. lol!
You don't get to bitch about poverty when you are against raising the minimum wage.

On the other hand, those of us who are thoughtful can indeed be concerned about poverty and still be against raising the minimum wage. Perhaps if you were thoughtful as well you'd realize that poverty vs raising the minimum wage is a false dilemma.
This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.

While I recognize the dystopian nature of aborting severely messed up babies, from a lesser of two evils pov it's the right decision.

No one should be burdened with raising a severely screwed up kid with no hope of cure or quality of life. If there's a just deity then the baby is in heaven. If there's no gods, then there's no earthly reason we should allow such babies to be born. This is Sparta.
The minimum wage is not higher. It's been falling for 45 years.

perhaps you should get help with math



The real minimum wage below is in RED:


Actually, charts like this are floating all over the cyber spaces, using all kinds of figures of the nominal minimum wage. The odd thing, though, is that this one implies a particularly low nominal minimum wage, compared to most of the other charts.

It is a factual representation of the federal minimum wage.
LOL! No, it isnt. You understand that, right?

The blue line represents the nominal federal minimum wage. Cite the points on the chart where it is wrong.
I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!


the prezbo is in the midst of creating

the biggest mess the world has ever seen

Yes, like 5.4 unemployment.

you can shove your phony unemployment rate

where the sun dont shine

Life under Obama sucks. And these numbers prove it

The reason? Quality of life is poor. Starting at the very bottom, poverty levels point to stagnation. In January 2009 the poverty rate stood at 14.3 per cent. It rose to around 15 per cent and then fell back down in 2013 to 14.5 per cent (but the actual number of those in poverty remained the same from 2012). Things are worse for black Americans, whose poverty rate has risen in that same period from 25.8 per cent to 27.2 per cent.

Life under Obama sucks. And these numbers prove it - Telegraph

I'm sorry, you don't get to bitch about poverty and at the same time be against raising the minimum wage.
Dunderhead, poverty is higher BECAUSE of the higher min wage. Do you not get this?

The minimum wage is not higher.

Try living on $1.25 an hour.

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