Scott Walker thinks doctors should lie to women to prevent abortions

kaz said:
The Constitution doesn't mention abortion. The Federal government has no say to make it legal or illegal. Roe v. Wade was a Constitutional abomination, pure legislation from the bench

Actually, the Roe v. Wade decision is a CLARIFICATION of a human right not to be denied to women.

No, "clarification" doesn't mean to make something up

Fine. KAZ...try to have it both ways.....(such as, "I respect the SC's decision on Citizen United, but I hate them when it cam to Roe V. I being hypocritical? Sure, after all I'm a right winger.)
So its hypocrtical to approve of some decisions but disapprove of others? The USSC must be hypocritical because they have overturned previous court decisions fairly often
Even the co-founder of what is now known as NARAL (The National Abortion Rights Action League), Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who was an atheist, came to a not so surprising conclusion: a fetus is a human being. In 1974, he was one of the nation's foremost obstetricians and gynecologists. He owned what at that time was the largest abortion clinic in the Western Hemisphere, and presided over 60,000 abortions after Roe was handed down.

Dr. Nathanson began studying developments in the science of fetology, and started using ultrasound to observe an unborn child in the womb. What he found horrified him. He was ending human life. After he resigned from his position, he expressed how in the New England Journal of Medicine, he was "deeply troubled" by the revelation that he had committed the murder of 60,000 unborn human beings:

"I am deeply troubled by my own increasing certainty that I had in fact presided over 60,000 deaths."
This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.
A 15 year old story and libs think this is news. LOL!!!
Where are the indictments? Walker will be recalled any day now.

Holy smokes, they really are hard up and desperate. sheesh
that has to be a new low in my book.
Yes, a new low of looking at a candidate's history and the legislation he sponsored.

Geeze, shouldn't we just ignore all those past actions and just believe everything he says now?
If he were a Democrat you would!
Yeah, there are many goose-steppers on this board that never, ever criticize obvious flaws in their own party. People like YOU Rabbi, people like you. Hypocrite.
This, marks a new low, even for Republican candidates, on their war on women.

Scott Walker Doctors Should Lie To Pregnant Women To Prevent Abortions ThinkProgress

He introduced a bill that would allow doctors to withhold information to a patient if he though that such information, such as a deformed or non viable fetus, were to be revealed to the woman.
A 15 year old story and libs think this is news. LOL!!!
Where are the indictments? Walker will be recalled any day now.

Holy smokes, they really are hard up and desperate. sheesh
that has to be a new low in my book.
Yes, a new low of looking at a candidate's history and the legislation he sponsored.

Geeze, shouldn't we just ignore all those past actions and just believe everything he says now?
If he were a Democrat you would!
Yeah, there are many goose-steppers on this board that never, ever criticize obvious flaws in their own party. People like YOU Rabbi, people like you. Hypocrite.
Asshole, I've criticized the GOP plenty of times. Especially when they knuckle under to Demorats.

those leftist idiots

my fav

the cnn crying guy


probably a Union Plant, they were in the bogus recall of Walker along with the Democrat party. Thank gawd he kicked their asses and shined a spotlight on their dirty stuff they do

the tard claims that the left only spent 4 million

trying to dump walker


I'd have to call that, BS. Remember all the people they sent in to take over the capital building. some were camping out in it. that cost the Taxpayers millions to clean up after their nasty asses... Talk about Low. that is the Union/dnc slimy tactic to a tee.

Images for people camping in the Capitol building in ...

it was a mess

and like usual

they left it to others to clean it up

I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!


the prezbo is in the midst of creating

the biggest mess the world has ever seen
Kaz: "It's amazing how Obama caused a recovery with the same policies that W used to get us into the recession"

Amazing.....must be magic. Bush's policies cause the country to collapse, but you claim that Obama using the same policies was able to restore the economy? Sounds more like delusional wish-ful thinking in order to redeem George W. Bush as the worst president we've ever had.

Nearly 60 percent of the historians and political scientists in a 2006 Siena College survey rated Bush's presidency a failure and two-thirds said he did not have a realistic chance of improving his standing.

A 2010 Siena ranking of presidential scholars rated Bush as one of the nation's five worst presidents. A similar 2009 C-SPAN ranking put Bush in the bottom eight.

It is certainly possible that years of reflection and a reinterpretation of his presidency could end up putting Bush in a more positive light, but there's no avoiding the reality that his decision to go to war in Iraq and policies of fiscal recklessness led to huge problems for the country.

Was George W. Bush the worst president ever

So you can't say what policies Obama had that were different from W either, huh?

Oh, there were plenty that were different......I'm not going to list them. But you're the one that is saying Obama used the same policies....only they failed for Bush but somehow they worked miracles for Obama.....okie-dokie.....:rolleyes:
kaz said:
So you can't say what policies Obama had that were different from W either, huh?

There were many......I'm not going to list them.

Of course you aren't, you can't. You have no idea, none, zero.

You're the one that is saying Obama used the same policies....only they failed for Bush but somehow they worked miracles for Obama.....okie-dokie.....:rolleyes:

Swish. No, that isn't what I am saying. Once again a liberal misses an obvious point. W and Obama were both tax and spend liberals. You are taking credit for something that didn't happen, Obama causing the economy to recover. They were both shitty economic Presidents who have done nothing but harm the economy. Economies actually come out of recessions. Almost never as slowly as Obama did though. That's because he was continuing to harm it
Anything that the Supreme Court determines to be constitutional, is, by definition, constitutional.

You can take that to the bank...and to law school.

Our rights come from government? That's sick.

And actually, "by definition" Constitutional rights were assigned by the People, not the SCOTUS. Do you know what the first three words of the Constitution are?

Well, Kaz just singlehandedly turned out three branch government into a two branch government. There are going to be a hell of a lot of attorneys out of work!
Anything that the Supreme Court determines to be constitutional, is, by definition, constitutional.

You can take that to the bank...and to law school.

Our rights come from government? That's sick.

And actually, "by definition" Constitutional rights were assigned by the People, not the SCOTUS. Do you know what the first three words of the Constitution are?

Well, Kaz just singlehandedly turned out three branch government into a two branch government. There are going to be a hell of a lot of attorneys out of work!

I'd have to call that, BS. Remember all the people they sent in to take over the capital building. some were camping out in it. that cost the Taxpayers millions to clean up after their nasty asses... Talk about Low. that is the Union/dnc slimy tactic to a tee.

Images for people camping in the Capitol building in ...

it was a mess

and like usual

they left it to others to clean it up

I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!

Obama created the mess. The economy had bottomed out when he took office. Instead of the robust recovery we should have had, Democrat policies have guaranteed the worst recovery on record. Those 1M people not working sure arent blaming Bush.
And why does your chart stop at 2008? Let's see what it would look like extended to today.

Recovery from what? You just said Obama created the mess and that the economy bottomed out on (laughing) Obama's watch.

Soooooo, recovery from what, Ding dong?
I realize this is difficult for you to comprehend.
All Obama had to do to produce a strong economy was....nothing. We were on our way to renewed growth. But since he couldnt let a crisis go to waste he pushed through the Dem Congress bills like Dodd Frank and ACA, along with cash for clunkers, and everyhting else.
The results have beent he worst economic recovery in post war history. Over 1M out of the workforce.

We weren't on our way to renewed anything. We were scraping the bottom of the barrel. Romney promised he would get the unemployment down to 6%. We are now at 5.4%. :D:D:D
Anything that the Supreme Court determines to be constitutional, is, by definition, constitutional.

You can take that to the bank...and to law school.

Our rights come from government? That's sick.

And actually, "by definition" Constitutional rights were assigned by the People, not the SCOTUS. Do you know what the first three words of the Constitution are?

Well, Kaz just singlehandedly turned out three branch government into a two branch government. There are going to be a hell of a lot of attorneys out of work!


Kaz, you must not misinterpret my post as an argument. I am simply making fun of the divorce from reality that you seem to have experienced!
Even the co-founder of what is now known as NARAL (The National Abortion Rights Action League), Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who was an atheist, came to a not so surprising conclusion: a fetus is a human being. In 1974, he was one of the nation's foremost obstetricians and gynecologists. He owned what at that time was the largest abortion clinic in the Western Hemisphere, and presided over 60,000 abortions after Roe was handed down.

Dr. Nathanson began studying developments in the science of fetology, and started using ultrasound to observe an unborn child in the womb. What he found horrified him. He was ending human life. After he resigned from his position, he expressed how in the New England Journal of Medicine, he was "deeply troubled" by the revelation that he had committed the murder of 60,000 unborn human beings:

"I am deeply troubled by my own increasing certainty that I had in fact presided over 60,000 deaths."

This is why liberals fought against ultrasounds before abortion procedures. They claimed they were unnecessary and a ploy to talk women out of abortions. Doctors like knowing about major problems before proceeding with surgeries, but the left realized that if women actually saw the fetus, they wouldn't have the heart to go through with the abortion.
"Now, Mr. Jones, you have come to me requesting a vasectomy. I can do that for you, but I am required by law to first show you two episodes of 'Leave it to Beaver', reflecting the joys of parenthood, before the procedure".
probably a Union Plant, they were in the bogus recall of Walker along with the Democrat party. Thank gawd he kicked their asses and shined a spotlight on their dirty stuff they do

the tard claims that the left only spent 4 million

trying to dump walker


I'd have to call that, BS. Remember all the people they sent in to take over the capital building. some were camping out in it. that cost the Taxpayers millions to clean up after their nasty asses... Talk about Low. that is the Union/dnc slimy tactic to a tee.

Images for people camping in the Capitol building in ...

it was a mess

and like usual

they left it to others to clean it up

I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!


the prezbo is in the midst of creating

the biggest mess the world has ever seen

Yes, like 5.4 unemployment.
clearly the positive affects that his policies have had in WI are scaring the living shit out of leftist.

Exactly WHAT are those "positive affects" [sic]? (should be effects)

Here's one of those "positive"......

(Bloomberg) -- Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, facing a $283 million deficit that needs to be closed by the end of June, will skip more than $100 million in debt payments to balance the books thrown into disarray by his tax cuts.

Any more "positive a ffects" 2thumbsup yours????
Wisconsin Thrives Under Scott Walker The American Spectator

I don't think women who would be forced to bear children with extreme birth defects would thrive, nor would their families. How would you deal with a life tending to a child who is extremely debilitated for life with an extreme birth defect? Do you even have any iota of knowledge what such a thing is like? I worked with such children for a time, and it is not something anyone with any sensibilities would wish on another.

Children who cannot talk or communicate, who cannot eat for themselves, who need diapers all of their lives, who cannot learn, who are not mobile in any sense, who suffer themselves daily a life of pain, isolation and misery. This is what you want other people to live. It is not something you'd accept willingly for your own life.

And you want doctors to hide the fact that such a child is growing in a woman's womb, so that she bears, unknowingly, such a fate, a sad, sad fate for her, her family, her other children, and, most importantly, the child itself.

find the post where I claimed I wanted any of that, and when you fail, I won't expect you to be an adult and apologize
the tard claims that the left only spent 4 million

trying to dump walker


I'd have to call that, BS. Remember all the people they sent in to take over the capital building. some were camping out in it. that cost the Taxpayers millions to clean up after their nasty asses... Talk about Low. that is the Union/dnc slimy tactic to a tee.

Images for people camping in the Capitol building in ...

it was a mess

and like usual

they left it to others to clean it up

I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!


the prezbo is in the midst of creating

the biggest mess the world has ever seen

Yes, like 5.4 unemployment.

you can shove your phony unemployment rate

where the sun dont shine

Life under Obama sucks. And these numbers prove it

The reason? Quality of life is poor. Starting at the very bottom, poverty levels point to stagnation. In January 2009 the poverty rate stood at 14.3 per cent. It rose to around 15 per cent and then fell back down in 2013 to 14.5 per cent (but the actual number of those in poverty remained the same from 2012). Things are worse for black Americans, whose poverty rate has risen in that same period from 25.8 per cent to 27.2 per cent.

Life under Obama sucks. And these numbers prove it - Telegraph

If presidents have no effect on the economy, then why do so many of your rightwing pals incessantly claim that the economy would be doing better if McCain or Romney had been elected?
Is it ever possible that you could post something that is not a strawman fallacy? I mean, you do this at least once a day on here. Pretty tiring actually.

Are you denying that you claimed Obama had no effect on the economy?

Are you denying that you people have claimed the above about Obama's opponents?

Careful how you answer... lol...
I never claimed Obama had no effect on the economy. The opposite, in fact.
I dont know who "you people" is. Thus I cant answer the second question.
Arent you tired of strawman fallacies?

'You people' are those upon whose feet the shoes fit. Is that too complicated for you?

Oh right you wanted to pretend that Obama hindered the growth of the economy.

Which president hindered the growth of the economy in the 80's, when we had a double dip recession?
Complicated? It's nonsense. A non-answer.
There is no pretending Obama hindered the growth of the economy. Average growth is under 2% in what is supposed to be a recovery. That is by every measure the worst performance under a president in post war history.
Which president hindered the growth of the economy in the 80s? Probably Richard Nixon with his layering on government agenices in the 70s. If you were thinking Reagan you were thinking wrong. Clinton's boom economy he inherited was due entirely to Reagan's legacy.

Oh so you wish to claim that economic weakness in the 80's couldn't have been affected by Reagan but slow growth in the last 5 years must have been affected by Obama.

lol, a classic Rabbism.
I'd have to call that, BS. Remember all the people they sent in to take over the capital building. some were camping out in it. that cost the Taxpayers millions to clean up after their nasty asses... Talk about Low. that is the Union/dnc slimy tactic to a tee.

Images for people camping in the Capitol building in ...

it was a mess

and like usual

they left it to others to clean it up

I'm thinking about the mess Obama's had to clean up. That 5.4 unemployment rate is going to be hard for Republican's to overcome this next election.

Maybe we'll have another Ebola scare!


the prezbo is in the midst of creating

the biggest mess the world has ever seen

Yes, like 5.4 unemployment.

you can shove your phony unemployment rate

where the sun dont shine

Life under Obama sucks. And these numbers prove it

The reason? Quality of life is poor. Starting at the very bottom, poverty levels point to stagnation. In January 2009 the poverty rate stood at 14.3 per cent. It rose to around 15 per cent and then fell back down in 2013 to 14.5 per cent (but the actual number of those in poverty remained the same from 2012). Things are worse for black Americans, whose poverty rate has risen in that same period from 25.8 per cent to 27.2 per cent.

Life under Obama sucks. And these numbers prove it - Telegraph

I'm sorry, you don't get to bitch about poverty and at the same time be against raising the minimum wage.
Is it ever possible that you could post something that is not a strawman fallacy? I mean, you do this at least once a day on here. Pretty tiring actually.

Are you denying that you claimed Obama had no effect on the economy?

Are you denying that you people have claimed the above about Obama's opponents?

Careful how you answer... lol...
I never claimed Obama had no effect on the economy. The opposite, in fact.
I dont know who "you people" is. Thus I cant answer the second question.
Arent you tired of strawman fallacies?

'You people' are those upon whose feet the shoes fit. Is that too complicated for you?

Oh right you wanted to pretend that Obama hindered the growth of the economy.

Which president hindered the growth of the economy in the 80's, when we had a double dip recession?
Complicated? It's nonsense. A non-answer.
There is no pretending Obama hindered the growth of the economy. Average growth is under 2% in what is supposed to be a recovery. That is by every measure the worst performance under a president in post war history.
Which president hindered the growth of the economy in the 80s? Probably Richard Nixon with his layering on government agenices in the 70s. If you were thinking Reagan you were thinking wrong. Clinton's boom economy he inherited was due entirely to Reagan's legacy.

Oh so you wish to claim that economic weakness in the 80's couldn't have been affected by Reagan but slow growth in the last 5 years must have been affected by Obama.

lol, a classic Rabbism.
What economic weakness, moron? The 1980s were one of the fastest growth decades in post war history.
You're really really bad at this debate stuff.

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