Scientists Develop Chemical That May Stop Aging Process


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Scientists Develop Chemical That May Stop Aging Process

Hope the lab wasn't in Raccoon City.:eek:

Australian and US researchers have come up with a composite that can turn back aging of muscles in rats, claiming it would pave way to reverse human aging.

When utilized in experiments, the composite provided rats with more vitality, toning the muscles, diminishing inflammation, and leading to major advances in insulin fight.

Scientists claim that it really turned around the process of aging, not merely decelerating it, and state that for mankind, the impact could be one where a person who is 60 feeling like he is 20.

Professor David Sinclair who is a geneticist at University of New South Wales states that “aging at the molecular level has been studied by me now for almost 20 years and I never thought I would see the day where aging is reversed. I believed I would be fortunate to decelerate it only a little”.

The study team stated that their discoveries can even be utilized for cancer treatment, type 2 diabetes and other diseases.

Earlier studies have demonstrated the manner in which a chemical called NAD commences this communication cascade between the nucleus and mitochondria and levels of this chemical diminish as we grow old. In this initial study, the scientists dealt with a composite that cells transformed into NAD to repair the communications network and rapidly recreate both communication and mitochondrial purpose. Earlier attempts have only succeeded at decelerating the debility of NAD by way of diet and exercise.

Scientists at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) did their research on animal models to show the efficiency of their new composite.
I remember hearing a scientist who worked in that field talking about the aging process about 30 years ago. He was saying that it would actually be easier to reverse the process than to slow it down. He was talking about genetic engineering but there are also many advancements in other methods as well.
You can't stop aging.

It has long been plausible to stop and reverse aging effects, dude.

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Anti-aging formula slated to begin human trials | I Fucking Love Science

A normal part of human aging involves senescence, which is a general wearing out of the body over time. Muscles begin to lose tone and become inflamed over time, and they also can develop insulin resistance. Without being able to use insulin, the cells aren’t able to uptake the glucose needed for activity. These problems contribute to why many elderly people have trouble getting around and athletes aren’t able to sustain certain levels of activity as they age.

A regular metabolic coenzyme known as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) was administered to mice in hopes that it would slow the aging of skeletal muscle. The researchers were shocked to find that it didn’t slow aging; it dramatically reversed it. In under a week, the mice who had previously been suffering from a variety of age-related impairments experienced an increase in muscle tone, as if they had been exercising and following a healthy diet. In some regards, the compound acted like the proverbial fountain of youth.

The secret to reversing aging, as it turns out, is hidden in the mitochondria. In humans and most other species, mitochondrial DNA is passed down only by the mother. These genes are responsible for becoming the cellular powerhouse and generating ATP, which cells use for energy. The team discovered that, over time, genes from the mitochondrial genome stop interacting with genes from the nuclear genome. Administering NAD+ reverses this trend and encourages communication.

NAD+ is involved in redox reactions, which regulate electron transfer in metabolic processes. As the mice grew older and less active, their levels of NAD+ had basically been cut in half. By replenishing this critical compound in the mice, their muscles had been rejuvenated. The natural process that deteriorates skeletal muscle is the same one that affects the heart.

Human trials of NAD+ treatments will begin in 2014. If the results are anything like what was experienced by the mice, it will be the equivalent of a 60 year old having the fitness of a 20 year old.

This pill could give your brain the learning powers of a 7-year-old - The Week
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No you can't. You're gonna die just like everyone else with a bunch of clueless doctors standing around charging $100 an hour to say I dunno.
No you can't. You're gonna die just like everyone else with a bunch of clueless doctors standing around charging $100 an hour to say I dunno.

Dude, it is documented that they can reverse aging in mice and will soon be able to do the same thing with people.

That doesn't mean you will be immortal. Eventually you will die from something; accident homicide, suicide, new illnesses yet uncured, etc.

But reversing again is a done deal, now its only a matter of how to make it work in human beings and then get through all the government testing and validation.

Now people that go around taking stupid risks with their life will still die in droves, but that is their choice, not lack of medical tech.
Scientists Develop Chemical That May Stop Aging Process

Hope the lab wasn't in Raccoon City.:eek:

Australian and US researchers have come up with a composite that can turn back aging of muscles in rats, claiming it would pave way to reverse human aging.

When utilized in experiments, the composite provided rats with more vitality, toning the muscles, diminishing inflammation, and leading to major advances in insulin fight.

Scientists claim that it really turned around the process of aging, not merely decelerating it, and state that for mankind, the impact could be one where a person who is 60 feeling like he is 20.

Professor David Sinclair who is a geneticist at University of New South Wales states that “aging at the molecular level has been studied by me now for almost 20 years and I never thought I would see the day where aging is reversed. I believed I would be fortunate to decelerate it only a little”.

The study team stated that their discoveries can even be utilized for cancer treatment, type 2 diabetes and other diseases.

Earlier studies have demonstrated the manner in which a chemical called NAD commences this communication cascade between the nucleus and mitochondria and levels of this chemical diminish as we grow old. In this initial study, the scientists dealt with a composite that cells transformed into NAD to repair the communications network and rapidly recreate both communication and mitochondrial purpose. Earlier attempts have only succeeded at decelerating the debility of NAD by way of diet and exercise.

Scientists at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) did their research on animal models to show the efficiency of their new composite.

After which, they become crazed flesh eating Zombies! :eusa_shifty:
Science fiction comes true again...
There was a movie I saw once...where science stopped the aging process and those in control killed people at a certain age to control population... but they thought they were being "transformed" into some new life or something.
That is up next. :eusa_shifty:
Science fiction comes true again...
There was a movie I saw once...where science stopped the aging process and those in control killed people at a certain age to control population... but they thought they were being "transformed" into some new life or something.
That is up next. :eusa_shifty:

[ame=]Logan's Run Official Trailer #1 - Michael York Movie (1976) HD - YouTube[/ame]
No you can't. You're gonna die just like everyone else with a bunch of clueless doctors standing around charging $100 an hour to say I dunno.

Dude, it is documented that they can reverse aging in mice and will soon be able to do the same thing with people.

That doesn't mean you will be immortal. Eventually you will die from something; accident homicide, suicide, new illnesses yet uncured, etc.

But reversing again is a done deal, now its only a matter of how to make it work in human beings and then get through all the government testing and validation.

Now people that go around taking stupid risks with their life will still die in droves, but that is their choice, not lack of medical tech.
Have these lab mice exceeded life expectancy for mice? These researchers, I trust, are recording the years and months that these test subjects are living.

If they live longer than mice typically live, then that's good. If they don't, then wouldn't these reverse processes just be cosmetic?

Seems to me that longevity would be the real test of age reversal.
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No you can't. You're gonna die just like everyone else with a bunch of clueless doctors standing around charging $100 an hour to say I dunno.

Dude, it is documented that they can reverse aging in mice and will soon be able to do the same thing with people.

That doesn't mean you will be immortal. Eventually you will die from something; accident homicide, suicide, new illnesses yet uncured, etc.

But reversing again is a done deal, now its only a matter of how to make it work in human beings and then get through all the government testing and validation.

Now people that go around taking stupid risks with their life will still die in droves, but that is their choice, not lack of medical tech.
Have these lab mice exceeded life expectancy for mice? These researchers, I trust, are recording the years and months that these test subjects are living.

If they live longer than mice typically live, then that's good. If they don't, then wouldn't these reverse processes just be cosmetic?

Seems to me that longevity would be the real test of age reversal.

Molecules in the brain trigger ageing : Nature News & Comment

The area of the brain that controls growth, reproduction and metabolism also kick-starts ageing, according to a study published today in Nature1. The finding could lead to new treatments for age-related illnesses, helping people to live longer.

Dongsheng Cai, a physiologist at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, and his colleagues tracked the activity of NF-κB — a molecule that controls DNA transcription and is involved in inflammation and the body's response to stress — in the brains of mice. They found that the molecule becomes more active in the brain area called the hypothalamus as a mouse grows older.

Further tests suggested that NF-κB activity helps to determine when mice display signs of ageing. Animals lived longer than normal when they were injected with a substance that inhibited the activity of NF-κB in immune cells called microglia in the hypothalamus. Mice that received a substance to stimulate the activity of NF-κB died earlier.

“We have provided scientific evidence for the concept that systemic ageing is influenced by a particular tissue in the body,” says Cai.

Health and well-being

The researchers examined the health and mental abilities of the mice six months after the initial experiment. Animals injected with the NF-κB inhibitor performed better than controls on tasks designed to test their cognition and movement. They also showed less age-related decline in muscle strength, skin thickness, bone mass and tail-tendon integrity. The mice in which NF-κB was activated experienced more age-related decline. The results were similar in males and females.

Treating middle-aged mice to suppress the production of IKK-β, an enzyme that activates NF-κB, in microglia in the hypothalamus also reduced age-related cognitive and physical declines. Suppressing IKK-β in all areas of the brain increased median lifespan by 23% and maximum lifespan by 20%.

The researchers report that NF-κB counteracts the effects of a hormone called gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), reducing brain-cell growth and shutting down the mice's reproductive systems. Injecting mice with GnRH slowed down ageing and triggered the growth of new brain cells. That suggests that inflammation and stress are an evolutionary signal to the body to stop reproducing, which triggers the start of the ageing process.

The findings are “a major breakthrough in ageing research”, says David Sinclair, a molecular biologist at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts.

He says that a key finding is that blocking the effects of NF-κB produced anti-ageing effects even when it was done in middle age.

"Some of us could live to 150, but we won't get there without more research."

He explained that increasing SIRT1 activity improved how well our cells operated, making them less sluggish. In previous experiments, mice, bees and flies given the SIRT1-boosting compounds lived longer.
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Who wants to live forever? (Now I am thinking of the movie Highlander and the song by Queen).

I don't.
Who wants to live forever? (Now I am thinking of the movie Highlander and the song by Queen).

I don't.

You really don't have a choice anyway NOW, obviously.

Once you have a real choice to live a healthy and fully functional longer life, you might very well change your mind.

If not, then why live past 45, the old maximum life span circa 1900?

If living an extra thirty years via life span gains since 1900 is OK, then why wouldn't another 80 years be OK if they are healthy and fully functional 80 years?
Have these lab mice exceeded life expectancy for mice? These researchers, I trust, are recording the years and months that these test subjects are living.

If they live longer than mice typically live, then that's good. If they don't, then wouldn't these reverse processes just be cosmetic?

Seems to me that longevity would be the real test of age reversal.

No they aren't living longer. You can't change nature. With that I have always known aging is not a matter of time. It is a process. Progeria proves that. The best science can hope to do is increase the quality of life 'aka' make you a more attractive corpse. The reality of the world is you start out in a onesy and you end up in one. If you could find some way to allow people to not be drooling in a nursing home at 80 that would be worth the price of admission.
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Have these lab mice exceeded life expectancy for mice? These researchers, I trust, are recording the years and months that these test subjects are living.

If they live longer than mice typically live, then that's good. If they don't, then wouldn't these reverse processes just be cosmetic?

Seems to me that longevity would be the real test of age reversal.

No they aren't living longer. You can't change nature. With that I have always known aging is not a matter of time It is a process. Progeria proves that. The best science can hope to do is increase the quality of life aka make you a more attractive corpse. The reality of the world is you start out in a onesy and you end up in one. If you could find some way to allow people to not be drooling in a nursing home at 80 that would be worth the price of admission.

No, politico, they ARE living longer, depending on the experiment the mice live anywhere from 20% to 300%+ longer lives.

Lol, you really seem to be determined to not accept simple facts; people will be living much longer lives in the near future, in fact the rate at which life spans are increasing is catching up to the rate that the calendar moves - actuarial escape velocity is when life span increase is FASTER than the calendar change. And that is getting ready to start within the next ten years or less.

Here is a partial list of the experiments done so far.

Stem Cell Treatment
When injected with muscle stem cells from young mice, older mice with a condition that causes them to age rapidly saw a threefold increase in their life spans, said study co-author Johnny Huard, a stem-cell expert at the McGowan Institute for Regenerative
Medicine in Pittsburgh.

Drug supplements
The microscopic nematode worm, Caenorhabditis elegans, normally lives only 20 days, after which it usually curls up and dies.
But now scientists, using some very simple drugs, have managed to double its life span. And, with a little help from flies and mice, and possibly some human guinea pigs, they are hot on the trail of what they think could be the “elixir of life.”

Amino Acid supplements
Enzo Nisoli and colleagues developed a cocktail of amino acids and gave it to mice via their water supply. Those mice that received the supplement had a longer median lifespan – 869 days compared to 774 days in the control group, an impressive 12% increase.

Gene Therapy
An experimental gene therapy recently tested on mice at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre found that by modifying a non-replicating virus to trigger production of an enzyme that repairs chromosomes, scientists were able to slow down cellular aging in the mice by up to 24 percent.....Mice treated at 2-years-old saw their lifespans increase by up to 15 percent, but scientists said that mice treated at 1-year-old saw the most benefit, with lifespans that lasted up to 24 percent longer.

And the added months of life (or days for the worms, lol) was healthy and normal, not barely surviving on some artificial life support, but active and healthy, like young test subjects.
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