Science In Need Of Context


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.In light of the Wuhan/Mask/Lockdown Hoax being exposed, this appears to be an opportune time to remind all of one simple rule: Experts, 'scientists,' bureaucrats ...don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty to any of them, than anyone else. Not politicians, bureaucrats, economists, pastors....whatever. should know that they have been forced to embrace the collective, oppose the separation of powers, and or checks and balances, and the result is a tyranny of the elites .
You should have learned from the finest President in a hundred years:

Trust, but verify.


2. I admit to a being barraged by Darwin-believers who claim science as their cause, but fail to see that Darwinism fails as science. It remains unproven, even its popularizers pretend it isn't what it, and any criticism is met with emotion rather than discussion....hardly a scientific method.

Just like that mask thing.

3. Today is the anniversary of sorts of the most famous popularizer of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Stephen Jay Gould, the day he passed on.

Stephen Jay Gould, (born September 10, 1941, New York, New York, U.S.—died May 20, 2002, New York), American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and science writer.
…Gould became widely known as a writer, polemicist, and popularizer of evolutionary theory.

No where in the article is the most important aspect of Gould’s views mentioned: Marxism.
If you are a government school grad, you were taught to ignore it, too.

3. Marxism is the context. Suddenly, it become clear why certain individuals push Darwin’s Theory and abjure any religious view.

" The Socialist Worker Online mentions that Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School.
... Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School, which was dedicated to using "Marx's uniquely valuable contributions…to study conditions today and possibilities for transcending capitalism and building an emancipatory society."
Gasper, Phil, ‘A scientist of the people’, Socialist Worker Online, 7 June 2002, p8

4. A famous quote made by Gould is that within his Jewish-Marxist family subculture he learned his Marxism ‘at his daddy's knee’. He has said that his politics were very different from his father’s, but never explained exactly how. Some have speculated that this referred to a rejection of Stalinism. Whatever the meaning, it is clear from Gould’s work that he was strongly influenced by Marxist beliefs. In his book The Culture of Critique, evolutionist author Kevin MacDonald writes that Gould has ‘acknowledged that his theory of evolution as punctuated equilibria was attractive to him as a Marxist because it posited periodic revolutionary upheavals in evolution rather than conservative, gradualist change’
MacDonald, Kevin, ‘The Culture of Critique’

5. Stephen Jay Gould ultimately may not have been an atheist or a Marxist, but nearly his whole life argues in favor of both positions.

One an only conjecture as to why mention of his Marxist views never seem to get mentioned.

Could it be ‘context’?
6. There is a reason that the Left doesn’t advertise that Gould was a Marxist, and his theses reflect it: without Darwin’s Theory, there is neither historic nor scientific proof of Marxism. And, even worse, religion gets as boost.

If they can get you to alter your focus, your attention, they can win the game.
That applies to sports, and to politics, and to science.

Be sharp, and recognize that connected.

Indra's net : Buddhist concepts of interpenetration hold that all phenomena are intimately connected; for the Huayan school, Indra's net symbolizes a universe where infinitely repeated mutual relations exist between all members of the universe.[5] This idea is communicated in the image of the interconnectedness of the universe as seen in the net of the Vedic god Indra, whose net hangs over his palace on Mount Meru, the axis mundi of Vedic cosmology and Vedic mythology. Indra's net has a multifaceted jewel at each vertex, and each jewel is reflected in all of the other jewels:[6] Indra's net - Wikipedia

If you fail to look for connections, the Left, for whom there is no morality or tradition, well then, you won't see that getting you to accept transgenderism opens the door to pedophilia.
1.In light of the Wuhan/Mask/Lockdown Hoax being exposed, this appears to be an opportune time to remind all of one simple rule: Experts, 'scientists,' bureaucrats ...don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty to any of them, than anyone else. Not politicians, bureaucrats, economists, pastors....whatever. should know that they have been forced to embrace the collective, oppose the separation of powers, and or checks and balances, and the result is a tyranny of the elites .
You should have learned from the finest President in a hundred years:

Trust, but verify.

View attachment 491570

2. I admit to a being barraged by Darwin-believers who claim science as their cause, but fail to see that Darwinism fails as science. It remains unproven, even its popularizers pretend it isn't what it, and any criticism is met with emotion rather than discussion....hardly a scientific method.

Just like that mask thing.

3. Today is the anniversary of sorts of the most famous popularizer of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Stephen Jay Gould, the day he passed on.

Stephen Jay Gould, (born September 10, 1941, New York, New York, U.S.—died May 20, 2002, New York), American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and science writer.
…Gould became widely known as a writer, polemicist, and popularizer of evolutionary theory.

No where in the article is the most important aspect of Gould’s views mentioned: Marxism.
If you are a government school grad, you were taught to ignore it, too.

3. Marxism is the context. Suddenly, it become clear why certain individuals push Darwin’s Theory and abjure any religious view.

" The Socialist Worker Online mentions that Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School.
... Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School, which was dedicated to using "Marx's uniquely valuable contributions…to study conditions today and possibilities for transcending capitalism and building an emancipatory society."
Gasper, Phil, ‘A scientist of the people’, Socialist Worker Online, 7 June 2002, p8

4. A famous quote made by Gould is that within his Jewish-Marxist family subculture he learned his Marxism ‘at his daddy's knee’. He has said that his politics were very different from his father’s, but never explained exactly how. Some have speculated that this referred to a rejection of Stalinism. Whatever the meaning, it is clear from Gould’s work that he was strongly influenced by Marxist beliefs. In his book The Culture of Critique, evolutionist author Kevin MacDonald writes that Gould has ‘acknowledged that his theory of evolution as punctuated equilibria was attractive to him as a Marxist because it posited periodic revolutionary upheavals in evolution rather than conservative, gradualist change’
MacDonald, Kevin, ‘The Culture of Critique’

5. Stephen Jay Gould ultimately may not have been an atheist or a Marxist, but nearly his whole life argues in favor of both positions.

One an only conjecture as to why mention of his Marxist views never seem to get mentioned.

Could it be ‘context’?
This thread does not belong in the science section. Conspiracy Theory or Rubber Room.
1.In light of the Wuhan/Mask/Lockdown Hoax being exposed, this appears to be an opportune time to remind all of one simple rule: Experts, 'scientists,' bureaucrats ...don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty to any of them, than anyone else. Not politicians, bureaucrats, economists, pastors....whatever. should know that they have been forced to embrace the collective, oppose the separation of powers, and or checks and balances, and the result is a tyranny of the elites .
You should have learned from the finest President in a hundred years:

Trust, but verify.

View attachment 491570

2. I admit to a being barraged by Darwin-believers who claim science as their cause, but fail to see that Darwinism fails as science. It remains unproven, even its popularizers pretend it isn't what it, and any criticism is met with emotion rather than discussion....hardly a scientific method.

Just like that mask thing.

3. Today is the anniversary of sorts of the most famous popularizer of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Stephen Jay Gould, the day he passed on.

Stephen Jay Gould, (born September 10, 1941, New York, New York, U.S.—died May 20, 2002, New York), American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and science writer.
…Gould became widely known as a writer, polemicist, and popularizer of evolutionary theory.

No where in the article is the most important aspect of Gould’s views mentioned: Marxism.
If you are a government school grad, you were taught to ignore it, too.

3. Marxism is the context. Suddenly, it become clear why certain individuals push Darwin’s Theory and abjure any religious view.

" The Socialist Worker Online mentions that Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School.
... Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School, which was dedicated to using "Marx's uniquely valuable contributions…to study conditions today and possibilities for transcending capitalism and building an emancipatory society."
Gasper, Phil, ‘A scientist of the people’, Socialist Worker Online, 7 June 2002, p8

4. A famous quote made by Gould is that within his Jewish-Marxist family subculture he learned his Marxism ‘at his daddy's knee’. He has said that his politics were very different from his father’s, but never explained exactly how. Some have speculated that this referred to a rejection of Stalinism. Whatever the meaning, it is clear from Gould’s work that he was strongly influenced by Marxist beliefs. In his book The Culture of Critique, evolutionist author Kevin MacDonald writes that Gould has ‘acknowledged that his theory of evolution as punctuated equilibria was attractive to him as a Marxist because it posited periodic revolutionary upheavals in evolution rather than conservative, gradualist change’
MacDonald, Kevin, ‘The Culture of Critique’

5. Stephen Jay Gould ultimately may not have been an atheist or a Marxist, but nearly his whole life argues in favor of both positions.

One an only conjecture as to why mention of his Marxist views never seem to get mentioned.

Could it be ‘context’?
Darwin owns your brain

Very sad
1.In light of the Wuhan/Mask/Lockdown Hoax being exposed, this appears to be an opportune time to remind all of one simple rule: Experts, 'scientists,' bureaucrats ...don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty to any of them, than anyone else. Not politicians, bureaucrats, economists, pastors....whatever. should know that they have been forced to embrace the collective, oppose the separation of powers, and or checks and balances, and the result is a tyranny of the elites .
You should have learned from the finest President in a hundred years:

Trust, but verify.

View attachment 491570

2. I admit to a being barraged by Darwin-believers who claim science as their cause, but fail to see that Darwinism fails as science. It remains unproven, even its popularizers pretend it isn't what it, and any criticism is met with emotion rather than discussion....hardly a scientific method.

Just like that mask thing.

3. Today is the anniversary of sorts of the most famous popularizer of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Stephen Jay Gould, the day he passed on.

Stephen Jay Gould, (born September 10, 1941, New York, New York, U.S.—died May 20, 2002, New York), American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and science writer.
…Gould became widely known as a writer, polemicist, and popularizer of evolutionary theory.

No where in the article is the most important aspect of Gould’s views mentioned: Marxism.
If you are a government school grad, you were taught to ignore it, too.

3. Marxism is the context. Suddenly, it become clear why certain individuals push Darwin’s Theory and abjure any religious view.

" The Socialist Worker Online mentions that Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School.
... Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School, which was dedicated to using "Marx's uniquely valuable contributions…to study conditions today and possibilities for transcending capitalism and building an emancipatory society."
Gasper, Phil, ‘A scientist of the people’, Socialist Worker Online, 7 June 2002, p8

4. A famous quote made by Gould is that within his Jewish-Marxist family subculture he learned his Marxism ‘at his daddy's knee’. He has said that his politics were very different from his father’s, but never explained exactly how. Some have speculated that this referred to a rejection of Stalinism. Whatever the meaning, it is clear from Gould’s work that he was strongly influenced by Marxist beliefs. In his book The Culture of Critique, evolutionist author Kevin MacDonald writes that Gould has ‘acknowledged that his theory of evolution as punctuated equilibria was attractive to him as a Marxist because it posited periodic revolutionary upheavals in evolution rather than conservative, gradualist change’
MacDonald, Kevin, ‘The Culture of Critique’

5. Stephen Jay Gould ultimately may not have been an atheist or a Marxist, but nearly his whole life argues in favor of both positions.

One an only conjecture as to why mention of his Marxist views never seem to get mentioned.

Could it be ‘context’?
Darwin owns your brain

Very sad

So there was nothing in the post that you could dispute?

And that's as far as what passes for thinking from your sort, allows?

Very sad.
1.In light of the Wuhan/Mask/Lockdown Hoax being exposed, this appears to be an opportune time to remind all of one simple rule: Experts, 'scientists,' bureaucrats ...don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty to any of them, than anyone else. Not politicians, bureaucrats, economists, pastors....whatever. should know that they have been forced to embrace the collective, oppose the separation of powers, and or checks and balances, and the result is a tyranny of the elites .
You should have learned from the finest President in a hundred years:

Trust, but verify.

View attachment 491570

2. I admit to a being barraged by Darwin-believers who claim science as their cause, but fail to see that Darwinism fails as science. It remains unproven, even its popularizers pretend it isn't what it, and any criticism is met with emotion rather than discussion....hardly a scientific method.

Just like that mask thing.

3. Today is the anniversary of sorts of the most famous popularizer of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Stephen Jay Gould, the day he passed on.

Stephen Jay Gould, (born September 10, 1941, New York, New York, U.S.—died May 20, 2002, New York), American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and science writer.
…Gould became widely known as a writer, polemicist, and popularizer of evolutionary theory.

No where in the article is the most important aspect of Gould’s views mentioned: Marxism.
If you are a government school grad, you were taught to ignore it, too.

3. Marxism is the context. Suddenly, it become clear why certain individuals push Darwin’s Theory and abjure any religious view.

" The Socialist Worker Online mentions that Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School.
... Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School, which was dedicated to using "Marx's uniquely valuable contributions…to study conditions today and possibilities for transcending capitalism and building an emancipatory society."
Gasper, Phil, ‘A scientist of the people’, Socialist Worker Online, 7 June 2002, p8

4. A famous quote made by Gould is that within his Jewish-Marxist family subculture he learned his Marxism ‘at his daddy's knee’. He has said that his politics were very different from his father’s, but never explained exactly how. Some have speculated that this referred to a rejection of Stalinism. Whatever the meaning, it is clear from Gould’s work that he was strongly influenced by Marxist beliefs. In his book The Culture of Critique, evolutionist author Kevin MacDonald writes that Gould has ‘acknowledged that his theory of evolution as punctuated equilibria was attractive to him as a Marxist because it posited periodic revolutionary upheavals in evolution rather than conservative, gradualist change’
MacDonald, Kevin, ‘The Culture of Critique’

5. Stephen Jay Gould ultimately may not have been an atheist or a Marxist, but nearly his whole life argues in favor of both positions.

One an only conjecture as to why mention of his Marxist views never seem to get mentioned.

Could it be ‘context’?
Darwin owns your brain

Very sad

So there was nothing in the post that you could dispute?

And that's as far as what passes for thinking from your sort, allows?

Very sad.
I know that your delusional mind tells you that people read your nonsense. They and I do not.

PS The last 13 years that you have spent here have achieved nothing, you make the same lame arguments now as you did then
1.In light of the Wuhan/Mask/Lockdown Hoax being exposed, this appears to be an opportune time to remind all of one simple rule: Experts, 'scientists,' bureaucrats ...don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty to any of them, than anyone else. Not politicians, bureaucrats, economists, pastors....whatever. should know that they have been forced to embrace the collective, oppose the separation of powers, and or checks and balances, and the result is a tyranny of the elites .
You should have learned from the finest President in a hundred years:

Trust, but verify.

View attachment 491570

2. I admit to a being barraged by Darwin-believers who claim science as their cause, but fail to see that Darwinism fails as science. It remains unproven, even its popularizers pretend it isn't what it, and any criticism is met with emotion rather than discussion....hardly a scientific method.

Just like that mask thing.

3. Today is the anniversary of sorts of the most famous popularizer of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Stephen Jay Gould, the day he passed on.

Stephen Jay Gould, (born September 10, 1941, New York, New York, U.S.—died May 20, 2002, New York), American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and science writer.
…Gould became widely known as a writer, polemicist, and popularizer of evolutionary theory.

No where in the article is the most important aspect of Gould’s views mentioned: Marxism.
If you are a government school grad, you were taught to ignore it, too.

3. Marxism is the context. Suddenly, it become clear why certain individuals push Darwin’s Theory and abjure any religious view.

" The Socialist Worker Online mentions that Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School.
... Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School, which was dedicated to using "Marx's uniquely valuable contributions…to study conditions today and possibilities for transcending capitalism and building an emancipatory society."
Gasper, Phil, ‘A scientist of the people’, Socialist Worker Online, 7 June 2002, p8

4. A famous quote made by Gould is that within his Jewish-Marxist family subculture he learned his Marxism ‘at his daddy's knee’. He has said that his politics were very different from his father’s, but never explained exactly how. Some have speculated that this referred to a rejection of Stalinism. Whatever the meaning, it is clear from Gould’s work that he was strongly influenced by Marxist beliefs. In his book The Culture of Critique, evolutionist author Kevin MacDonald writes that Gould has ‘acknowledged that his theory of evolution as punctuated equilibria was attractive to him as a Marxist because it posited periodic revolutionary upheavals in evolution rather than conservative, gradualist change’
MacDonald, Kevin, ‘The Culture of Critique’

5. Stephen Jay Gould ultimately may not have been an atheist or a Marxist, but nearly his whole life argues in favor of both positions.

One an only conjecture as to why mention of his Marxist views never seem to get mentioned.

Could it be ‘context’?
Darwin owns your brain

Very sad

So there was nothing in the post that you could dispute?

And that's as far as what passes for thinking from your sort, allows?

Very sad.
I know that your delusional mind tells you that people read your nonsense. They and I do not.

PS The last 13 years that you have spent here have achieved nothing, you make the same lame arguments now as you did then

Of course you read,...and are discomforted, by these posts.

I suggest you do not read the next one, as it will put you in your place, and be even more discomforting when you realize you have no way to dispute same.
7. Context: the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed. Google.

When one understands the inconsistencies in the arguments of Darwin’s supporters, Gould, for example, one needs the context that explains why same are accepted.

Darwin's theory revolves around his idea of random mutations gradually leading to new species.
His erstwhile defender, Stephen Gould, realized that this didn't fit the, based on his inveterate Marxism, he devised "Punctuated Equalibrium," which is, in fact, the opposite of claims changes are sudden, spontaneous.

Evolutionary biologist and supporter of the theory, Stephen Gould admits same: "Stephen Jay Gould’s popular 1989 account of this work, Wonderful Life,[16]brought the matter into the public eye and raised questions about what the explosion represented. While differing significantly in details, both Whittington and Gould proposed that all modern animal phyla had appeared rather suddenly." Cambrian explosion - Wikipedia

8. Yet, inconsistency notwithstanding, Gould’s support of Darwinism is advanced.

Here’s why:

One of the first readers of 'On the Origin of Species' was Friedrich Engels, then living in Manchester. He wrote to Karl Marx: "Darwin, by the way, whom I’m reading just now, is absolutely splendid. There was one aspect of teleology that had yet to be demolished,and that has now been done. Never before has so grandiose an attempt been made to demonstrate historical evolution in Nature, and certainly never to such good effect."
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, "Marx-Engels Collected Works" , vol. 40, p. 441.

And to make certain that Marxism is advanced and any religious view is extirpated, you were taught Darwinian Evolution in government school.
1.In light of the Wuhan/Mask/Lockdown Hoax being exposed, this appears to be an opportune time to remind all of one simple rule: Experts, 'scientists,' bureaucrats ...don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty to any of them, than anyone else. Not politicians, bureaucrats, economists, pastors....whatever. should know that they have been forced to embrace the collective, oppose the separation of powers, and or checks and balances, and the result is a tyranny of the elites .
You should have learned from the finest President in a hundred years:

Trust, but verify.

View attachment 491570

2. I admit to a being barraged by Darwin-believers who claim science as their cause, but fail to see that Darwinism fails as science. It remains unproven, even its popularizers pretend it isn't what it, and any criticism is met with emotion rather than discussion....hardly a scientific method.

Just like that mask thing.

3. Today is the anniversary of sorts of the most famous popularizer of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Stephen Jay Gould, the day he passed on.

Stephen Jay Gould, (born September 10, 1941, New York, New York, U.S.—died May 20, 2002, New York), American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and science writer.
…Gould became widely known as a writer, polemicist, and popularizer of evolutionary theory.

No where in the article is the most important aspect of Gould’s views mentioned: Marxism.
If you are a government school grad, you were taught to ignore it, too.

3. Marxism is the context. Suddenly, it become clear why certain individuals push Darwin’s Theory and abjure any religious view.

" The Socialist Worker Online mentions that Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School.
... Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School, which was dedicated to using "Marx's uniquely valuable contributions…to study conditions today and possibilities for transcending capitalism and building an emancipatory society."
Gasper, Phil, ‘A scientist of the people’, Socialist Worker Online, 7 June 2002, p8

4. A famous quote made by Gould is that within his Jewish-Marxist family subculture he learned his Marxism ‘at his daddy's knee’. He has said that his politics were very different from his father’s, but never explained exactly how. Some have speculated that this referred to a rejection of Stalinism. Whatever the meaning, it is clear from Gould’s work that he was strongly influenced by Marxist beliefs. In his book The Culture of Critique, evolutionist author Kevin MacDonald writes that Gould has ‘acknowledged that his theory of evolution as punctuated equilibria was attractive to him as a Marxist because it posited periodic revolutionary upheavals in evolution rather than conservative, gradualist change’
MacDonald, Kevin, ‘The Culture of Critique’

5. Stephen Jay Gould ultimately may not have been an atheist or a Marxist, but nearly his whole life argues in favor of both positions.

One an only conjecture as to why mention of his Marxist views never seem to get mentioned.

Could it be ‘context’?
Darwin owns your brain

Very sad

So there was nothing in the post that you could dispute?

And that's as far as what passes for thinking from your sort, allows?

Very sad.
I know that your delusional mind tells you that people read your nonsense. They and I do not.

PS The last 13 years that you have spent here have achieved nothing, you make the same lame arguments now as you did then

Of course you read,...and are discomforted, by these posts.

I suggest you do not read the next one, as it will put you in your place, and be even more discomforting when you realize you have no way to dispute same.
Again Darwin rules your tormented existence, he always will, and when you are dead he will still be Darwin when no one remembers your name
1.In light of the Wuhan/Mask/Lockdown Hoax being exposed, this appears to be an opportune time to remind all of one simple rule: Experts, 'scientists,' bureaucrats ...don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty to any of them, than anyone else. Not politicians, bureaucrats, economists, pastors....whatever. should know that they have been forced to embrace the collective, oppose the separation of powers, and or checks and balances, and the result is a tyranny of the elites .
You should have learned from the finest President in a hundred years:

Trust, but verify.

View attachment 491570

2. I admit to a being barraged by Darwin-believers who claim science as their cause, but fail to see that Darwinism fails as science. It remains unproven, even its popularizers pretend it isn't what it, and any criticism is met with emotion rather than discussion....hardly a scientific method.

Just like that mask thing.

3. Today is the anniversary of sorts of the most famous popularizer of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Stephen Jay Gould, the day he passed on.

Stephen Jay Gould, (born September 10, 1941, New York, New York, U.S.—died May 20, 2002, New York), American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and science writer.
…Gould became widely known as a writer, polemicist, and popularizer of evolutionary theory.

No where in the article is the most important aspect of Gould’s views mentioned: Marxism.
If you are a government school grad, you were taught to ignore it, too.

3. Marxism is the context. Suddenly, it become clear why certain individuals push Darwin’s Theory and abjure any religious view.

" The Socialist Worker Online mentions that Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School.
... Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School, which was dedicated to using "Marx's uniquely valuable contributions…to study conditions today and possibilities for transcending capitalism and building an emancipatory society."
Gasper, Phil, ‘A scientist of the people’, Socialist Worker Online, 7 June 2002, p8

4. A famous quote made by Gould is that within his Jewish-Marxist family subculture he learned his Marxism ‘at his daddy's knee’. He has said that his politics were very different from his father’s, but never explained exactly how. Some have speculated that this referred to a rejection of Stalinism. Whatever the meaning, it is clear from Gould’s work that he was strongly influenced by Marxist beliefs. In his book The Culture of Critique, evolutionist author Kevin MacDonald writes that Gould has ‘acknowledged that his theory of evolution as punctuated equilibria was attractive to him as a Marxist because it posited periodic revolutionary upheavals in evolution rather than conservative, gradualist change’
MacDonald, Kevin, ‘The Culture of Critique’

5. Stephen Jay Gould ultimately may not have been an atheist or a Marxist, but nearly his whole life argues in favor of both positions.

One an only conjecture as to why mention of his Marxist views never seem to get mentioned.

Could it be ‘context’?
This thread does not belong in the science section. Conspiracy Theory or Rubber Room.
Go away
1.In light of the Wuhan/Mask/Lockdown Hoax being exposed, this appears to be an opportune time to remind all of one simple rule: Experts, 'scientists,' bureaucrats ...don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty to any of them, than anyone else. Not politicians, bureaucrats, economists, pastors....whatever. should know that they have been forced to embrace the collective, oppose the separation of powers, and or checks and balances, and the result is a tyranny of the elites .
You should have learned from the finest President in a hundred years:

Trust, but verify.

View attachment 491570

2. I admit to a being barraged by Darwin-believers who claim science as their cause, but fail to see that Darwinism fails as science. It remains unproven, even its popularizers pretend it isn't what it, and any criticism is met with emotion rather than discussion....hardly a scientific method.

Just like that mask thing.

3. Today is the anniversary of sorts of the most famous popularizer of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Stephen Jay Gould, the day he passed on.

Stephen Jay Gould, (born September 10, 1941, New York, New York, U.S.—died May 20, 2002, New York), American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and science writer.
…Gould became widely known as a writer, polemicist, and popularizer of evolutionary theory.

No where in the article is the most important aspect of Gould’s views mentioned: Marxism.
If you are a government school grad, you were taught to ignore it, too.

3. Marxism is the context. Suddenly, it become clear why certain individuals push Darwin’s Theory and abjure any religious view.

" The Socialist Worker Online mentions that Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School.
... Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School, which was dedicated to using "Marx's uniquely valuable contributions…to study conditions today and possibilities for transcending capitalism and building an emancipatory society."
Gasper, Phil, ‘A scientist of the people’, Socialist Worker Online, 7 June 2002, p8

4. A famous quote made by Gould is that within his Jewish-Marxist family subculture he learned his Marxism ‘at his daddy's knee’. He has said that his politics were very different from his father’s, but never explained exactly how. Some have speculated that this referred to a rejection of Stalinism. Whatever the meaning, it is clear from Gould’s work that he was strongly influenced by Marxist beliefs. In his book The Culture of Critique, evolutionist author Kevin MacDonald writes that Gould has ‘acknowledged that his theory of evolution as punctuated equilibria was attractive to him as a Marxist because it posited periodic revolutionary upheavals in evolution rather than conservative, gradualist change’
MacDonald, Kevin, ‘The Culture of Critique’

5. Stephen Jay Gould ultimately may not have been an atheist or a Marxist, but nearly his whole life argues in favor of both positions.

One an only conjecture as to why mention of his Marxist views never seem to get mentioned.

Could it be ‘context’?
This thread does not belong in the science section. Conspiracy Theory or Rubber Room.
Go away
We have 2 whole sections dedicated to you nutballs. You should go there. This section is for educated people who would NOT fail a 6th grade science quiz.
1.In light of the Wuhan/Mask/Lockdown Hoax being exposed, this appears to be an opportune time to remind all of one simple rule: Experts, 'scientists,' bureaucrats ...don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty to any of them, than anyone else. Not politicians, bureaucrats, economists, pastors....whatever. should know that they have been forced to embrace the collective, oppose the separation of powers, and or checks and balances, and the result is a tyranny of the elites .
You should have learned from the finest President in a hundred years:

Trust, but verify.

View attachment 491570

2. I admit to a being barraged by Darwin-believers who claim science as their cause, but fail to see that Darwinism fails as science. It remains unproven, even its popularizers pretend it isn't what it, and any criticism is met with emotion rather than discussion....hardly a scientific method.

Just like that mask thing.

3. Today is the anniversary of sorts of the most famous popularizer of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Stephen Jay Gould, the day he passed on.

Stephen Jay Gould, (born September 10, 1941, New York, New York, U.S.—died May 20, 2002, New York), American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and science writer.
…Gould became widely known as a writer, polemicist, and popularizer of evolutionary theory.

No where in the article is the most important aspect of Gould’s views mentioned: Marxism.
If you are a government school grad, you were taught to ignore it, too.

3. Marxism is the context. Suddenly, it become clear why certain individuals push Darwin’s Theory and abjure any religious view.

" The Socialist Worker Online mentions that Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School.
... Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School, which was dedicated to using "Marx's uniquely valuable contributions…to study conditions today and possibilities for transcending capitalism and building an emancipatory society."
Gasper, Phil, ‘A scientist of the people’, Socialist Worker Online, 7 June 2002, p8

4. A famous quote made by Gould is that within his Jewish-Marxist family subculture he learned his Marxism ‘at his daddy's knee’. He has said that his politics were very different from his father’s, but never explained exactly how. Some have speculated that this referred to a rejection of Stalinism. Whatever the meaning, it is clear from Gould’s work that he was strongly influenced by Marxist beliefs. In his book The Culture of Critique, evolutionist author Kevin MacDonald writes that Gould has ‘acknowledged that his theory of evolution as punctuated equilibria was attractive to him as a Marxist because it posited periodic revolutionary upheavals in evolution rather than conservative, gradualist change’
MacDonald, Kevin, ‘The Culture of Critique’

5. Stephen Jay Gould ultimately may not have been an atheist or a Marxist, but nearly his whole life argues in favor of both positions.

One an only conjecture as to why mention of his Marxist views never seem to get mentioned.

Could it be ‘context’?
Darwin owns your brain

Very sad

So there was nothing in the post that you could dispute?

And that's as far as what passes for thinking from your sort, allows?

Very sad.
I know that your delusional mind tells you that people read your nonsense. They and I do not.

PS The last 13 years that you have spent here have achieved nothing, you make the same lame arguments now as you did then

Of course you read,...and are discomforted, by these posts.

I suggest you do not read the next one, as it will put you in your place, and be even more discomforting when you realize you have no way to dispute same.
Again Darwin rules your tormented existence, he always will, and when you are dead he will still be Darwin when no one remembers your name

Let's see what it is about the OP that has gotten under your scale.

1. Should we believe all who are called scientists?
2. Was Stephen Jay Gould a famous popularizer and supporter of Darwinian Evolution?
3. Has Darwin's theory been proven?
4. Is that theory taught in government school as a fact? Do you accept it as such?
5. Is there any importance to Gould and other supporters of Darwinism being a Marxist?
6. Do you have any objection to Marxism?
7. Is it an accident that no mention of Gould's political views occurs?
8. You appear incensed. What, actually, produced your ire when reading the OP?
1.In light of the Wuhan/Mask/Lockdown Hoax being exposed, this appears to be an opportune time to remind all of one simple rule: Experts, 'scientists,' bureaucrats ...don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty to any of them, than anyone else. Not politicians, bureaucrats, economists, pastors....whatever. should know that they have been forced to embrace the collective, oppose the separation of powers, and or checks and balances, and the result is a tyranny of the elites .
You should have learned from the finest President in a hundred years:

Trust, but verify.

View attachment 491570

2. I admit to a being barraged by Darwin-believers who claim science as their cause, but fail to see that Darwinism fails as science. It remains unproven, even its popularizers pretend it isn't what it, and any criticism is met with emotion rather than discussion....hardly a scientific method.

Just like that mask thing.

3. Today is the anniversary of sorts of the most famous popularizer of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Stephen Jay Gould, the day he passed on.

Stephen Jay Gould, (born September 10, 1941, New York, New York, U.S.—died May 20, 2002, New York), American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and science writer.
…Gould became widely known as a writer, polemicist, and popularizer of evolutionary theory.

No where in the article is the most important aspect of Gould’s views mentioned: Marxism.
If you are a government school grad, you were taught to ignore it, too.

3. Marxism is the context. Suddenly, it become clear why certain individuals push Darwin’s Theory and abjure any religious view.

" The Socialist Worker Online mentions that Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School.
... Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School, which was dedicated to using "Marx's uniquely valuable contributions…to study conditions today and possibilities for transcending capitalism and building an emancipatory society."
Gasper, Phil, ‘A scientist of the people’, Socialist Worker Online, 7 June 2002, p8

4. A famous quote made by Gould is that within his Jewish-Marxist family subculture he learned his Marxism ‘at his daddy's knee’. He has said that his politics were very different from his father’s, but never explained exactly how. Some have speculated that this referred to a rejection of Stalinism. Whatever the meaning, it is clear from Gould’s work that he was strongly influenced by Marxist beliefs. In his book The Culture of Critique, evolutionist author Kevin MacDonald writes that Gould has ‘acknowledged that his theory of evolution as punctuated equilibria was attractive to him as a Marxist because it posited periodic revolutionary upheavals in evolution rather than conservative, gradualist change’
MacDonald, Kevin, ‘The Culture of Critique’

5. Stephen Jay Gould ultimately may not have been an atheist or a Marxist, but nearly his whole life argues in favor of both positions.

One an only conjecture as to why mention of his Marxist views never seem to get mentioned.

Could it be ‘context’?
This thread does not belong in the science section. Conspiracy Theory or Rubber Room.
Go away
We have 2 whole sections dedicated to you nutballs. You should go there. This section is for educated people who would NOT fail a 6th grade science quiz.

Look, why sugar coat it.......the problem is that you are just not educated enough for this thread.

Find one on monster trucks, or favorite Crayola, or best All-Cartoon Network.
1.In light of the Wuhan/Mask/Lockdown Hoax being exposed, this appears to be an opportune time to remind all of one simple rule: Experts, 'scientists,' bureaucrats ...don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty to any of them, than anyone else. Not politicians, bureaucrats, economists, pastors....whatever. should know that they have been forced to embrace the collective, oppose the separation of powers, and or checks and balances, and the result is a tyranny of the elites .
You should have learned from the finest President in a hundred years:

Trust, but verify.

View attachment 491570

2. I admit to a being barraged by Darwin-believers who claim science as their cause, but fail to see that Darwinism fails as science. It remains unproven, even its popularizers pretend it isn't what it, and any criticism is met with emotion rather than discussion....hardly a scientific method.

Just like that mask thing.

3. Today is the anniversary of sorts of the most famous popularizer of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Stephen Jay Gould, the day he passed on.

Stephen Jay Gould, (born September 10, 1941, New York, New York, U.S.—died May 20, 2002, New York), American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and science writer.
…Gould became widely known as a writer, polemicist, and popularizer of evolutionary theory.

No where in the article is the most important aspect of Gould’s views mentioned: Marxism.
If you are a government school grad, you were taught to ignore it, too.

3. Marxism is the context. Suddenly, it become clear why certain individuals push Darwin’s Theory and abjure any religious view.

" The Socialist Worker Online mentions that Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School.
... Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School, which was dedicated to using "Marx's uniquely valuable contributions…to study conditions today and possibilities for transcending capitalism and building an emancipatory society."
Gasper, Phil, ‘A scientist of the people’, Socialist Worker Online, 7 June 2002, p8

4. A famous quote made by Gould is that within his Jewish-Marxist family subculture he learned his Marxism ‘at his daddy's knee’. He has said that his politics were very different from his father’s, but never explained exactly how. Some have speculated that this referred to a rejection of Stalinism. Whatever the meaning, it is clear from Gould’s work that he was strongly influenced by Marxist beliefs. In his book The Culture of Critique, evolutionist author Kevin MacDonald writes that Gould has ‘acknowledged that his theory of evolution as punctuated equilibria was attractive to him as a Marxist because it posited periodic revolutionary upheavals in evolution rather than conservative, gradualist change’
MacDonald, Kevin, ‘The Culture of Critique’

5. Stephen Jay Gould ultimately may not have been an atheist or a Marxist, but nearly his whole life argues in favor of both positions.

One an only conjecture as to why mention of his Marxist views never seem to get mentioned.

Could it be ‘context’?
Darwin owns your brain

Very sad

So there was nothing in the post that you could dispute?

And that's as far as what passes for thinking from your sort, allows?

Very sad.
I know that your delusional mind tells you that people read your nonsense. They and I do not.

PS The last 13 years that you have spent here have achieved nothing, you make the same lame arguments now as you did then

Of course you read,...and are discomforted, by these posts.

I suggest you do not read the next one, as it will put you in your place, and be even more discomforting when you realize you have no way to dispute same.
Again Darwin rules your tormented existence, he always will, and when you are dead he will still be Darwin when no one remembers your name

Let's see what it is about the OP that has gotten under your scale.

1. Should we believe all who are called scientists?
2. Was Stephen Jay Gould a famous popularizer and supporter of Darwinian Evolution?
3. Has Darwin's theory been proven?
4. Is that theory taught in government school as a fact? Do you accept it as such?
5. Is there any importance to Gould and other supporter of Darwinism being a Marxist?
6. Do you have any objection to Marxism?
7. Is it an accident that no mention of Gould's political views occurs?
8. You appear incensed. What, actually, produced your ire when reading the OP?
You have no control of your bodily functions at this point as Darwin owns you. No one is going to read your babbles, yet on and on you go
1.In light of the Wuhan/Mask/Lockdown Hoax being exposed, this appears to be an opportune time to remind all of one simple rule: Experts, 'scientists,' bureaucrats ...don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty to any of them, than anyone else. Not politicians, bureaucrats, economists, pastors....whatever. should know that they have been forced to embrace the collective, oppose the separation of powers, and or checks and balances, and the result is a tyranny of the elites .
You should have learned from the finest President in a hundred years:

Trust, but verify.

View attachment 491570

2. I admit to a being barraged by Darwin-believers who claim science as their cause, but fail to see that Darwinism fails as science. It remains unproven, even its popularizers pretend it isn't what it, and any criticism is met with emotion rather than discussion....hardly a scientific method.

Just like that mask thing.

3. Today is the anniversary of sorts of the most famous popularizer of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Stephen Jay Gould, the day he passed on.

Stephen Jay Gould, (born September 10, 1941, New York, New York, U.S.—died May 20, 2002, New York), American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and science writer.
…Gould became widely known as a writer, polemicist, and popularizer of evolutionary theory.

No where in the article is the most important aspect of Gould’s views mentioned: Marxism.
If you are a government school grad, you were taught to ignore it, too.

3. Marxism is the context. Suddenly, it become clear why certain individuals push Darwin’s Theory and abjure any religious view.

" The Socialist Worker Online mentions that Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School.
... Gould was on the advisory boards of the journal Rethinking Marxism and the Brecht Forum, sponsor of the New York Marxist School, which was dedicated to using "Marx's uniquely valuable contributions…to study conditions today and possibilities for transcending capitalism and building an emancipatory society."
Gasper, Phil, ‘A scientist of the people’, Socialist Worker Online, 7 June 2002, p8

4. A famous quote made by Gould is that within his Jewish-Marxist family subculture he learned his Marxism ‘at his daddy's knee’. He has said that his politics were very different from his father’s, but never explained exactly how. Some have speculated that this referred to a rejection of Stalinism. Whatever the meaning, it is clear from Gould’s work that he was strongly influenced by Marxist beliefs. In his book The Culture of Critique, evolutionist author Kevin MacDonald writes that Gould has ‘acknowledged that his theory of evolution as punctuated equilibria was attractive to him as a Marxist because it posited periodic revolutionary upheavals in evolution rather than conservative, gradualist change’
MacDonald, Kevin, ‘The Culture of Critique’

5. Stephen Jay Gould ultimately may not have been an atheist or a Marxist, but nearly his whole life argues in favor of both positions.

One an only conjecture as to why mention of his Marxist views never seem to get mentioned.

Could it be ‘context’?
Darwin owns your brain

Very sad

So there was nothing in the post that you could dispute?

And that's as far as what passes for thinking from your sort, allows?

Very sad.
I know that your delusional mind tells you that people read your nonsense. They and I do not.

PS The last 13 years that you have spent here have achieved nothing, you make the same lame arguments now as you did then

Of course you read,...and are discomforted, by these posts.

I suggest you do not read the next one, as it will put you in your place, and be even more discomforting when you realize you have no way to dispute same.
Again Darwin rules your tormented existence, he always will, and when you are dead he will still be Darwin when no one remembers your name

Let's see what it is about the OP that has gotten under your scale.

1. Should we believe all who are called scientists?
2. Was Stephen Jay Gould a famous popularizer and supporter of Darwinian Evolution?
3. Has Darwin's theory been proven?
4. Is that theory taught in government school as a fact? Do you accept it as such?
5. Is there any importance to Gould and other supporter of Darwinism being a Marxist?
6. Do you have any objection to Marxism?
7. Is it an accident that no mention of Gould's political views occurs?
8. You appear incensed. What, actually, produced your ire when reading the OP?
You have no control of your bodily functions at this point as Darwin owns you. No one is going to read your babbles, yet on and on you go

Which of these queries are too difficult for you to either comprehend, or answer?

Let's see what it is about the OP that has gotten under your scale.

1. Should we believe all who are called scientists?
2. Was Stephen Jay Gould a famous popularizer and supporter of Darwinian Evolution?
3. Has Darwin's theory been proven?
4. Is that theory taught in government school as a fact? Do you accept it as such?
5. Is there any importance to Gould and other supporters of Darwinism being a Marxist?
6. Do you have any objection to Marxism?
7. Is it an accident that no mention of Gould's political views occurs?
8. You appear incensed. What, actually, produced your ire when reading the OP?
Look, why sugar coat it.......the problem is that you are just not educated enough for this thread.
Yet here you and your moronic thread are, completely at odds with the global scientific community. So apparently, you're just too stupid to know you're stupid
Look, why sugar coat it.......the problem is that you are just not educated enough for this thread.
Yet here you and your moronic thread are, completely at odds with the global scientific community. So apparently, you're just too stupid to know you're stupid

"... at odds with the global scientific community."

How would you know?

You clearly cannot find a single item in my posts that you can refute.
I have asked several times why they find it so difficult to recognize that Darwin's theory may not be the answer to evolution.

Here, from Richard Dawkins, English ethologist, evolutionary biologist....and strident atheist, is the real answer:

"Although atheism might have been logically tenable before Darwin, Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist."

Without Darwin, atheism, secularism...and Marxism... fall apart.

That's the context.
I have asked several times why they find it so difficult to recognize that Darwin's theory may not be the answer to evolution.

Here, from Richard Dawkins, English ethologist, evolutionary biologist....and strident atheist, is the real answer:

"Although atheism might have been logically tenable before Darwin, Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist."

Without Darwin, atheism, secularism...and Marxism... fall apart.

That's the context.
Can you please explain this to a psychiatrist, who can process the info and hopefully allow you to get on with your life

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