*Science Finds *God Particle*: Changes Everything**


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Well they went and did it, found a secret particle of, *GOD*.
2. This will in-fact change history if it can be verified.
3. All people of science will have to stop attacking God now.
4. Seeing theres proof that God is indeed the, *Real Deal*.
5. It would be stupid if they kept bashing Gods existence now.
6. We shall see, I have always stood by God, knowing that this is all *HIS*.
7. We just borrow what we have while we are here.
8. LINK:Scientists Abuzz Over Controversial Rumor that God Particle Has Been Detected - Yahoo! News

"Scientists Abuzz Over Controversial Rumor that God Particle Has Been Detected
EmailPrint..Mike Wall, Senior Writer,
LiveScience.com Mike Wall, Senior Writer,
livescience.com – Mon Apr 25, 8:00 am ET
A rumor is floating around the physics community that the world's largest atom smasher may have detected a long-sought subatomic particle called the Higgs boson, also known as the "God particle."

The controversial rumor is based on what appears to be a leaked internal note from physicists at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a 17-mile-long particle accelerator near Geneva, Switzerland. It's not entirely clear at this point if the memo is authentic, or what the data it refers to might mean — but the note already has researchers talking.

The buzz started when an anonymous commenter recently posted an abstract of the note on Columbia University mathematician Peter Woit's blog, Not Even Wrong.

Some physicists say the note may be a hoax, while others believe the "detection" is likely a statistical anomaly that will disappear upon further study. But the find would be a huge particle-physics breakthrough, if it holds up.

"If it were to be real, it would be really exciting," said physicist Sheldon Stone of Syracuse University.

Hunting for the Higgs

The Higgs boson is predicted to exist by prevailing particle-physics theory, which is known as the Standard Model. Physicists think the Higgs bestows mass on all the other particles — but they have yet to confirm its existence.

Huge atom smashers — like the LHC and the Tevatron, at Fermilab in Illinois — are searching for the Higgs and other subatomic bits of matter. These accelerators slam particles together at enormous speeds, generating a shower of other particles that could include the Higgs or other elemental pieces predicted by theory but yet to be detected."

9. Huggy needs a huggie now.:clap2:

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How would anyone know they had found a particle of god?

I weep not for fools, I do often laugh my ass off at them though.

Is godnium on the perodic table?
Is there anything in science more grand than something labeled a "God Particle"?

There are no frontiers in the universe.

But there are games without frontiers and wars without tears.
The Higgs boson has nothing to do with the existence of the Divine and that isn't why it's called the "God Particle."
Sorry bout that,

1. Well they went and did it, found a secret particle of, *GOD*.
2. This will in-fact change history if it can be verified.
3. All people of science will have to stop attacking God now.
4. Seeing theres proof that God is indeed the, *Real Deal*.
5. It would be stupid if they kept bashing Gods existence now.
6. We shall see, I have always stood by God, knowing that this is all *HIS*.
7. We just borrow what we have while we are here.
8. LINK:Scientists Abuzz Over Controversial Rumor that God Particle Has Been Detected - Yahoo! News

you mean petrifide god poop !

"Scientists Abuzz Over Controversial Rumor that God Particle Has Been Detected
EmailPrint..Mike Wall, Senior Writer,
LiveScience.com Mike Wall, Senior Writer,
livescience.com – Mon Apr 25, 8:00 am ET
A rumor is floating around the physics community that the world's largest atom smasher may have detected a long-sought subatomic particle called the Higgs boson, also known as the "God particle."

The controversial rumor is based on what appears to be a leaked internal note from physicists at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a 17-mile-long particle accelerator near Geneva, Switzerland. It's not entirely clear at this point if the memo is authentic, or what the data it refers to might mean — but the note already has researchers talking.

The buzz started when an anonymous commenter recently posted an abstract of the note on Columbia University mathematician Peter Woit's blog, Not Even Wrong.

Some physicists say the note may be a hoax, while others believe the "detection" is likely a statistical anomaly that will disappear upon further study. But the find would be a huge particle-physics breakthrough, if it holds up.

"If it were to be real, it would be really exciting," said physicist Sheldon Stone of Syracuse University.

Hunting for the Higgs

The Higgs boson is predicted to exist by prevailing particle-physics theory, which is known as the Standard Model. Physicists think the Higgs bestows mass on all the other particles — but they have yet to confirm its existence.

Huge atom smashers — like the LHC and the Tevatron, at Fermilab in Illinois — are searching for the Higgs and other subatomic bits of matter. These accelerators slam particles together at enormous speeds, generating a shower of other particles that could include the Higgs or other elemental pieces predicted by theory but yet to be detected."

9. Huggy needs a huggie now.:clap2:

you mean petrified god poop ?
I'm guessing the OP has no clue why it's called the God Particle.
I'm guessing the OP has no clue why it's called the God Particle.

I can only guess why it is sometimes called that.

If that mechanism is that which gives fundamental particles their mass, it sort of makes some kind of metaphoric sense to describe it as GOD, I suppose.

And GOD said let there be MASS.
I'm guessing the OP has no clue why it's called the God Particle.

I can only guess why it is sometimes called that.

If that mechanism is that which gives fundamental particles their mass, it sort of makes some kind of metaphoric sense to describe it as GOD, I suppose.

And GOD said let there be MASS.

It's called that as a play on words meaning that the particle itself is where Mass originates, not God. It's spoofing the idea of God.
Sorry bout that,

1. There is an element that makes everything else what it is, and its very hard to see.
2. Hummm,......like the essence of God, that makes everything click.
3. Perhaps its just the spoken word of God, as he said it is.
4. God spoke everything into existence, and did it in six days.
5. Perhaps even still those words spoken years ago are hold everything we see together, binding *ALL* things together, even the whole Universe.
6. This has to be killing the atheists.
7. What will they do?
8. All those atheist scientists finding proof of *GOD*???
9. Some one made a mistake in letting this information out!
10. This will change everything.

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No, no it's not killing us atheists.

Read the other posts in this thread, the term god particle has nothing to do with your christian god, not in the slightest bit.

We atheists embrace all legitimate science, science is the main reason we're atheist. We don't pick and choose which science to believe based on what our religious books say.
No, no it's not killing us atheists.

Read the other posts in this thread, the term god particle has nothing to do with your christian god, not in the slightest bit.

We atheists embrace all legitimate science, science is the main reason we're atheist. We don't pick and choose which science to believe based on what our religious books say.

christian will bvelieve and jump to anything that proves theres a god , thing is if there is then what makes them think its a christian god ?
Sorry bout that,

1. Well they went and did it, found a secret particle of, *GOD*.
2. This will in-fact change history if it can be verified.
3. All people of science will have to stop attacking God now.
4. Seeing theres proof that God is indeed the, *Real Deal*.
5. It would be stupid if they kept bashing Gods existence now.
6. We shall see, I have always stood by God, knowing that this is all *HIS*.
7. We just borrow what we have while we are here.
8. LINK:Scientists Abuzz Over Controversial Rumor that God Particle Has Been Detected - Yahoo! News

"Scientists Abuzz Over Controversial Rumor that God Particle Has Been Detected
EmailPrint..Mike Wall, Senior Writer,
LiveScience.com Mike Wall, Senior Writer,
livescience.com – Mon Apr 25, 8:00 am ET
A rumor is floating around the physics community that the world's largest atom smasher may have detected a long-sought subatomic particle called the Higgs boson, also known as the "God particle."

The controversial rumor is based on what appears to be a leaked internal note from physicists at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a 17-mile-long particle accelerator near Geneva, Switzerland. It's not entirely clear at this point if the memo is authentic, or what the data it refers to might mean — but the note already has researchers talking.

The buzz started when an anonymous commenter recently posted an abstract of the note on Columbia University mathematician Peter Woit's blog, Not Even Wrong.

Some physicists say the note may be a hoax, while others believe the "detection" is likely a statistical anomaly that will disappear upon further study. But the find would be a huge particle-physics breakthrough, if it holds up.

"If it were to be real, it would be really exciting," said physicist Sheldon Stone of Syracuse University.

Hunting for the Higgs

The Higgs boson is predicted to exist by prevailing particle-physics theory, which is known as the Standard Model. Physicists think the Higgs bestows mass on all the other particles — but they have yet to confirm its existence.

Huge atom smashers — like the LHC and the Tevatron, at Fermilab in Illinois — are searching for the Higgs and other subatomic bits of matter. These accelerators slam particles together at enormous speeds, generating a shower of other particles that could include the Higgs or other elemental pieces predicted by theory but yet to be detected."

9. Huggy needs a huggie now.:clap2:

Just when I think you can't appear any stupider...
I'm guessing the OP has no clue why it's called the God Particle.

I can only guess why it is sometimes called that.

If that mechanism is that which gives fundamental particles their mass, it sort of makes some kind of metaphoric sense to describe it as GOD, I suppose.

And GOD said let there be MASS.

It's called that as a play on words meaning that the particle itself is where Mass originates, not God. It's spoofing the idea of God.

Yes I understand that which is exactly why I think its a good metaphoric way of decribing it.

If this theory turns out to be true that the existence of matter is the result of tyhis phenomena (I hestiate to call this a thing, it seems more like an event, to be honest) .

And what is GOD supposed to have done?

Create the universe our of nothingness.

Particles WITHOUT mass sure in hell seem to nothingness to me.

I'm not saying this "proves" the existence of GOD, merely that it works as a mataphor for creation.

If one can PROVE the existence of GOD?

Then one has just disproved everything believers think they know about GOD.

You DO understand that, right?

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