Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
Would Albert Einstein be impressed with all the censorship, deplatforming, suppression of speech, and cancel culture that the media and government are using to push their jab? Would he see covid and vaccine culture as scientific?

"Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech."
-Albert Einstein
Would Albert Einstein be impressed with all the censorship, deplatforming, suppression of speech, and cancel culture that the media and government are using to push their jab? Would he see covid and vaccine culture as scientific?

"Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech."
-Albert Einstein
If FB had been around in the time of Pythagoras or Aristotle, we'd still be sailing off the edge of the earth.
Well I'm no Alfred Eisenstein but I think he would be very disappointed at our current situation.
Do you think he would be impressed with all the censorship, deplatforming, suppression of speech and cancel culture that is being used to enforce covid and vaccine science?
Looks like I may have silenced the lefties when I started this thread.
8 replies now, 29 views. They're reading it, all right, and waiting for their talking points.
This is the difference between how lefties silence righties, and how righties silence lefties. I did not need force, censorship, deplatforming, cancel culture, or forced suppression of speech in order to silence the lefties. They are silent, at least until they come here to evade and derail.
Free speech has been dead in the US since 2016. Trump haters in the print and TV media as well as all the social media have been on an anti conservative vendetta ever since. Once conservatives are silenced for good, the totalitarian liberals will go to work on their own. Fucking assholes that they are
The fools who support them are either too ignorant to understand the very clear lessons from history, OR they are arrogant enough to think they're smarter than the tyrants who tried it all before... either way, they too, will be crushed and enslaved or killed.
Doesn't sound like lefties are all about the science anymore...
Today at 10:28 PM #17
Concerned American said:

Tonight, Biden hinted at withholding federal funds to organizations who don't require their employees to vax. "Just drink the kool aid."
"Democrats sure do like their extortion, don't they?" dm #17

- O R -

"Democrats" think saving a multitude of human lives and helping to end a multi-year global pandemic is a priority higher than whatever priority you seem to think earns ridicule for saving human lives.
If you think saving that many human lives is scorn-worthy you and I don't have a political dispute. You have an ethical lapse. Saving human lives, "kool aid"?
The interests of the Party come first. Truth and science are only recognized in so far as they advance the interests of the Party.
Would Albert Einstein be impressed with all the censorship, deplatforming, suppression of speech, and cancel culture that the media and government are using to push their jab? Would he see covid and vaccine culture as scientific?

"Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech."
-Albert Einstein
Einstein would have looked at the statistics and would have done what everyone else who is aware of you and cares enough to comment has done; laugh his ass off at your attempt at "science".

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