School Tells 10-Year-Old Girl to Ask Dad About Erections, Ejaculation, State Legislator Alleges

I use to laugh but not so much anymore. I think the answer is to flee. Where to? Have no idea.

There is no where to go, the globe is entering the new world order. If you flee to a na tion that isn’t yours , you’d be the first one they could careless about. Russia has been trying to become the new America that’s why this severe attack upon them is happening most of it. These globalist do not want “ freedom” “rights” nor “ liberty”…They attack Russia over it, We are going under for it, and Europe. Look at Australia they went total martial law putting people into prison camps better known as quarantine to the dumbasses. ………….
Oh yeah we have to keep an eye out for Soros Jr. that pos has been trained to be the next destroyer of the globe.
These people are fkg nuts.
I am wondering if the Aussie teacher was more of a voyeur, wishing to hear all about the boners of the daddy’s of those female students?
School Tells 10-Year-Old Girl to Ask Dad About Erections, Ejaculation, State Legislator Alleges

Published 2 days ago on April 7, 2022By Miami Standard News Staff

Oh don't worry folks. They are starting them at 5 or younger here and damn those transphobic anti pervert white American Christians.

Look at how pathetic these mask wearing idiots are! All of this is coming here including the symbolized slave mark “ the mask” . They want to see what ppl will obey to the mask was one of them.

The selfish never stop to think , if I don’t support some things that I too might not like then I too may lose a right. First they came for the Jews and I did nothing scenario………….

School Tells 10-Year-Old Girl to Ask Dad About Erections, Ejaculation, State Legislator Alleges

Published 2 days ago on April 7, 2022By Miami Standard News Staff

Oh don't worry folks. They are starting them at 5 or younger here and damn those transphobic anti pervert white American Christians.

So that politician claimed his constituent told him that was happening. No attempt to verify it actually happened, but a pearl clutching rant. You don't think we are the only country with crazy right wing conspiracy theorist politicians making unfounded accusations, do you? Remember all the claims that the MMR vaccine caused autism, even before all the absurd Covid claims? Verify it actually happened before setting your hair on fire.
I have a child in the school system and yet nothing like this happens. I don't need your opinion to tell me what is going on.
I also noted your lack of any evidence of this occurring in US schools.
I am not going to spend a lot of time trying to educate someone that refuses to accept reality. R this----
I have a child in the school system and yet nothing like this happens. I don't need your opinion to tell me what is going on.
I also noted your lack of any evidence of this occurring in US schools.
Just one more for y to ignore.---
I am not going to spend a lot of time trying to educate someone that refuses to accept reality. R this----
This is not an active class it is a proposed class.
School Tells 10-Year-Old Girl to Ask Dad About Erections, Ejaculation, State Legislator Alleges

Published 2 days ago on April 7, 2022By Miami Standard News Staff

Oh don't worry folks. They are starting them at 5 or younger here and damn those transphobic anti pervert white American Christians.

The best response to that is an investigation of the teacher who sent the girl home with that paper

but that is only the starting point that will surely lead to the administrators of that school

libs hate to see their names and faces attached to the filthy things they do in the public schools
What the public school perverts do on America is pretty bad

But until you jumped in the topic was about a specific event in Australia only
The OP is not a specific declaration of anything but a hodgepodge of political ranting.
The best response to that is an investigation of the teacher who sent the girl home with that paper

but that is only the starting point that will surely lead to the administrators of that school

libs hate to see their names and faces attached to the filthy things they do in the public schools
It's best to find out if it actually happened, or if the situation is being misrepresented in some way.
It's best to find out if it actually happened, or if the situation is being misrepresented in some way.
Isnt that what I just said?

if it turns out that the little girl, her father, or the Aussie legislator are lying then the investigation wont go very far
I am not going to spend a lot of time trying to educate someone that refuses to accept reality. R this----
Yes, why I ignore most. Like tossing pearls before swine or communicating with demons.

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