school library doesnt want blm books in the school library

Those who complain about woke books being banned from school libraries are the same people who would prevent books by Charles Murray, Professor's J. Philippe Rushton and Arthur Jensen, and Jared Taylor from being added to school libraries.

If I was a high school civics teacher I would want to assign my class to read Professor Rushton's essay, "Race Evolution, and Behavior."

Race, Evolution, and Behavior:

I would not require my students to agree with it, although I do, but I would use it to encourage a class room discussion. If I did that I would almost certainly be fired.
All three founders of BLM are Marxists.
They are not Marxists. They are black nationalists. Karl Marx dealt with economic differences and seemed hardly aware of Negroes. Marx did mention what he called "the lumpen proletariat." The lumpen proletariat are criminals. They do no work, but prey on members of the proletariat. Marx despised the lumpen proletariat. He would recognize the black underclass as the lumpen proletariat. He would have no sympathy for black ghetto rioters.
They are not Marxists. They are black nationalists. Karl Marx dealt with economic differences and seemed hardly aware of Negroes. Marx did mention what he called "the lumpen proletariat." The lumpen proletariat are criminals. They do no work, but prey on members of the proletariat. Marx despised the lumpen proletariat. He would recognize the black underclass as the lumpen proletariat. He would have no sympathy for black ghetto rioters.
didn't Marx plagiarize many of his ideas?
didn't Marx plagiarize many of his ideas?
Karl Marx was enormously erudite. He was well read in the Western intellectual tradition going back to the ancient Greeks. There is a difference between learning from others and steeling their ideas. Karl Marx made many mistakes, but he was right about two of his assertions: the natural tendency of capitalism is to accumulate wealth and income at the top; capitalism experiences increasingly destructive economic downturns. His main mistake was to deny the nationalism of working class people.

If Marx had patronized working class pubs during the years he lived in London, especially during the Crimean War, he would have realized that working class people are nationalistic. He preferred to spend his time at the Reading Room in the British Museum in London, where if I may say so, he was unlikely to meet working class people.
Karl Marx was enormously erudite. He was well read in the Western intellectual tradition going back to the ancient Greeks. There is a difference between learning from others and steeling their ideas. Karl Marx made many mistakes, but he was right about two of his assertions: the natural tendency of capitalism is to accumulate wealth and income at the top; capitalism experiences increasingly destructive economic downturns. His main mistake was to deny the nationalism of working class people.

If Marx had patronized working class pubs during the years he lived in London, especially during the Crimean War, he would have realized that working class people are nationalistic. He preferred to spend his time at the Reading Room in the British Museum in London, where if I may say so, he was unlikely to meet working class people.
so moving to somalia where there are no rich people is the key to happiness
It`s legal to be a Marxist, Communist or anything else we want to be. Are you a new citizen in this country. You`ll need to study up for your citizenship test.



They should ALL be in jail for what they did last summer.

You are supporting domestic terror, dumbass fucktard.
They are not Marxists.

YES THEY FUCKING ARE, shit for brains.

They admitted it themselves, individually and collectively.

They even claim they're "trained" Marxists.

They're fucking COMMIES, that's all anyone needs to know

Communists are murderers and thieves. They're not welcome here

They are black nationalists.

So what?

That's two strikes against them.

The first one is more important

Yeah, they're racists too. We already knew that.

Karl Marx dealt with economic differences and seemed hardly aware of Negroes. Marx did mention what he called "the lumpen proletariat." The lumpen proletariat are criminals. They do no work, but prey on members of the proletariat. Marx despised the lumpen proletariat. He would recognize the black underclass as the lumpen proletariat. He would have no sympathy for black ghetto rioters.

No shit, Sherlock.

That's why I said time and time again, the blacks and the white liberals were bamboozled.

Anyone who's still giving money to those rotten fucktards has shit for brains. They're under indictment in six states and being investigated in 17 others

They're crooks. Thieves. Typical commies
YES THEY FUCKING ARE, shit for brains.

They admitted it themselves, individually and collectively.

They even claim they're "trained" Marxists.

They're fucking COMMIES, that's all anyone needs to know

Communists are murderers and thieves. They're not welcome here

So what?

That's two strikes against them.

The first one is more important

Yeah, they're racists too. We already knew that.

No shit, Sherlock.

That's why I said time and time again, the blacks and the white liberals were bamboozled.

Anyone who's still giving money to those rotten fucktards has shit for brains. They're under indictment in six states and being investigated in 17 others

They're crooks. Thieves. Typical commies
I share your disapproval of Black Lives Matter. Because I have made a reasonably thorough study of the writing of Karl Marx, I disagree with the claim of Black Lives Matter and you that they are Marxists. Marx would have seen the black ghetto rioters, and the criminals of the black underclass not as the Proletariat, but as the Lumpen Proletariat. In The Communist Manifesto Marx described the Lumpen Proletariat as:

"The 'dangerous class', [lumpenproletariat] the social scum, that passively rotting mass thrown off by the lowest layers of the old society, may, here and there, be swept into the movement by a proletarian revolution; its conditions of life, however, prepare it far more for the part of a bribed tool of reactionary intrigue."

Communist Manifesto (Chapter 1)

The political effect of America's Lumpen Proletariat (AKA, the black underclass that subsists on welfare checks and the gains from criminal activity) is to anger America's true Proletariat (AKA, the white working class) and to keep them voting Republican.

Marx was unaware of working class nationalism, and white working class hostility toward non whites.

I have known and liked members of the American Communist Party. We disagreed on many subjects, while remaining agreeable.
I share your disapproval of Black Lives Matter. Because I have made a reasonably thorough study of the writing of Karl Marx, I disagree with the claim of Black Lives Matter and you that they are Marxists. Marx would have seen the black ghetto rioters, and the criminals of the black underclass not as the Proletariat, but as the Lumpen Proletariat. In The Communist Manifesto Marx described the Lumpen Proletariat as:

"The 'dangerous class', [lumpenproletariat] the social scum, that passively rotting mass thrown off by the lowest layers of the old society, may, here and there, be swept into the movement by a proletarian revolution; its conditions of life, however, prepare it far more for the part of a bribed tool of reactionary intrigue."

Communist Manifesto (Chapter 1)

The political effect of America's Lumpen Proletariat (AKA, the black underclass that subsists on welfare checks and the gains from criminal activity) is to anger America's true Proletariat (AKA, the white working class) and to keep them voting Republican.

Marx was unaware of working class nationalism, and white working class hostility toward non whites.

I have known and liked members of the American Communist Party. We disagreed on many subjects, while remaining agreeable.
blm is the black ghetto rioters , looters and burners. their own leader said they were marxist. they are terrorist and even killed people. spiun off cop kill ing black groups and everything else. and they ripped everyone off.

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