School kicks out students because their parents criticized Critical Race Theory

CRT is a radical agenda ho has no common sens ans is abasent realiy;
Getover yourselves and join the new world ,espeicalty fatcs.Or destroty the best hting that EVER happened o you.

Ben Carson ,Denzell Wasginigton rose above the Bs ,as did Thomas Sowell and many ohers.
Or keep it up and learn the hard way.
Try that post again in English or find a third-grader to write it for you please!
It seems proponents of Critical Race Theory will stoop to attacking the children of people who criticize their toxic ideology.

So the private school doesn't want them. Oh well. Private schools have a history of weeding out undesirable fucktards. Ho hum.
What did the kids do wrong fucktard leftist scum?
Leftists still can't defend CRT lol, scum bag racists.
It seems proponents of Critical Race Theory will stoop to attacking the children of people who criticize their toxic ideology.

You fucking idiot! In the very first sentence it said

An exclusive private high school

Us liberals are against private high schools. Are you suggesting you want to regulate private industry? Wow!
You're "against private high schools". That's not very pro-choice. Let's see if any of these resonate.

My child, my choice.
If you don't like private high schools, don't send your kids to one.
Make private high schools illegal and parents will just educate their kids illegally.
Keep your laws out of my child's education.
Privacy rights, now.
"However, any parent who waged a public campaign of false and misleading statements and inflammatory attacks harmful to the employees, the reputation, or the financial stability of Columbus Academy would be in clear violation of the Enrollment Agreement and would be denied re-enrollment for the following school year," the spokesperson said.
And the school is perfectly within its rights to kick these kids out, just as the parents are perfectly within their rights to complain.
I'd like to see the part of CRT where it teaches people to hate each other. Did teaching about WWII teach kids to hate Germans and Japanese? Did teaching about the Revolutionary War teach kids to hate the British?
When teaching history goes beyond, "This is what happened and who did what", to "You should carry a stigma for the rest of your life because someone with the same color skin as you did something bad", there's a problem. Teach ALL history, by all means, because only by looking honestly at what was done and why can we learn from it and avoid repeating it, but don't use it to club children over the head with guilt for something they weren't involved in doing.
It seems proponents of Critical Race Theory will stoop to attacking the children of people who criticize their toxic ideology.

You fucking idiot! In the very first sentence it said

An exclusive private high school

Us liberals are against private high schools. Are you suggesting you want to regulate private industry? Wow!
You're "against private high schools". That's not very pro-choice. Let's see if any of these resonate.

My child, my choice.
If you don't like private high schools, don't send your kids to one.
Make private high schools illegal and parents will just educate their kids illegally.
Keep your laws out of my child's education.
Privacy rights, now.
The only point I wanted to make was that every fucking one of these weird stories about some weird school that does something like force the kids to learn CRT are these private schools, which you conservatives supposedly love. Us liberals like better public schools. After all the public schools get the best teachers why? Because they pay better. And even they pay shit just ask unkotare the inner city public school teacher. White Shadow. Mr. Cotter. Certainly no Mr Holland's Opus.
It seems proponents of Critical Race Theory will stoop to attacking the children of people who criticize their toxic ideology.

You fucking idiot! In the very first sentence it said

An exclusive private high school

Us liberals are against private high schools. Are you suggesting you want to regulate private industry? Wow!
You're "against private high schools". That's not very pro-choice. Let's see if any of these resonate.

My child, my choice.
If you don't like private high schools, don't send your kids to one.
Make private high schools illegal and parents will just educate their kids illegally.
Keep your laws out of my child's education.
Privacy rights, now.
The only point I wanted to make was that every fucking one of these weird stories about some weird school that does something like force the kids to learn CRT are these private schools, which you conservatives supposedly love. Us liberals like better public schools. After all the public schools get the best teachers why? Because they pay better. And even they pay shit just ask unkotare the inner city public school teacher. White Shadow. Mr. Cotter. Certainly no Mr Holland's Opus.
They get the best teachers but private schools produce the best students. How does that work? If what you say is true, having the best teachers doesn't really give the best results.
It seems proponents of Critical Race Theory will stoop to attacking the children of people who criticize their toxic ideology.

You fucking idiot! In the very first sentence it said

An exclusive private high school

Us liberals are against private high schools. Are you suggesting you want to regulate private industry? Wow!
You're "against private high schools". That's not very pro-choice. Let's see if any of these resonate.

My child, my choice.
If you don't like private high schools, don't send your kids to one.
Make private high schools illegal and parents will just educate their kids illegally.
Keep your laws out of my child's education.
Privacy rights, now.
The only point I wanted to make was that every fucking one of these weird stories about some weird school that does something like force the kids to learn CRT are these private schools, which you conservatives supposedly love. Us liberals like better public schools. After all the public schools get the best teachers why? Because they pay better. And even they pay shit just ask unkotare the inner city public school teacher. White Shadow. Mr. Cotter. Certainly no Mr Holland's Opus.
They get the best teachers but private schools produce the best students. How does that work? If what you say is true, having the best teachers doesn't really give the best results.
Correct. At the private school they have a tough cirriculum and every kid gets homework and every parent is paying so every parent cares about the outcome/results. It's easier to be a private school teacher. You don't have to deal with problem children and parents who don't care.

My nephews was completely prepared for his freshman year at Michigan State University. My brother and I were not. We went to public schools. My brother has a lot of money so he can afford to send his kids to the best private schools. He should not get a tax break that defunds the public schools.

Funny Republicans want to defund the schools but not the police. Unless they are Capitol police then maybe. lol
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
I disagree, you fuckers need get more educated at some point.
No asshole, crt is permanently banned in all sane districts. Nobody with a brain wants your racist crap taught.
Look at you in your manipulated and triggered state, just how they want you.
Look at you denying the facts and moving the goalposts. Your love of racism is noted.
I haven't moved any goalposts. I'd ask you to show me where I did that but shit, you're just going to call me a fucking something or other or a fatso.

I think you need to space apart your rants as you look kind of unhinged and I'm sure you don't want me to enjoy that.
Hey fucktard, I state that black parents oppose this shit. Then posted examples proving that. You then cried and demanded proof that ALL blacks oppose it. Which was never stated except by YOU. Moving the goalposts. I look normal. You look stupid and racist. As usual.
You provided three black parents opposed to CRT and claim what? All black parents do? Half? or about 3.
Notice she picked only black parents (only three).....why is she all about the RACE of those she picked?
Bitching slapping you again. Showing that opposition to this shit crosses racially lines. And it makes you sad.

The racial lines argument works both ways and using so few examples it's not really an argument anyway. By your logic the current iteration of the Republican party is a bastion of diversity compared to the rest of the country.
Hey asshole, you got examples and now you’re mad. Your racism is being rejected and you’re mad. And Republicans are diverse compared to you old white racists.

I didn't ask for examples. I've asked you to explain why the opinion of only 3 black people proves anything. You can't do it.
Hey fuckwad, you asked for examples of blacks opposing your racist bullshit. You got them, you’re embarrassed, and now moving the goalposts. Just like another poster called you out on. Poor uneducated asswipe, educated people tell you to take your racist crap and shove it up your ass.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
You give THREE examples of OPINIONS. All black? Why did you do that? Don't you value the OPINIONS of white people? of hispanic people? of Asian people? I guess not. That makes you racist.
You DESPERATELY need to find racism everywhere. Showing your true racism. And lack of any effort to improve yourself.
You present three black OPINIONS....don't white opinions matter to you? Why did you pick based on race if you weren't racist?
^Clear example of how to lose a debate.
Fuck off. You want to get slapped around some more? Aren’t you tired from moving those goalposts?
^Still losing

From you're most recent attempt at a reply the only point you brought up was goalposts and that was responded to awhile ago and you never appeared to have read you just keep regurgitating these same three words over and over again. Fuck, racist/wacist and goalposts.

I bet if you reply it will just be more of the exact same thing. <----me attempting to get you to actually debate.
No asshole, learn to read you racist piece of shit. You’re losing because all you have is excuses, crying, and moving of goalposts. You are a racist asshole who has no arguments and keeps trying to change the discussion. Poor racist, your shit is being rejected.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
I disagree, you fuckers need get more educated at some point.
No asshole, crt is permanently banned in all sane districts. Nobody with a brain wants your racist crap taught.
Look at you in your manipulated and triggered state, just how they want you.
Look at you denying the facts and moving the goalposts. Your love of racism is noted.
I haven't moved any goalposts. I'd ask you to show me where I did that but shit, you're just going to call me a fucking something or other or a fatso.

I think you need to space apart your rants as you look kind of unhinged and I'm sure you don't want me to enjoy that.
Hey fucktard, I state that black parents oppose this shit. Then posted examples proving that. You then cried and demanded proof that ALL blacks oppose it. Which was never stated except by YOU. Moving the goalposts. I look normal. You look stupid and racist. As usual.
You provided three black parents opposed to CRT and claim what? All black parents do? Half? or about 3.
Notice she picked only black parents (only three).....why is she all about the RACE of those she picked?
Bitching slapping you again. Showing that opposition to this shit crosses racially lines. And it makes you sad.

The racial lines argument works both ways and using so few examples it's not really an argument anyway. By your logic the current iteration of the Republican party is a bastion of diversity compared to the rest of the country.
Hey asshole, you got examples and now you’re mad. Your racism is being rejected and you’re mad. And Republicans are diverse compared to you old white racists.

I didn't ask for examples. I've asked you to explain why the opinion of only 3 black people proves anything. You can't do it.
Hey fuckwad, you asked for examples of blacks opposing your racist bullshit. You got them, you’re embarrassed, and now moving the goalposts. Just like another poster called you out on. Poor uneducated asswipe, educated people tell you to take your racist crap and shove it up your ass.
This again?

I didn't ask for examples I asked you to explain the relevance of your piddly 3. You can't do it. You keep failing. I'm sorry you have nothing to fall back on but pointless name calling. Don't get me wrong I've called people names but I at least try to bring something else to the table.
It seems proponents of Critical Race Theory will stoop to attacking the children of people who criticize their toxic ideology.

You fucking idiot! In the very first sentence it said

An exclusive private high school

Us liberals are against private high schools. Are you suggesting you want to regulate private industry? Wow!
You're "against private high schools". That's not very pro-choice. Let's see if any of these resonate.

My child, my choice.
If you don't like private high schools, don't send your kids to one.
Make private high schools illegal and parents will just educate their kids illegally.
Keep your laws out of my child's education.
Privacy rights, now.
The only point I wanted to make was that every fucking one of these weird stories about some weird school that does something like force the kids to learn CRT are these private schools, which you conservatives supposedly love. Us liberals like better public schools. After all the public schools get the best teachers why? Because they pay better. And even they pay shit just ask unkotare the inner city public school teacher. White Shadow. Mr. Cotter. Certainly no Mr Holland's Opus.
They get the best teachers but private schools produce the best students. How does that work? If what you say is true, having the best teachers doesn't really give the best results.
Correct. At the private school they have a tough cirriculum and every kid gets homework and every parent is paying so every parent cares about the outcome/results. It's easier to be a private school teacher. You don't have to deal with problem children and parents who don't care.

My nephews was completely prepared for his freshman year at Michigan State University. My brother and I were not. We went to public schools. My brother has a lot of money so he can afford to send his kids to the best private schools. He should not get a tax break that defunds the public schools.

Funny Republicans want to defund the schools but not the police. Unless they are Capitol police then maybe. lol

Why should your brother be forced to pay for some substandard service he doesn't use? That is un-American, isn't it?

Public schools should have to compete with private schools. Not be funded without any regards to performance.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
I disagree, you fuckers need get more educated at some point.
No asshole, crt is permanently banned in all sane districts. Nobody with a brain wants your racist crap taught.
Look at you in your manipulated and triggered state, just how they want you.
Look at you denying the facts and moving the goalposts. Your love of racism is noted.
I haven't moved any goalposts. I'd ask you to show me where I did that but shit, you're just going to call me a fucking something or other or a fatso.

I think you need to space apart your rants as you look kind of unhinged and I'm sure you don't want me to enjoy that.
Hey fucktard, I state that black parents oppose this shit. Then posted examples proving that. You then cried and demanded proof that ALL blacks oppose it. Which was never stated except by YOU. Moving the goalposts. I look normal. You look stupid and racist. As usual.
You provided three black parents opposed to CRT and claim what? All black parents do? Half? or about 3.
Notice she picked only black parents (only three).....why is she all about the RACE of those she picked?
Bitching slapping you again. Showing that opposition to this shit crosses racially lines. And it makes you sad.

The racial lines argument works both ways and using so few examples it's not really an argument anyway. By your logic the current iteration of the Republican party is a bastion of diversity compared to the rest of the country.
Hey asshole, you got examples and now you’re mad. Your racism is being rejected and you’re mad. And Republicans are diverse compared to you old white racists.

I didn't ask for examples. I've asked you to explain why the opinion of only 3 black people proves anything. You can't do it.
Hey fuckwad, you asked for examples of blacks opposing your racist bullshit. You got them, you’re embarrassed, and now moving the goalposts. Just like another poster called you out on. Poor uneducated asswipe, educated people tell you to take your racist crap and shove it up your ass.
This again?

I didn't ask for examples I asked you to explain the relevance of your piddly 3. You can't do it. You keep failing. I'm sorry you have nothing to fall back on but pointless name calling. Don't get me wrong I've called people names but I at least try to bring something else to the table.
You bring nothing retard. I’ve already proven that there are blacks who reject YOUR racist bullshit and you can’t handle it. So move those goalposts some more. Still waiting for you to quote that statement YOU claim I made about all blacks. You have no argument. Your lack of education and thinking skills is your problem. As is your racism.
They violated the rules of a contract they signed. There is nothing more to discuss..
Wrong as usual. Speaking out against teaching racist bullshit should be applauded.
What in CRT is racist? Link the racist part for us, please.
Now proudly showing your stupidity you fat asshole. But I’ll gladly embarrass you again.

Uneducated losers like you need to reduce people to a color and teach that all whites are racists. This crap is banned at my kids school with good reason.
And how does that answer my question? You have three opinions...from three black people. I guess you take the opinions of black people to be worth more than anyone elses? That's an interesting stand to take. :heehee:
I think he's using identity politics to make his point.
YOU stupid fuck. Can’t understand that even blacks consider this to be bullshit. Crawl back under your rock.
Three black people, hun. Don't you know there are more black people than that in this country? Do we really need to explain such simple things to you? I guess so.
Obviously an uneducated fuck like you doesn’t understand examples. I don’t give a shit about your pathetic excuses. Your racism is glaringly obvious. Guess we need to explain that crt is DOA in every sane district in the country.
You give THREE examples of OPINIONS. All black? Why did you do that? Don't you value the OPINIONS of white people? of hispanic people? of Asian people? I guess not. That makes you racist.
You DESPERATELY need to find racism everywhere. Showing your true racism. And lack of any effort to improve yourself.
You present three black OPINIONS....don't white opinions matter to you? Why did you pick based on race if you weren't racist?
^Clear example of how to lose a debate.
Fuck off. You want to get slapped around some more? Aren’t you tired from moving those goalposts?
^Still losing

From you're most recent attempt at a reply the only point you brought up was goalposts and that was responded to awhile ago and you never appeared to have read you just keep regurgitating these same three words over and over again. Fuck, racist/wacist and goalposts.

I bet if you reply it will just be more of the exact same thing. <----me attempting to get you to actually debate.
No asshole, learn to read you racist piece of shit. You’re losing because all you have is excuses, crying, and moving of goalposts. You are a racist asshole who has no arguments and keeps trying to change the discussion. Poor racist, your shit is being rejected.

Once again, I never moved a goalpost. But that future heart attack is coming along nicely I see.
So don't participate in it.

There are alternatives to government run indoctrination camps which focus more on the promoting the progression of Marxism rather than education.

Be proactive. Your children will become fine, productive citizens in society, fully capable of critical independent thought and self-sufficiency, if provided the opportunity to opt out of them.

It's a choice that you have to make as a parent. Do or do not.

Shameless plug...

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