School has brutal reply after Muslim issues threat over daughters lunch

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Hot damn, surprised you even want to live in the same country built by those evil christians.
Interesting to see my point went over your head. Too bad.

Feel free to hate on because it's a free country. Many great Americans gave their all just so you could have the freedom to sit in air conditioned comfort and pound out hate on your keyboard.

He understands perfectly; you're too afraid of going against fashion to bother with it, and just go with the herd. You also don't know much about the Spanish Inquisition, or that there were three Inquisitions, nor do you know why the marranos were not trusted. You also hate to admit Muslims were then and still are far more barbaric than Christians were, playing the silly 'both sides were equally bad n stuff' because it sounds more 'objective', despite the logical fallacy required to assume it is.'

You hate to admit that Christians were just as barbaric as Muslims- and everyone else then.

Christians are just as capable as anyone else of twisting their religion to their own murderous rationalizations.

You have zero evidence they are.

Oh certainly I do.

From the Northern Crusades- to the wars of the Reformation- to the St. Bartholomew's day massacre- to the sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders.

Look at the list of corporal punishments in Europe in 13th-15th century Europe and they are

I am not saying that Christianity is bad because bad people have abused Christianity- I am saying that there just as many historical examples of Christians behaving badly as Muslims.

That is not the current case- Christianity- and Christians have evolved. And I am glad of it- but so have Islam in some cultures- such as in the United States - and I am glad of it.

Yeah, their jihads are more fun than a barrel of monkeys.
Oh certainly I do.

Oh no you don't.

From the Northern Crusades- to the wars of the Reformation- to the St. Bartholomew's day massacre- to the sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders.

lol at the tired old 'Crusades' mythology. Ignore a few hundred years of Islmao-vermin rampaging around, then snivel about the defensive wars that followed,. Trulu stupid.

Look at the list of corporal punishments in Europe in 13th-15th century Europe and they are

Let's compare them to pagan and Muslim punishments, and many native American tribes' idea of fun entertainment while we're at it.

I am not saying that Christianity is bad because bad people have abused Christianity- I am saying that there just as many historical examples of Christians behaving badly as Muslims.

Not even remotely in the same ballpark.

That is not the current case- Christianity- and Christians have evolved. And I am glad of it- but so have Islam in some cultures- such as in the United States - and I am glad of it.

It's the very same theology as when it originated, and so is Islam. that's why you're here and wouldn't be caught dead living under an Islamic govt.
Your point is that the christians back then were just as bad as the muslims, and I disagreed. I was just discussing the issue and out comes the accusation I'm a hater. A warning to the wise - this may not always be a free country if we keep importing the world's poor, unskilled, and unassimilable. Of course, you probably believe that this incoming rabble is at least as good, or you probably think they're even better than the founding fathers, so on second thought, welcome and embrace them.
Incorrect, again. The point was that some people misused Christianity then (and now) just like some people are misusing Islam. I have no problem with shooting Islamic terrorists. OTOH, I do have a problem with murdering innocent Americans just because they are Muslim as Call Sign Chaos advocates.

FWIW, in Texas we're allowed to carry rifles openly in our cars and boats plus, if it's truly concealed, a handgun without a permit. CCW holders can carry a handgun concealed on their person.

There's a reason why Islamic terrorists focus on "gun free" zones. The last time they tried to attack a place in Texas, there were two dead Jihadist laying in the street. Texas 2, Jihadists 0.

I advocate every Texan to have a gun in their car. A carbine or a rifle. It's more for a deterrence than the hope it will be used, but it's always good to be prepared.
....Christians are just as capable as anyone else of twisting their religion to their own murderous rationalizations.
Agreed. There's just not as many that fucking crazy. A major exception are the anti-abortion nutjobs bombing clinics and murdering doctors by shooting them in the back.
Likewise, all Christians put Jesus before country, therefore, like Muslims, cannot be true Christians if they put being an American first.

"The Gothic idea that we were to look backwards instead of
forwards for the improvement of the human mind, and to recur to the annals of our ancestors for what is most perfect in
government, in religion and in learning, is worthy of those bigots in religion and government by whom it has been recommended, and whose purposes it would answer. But it is not an idea which this country will endure."
--Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Priestley, 1800.

"The greatest good we can do our country is to heal its party
divisions and make them one people."
--Thomas Jefferson to John Dickinson, 1801.

You have a point. However, christians grew with and helped shape this country. Christianity, (and to a lesser degree, catholicism), had a civilizational effect on the country and became recognized as it's major religion. Other religions and groups grew and coexisted with America. Mormons, Catholics, Amish etc. Some of these groups and religions were treated badly, such as the Japanese during ww2. But even then, after the war, the japanese took up where they left off before the war. They didn't try to get even. Islam is different. They come here with their 'our way or the highway' still stuck in the 7th century attitude, and Americans are saying assimilate or go somewhere else. We don't want to hear your call to prayer blasting several times a day, along with every now and then suffering massacres because you folks can't seem to accept the American way of life.
Eventually Christianity provided more positive than negative effects, but the barbarism of the 16th through 19th centuries was as brutal as anywhere else in the world at the time. Genocide of the indigenous population, "Manifest Destiny" and burning/hanging witches are just three examples.

Interesting that you mention Mormons because, of all the Christian religions, that's the one that resulted in the most violence. Mostly against them, but also by them.

Who Killed Joseph Smith?

Haun's Mill Massacre - The Encyclopedia of Mormonism

Mountain Meadows Massacre

Sure, we got better and, as discussed with Syriusly, just because Christianity was barbaric for centuries several hundred years ago doesn't justify Islamic barbarism today.

So you think the christians were as barbaric as muslims? I don't, but even if they were, they've had their reformation and changed, unlike muslims, who are as barbaric as they were fourteen hundred years ago. Muslims cause problems where ever they go, and as soon as they approach being even a sizeable minority in any country, like they were in Lebanon, and they are now in Europe, then starts the jihad, blowing up subways etc. Rape, pillage, destroy, in the name of their god.
During and prior to the Spanish Inquisition? You bet your fucking ass they were barbaric. Weren't the vast majority of American slavers Christians? Those who committed genocide of Native Americans? The lynching of blacks in the 1950s? That's just in the past 200 years. The Spanish Inquisition goes back to the 15th Century. A history joke is "The Holy Roman Empire wasn't holy or Roman nor an empire". :D

The fucking Atheists keep saying religion is bad because of the bad things people have done with it. Smart people keep pointing out to them that, like a gun, shovel or computer, religion is a tool. Whether or not it is evil depends upon the person using it.

The fucking Christians keep saying that Atheists are bad because of the bad things that some atheists are done.

Fucking people say all sorts of stupid things.

Smart people recognize that there lots of fucking people saying lots of fucking stupid things.
Nawww, the fucking Atheists who advocated banning spirituality, much less religion, are idiots who don't understand they are just as much a part of the problem as Christian witch-burners and Islamic Jihadists.
Hot damn, surprised you even want to live in the same country built by those evil christians.
Interesting to see my point went over your head. Too bad.

Feel free to hate on because it's a free country. Many great Americans gave their all just so you could have the freedom to sit in air conditioned comfort and pound out hate on your keyboard.

He understands perfectly; you're too afraid of going against fashion to bother with it, and just go with the herd. You also don't know much about the Spanish Inquisition, or that there were three Inquisitions, nor do you know why the marranos were not trusted. You also hate to admit Muslims were then and still are far more barbaric than Christians were, playing the silly 'both sides were equally bad n stuff' because it sounds more 'objective', despite the logical fallacy required to assume it is.'

You hate to admit that Christians were just as barbaric as Muslims- and everyone else then.

Christians are just as capable as anyone else of twisting their religion to their own murderous rationalizations.

You have zero evidence they are.

Oh certainly I do.

From the Northern Crusades- to the wars of the Reformation- to the St. Bartholomew's day massacre- to the sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders.

The Crusades were defensive wars against Islamic Imperialist expansionism into Christendom.

Look at the list of corporal punishments in Europe in 13th-15th century Europe and they are

Less people were killed during the hundreds of years of the inquisition than were killed on 9-11.
The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that the United States Congress has a right to prevent. It is a question of proximity and degree. When a nation is at war, many things that might be said in time of peace are such a hindrance to its effort that their utterance will not be endured so long as men fight, and that no Court could regard them as protected by any constitutional right. -- Schenck v. United States

Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969), was a landmark United States Supreme Court case based on the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Court held that government cannot punish inflammatory speech unless that speech is "directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action."[1][2]:702 Specifically, it struck down Ohio's criminal syndicalism statute, because that statute broadly prohibited the mere advocacy of violence.

In the process, Whitney v. California (1927)[3] was explicitly overruled, and doubt was cast on Schenck v. United States

The U.S. Supreme Court reversed Brandenburg's conviction, holding that government cannot constitutionally punish abstract advocacy of force or law violation.

The Brandenburg test (also known as the imminent lawless action test)Edit

The three distinct elements of this test (intent, imminence, and likelihood)

You want to declare all Muslims guilty- because of their religion- which violates the First Amendment.

You want to pretend that there is a 'clear and present' danger by all Muslims- but that doesn't pass the smell test- or the Brandenburg test.

You just want to piss on the Constitution in order to impose religious discrimination.

Islam is not protected by the 1st amendment.

The Courts disagree with you.

But as long as you merely continue to advocate your pissing on the Constitution- your speech is protected.

When you advocate the killing of Muslim Americans- with actual intent- then you are just a cowardly asshole whose speech is not protected.

This speech is not protected,

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"(Translation is from the Noble Quran)

Not only does it call for imminent violence but the likelihood that the result will be imminent violence is proven conclusively by the tens of thousands of violent actions which it has inspired!
$20 says I can find similar barbarisms in the Holy Bible. Are you a Christian? I know you're not a Jew because you love Nazis.

I love Nazis? WTF are you talking about you stupid faggot? That quote I provided was to disprove your assertion that Jews were targeted because of their religion rather than their blood, in fact it comes from a post where I destroy a holocaust denying POS, it is you who is an ardent defender of Islam which is the largest anti-Semitic hate group on the planet. absolutely are supporting the invasion of western civilization by the Islamic Imperialists who promote not only virulent anti-Semitism but homophobia, misogyny, and theocracy as well (again we are talking about 90%+ of the worlds Muslims not radical fringe groups) you sir are an ardent supporter of the largest hate group in the history of the planet.
The fact you are resorting to lies and false accusations tells me you're either a liar, desperate and/or mentally deficient. Your hate will be your undoing. You'll either end up on TV or develop a serious physical illness harboring such evil in your body.

Which part are you asserting is a lie?

On homosexuality the overwhelming majority of Muslims view homosexuality as a sin:

Muslim Views on Morality | Pew Research Center

On Anti-Semitism the overwhelming majority of Muslims have a negative view of Jews:

Antisemitism | Pew Research Center

On theocracy the overwhelming majority of Muslims surveyed want Sharia to be the official law of the land:

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia | Pew Research Center

On Anti-Semitism:

The only representative comparative survey of different European countries that distinguishes between Muslims and non-Muslims was conducted by the Pew Global Attitudes Project in April 2006.5 Unfortunately, only a single ques- tion was used to measure antisemitic attitudes.6 The study showed that Muslims in France, Germany, and Spain were twice as likely as non-Muslims to harbor negative views of Jews. The factor was almost seven for Great Britain. The dif- ference is even greater concerning “very unfavorable” views of Jews. In 2006, Muslims were three to ten times more likely to harbor “very unfavorable” views of Jews than did non-Muslims in France, Germany, and Great Britain. The factor was slightly lower in Spain, where negative views of Jews were by far the highest among both Muslims (60 percent) and the general population (39 percent). Other surveys confirm particularly high levels of antisemitic attitudes in Spain in the general population.7

On homophobia:

Muslims in Britain have zero tolerance towards homosexual acts compared to their counterparts in France and Germany, according to a survey published today. The most dramatic contrast was found in attitudes towards homosexuality. None of the 500 British Muslims interviewed believed that homosexual acts were morally acceptable. By comparison, 35% of French Muslims found homosexual acts to be acceptable. A question on pornography also elicited different reactions, with French and German Muslims more likely than British Muslims to believe that watching or reading pornography was morally acceptable.

Muslims in Britain have zero tolerance of homosexuality, says poll | UK news | The Guardian

On theocracy:

According to the study (German and English), which was funded by the German government, two thirds (65%) of the Muslims interviewed say Islamic Sharia law is more important to them than the laws of the country in which they live.

Three quarters (75%) of the respondents hold the opinion that there is only one legitimate interpretation of the Koran, which should apply to all Muslims, and nearly 60% of Muslims believe their community should return to "Islamic roots."

The survey shows that 44% of the Moroccans and Turks interviewed agree with all three of the above statements, which makes them "consistent fundamentalists," and fundamentalist attitudes are just as widespread among younger Muslims as they are among older Muslims.

According to the study, Islamic fundamentalism is most pronounced in Austria, where 73% of Muslims interviewed say Sharia law is more important than the secular laws of the state; 79% say there is only one correct interpretation of the Koran that should apply to all, and 65% believe Muslims should return to their Islamic roots. In Austria, 55% of the Muslims surveyed say they agree with all three of the above statements.

Europe: Islamic Fundamentalism is Widespread
Agreed. There's just not as many that fucking crazy. A major exception are the anti-abortion nutjobs bombing clinics and murdering doctors by shooting them in the back.
No, you're both wrong. Mohammed and Jesus are polar opposites. The TRUE FOLLOWERS of Muhammad will live the life Muhammad lived.

The TRUE followers of Jesus, will live the life of Jesus.

One religion has its roots in heaven. The other has its roots in hell.
I love Nazis? WTF are you talking about you stupid faggot? That quote I provided was to disprove your assertion that Jews were targeted because of their religion rather than their blood, in fact it comes from a post where I destroy a holocaust denying POS, it is you who is an ardent defender of Islam which is the largest anti-Semitic hate group on the planet.
Yes. It was a given you hate gays along with Jews, blacks, Muslims and nearly everyone else.

Why did you dodge my question about whether or not a mass murderer of innocent American Muslims should save taxpayers the cost of prosecuting and executing them by shooting themselves in the head?
Agreed. There's just not as many that fucking crazy. A major exception are the anti-abortion nutjobs bombing clinics and murdering doctors by shooting them in the back.
No, you're both wrong. Mohammed and Jesus are polar opposites. The TRUE FOLLOWERS of Muhammad will live the life Muhammad lived.

The TRUE followers of Jesus, will live the life of Jesus.

One religion has its roots in heaven. The other has its roots in hell.
Disagreed. Saying Christians will die, get a halo and wings then spend eternity singing Hosannas around the throne of the Lord is a children's tale just like the one told to Muslim children. Adults, well, those with mature minds, understand there is a deeper understanding to existence and eternity.
Which part are you asserting is a lie?....
You repeatedly claiming I support Islamic Jihad. You, sir, are fucking low life liar and have a truly evil heart. I believe people have a choice to walk in the footsteps of goodness, into God's grace, or to wander into the darkness of evil. Your repeated lies against others and spreading of hate against innocent people indicates you have chosen to walk in the darkness.
Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969), was a landmark United States Supreme Court case based on the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Court held that government cannot punish inflammatory speech unless that speech is "directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action."[1][2]:702 Specifically, it struck down Ohio's criminal syndicalism statute, because that statute broadly prohibited the mere advocacy of violence.

In the process, Whitney v. California (1927)[3] was explicitly overruled, and doubt was cast on Schenck v. United States

The U.S. Supreme Court reversed Brandenburg's conviction, holding that government cannot constitutionally punish abstract advocacy of force or law violation.

The Brandenburg test (also known as the imminent lawless action test)Edit

The three distinct elements of this test (intent, imminence, and likelihood)

You want to declare all Muslims guilty- because of their religion- which violates the First Amendment.

You want to pretend that there is a 'clear and present' danger by all Muslims- but that doesn't pass the smell test- or the Brandenburg test.

You just want to piss on the Constitution in order to impose religious discrimination.

Islam is not protected by the 1st amendment.

The Courts disagree with you.

But as long as you merely continue to advocate your pissing on the Constitution- your speech is protected.

When you advocate the killing of Muslim Americans- with actual intent- then you are just a cowardly asshole whose speech is not protected.

This speech is not protected,

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"(Translation is from the Noble Quran)

Not only does it call for imminent violence but the likelihood that the result will be imminent violence is proven conclusively by the tens of thousands of violent actions which it has inspired!
$20 says I can find similar barbarisms in the Holy Bible. Are you a Christian? I know you're not a Jew because you love Nazis.

I love Nazis?

You love the behavior of the Nazi's and want the United States to act like the Nazi's. I doubt you actually love anyone.
Interesting to see my point went over your head. Too bad.

Feel free to hate on because it's a free country. Many great Americans gave their all just so you could have the freedom to sit in air conditioned comfort and pound out hate on your keyboard.

He understands perfectly; you're too afraid of going against fashion to bother with it, and just go with the herd. You also don't know much about the Spanish Inquisition, or that there were three Inquisitions, nor do you know why the marranos were not trusted. You also hate to admit Muslims were then and still are far more barbaric than Christians were, playing the silly 'both sides were equally bad n stuff' because it sounds more 'objective', despite the logical fallacy required to assume it is.'

You hate to admit that Christians were just as barbaric as Muslims- and everyone else then.

Christians are just as capable as anyone else of twisting their religion to their own murderous rationalizations.

You have zero evidence they are.

Oh certainly I do.

From the Northern Crusades- to the wars of the Reformation- to the St. Bartholomew's day massacre- to the sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders.

The Crusades were defensive wars against Islamic Imperialist expansionism into Christendom.

LOL- what an idiot.

Tell me how the Northern Crusades- where Christian Crusaders went to Finland and Scandinavia to forceably convert pagans to Christianity was a 'defensive war against Islam"?

Or how the Christian sacking of the Christian city of Constantinople(among other Christian cities the Crusaders sacked) during the Crusades was an act against Islam?
You have a point. However, christians grew with and helped shape this country. Christianity, (and to a lesser degree, catholicism), had a civilizational effect on the country and became recognized as it's major religion. Other religions and groups grew and coexisted with America. Mormons, Catholics, Amish etc. Some of these groups and religions were treated badly, such as the Japanese during ww2. But even then, after the war, the japanese took up where they left off before the war. They didn't try to get even. Islam is different. They come here with their 'our way or the highway' still stuck in the 7th century attitude, and Americans are saying assimilate or go somewhere else. We don't want to hear your call to prayer blasting several times a day, along with every now and then suffering massacres because you folks can't seem to accept the American way of life.
Eventually Christianity provided more positive than negative effects, but the barbarism of the 16th through 19th centuries was as brutal as anywhere else in the world at the time. Genocide of the indigenous population, "Manifest Destiny" and burning/hanging witches are just three examples.

Interesting that you mention Mormons because, of all the Christian religions, that's the one that resulted in the most violence. Mostly against them, but also by them.

Who Killed Joseph Smith?

Haun's Mill Massacre - The Encyclopedia of Mormonism

Mountain Meadows Massacre

Sure, we got better and, as discussed with Syriusly, just because Christianity was barbaric for centuries several hundred years ago doesn't justify Islamic barbarism today.

So you think the christians were as barbaric as muslims? I don't, but even if they were, they've had their reformation and changed, unlike muslims, who are as barbaric as they were fourteen hundred years ago. Muslims cause problems where ever they go, and as soon as they approach being even a sizeable minority in any country, like they were in Lebanon, and they are now in Europe, then starts the jihad, blowing up subways etc. Rape, pillage, destroy, in the name of their god.
During and prior to the Spanish Inquisition? You bet your fucking ass they were barbaric. Weren't the vast majority of American slavers Christians? Those who committed genocide of Native Americans? The lynching of blacks in the 1950s? That's just in the past 200 years. The Spanish Inquisition goes back to the 15th Century. A history joke is "The Holy Roman Empire wasn't holy or Roman nor an empire". :D

The fucking Atheists keep saying religion is bad because of the bad things people have done with it. Smart people keep pointing out to them that, like a gun, shovel or computer, religion is a tool. Whether or not it is evil depends upon the person using it.

The fucking Christians keep saying that Atheists are bad because of the bad things that some atheists are done.

Fucking people say all sorts of stupid things.

Smart people recognize that there lots of fucking people saying lots of fucking stupid things.
Nawww, the fucking Atheists who advocated banning spirituality, much less religion, are idiots who don't understand they are just as much a part of the problem as Christian witch-burners and Islamic Jihadists.

Witch burning was a pagan pastime. The crime of 'witchcraft' covered a lot of crimes, usually poisoning and other forms of murder, and most 'burnings' took place during the Enlightenment, not the per-Renaissance centuries; the so-called 'Enlightenment' wasn't as 'Enlightening' as is widely claimed.

There was also a strong regional pattern to them, mostly areas where the peasantry was still mostly illiterate and superstitious, holding on to their local pagan traditions, as some still do to this day. In any case, there fewer than 12,000 of them over some a period of a 1,000 years. Most of the hysterical drivel about them comes from anti-Catholic Protestant propaganda; if as many people were killed as was claimed, including 'witch burnings', Inquisitions, and the rest, Europe would have a population of maybe 5 today. The numbers are so way over the top absurd on their face only idiots still believe them.

So, over some 1,300 years, from 500 A.D. to the end of the 18th century, all the big noises about the Evul Xian Bloodbath amounts to maybe 25,000, most of it related to local politics, hysteria, and nothing to do with Christianity. Jewish pogroms against Christians killed far more than that before 100 A.D.
Last edited:
Oh certainly I do.

Oh no you don't.

From the Northern Crusades- to the wars of the Reformation- to the St. Bartholomew's day massacre- to the sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders.

lol at the tired old 'Crusades' mythology. Ignore a few hundred years of Islmao-vermin rampaging around, then snivel about the defensive wars that followed,. Trulu stupid..

And by 'tired' you mean you hate having it brought up.

You don't even know what the Northern Crusades were- and probably don't give a damn that your fine Crusaders sacked the finest- and largest Christian city of the era- Constantinople.

You want to ignore the wars of the Reformation- where fine Christians killed each other for being the wrong kind of Christians- armies rampaged across Europe- Catholics killing Protestants- Protestants killing Catholics- and pretty much all of them killing some Jews along the way.

The French drove out the and murdered the Huegonots, and massacred the Knights Templer.
The English drove out the Jews- and so did the Spanish.

Does that mean all modern Christians are bad- or even that all Christians of that era were bad?

Of course not- it means assholes used religion to kill people.

And that is what is happening with Islamic extremists today.

The vast majority of victims of Islamic terrorism- are Muslims.

Just like during the Reformation- the vast majority of victims of Christian extremist terrorism were Christians.
Less people were killed during the hundreds of years of the inquisition than were killed on 9-11.

True. Less than 3,000 were ever actually executed in both the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions combined. The Roman Inquisition executed no one after the Cathars debacle, almost universally condemned by the Catholic Scholastics. They also dismissed 'witchcraft' as nothing but superstitious peasant nonsense.
Oh certainly I do.

Oh no you don't.

From the Northern Crusades- to the wars of the Reformation- to the St. Bartholomew's day massacre- to the sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders.

lol at the tired old 'Crusades' mythology. Ignore a few hundred years of Islmao-vermin rampaging around, then snivel about the defensive wars that followed,. Trulu stupid..

And by 'tired' you mean you hate having it brought up.

You don't even know what the Northern Crusades were- and probably don't give a damn that your fine Crusaders sacked the finest- and largest Christian city of the era- Constantinople.

You want to ignore the wars of the Reformation- where fine Christians killed each other for being the wrong kind of Christians- armies rampaged across Europe- Catholics killing Protestants- Protestants killing Catholics- and pretty much all of them killing some Jews along the way.

The French drove out the and murdered the Huegonots, and massacred the Knights Templer.
The English drove out the Jews- and so did the Spanish.

Does that mean all modern Christians are bad- or even that all Christians of that era were bad?

Of course not- it means assholes used religion to kill people.

And that is what is happening with Islamic extremists today.

The vast majority of victims of Islamic terrorism- are Muslims.

Just like during the Reformation- the vast majority of victims of Christian extremist terrorism were Christians.


Oh certainly I do.

Oh no you don't.

From the Northern Crusades- to the wars of the Reformation- to the St. Bartholomew's day massacre- to the sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders.

lol at the tired old 'Crusades' mythology. Ignore a few hundred years of Islmao-vermin rampaging around, then snivel about the defensive wars that followed,. Trulu stupid..[/QUOTE]

And by 'tired' you mean you hate having it brought up.

You don't even know what the Northern Crusades were- and probably don't give a damn that your fine Crusaders sacked the finest- and largest Christian city of the era- Constantinople.

You want to ignore the wars of the Reformation- where fine Christians killed each other for being the wrong kind of Christians- armies rampaged across Europe- Catholics killing Protestants- Protestants killing Catholics- and pretty much all of them killing some Jews along the way.

The French drove out the and murdered the Huegonots, and massacred the Knights Templer.
The English drove out the Jews- and so did the Spanish.

Does that mean all modern Christians are bad- or even that all Christians of that era were bad?

Of course not- it means assholes used religion to kill people.

And that is what is happening with Islamic extremists today.

The vast majority of victims of Islamic terrorism- are Muslims.

Just like during the Reformation- the vast majority of victims of Christian extremist terrorism were Christians.[/QUOTE]


LOL- I accept your defeat.
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