Schiff says FBI hasn't probed national security risks of Trump's foreign financial ties


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
The FBI’s counterintelligence division does not appear to have investigated national security risks connected to Trump’s foreign financial ties, the House Intelligence Committee said Wednesday in a newly released legal analysis.

The assessment was contained in a footnote as part of a move by Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) to narrow the scope of a year-old subpoena to Deutsche Bank for records related to the finances of Trump, his family members and the Trump organization. The Intelligence Committee is investigating Trump’s banking relationships with the House Financial Services Committee, led by Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-Calif.).

Words to the wise for Trumpleheads. First, put your head in a paper bag and breathe deeply to avoid hyperventilating at the mention of Schiff's name. Second, consider that Mueller appears to have seen Individual 1's financial dealings as beyond the scope of his investigation. Third, rather than reflexively dismissing the idea the Conman-in-Chief's financial entanglements are not worthy of investigation ask yourself why. Given that we don't want President Flim Flam making decisions based on how they effect his wealth.
The FBI’s counterintelligence division does not appear to have investigated national security risks connected to Trump’s foreign financial ties, the House Intelligence Committee said Wednesday in a newly released legal analysis.

The assessment was contained in a footnote as part of a move by Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) to narrow the scope of a year-old subpoena to Deutsche Bank for records related to the finances of Trump, his family members and the Trump organization. The Intelligence Committee is investigating Trump’s banking relationships with the House Financial Services Committee, led by Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-Calif.).

Words to the wise for Trumpleheads. First, put your head in a paper bag and breathe deeply to avoid hyperventilating at the mention of Schiff's name. Second, consider that Mueller appears to have seen Individual 1's financial dealings as beyond the scope of his investigation. Third, rather than reflexively dismissing the idea the Conman-in-Chief's financial entanglements are not worthy of investigation ask yourself why. Given that we don't want President Flim Flam making decisions based on how they effect his wealth.

They haven't even figured out how many millions the DNC and Clinton campaign funneled to RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA via her lawyer Marc Elias and Fusion GPS.

All we know for sure is HilLIEry's lawyer Marc Elias said he "secretly funneled millions from the DNC and Clinton campaign to Fusion GPS." But how much DNC money got into the hands of RUSSIANS for their disinformation, is still unknown.
The FBI’s counterintelligence division does not appear to have investigated national security risks connected to Trump’s foreign financial ties, the House Intelligence Committee said Wednesday in a newly released legal analysis.

The assessment was contained in a footnote as part of a move by Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) to narrow the scope of a year-old subpoena to Deutsche Bank for records related to the finances of Trump, his family members and the Trump organization. The Intelligence Committee is investigating Trump’s banking relationships with the House Financial Services Committee, led by Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-Calif.).

Words to the wise for Trumpleheads. First, put your head in a paper bag and breathe deeply to avoid hyperventilating at the mention of Schiff's name. Second, consider that Mueller appears to have seen Individual 1's financial dealings as beyond the scope of his investigation. Third, rather than reflexively dismissing the idea the Conman-in-Chief's financial entanglements are not worthy of investigation ask yourself why. Given that we don't want President Flim Flam making decisions based on how they effect his wealth.

With Pennywise Waters on the case we know it'll soon be sucked down into the sewer grates where she lives.
They haven't even figured out how many millions the DNC and Clinton campaign funneled to RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA via her lawyer Marc Elias and Fusion GPS.
Of the variety of answers I expected from Trumpleheads something that batshyte crazy was not one of them.
With Pennywise Waters on the case we know it'll soon be sucked down into the sewer grates where she lives.
The content of your replies is vapid even for a Trumpette. Care to make a serious comment or is this shyte all you have?
"Based on the Committee’s review, it does not appear that Special Counsel Mueller issued any grand jury subpoenas to obtain the President’s financial records. The Committee also has reason to believe, based on its oversight work, that the FBI Counterintelligence Division has not investigated counterintelligence risks arising from President Trump’s foreign financial ties," Schiff wrote in his 25-page analysis."

Perhaps you'd like to reconsider your approach and first read Schiff's report?

Then again, there is nothing in there you blindly loyal Trump Denial Syndrome robots want to hear so I'm not going to assume you have any desire to inform yourselves.
What's the problem with this?

"Consistent with the public announcement following our organizational business meeting on February 6, 20194 , HPSCI has continued to investigate “efforts by Russia and other foreign actors to influence our political process before, during, and since the 2016 election” during the 116th Congress. 5 A “core component” of HPSCI’s investigation “is to understand how Russia and other foreign powers used financial leverage to further their geopolitical goals and whether and to what extent financial entanglements exist and may have been used to influence or compromise Americans, including President Trump, his family, and associates.”6 The Committee is also analyzing “what the United States must do to protect itself from future interference and malign influence operations,” including malign efforts by foreign powers to influence the President and U.S. foreign policy by exploiting the President’s foreign financial interests."
The FBI’s counterintelligence division does not appear to have investigated national security risks connected to Trump’s foreign financial ties, the House Intelligence Committee said Wednesday in a newly released legal analysis.

The assessment was contained in a footnote as part of a move by Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) to narrow the scope of a year-old subpoena to Deutsche Bank for records related to the finances of Trump, his family members and the Trump organization. The Intelligence Committee is investigating Trump’s banking relationships with the House Financial Services Committee, led by Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-Calif.).

Words to the wise for Trumpleheads. First, put your head in a paper bag and breathe deeply to avoid hyperventilating at the mention of Schiff's name. Second, consider that Mueller appears to have seen Individual 1's financial dealings as beyond the scope of his investigation. Third, rather than reflexively dismissing the idea the Conman-in-Chief's financial entanglements are not worthy of investigation ask yourself why. Given that we don't want President Flim Flam making decisions based on how they effect his wealth.
While they're at it, investigate Warren Buffett and Bill Gates.
Heck...investigate everyone on Wall Street and Corporate America.
Well, they tried to kick the President's ass with the "Trump" virus, and the man comes up with a vaccine!
How did he do that when he spends so much time on the golf course, watching cable TV, and tweeting? Don't you mean pharma companies are developing a vaccine?
Well, they tried to kick the President's ass with the "Trump" virus, and the man comes up with a vaccine!
How did he do that when he spends so much time on the golf course, watching cable TV, and tweeting? Don't you mean pharma companies are developing a vaccine?
It's called Leadership.
You see, jerk-off, he lets the scientists do their job because he's not a scientist.

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