SC Debate Weeding Out A Few More...?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
CBS News announces Republican debate criteria

In order to qualify for this debate, candidates will have to meet one of the following criteria:

1) Place among the top five candidates ranked according to the popular vote in the New Hampshire Republican primary on Feb. 9, 2016;
- Trump
- Kasich
- Cruz
- Rubio
- Bush

2) have placed among the top three candidates ranked according to the popular vote in the Iowa Republican caucuses on Feb. 2, 2016;
- Cruz
- Trump
- Rubio

3) place among the top five candidates in an average of national and South Carolina Republican presidential polls conducted over a four-week period starting on Jan. 15, 2016 and recognized by CBS News; and receive a minimum of 3 percent in the Iowa, New Hampshire results or the South Carolina or national polls. To be included, polls must be conducted and released to the public before 12 p.m. ET on Feb. 12, 2016.
- Trump
- Cruz
- Rubio
- Bush
- Carson
*** So Far

This means Christy and Fiorina will be left out of the SC Debate.
- Christy want back to NJ to do some thinking. He might end his campaign.

- Fiorina SHOULD end her campaign. She hasn't been allowed to debate on the main stage for months, and her numbers are not there.

- Carson is fading fast, but I believe he (like Bush) is staying in for now while waiting eagerly to see who Christie and Fiorina endorses / who their supporters flock to once they drop out. If he doesn't get a boost from their supporters he won't last much longer.
I would like to see Carson as Surgeon General. He wouldn't politicize it.
I think Christie would make a decent AG.
Neither of them would make good Presidents IMO
I will celebrate when I don't have to see Carley anymore. She should get a job with Disney as the wicked step mother.

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