Sayonara Asshole


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
I used to cringe when George W Bush took the stage and struggled with grammar, spelling and thought in general. I know his wife tried for 8 years unsuccessfully to break him from his Nookular outbursts but it was too deeply ingrained into his simplistic brain case to get it out.

Then along came a well dressed and eloquent young man who I sat up and took notice of. He was not an embarrassment but spoke well and conducted himself well in public and internationally. I thought to's about time I don't have to feel embarrassment at the thought that somebody might actually be listening to this guy and judging a nation by him. I was impressed with his presence even though I was horrified by his stated goals...but I thought to myself...meh...let's see what he does ...give him a chance.'s where it all started to down hill. Next thing I know his petulant and eternally frowning wife get's on national TV and starts $hitting down our throats....I couldn't believe it. Then Eric Freakin' ( I'm a wannabe ) Holder calls us a nation of cowards....All of a sudden I missed the sweet little librarian/school teacher who graced us with good manners and Red, White and blue apple pie politics for eight years..god I loved that woman....she was the consummate first lady.

So I took a deep sigh and said to myself...hey....nothing is perfect....let's not get all over the guy because his wife is a big mouthed bitch...or a few of his friends are ex-black panthers...but then it struck again.

This time it came in the form of a Stinking apology tour. I just couldn't believe my no good dare you take the oval office on the road and use it to run over America with it? But that's exactly what he did. By now the Alarms were starting to go off and I was starting to have really bad premonitions about the next 7 1/2 years. Annnnnnd we were not disappointed. Everything from " The police acted stupidly" to " If I had a son " to " If you like your doctor" the shit started to roll down hill like an avalanche....nay a mudslide! Then the executive orders...then the IRS penalty... it just kept coming like a flurry of Cassius Clay one two combos...again and again and again. Pretty soon we had a whole nation of pissed off people along with a dedicated following of social miscreants that cheered as the American flag took a good pissing on while Obama supervised.

By this time I was at the " fuxck you " stage of awareness every time I heard or listened to ( newly coined name for him ) "The Assxhole". From that time on it's the only way I referred to him.To date I have never had to explain who that was....all I had to do was say..." The Assxhole " was on TV again today and people just reflexively knew who I was talking about. Hmm

Now this morning I thought I was going to be pleasantly surprised...he appeared in a Christmas ( don't even know if he celebrates it but I digress) commercial and opened up with what appeared to be gratitude for the past 8 years....but NOPE! I should have known that was only the hook to get me not to just change the channel like I usually do.

He quickly turned it into an "Wonderful me " commercial (what else with this guy eh? ) ....he got up...turned around to the camera....unbuttoned his crapper flapper and just unloaded on the nation one last bitter, narcissistic...self adulating....condescending time. All the while his wife Moochie ( 80 pounds of booze and vacation weight on at approximately 1 million dollars a pound ) stared at the camera with that " Yeah wazzup bitch? " look.

Man.... I was just amazed at his consistency. Gotta give him that if nothing else. The man is consistent.

So for the mourning lefties who act like this was the assassination of JFK all over again.... Please do me a favor...get health insurance from Obamacare before you torch yourself at the inauguration....I don't want to pay the burn unit bill for your sorry...scorched asses.

And to Obie the one CanKnowbie.....

so long...see ya....later dude...

Sayonara assxhole! (Sionara is a perfectly acceptable phonetic rendition for English btw....)

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I used to cringe when George W Bush took the stage and struggled with grammar, spelling and thought in general.

This is particularly amusing coming from a guy who can't spell "sayonara..."

What is particularly amusing is that you are not familiar with phonetic expression....but no matter the forum provides correction tools so that you don't have to be hung up on your own lack of creativity lefty boy.
Get ready to hear a lunatic speak incomplete sentences of increasingly dramatic adjectives for the next 1 - 4 years.

Nobody gives a shit really...... they'll be too busy paying the obamacare penalty to the IRS to notice grammar. So Trump is a loud mouthed what?
Obama was an eloquent national rapist. He stuck his penis in your ear for the past 8 years and then you discovered that you like it!
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Get ready to hear a lunatic speak incomplete sentences of increasingly dramatic adjectives for the next 1 - 4 years.

Nobody gives a shit really...... they'll be to busy paying the obamacare penalty to the IRS to notice grammar. So Trump is a loud mouthed what?
Obama was an eloquent national rapist. He stuck his penis in your ear for the past 8 years and then you discovered that you like it!
For the second time this morning a RWNJ brings his gay fantasies here. Maybe you can hook up with the other guy.
Get ready to hear a lunatic speak incomplete sentences of increasingly dramatic adjectives for the next 1 - 4 years.

Nobody gives a shit really...... they'll be to busy paying the obamacare penalty to the IRS to notice grammar. So Trump is a loud mouthed what?
Obama was an eloquent national rapist. He stuck his penis in your ear for the past 8 years and then you discovered that you like it!
For the second time this morning a RWNJ brings his gay fantasies here. Maybe you can hook up with the other guy.
Bathhouse fantasy indeed...lefty boy....after 8 years of fellatio on need to do something about your penis breath...I mean's rank.

Get ready to hear a lunatic speak incomplete sentences of increasingly dramatic adjectives for the next 1 - 4 years.

Nobody gives a shit really...... they'll be to busy paying the obamacare penalty to the IRS to notice grammar. So Trump is a loud mouthed what?
Obama was an eloquent national rapist. He stuck his penis in your ear for the past 8 years and then you discovered that you like it!
For the second time this morning a RWNJ brings his gay fantasies here. Maybe you can hook up with the other guy.

Bathhouse fantasy indeed...lefty boy....after 8 years of fellatio on need to do something about your penis breath...I mean's rank.
Get ready to hear a lunatic speak incomplete sentences of increasingly dramatic adjectives for the next 1 - 4 years.

Nobody gives a shit really...... they'll be to busy paying the obamacare penalty to the IRS to notice grammar. So Trump is a loud mouthed what?
Obama was an eloquent national rapist. He stuck his penis in your ear for the past 8 years and then you discovered that you like it!
For the second time this morning a RWNJ brings his gay fantasies here. Maybe you can hook up with the other guy.
They're always the first ones to bring up gay sex. They spend much of their day thinking about it.
Get ready to hear a lunatic speak incomplete sentences of increasingly dramatic adjectives for the next 1 - 4 years.

Nobody gives a shit really...... they'll be to busy paying the obamacare penalty to the IRS to notice grammar. So Trump is a loud mouthed what?
Obama was an eloquent national rapist. He stuck his penis in your ear for the past 8 years and then you discovered that you like it!
For the second time this morning a RWNJ brings his gay fantasies here. Maybe you can hook up with the other guy.
PEOTUS do not needs liberal lying faggots on his inauguration, he wants just the people. Trump is elected by people, serves the people and is a part of people.

At best he shall not invite MSM presstitutes, only alternative media.

President-elect Donald Trump called out “the so-called ‘A’ list” celebrities he says are looking to attend his inauguration in a tweet on Thursday, suggesting he wouldn't want them there.

"The so-called 'A' list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the inauguration,” Trump tweeted. “but look what they did for Hillary, NOTHING. I want the PEOPLE!”

Trump: I don't need celebrities at inauguration, just 'the people'
Gay fantasies this early in the morning baron?
Seems like you were the first to bring it up here. You queer? Lol
Get ready to hear a lunatic speak incomplete sentences of increasingly dramatic adjectives for the next 1 - 4 years.

Nobody gives a shit really...... they'll be to busy paying the obamacare penalty to the IRS to notice grammar. So Trump is a loud mouthed what?
Obama was an eloquent national rapist. He stuck his penis in your ear for the past 8 years and then you discovered that you like it!
For the second time this morning a RWNJ brings his gay fantasies here. Maybe you can hook up with the other guy.

Bathhouse fantasy indeed...lefty boy....after 8 years of fellatio on need to do something about your penis breath...I mean's rank.
Your gay fantasies are becoming more graphic as the day goes by. I`ve seen enough already. Find baron and get yourselves a room. Yuck!
There are lots of people who have that problem of saying nukuler, lefties included. It likely comes from repeating words like particular, secular, etc.
Many people still have issues with electoral and mischievous, adding an 'i' syllable where there isn't one. Coming from a similar habit from common pronunciations of pictorial, secretarial, etc., like the 'ular' pronunciation
I used to cringe when George W Bush took the stage and struggled with grammar, spelling and thought in general.

This is particularly amusing coming from a guy who can't spell "sayonara..."

It's onion peel above your creativity level lefty....


I used to cringe when George W Bush took the stage and struggled with grammar, spelling and thought in general.

This is particularly amusing coming from a guy who can't spell "sayonara..."

What is particularly amusing is that you are not familiar with phonetic expression....but no matter the forum provides correction tools so that you don't have to be hung up on your own lack of creativity lefty boy.

Oh my, looks like a touched a nerve...

I am well aware phonetics, its history, and its use. I am also well aware that there is zero need for it here, it just makes a person come off as stupid. Congratulations.

And what makes you ASSume I'm a "lefty"? I made no other comment on your post, though there is ample material on which one could comment. I chose only to point to your spelling of sayonara. I ignored your childish insertion of the letter "x" every time you typed a naughty bad no-no word...

So, what made you decide to insult me by calling me a lefty? Because I didn't praise you for your amazingly weak, shallow, retread of an OP?

As for my creativity of your perceived lack of, I've got more than you'll ever know. There's just nothing creative about looking like a moron.
Get ready to hear a lunatic speak incomplete sentences of increasingly dramatic adjectives for the next 1 - 4 years.

Nobody gives a shit really...... they'll be to busy paying the obamacare penalty to the IRS to notice grammar. So Trump is a loud mouthed what?
Obama was an eloquent national rapist. He stuck his penis in your ear for the past 8 years and then you discovered that you like it!
For the second time this morning a RWNJ brings his gay fantasies here. Maybe you can hook up with the other guy.
The left has all the faggots. Look in the mirror.

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