Say 'Islam Wicked,' Go On Trial

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
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Nick Griffin is the head of the pro-white British National Party. He was arrested and will now go on trial for uttering the following words:

"Islam is a Wicked Vicious Faith."

He is referring, of course, the "faith" of the Arab and other non-white invaders of the Britain who are responsible, among other crimes, for the bombing of the Tube.

The West is truly dying. But ultimately, Muslims, black Africans, Mexicans and Jewish Zionists won't kill it. The whites who refuse to defend it will. The gravestone will read: "Here lies a cowardly race of people."
I would like to see the law enforced EQUALLY where accusations of racial/religious hatred are concerned. IMO, they are not.

If one individual or group is allowed to express racial/religious hatred and exclusivity, then ALL groups should be allowed to.
Well, Im glad Im not white. you see,


AND I got two words for you WJ, FUCK YOU, you coward. Ok, thats four, so what, idiots with so much anger like you cant count anyways. :) :afro:
GunnyL said:
I would like to see the law enforced EQUALLY where accusations of racial/religious hatred are concerned. IMO, they are not.

I'd say there should be NO LAW restricting freedom of speech. In America, we at least profess to believe that (First Amendment). In Britain and Europe, they have no such limitation, which is pretty flat-out scary to me. You'd think traditional liberals, libertarians, conservatives, EVERYONE would oppose this. But it really speaks to the unworkability of the multicultural society that free speech is one its inevitable casualties.
William Joyce said:
I'd say there should be NO LAW restricting freedom of speech. In America, we at least profess to believe that (First Amendment). In Britain and Europe, they have no such limitation, which is pretty flat-out scary to me. You'd think traditional liberals, libertarians, conservatives, EVERYONE would oppose this. But it really speaks to the unworkability of the multicultural society that free speech is one its inevitable casualties.

I don't recall that unilimted free speech was ever a part of European law.

In this country, freedom of expression is largely determined by social acceptance as dictated by the MSM.

For instance, David Dukes was thoroughly villfied in the MSM; while, Louis Farrakham, who is every bit the racist and hatemonger is held up as some kind of vituous example for African Americans.

I have no problem with separatists provided their beliefs and desires do not infringe on the rights of others. I do not however, agree with their ideology.

Having said that, racial/religious/ideological intolerance and hatred is what represents the failings of a multicultural society.

Point is, the representatives of such views should be treated equally by law, and represented equally in the media. If David Dukes is a hatemongering racist, so is Louis Farrakham. If Al Sharpton is the eternal victim of racial discrimination, so are whites denied promotion/entrance into state universities and/or scholarships because they don't meet the racial quota.
Liberals want those who are incapable of obtaining and responsibly exercising power to be simply given power without having to earn it.
GunnyL said:
I don't recall that unilimted free speech was ever a part of European law.

In this country, freedom of expression is largely determined by social acceptance as dictated by the MSM.

For instance, David Dukes was thoroughly villfied in the MSM; while, Louis Farrakham, who is every bit the racist and hatemonger is held up as some kind of vituous example for African Americans.

I have no problem with separatists provided their beliefs and desires do not infringe on the rights of others. I do not however, agree with their ideology.

Having said that, racial/religious/ideological intolerance and hatred is what represents the failings of a multicultural society.

Point is, the representatives of such views should be treated equally by law, and represented equally in the media. If David Dukes is a hatemongering racist, so is Louis Farrakham. If Al Sharpton is the eternal victim of racial discrimination, so are whites denied promotion/entrance into state universities and/or scholarships because they don't meet the racial quota.

Fair points... though probably the reason unlimited free speech is never REALLY allowed is that it can lead to "regime change," as they say. I definitely agree with you that "freedom of expression is largely determined by social acceptance and the MSM." The reason why racial separatism or white defense isn't allowed as free speech (either legally in Europe or socially in the USA) is because the enemy KNOWS that people WILL want it when they hear about it. If you want to know the locus of TRUE power, just see what gets "the system" really riled when you talk about it! Nobody gives a crap if you blast "capitalism" or "warmongering" or whatever. That's no threat. Talk about race, though, and the long knives come out for white flesh.

My letter:

The British Embassy
Washington D.C.
3100 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington D.C. 20008-3600
Emergency: (202) 588 6500
Fax: (202) 588 7850

Sir David Manning
Ambassador to the United States


I write to register my protest of the CrownÂ’s prosecution of Nick Griffin of the British National Party.

As you know, Mr. Griffin is to be tried today under Britain’s “hate speech” laws for declaring that Muslims would attack Britain from within. Of course, the fact that this ultimately came true seems not to matter. If the Crown is to be trying anyone for “stirring up hate,” it ought to try the Muslims who committed murder by bombing the Tube.

It is deeply disappointing to see a once-great nation cannibalizing itself by attacking not its enemies but its patriots.

William Joyce said:
Nick Griffin is the head of the pro-white British National Party. He was arrested and will now go on trial for uttering the following words:

"Islam is a Wicked Vicious Faith."

He is referring, of course, the "faith" of the Arab and other non-white invaders of the Britain who are responsible, among other crimes, for the bombing of the Tube.

The West is truly dying. But ultimately, Muslims, black Africans, Mexicans and Jewish Zionists won't kill it. The whites who refuse to defend it will. The gravestone will read: "Here lies a cowardly race of people."

No where, not even UK, is the freedom of speech as protected as here. They think our government is 'nuts' for letting people say the things they do. Personally, I think it keeps tempers from turning into actions.
Kathianne said:
No where, not even UK, is the freedom of speech as protected as here. They think our government is 'nuts' for letting people say the things they do. Personally, I think it keeps tempers from turning into actions.

But sometimes tempers should turn into actions. Like in the case of self defense.
rtwngAvngr said:
But sometimes tempers should turn into actions. Like in the case of self defense.
Go ahead. Do they allow laptops in jail?
Kathianne said:
Go ahead. Do they allow laptops in jail?

The possibility of violence shouldn't be a justification for limiting free speech to this degree. And action can be through legal and civilized means as well.
GunnyL said:
For instance, David Dukes was thoroughly villfied in the MSM; while, Louis Farrakham, who is every bit the racist and hatemonger is held up as some kind of vituous example for African Americans.
It helps if you have an honest view of history...

Farakkhan meets Mandela, stirs controversy
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (CNN) -- American black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan met Sunday with South African President Nelson Mandela and said he agrees with his anti- racial views.

Last week, the leader of the U.S.-based Nation of Islam visited with Libyan leader Colonel Moammar Gadhafi. Farrakhan has made statements attacking Jews and whites. He met with Mandela for 40 minutes.​

Farrakhan's Iran visit called 'shameful'
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The State Department blasted National of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan Wednesday for meeting with radical Middle East leaders.

"It's shameful that an American citizen, much less a major religious leader in the United States, would cavort with dictators like Gadhafi and the Iranian leadership," said Nicholas Burns of the State Department.

"It's shameful that he would stand in Teheran and declare that his fellow countrymen live in a country which is the Great Satan, when those people who stood with him in Teheran took American diplomats hostage," Burns said.

Farrakhan previously had traveled to Libya. He was in Iran to help that nation celebrate the coming to power 17 years ago of the Ayatollah Khomeini.

A representative of The Nation of Islam told CNN they would not comment on the State Department remarks.​

February 26, 1996
Web posted at: 9:20 p.m. EST

Justice Department probes Farrakhan's trip abroad

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The U.S. Justice Department has launched a probe into the recent activities of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

Farrakhan's recent 18-nation tour included stops in countries the United States accuses of sponsoring terrorism -- including Libya, Iran, and Iraq. During the trip, Farrakhan met with Libyan leader Moammer Gadhafi and Iraqi president Saddam Hussein. Gadhafi reportedly offered Farrakhan several million dollars to influence political elections and international policy in the United States.

The Justice Department has sent Farrakhan a letter advising him that his activities may make him a "foreign agent" who must register with the U.S. government and disclose spending practices.

White House spokesman Mike McCurry said Monday the inquiry "arises out of the thugfest tour that Farrakhan had in Africa (in) which he met with the most brutal dictators and leaders of nations that the United States considers the pariah states."​

I could keep going... but this seems sufficient.
jaz, are you saying farrakhan isn't a racist? His itinerary means little.
rtwngAvngr said:
jaz, are you saying farrakhan isn't a racist? His itinerary means little.

I think he is a twit, but this dense?
rtwngAvngr said:
jaz, are you saying farrakhan isn't a racist? His itinerary means little.
No I didn't comment on my opinion of Farrakahn at all. I am merely pointing out that GunnyL's view of history and the MSM is factually false. I provided 3 links to CNN articles showing him as being anything other than a "vituous example for African Americans" as GunnyL tried to suggest.

I actually think Farrakahn is a racist. He also seems like an anti-semite.
Kathianne said:
I think he is a twit, but this dense?
Well done again.

Ignore the discussion, go for the insults!
jAZ said:
No I didn't comment on my opinion of Farrakahn at all. I am merely pointing out that GunnyL's view of history and the MSM is factually false. I provided 3 links to CNN articles showing him as being anything other than a "vituous example for African Americans" as GunnyL tried to suggest.

I actually think Farrakahn is a racist. He also seems like an anti-semite.

Those articles still don't call him a racist, as they do duke. The double standard is real, despite your various irrelevancies.
rtwngAvngr said:
Those articles still don't call him a racist, as they do duke. The double standard is real, despite your various irrelevancies.
And if GunnyL had said "the MSM refused to call him a racist", I wouldn't have posted those articles. I posted them to refute his assertion. Not to refute yours. Stay focused.

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