Saudi Arabia holds a Royal Flush over America.

Selling your soul.

Fuck off with this stupidity

Are you willing to pay more for your gas or see some Walmarts close? If not, get used to kissing evil nations' asses. Until Americans change their behavior, countries like Saudi Arabia will literally have them over a barrel. Thanks to good ole Globalists.
What is your fucking obsession with Walmart dude? See a damn doctor for your obsessive problems.

I don't give two shits about Walmart or non essential commodities.

I DO very much care about fuel expenses because it is such a large part of my budget. Add to that if fuel goes up so does everything else because that shit has to be transported to the market.

Your incessant fucking whining about the evil empires of the world does nothing to further this conversation or solve our problems so give it a rest.

Without China, Walmart goes bye bye. And how do you think fat greedy Americans would feel about that? So in the end, you'll kiss evil nations' asses and like it. No Saudi Arabia, no China, greedy America folds. That's the wonderful world Globalists have created for us. Enjoy.
Wtf is your problem?

Fat Americans
Greedy Americans
Sell outs

Many Americans are just getting by and are at the mercy of decisions made by our Government.
Meanwhile you endlessly demean those Americans with your LIBERAL snob attitude.

Your bullshit is wearing thin

Your own post indicates if we don't kiss Saudi Arabia's ass, we're in for it. And something's very wrong with that.
The US has already caved.
Disaster averted.
The message was sent in the form of an official readout from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s meeting on Tuesday with Saudi King Salman:

The Secretary thanked the King for Saudi Arabia’s strong partnership with the United States. The Saudi and the King discussed a number of regional and bilateral issues. The Secretary also thanked the King for his commitment to supporting a thorough, transparent, and timely investigation of Jamal Khashoggi’s disappearance.

US President Donald Trump says Monday that “rogue killers” could be to blame for the disappearance of a dissident Saudi journalist and says that the oil-rich state’s monarch emphatically denies involvement.

“The denial was very, very strong,” Trump tells reporters at the White House after talking to King Salman by telephone. “It sounded to me like maybe these could have been rogue killers. Who knows?”

Trump, not for the first time, suggested he doesn’t like the idea of scaling back an arms deal with or imposing sanctions on Saudi Arabia for Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi’s disappearance and alleged murder, if indeed the Saudis were responsible. He suggested such a thing would unnecessarily punish U.S. companies:

STAHL: What are your options? Let’s say [the Saudis] did. What are your options? Would you consider imposing sanctions, as a bipartisan group of senators have proposed?

TRUMP: Well, it depends on what the sanction is. I’ll give you an example: They are ordering military equipment. Everybody in the world wanted that order. Russia wanted it, China wanted it, we wanted it. We got it.

STAHL: So would you cut that off —

TRUMP: Do I — well — I tell you what I don’t want to do. Boeing, Lockheed, Raytheon, all these com I don’t want to hurt jobs. I don’t want to lose an order like that. There are other ways of punishing, to use a word that’s a pretty harsh word, but it’s true.

Trump has also downplayed the idea of punishing Saudi Arabia by noting that Khashoggi “is not a[n American] citizen.”

Sorry about the lack of links but they are all quotes.
Saudi could quite easily drive our economy straight into the shitter with their control over oil.

How the hell do we avoid the inevitable disaster that may well result from any consequences we try to impose on them?
And why does every Americans financial well being have to be tied to a solitary individual who is not even an American citizen and did not die on American soil?

Are you all willing to goto war over a single individual?

How does Saudi Arabia hold a royal flush. We produce more oil than they do, and we are a net exporter of oil. So we don’t depend on the towel heads for our energy.
Fuck off with this stupidity

Are you willing to pay more for your gas or see some Walmarts close? If not, get used to kissing evil nations' asses. Until Americans change their behavior, countries like Saudi Arabia will literally have them over a barrel. Thanks to good ole Globalists.
What is your fucking obsession with Walmart dude? See a damn doctor for your obsessive problems.

I don't give two shits about Walmart or non essential commodities.

I DO very much care about fuel expenses because it is such a large part of my budget. Add to that if fuel goes up so does everything else because that shit has to be transported to the market.

Your incessant fucking whining about the evil empires of the world does nothing to further this conversation or solve our problems so give it a rest.

Without China, Walmart goes bye bye. And how do you think fat greedy Americans would feel about that? So in the end, you'll kiss evil nations' asses and like it. No Saudi Arabia, no China, greedy America folds. That's the wonderful world Globalists have created for us. Enjoy.
Wtf is your problem?

Fat Americans
Greedy Americans
Sell outs

Many Americans are just getting by and are at the mercy of decisions made by our Government.
Meanwhile you endlessly demean those Americans with your LIBERAL snob attitude.

Your bullshit is wearing thin

Your own post indicates if we don't kiss Saudi Arabia's ass, we're in for it. And something's very wrong with that.
How is MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS kissing their ass?

You're a fucking hypocrite!

You CONSTANTLY whine about us playing global police but here you are advocating for us to interfere in the affairs of TWO other nations.

Selling your soul.

Fuck off with this stupidity

Are you willing to pay more for your gas or see some Walmarts close? If not, get used to kissing evil nations' asses. Until Americans change their behavior, countries like Saudi Arabia will literally have them over a barrel. Thanks to good ole Globalists.
What is your fucking obsession with Walmart dude? See a damn doctor for your obsessive problems.

I don't give two shits about Walmart or non essential commodities.

I DO very much care about fuel expenses because it is such a large part of my budget. Add to that if fuel goes up so does everything else because that shit has to be transported to the market.

Your incessant fucking whining about the evil empires of the world does nothing to further this conversation or solve our problems so give it a rest.

Without China, Walmart goes bye bye. And how do you think fat greedy Americans would feel about that? So in the end, you'll kiss evil nations' asses and like it. No Saudi Arabia, no China, greedy America folds. That's the wonderful world Globalists have created for us. Enjoy.

Without China, Walmart goes bye bye.

Obviously, because they didn't sell a thing before China became a huge producer.
And they don't sell anything today not made in China...…..

Wait, what?

We could cut Chinese imports off 100%, WalMart (and Target and Kohls and everyone else)
would just import low cost goods from other countries.

They'd still be the most efficient retailer....they'd still make tons of money.
Saudi could quite easily drive our economy straight into the shitter with their control over oil.

How the hell do we avoid the inevitable disaster that may well result from any consequences we try to impose on them?
And why does every Americans financial well being have to be tied to a solitary individual who is not even an American citizen and did not die on American soil?

Are you all willing to goto war over a single individual?

How does Saudi Arabia hold a royal flush. We produce more oil than they do, and we are a net exporter of oil. So we don’t depend on the towel heads for our energy.

We're still a net oil importer.
Are you willing to pay more for your gas or see some Walmarts close? If not, get used to kissing evil nations' asses. Until Americans change their behavior, countries like Saudi Arabia will literally have them over a barrel. Thanks to good ole Globalists.
What is your fucking obsession with Walmart dude? See a damn doctor for your obsessive problems.

I don't give two shits about Walmart or non essential commodities.

I DO very much care about fuel expenses because it is such a large part of my budget. Add to that if fuel goes up so does everything else because that shit has to be transported to the market.

Your incessant fucking whining about the evil empires of the world does nothing to further this conversation or solve our problems so give it a rest.

Without China, Walmart goes bye bye. And how do you think fat greedy Americans would feel about that? So in the end, you'll kiss evil nations' asses and like it. No Saudi Arabia, no China, greedy America folds. That's the wonderful world Globalists have created for us. Enjoy.
Wtf is your problem?

Fat Americans
Greedy Americans
Sell outs

Many Americans are just getting by and are at the mercy of decisions made by our Government.
Meanwhile you endlessly demean those Americans with your LIBERAL snob attitude.

Your bullshit is wearing thin

Your own post indicates if we don't kiss Saudi Arabia's ass, we're in for it. And something's very wrong with that.
How is MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS kissing their ass?

You're a fucking hypocrite!

You CONSTANTLY whine about us playing global police but here you are advocating for us to interfere in the affairs of TWO other nations.


I'm not advocating that at all. I've always advocated dramatically scaling back our presence in the Middle East. And we need to seriously reassess our close relationships with evil nations like Saudi Arabia and Turkey. I'm not interested in kissing their asses anymore. Cut ties, and move on. I'm willing to pay more at the pump.
Saudi could quite easily drive our economy straight into the shitter with their control over oil.

How the hell do we avoid the inevitable disaster that may well result from any consequences we try to impose on them?
And why does every Americans financial well being have to be tied to a solitary individual who is not even an American citizen and did not die on American soil?

Are you all willing to goto war over a single individual?
The U.S. doesn’t stand for anything anymore so who cares
What is your fucking obsession with Walmart dude? See a damn doctor for your obsessive problems.

I don't give two shits about Walmart or non essential commodities.

I DO very much care about fuel expenses because it is such a large part of my budget. Add to that if fuel goes up so does everything else because that shit has to be transported to the market.

Your incessant fucking whining about the evil empires of the world does nothing to further this conversation or solve our problems so give it a rest.

Without China, Walmart goes bye bye. And how do you think fat greedy Americans would feel about that? So in the end, you'll kiss evil nations' asses and like it. No Saudi Arabia, no China, greedy America folds. That's the wonderful world Globalists have created for us. Enjoy.
Wtf is your problem?

Fat Americans
Greedy Americans
Sell outs

Many Americans are just getting by and are at the mercy of decisions made by our Government.
Meanwhile you endlessly demean those Americans with your LIBERAL snob attitude.

Your bullshit is wearing thin

Your own post indicates if we don't kiss Saudi Arabia's ass, we're in for it. And something's very wrong with that.
How is MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS kissing their ass?

You're a fucking hypocrite!

You CONSTANTLY whine about us playing global police but here you are advocating for us to interfere in the affairs of TWO other nations.


I'm not advocating that at all. I've always advocated dramatically scaling back our presence in the Middle East. And we need to seriously reassess our close relationships with evil nations like Saudi Arabia and Turkey. I'm not interested in kissing their asses anymore. Cut ties, and move on. I'm willing to pay more at the pump.
You likely don't rely heavily on fuel. I do, so I care.
As for Saudi we rely on them to do our bidding with things the American people don't have the stomach for. The alternative is to let Iran run rampant.
This mess took decades to create and simply pretending like everything is fine and taking your toys home is not a viable option.
You're like a child demanding no one else play with his toys.
Without China, Walmart goes bye bye. And how do you think fat greedy Americans would feel about that? So in the end, you'll kiss evil nations' asses and like it. No Saudi Arabia, no China, greedy America folds. That's the wonderful world Globalists have created for us. Enjoy.
Wtf is your problem?

Fat Americans
Greedy Americans
Sell outs

Many Americans are just getting by and are at the mercy of decisions made by our Government.
Meanwhile you endlessly demean those Americans with your LIBERAL snob attitude.

Your bullshit is wearing thin

Your own post indicates if we don't kiss Saudi Arabia's ass, we're in for it. And something's very wrong with that.
How is MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS kissing their ass?

You're a fucking hypocrite!

You CONSTANTLY whine about us playing global police but here you are advocating for us to interfere in the affairs of TWO other nations.


I'm not advocating that at all. I've always advocated dramatically scaling back our presence in the Middle East. And we need to seriously reassess our close relationships with evil nations like Saudi Arabia and Turkey. I'm not interested in kissing their asses anymore. Cut ties, and move on. I'm willing to pay more at the pump.
You likely don't rely heavily on fuel. I do, so I care.
As for Saudi we rely on them to do our bidding with things the American people don't have the stomach for. The alternative is to let Iran run rampant.
This mess took decades to create and simply pretending like everything is fine and taking your toys home is not a viable option.
You're like a child demanding no one else play with his toys.

No, i'm just demanding we do what's right. We shouldn't be considering evil nations like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Turkey 'Close Friends.' I'm willing to make sacrifices in cutting ties with them. If i have to pay more at the pump, so be it.
Last edited:
Wtf is your problem?

Fat Americans
Greedy Americans
Sell outs

Many Americans are just getting by and are at the mercy of decisions made by our Government.
Meanwhile you endlessly demean those Americans with your LIBERAL snob attitude.

Your bullshit is wearing thin

Your own post indicates if we don't kiss Saudi Arabia's ass, we're in for it. And something's very wrong with that.
How is MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS kissing their ass?

You're a fucking hypocrite!

You CONSTANTLY whine about us playing global police but here you are advocating for us to interfere in the affairs of TWO other nations.


I'm not advocating that at all. I've always advocated dramatically scaling back our presence in the Middle East. And we need to seriously reassess our close relationships with evil nations like Saudi Arabia and Turkey. I'm not interested in kissing their asses anymore. Cut ties, and move on. I'm willing to pay more at the pump.
You likely don't rely heavily on fuel. I do, so I care.
As for Saudi we rely on them to do our bidding with things the American people don't have the stomach for. The alternative is to let Iran run rampant.
This mess took decades to create and simply pretending like everything is fine and taking your toys home is not a viable option.
You're like a child demanding no one else play with his toys.

No, i'm just demanding we do what's right. We shouldn't be considering evil nations like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Turkey 'Close Friends.' I'm willy to make sacrifices in cutting ties with them. If i have pay more at the pump, so be it.
And what is your weekly fuel cost? 10 dollars? 15?

Your bullshit sacrifice is noted.

We are done here. I have nothing else to say to you.
“I tell you what I don’t want to do. Boeing, Lockheed, Raytheon, all these companies. I don’t want to hurt jobs. I don’t want to lose an order like that.”

After the US imposed sanctions on China for buying a Russian air defense system, Saudi Arabia, which is in talks to purchase it as well, hopes it won't suffer the same fate. It is, after all, one of Washington's best friends.

“I hope nobody will impose any sanctions on us,” said Saudi Ambassador to Russia, Raid bin Khalid Krimli, speaking to the media in Moscow. The technical issues of the purchase are being discussed, he added.

'I hope there'll be no sanctions’ over S-400 purchase plan, Saudi envoy tells Russia
They could more than double the price of oil. Are we willing to pay 7 to 9 bucks a gallon at the pump just to make a stand that ultimately would me nothing to Saudi leaders?

You do know we are an exporter of oil right? You do know the reason why gas was so low was because one of the reasons was to shut down American fracking right????

Oil prices are not dictated by our production. We don't live in a bubble people. Our oil is added to the pool and the price is a result of that combined pool. We do not have the capacity to counter balance any sudden changes to another nations production.

Even so, with America as the #1 oil producer and #1 oil exporter in the world, we can never be held hostage again. We are energy independent. Prices will rise but the supply will NOT dry up.

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