Sassy Roger Stone: LBJ killed Kennedy so he can become president!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Stone wrote a book about it, as seen in the pic below!


Roger Stone: LBJ had Kennedy killed
Stone wrote a book about it, as seen in the pic below!


Roger Stone: LBJ had Kennedy killed

So what? Long time grifter, who doesn't know?
some folks will dispute it, i bet!
So long as endless chaos and accusations without resolution reigns across the land, the goal is achieved. Accept corruption, it is as American as apple pie, baseball, violence, endless wars of aggression, and a child sex trafficking ring patronizing aristocracy above the law.
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Are you upset because he wrote a book and you haven't? Maybe you are upset that he did not go with the conspiracy theroy that is was Castro that did it in retaliation for the bay of Pigs. Maybe you are upset that he didn't fiqure it was part of the FBI because Hoover did not think that he could control Kenedy. It might be that you are upset because you felt he should have given you a part of the proceeds even though you didn't help in any way.
But I am guessing the real reason is you just want to hate and this is something else you can add to feed that need.
Are you upset because he wrote a book and you haven't? Maybe you are upset that he did not go with the conspiracy theroy that is was Castro that did it in retaliation for the bay of Pigs. Maybe you are upset that he didn't fiqure it was part of the FBI because Hoover did not think that he could control Kenedy. It might be that you are upset because you felt he should have given you a part of the proceeds even though you didn't help in any way.
But I am guessing the real reason is you just want to hate and this is something else you can add to feed that need.

Sure. Let's put it on Castro.

Look, anytime anyone comes along and begins to unite the unsubstantial people, they've got to go.
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Are you upset because he wrote a book and you haven't? Maybe you are upset that he did not go with the conspiracy theroy that is was Castro that did it in retaliation for the bay of Pigs. Maybe you are upset that he didn't fiqure it was part of the FBI because Hoover did not think that he could control Kenedy. It might be that you are upset because you felt he should have given you a part of the proceeds even though you didn't help in any way.
But I am guessing the real reason is you just want to hate and this is something else you can add to feed that need.
how did you conclude i'm upset? if anything, i'm promoting his doggone book!

i also gave him a favorable nickname!
Are you upset because he wrote a book and you haven't? Maybe you are upset that he did not go with the conspiracy theroy that is was Castro that did it in retaliation for the bay of Pigs. Maybe you are upset that he didn't fiqure it was part of the FBI because Hoover did not think that he could control Kenedy. It might be that you are upset because you felt he should have given you a part of the proceeds even though you didn't help in any way.
But I am guessing the real reason is you just want to hate and this is something else you can add to feed that need.
how did you conclude i'm upset? if anything, i'm promoting his doggone book!

What he needs is a ghost group buying operation to put up fake sales numbers like Don Jr did.
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  • #9
Are you upset because he wrote a book and you haven't? Maybe you are upset that he did not go with the conspiracy theroy that is was Castro that did it in retaliation for the bay of Pigs. Maybe you are upset that he didn't fiqure it was part of the FBI because Hoover did not think that he could control Kenedy. It might be that you are upset because you felt he should have given you a part of the proceeds even though you didn't help in any way.
But I am guessing the real reason is you just want to hate and this is something else you can add to feed that need.
how did you conclude i'm upset? if anything, i'm promoting his doggone book!

What he needs is a ghost group buying operation to put up fake sales numbers like Don Jr did.
Don Jr's book was terrific. sales are bad because the public is illiterate!
Are you upset because he wrote a book and you haven't? Maybe you are upset that he did not go with the conspiracy theroy that is was Castro that did it in retaliation for the bay of Pigs. Maybe you are upset that he didn't fiqure it was part of the FBI because Hoover did not think that he could control Kenedy. It might be that you are upset because you felt he should have given you a part of the proceeds even though you didn't help in any way.
But I am guessing the real reason is you just want to hate and this is something else you can add to feed that need.
how did you conclude i'm upset? if anything, i'm promoting his doggone book!

What he needs is a ghost group buying operation to put up fake sales numbers like Don Jr did.
Don Jr's book was terrific. sales are bad because the public is illiterate!
Sure, it's a real intellectual undertaking. Can't wait until the system vomits up a Chelsea versus Trump spawn "choice" someday. Must see Reality America Show TV.
Are you upset because he wrote a book and you haven't? Maybe you are upset that he did not go with the conspiracy theroy that is was Castro that did it in retaliation for the bay of Pigs. Maybe you are upset that he didn't fiqure it was part of the FBI because Hoover did not think that he could control Kenedy. It might be that you are upset because you felt he should have given you a part of the proceeds even though you didn't help in any way.
But I am guessing the real reason is you just want to hate and this is something else you can add to feed that need.

Sure. Let's put it on Castro.

Look, anytime anyone comes along and begins to unite the unsubstantial people, they've got to go.
That's one of the many conspiracy theories out there. Not something I made up.
Unfortunately you seem unable to understand. Thanks for pretending to play. You do not get the home game.
Are you upset because he wrote a book and you haven't? Maybe you are upset that he did not go with the conspiracy theroy that is was Castro that did it in retaliation for the bay of Pigs. Maybe you are upset that he didn't fiqure it was part of the FBI because Hoover did not think that he could control Kenedy. It might be that you are upset because you felt he should have given you a part of the proceeds even though you didn't help in any way.
But I am guessing the real reason is you just want to hate and this is something else you can add to feed that need.
how did you conclude i'm upset? if anything, i'm promoting his doggone book!

i also gave him a favorable nickname!
So your not upset. Ok but you want to promote a book?
Seems a bit fishy.
Are you upset because he wrote a book and you haven't? Maybe you are upset that he did not go with the conspiracy theroy that is was Castro that did it in retaliation for the bay of Pigs. Maybe you are upset that he didn't fiqure it was part of the FBI because Hoover did not think that he could control Kenedy. It might be that you are upset because you felt he should have given you a part of the proceeds even though you didn't help in any way.
But I am guessing the real reason is you just want to hate and this is something else you can add to feed that need.

Sure. Let's put it on Castro.

Look, anytime anyone comes along and begins to unite the unsubstantial people, they've got to go.
That's one of the many conspiracy theories out there. Not something I made up.
Unfortunately you seem unable to understand. Thanks for pretending to play. You do not get the home game.
Bo proves yet again he knows Didleysquat about politics. What a moron.
Are you upset because he wrote a book and you haven't? Maybe you are upset that he did not go with the conspiracy theroy that is was Castro that did it in retaliation for the bay of Pigs. Maybe you are upset that he didn't fiqure it was part of the FBI because Hoover did not think that he could control Kenedy. It might be that you are upset because you felt he should have given you a part of the proceeds even though you didn't help in any way.
But I am guessing the real reason is you just want to hate and this is something else you can add to feed that need.
how did you conclude i'm upset? if anything, i'm promoting his doggone book!

i also gave him a favorable nickname!
So your not upset. Ok but you want to promote a book?
Seems a bit fishy.
i read the book, and thought i'd tell folks about it because i found it interesting.

how diabolical!
Stone wrote a book about it, as seen in the pic below!


Roger Stone: LBJ had Kennedy killed
I truly believe LBJ DID play a part in JFK's assassination.

as did Nixon.what he did not mention is Stone also talked about Nixons connection to the assassination. in the book as well.

The best book on the JFK assassination is Jim Mars CROSSFIRE,THE PLOT THAT KILLED KENNEDY.

LBJ had a major role in it but it was mostly pulled off by the CIA. they had everything to gain by it. after the failed bay of pigs invasion where the CIA planned the invasion to fail and lied to kennedy telling him air support would not be needed,they delieberatly planned the invasion so that it would not succeed in hopes that Kennedy would panic and call in the military for an all out invasion.

Kennedy learned from the bay of pigs not to trust the CIA anymore and he wisely stopped listening to them. after they tried to trick him into an all out invasion of cuba. after how the CIA tried to trick him,kennedy made plans to get rid of the CIA making the statement he would smash them into a thousand pieces and scatter them off to the four winds. the CIA had everything to gain by his assassination.

Nixons connection to the assassination is is E Howard Hunt who was one of the watergate burglers arrested,he was a major player involved in the CIA's planning of the invasion.

One of Nixons aides even came out later and said that what Nixon was referring to on the watergate tapes when talking about Hunt where he says Hunt may talk too much and talk and that whole damn bay of pigs thing may come up,what he was referring to was the whole damn kennedy assassinton thing.

after denying for years that he was in dallas,on his deathbed confession he finally admitted he WAS in dallas that day as part of an operation for the CIA to kill kennedy and he talks on here of LBJ's role in it.

Here is the SHORT version of it.

if you want to get REALLY heavy into and find out about Nixons role in it as well. Here is the LONG version of it. Nixon and LBJ were pals,they served in the senate together while lowly congressmen.

Its no secret that kennedy had plans to pull us out of the vietnam war completely by 1965.that pissed off the military establishment and the CIA because war means big money for corporations.

once JFK was assassinated,Johnson reversed kennedys policy and esculated the war.there were never any combat troops sent in under kennedy,only advisors.once LBJ got in,was when the troops were sent in.

oh and same as Hunt,Nixon ALSO lied to the press about being in dallas that day.He was asked if he was in dallas that day and always lied saying he was not initially and changed his story MANY times. WHY lie about being in dallas if you had nothing to do with it?

He forgot that they took a photograph of his earlier that morning in dallas at a coco cola convention.:abgg2q.jpg:

Guess who had connections to coco cola? none other than the CIA.

CIA : Stone says many of the Watergate burglars including Virgilio Gonzales (L), Frank Sturgis (2nd L) and Bernard Barker (2nd R) were also CIA operatives who were also involved in the John F. Kennedy assassination
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Stone wrote a book about it, as seen in the pic below!


Roger Stone: LBJ had Kennedy killed
I truly believe LBJ DID play a part in JFK's assassination.

as did Nixon.what he did not mention is Stone also talked about Nixons connection to the assassination. in the book as well.

The best book on the JFK assassination is Jim Mars CROSSFIRE,THE PLOT THAT KILLED KENNEDY.

LBJ had a major role in it but it was mostly pulled off by the CIA. they had everything to gain by it. after the failed bay of pigs invasion where the CIA planned the invasion to fail and lied to kennedy telling him air support would not be needed,they delieberatly planned the invasion so that it would not succeed in hopes that Kennedy would panic and call in the military for an all out invasion.

Kennedy learned from the bay of pigs not to trust the CIA anymore and he wisely stopped listening to them. after they tried to trick him into an all out invasion of cuba. after how the CIA tried to trick him,kennedy made plans to get rid of the CIA making the statement he would smash them into a thousand pieces and scatter them off to the four winds. the CIA had everything to gain by his assassination.

Nixons connection to the assassination is is E Howard Hunt who was one of the watergate burglers arrested,he was a major player involved in the CIA's planning of the invasion.

One of Nixons aides even came out later and said that what Nixon was referring to on the watergate tapes when talking about Hunt where he says Hunt may talk too much and talk and that whole damn bay of pigs thing may come up,what he was referring to was the whole damn kennedy assassinton thing.

here is the video where Hunt made his deathbead confession before he died to his son.

after denying for years that he was in dallas,on his deathbed confession he finally admitted he WAS in dallas that day as part of an operation for the CIA to kill kennedy and he talks on here of LBJ's role in it.

Its no secret that kennedy had plans to pull us out of the vietnam war completely by 1965.that pissed off the military establishment and the CIA because war means big money for corporations.

once JFK was assassinated,Johnson reversed kennedys policy and esculated the war.there were never any combat troops sent in under kennedy,only advisors.once LBJ got in,was when the troops were sent in.
Thanks for the info.
Stone wrote a book about it, as seen in the pic below!


Roger Stone: LBJ had Kennedy killed
I truly believe LBJ DID play a part in JFK's assassination.

as did Nixon.what he did not mention is Stone also talked about Nixons connection to the assassination. in the book as well.

The best book on the JFK assassination is Jim Mars CROSSFIRE,THE PLOT THAT KILLED KENNEDY.

LBJ had a major role in it but it was mostly pulled off by the CIA. they had everything to gain by it. after the failed bay of pigs invasion where the CIA planned the invasion to fail and lied to kennedy telling him air support would not be needed,they delieberatly planned the invasion so that it would not succeed in hopes that Kennedy would panic and call in the military for an all out invasion.

Kennedy learned from the bay of pigs not to trust the CIA anymore and he wisely stopped listening to them. after they tried to trick him into an all out invasion of cuba. after how the CIA tried to trick him,kennedy made plans to get rid of the CIA making the statement he would smash them into a thousand pieces and scatter them off to the four winds. the CIA had everything to gain by his assassination.

Nixons connection to the assassination is is E Howard Hunt who was one of the watergate burglers arrested,he was a major player involved in the CIA's planning of the invasion.

One of Nixons aides even came out later and said that what Nixon was referring to on the watergate tapes when talking about Hunt where he says Hunt may talk too much and talk and that whole damn bay of pigs thing may come up,what he was referring to was the whole damn kennedy assassinton thing.

here is the video where Hunt made his deathbead confession before he died to his son.

after denying for years that he was in dallas,on his deathbed confession he finally admitted he WAS in dallas that day as part of an operation for the CIA to kill kennedy and he talks on here of LBJ's role in it.

Its no secret that kennedy had plans to pull us out of the vietnam war completely by 1965.that pissed off the military establishment and the CIA because war means big money for corporations.

once JFK was assassinated,Johnson reversed kennedys policy and esculated the war.there were never any combat troops sent in under kennedy,only advisors.once LBJ got in,was when the troops were sent in.
Thanks for the info.

No always bothers me how people always talk about LBJ's role in the JFK assassination but they always leave out Nixons involvement as well.

One Percent Takers — Nixon, Watergate, and the JFK Assassination | One Percent Takers -- The Site that Exposes the Greed and Taking by America's Richest One Percent and Reveals How Ordinary Americans are Fighting Back . . . . . . . . . .

CIA : Stone says many of the Watergate burglars including Virgilio Gonzales (L), Frank Sturgis (2nd L) and Bernard Barker (2nd R) were also CIA operatives who were also involved in the John F. Kennedy assassination

thats why i think its comical that people seriously think there is a difference in the two party system because John Connolly who was good pals with LBJ he was a democrat when kennedy was in office and when johnson became president,then when LBJ'S friend Nixon became president,he switched over and then became a republican and served with Nixon.:abgg2q.jpg:

LBJ and Nixon were war criminals, it wasnt the NVA or the vietcong that murdered 58,000 americans,it was JOHNSON AND NIXON who murdered them.those motherfuckers.
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When you have something to say, silence is a lie.

We tend to ignore the power of the words because we use them all the time for both meaningful and meaningless things.

For example, if you keep silent when something bad happens in front of your eyes, then wrongness becomes part of yourself.

Being alive involves being brave so do speak your mind, but also mind your words because they are more powerful than we are taught to believe.
Are you upset because he wrote a book and you haven't? Maybe you are upset that he did not go with the conspiracy theroy that is was Castro that did it in retaliation for the bay of Pigs. Maybe you are upset that he didn't fiqure it was part of the FBI because Hoover did not think that he could control Kenedy. It might be that you are upset because you felt he should have given you a part of the proceeds even though you didn't help in any way.
But I am guessing the real reason is you just want to hate and this is something else you can add to feed that need.

Sure. Let's put it on Castro.

Look, anytime anyone comes along and begins to unite the unsubstantial people, they've got to go.
That's one of the many conspiracy theories out there. Not something I made up.
Unfortunately you seem unable to understand. Thanks for pretending to play. You do not get the home game.
I understand America cannot face what it is, yeah.

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