Sarah Palin should be the Nominee in 2012. Romney's Candidacy Died Sunday.

Bill Clinton was virtually unheard of untill the Dukakis candidacy, and even then, he was more annoying (that DNC speech!) than anything.

It wasn't until The Comeback Kid thing in 1992 that brought him to a relevant national light.

I'm banking on a Dark Horse person to run. It won't be Romney.

And no, he isn't "the best" to be offered.

The problem is that Conservatives don't tend to nominate Dark Horse candidates. I don't remember the last Republican candidate who was a complete unknown.

I think we will get one of the Old Horse (John McCain are you listening?) candidates

RW....youy would do your credibility wonders if you stopped using the word conservatives when referring to the GOP.

They are our closest party, yes....but we conservatives have only about 1/3 say in the GOP candidates.

I agree with you. Growing up in New York, I used to be a Nelson Rockefeller Republican. At that time there were liberals and conservatives in each party and many candidates overlapped.
Right now the Republican Party is conservative. If they are not, Rush Limbaugh and FoxNews quickly set their minds right.

I was merely commenting that I have never seen a Conservative or a Republican run a Dark Horse for President. Do you know of any in the last 50 years?
The problem is that Conservatives don't tend to nominate Dark Horse candidates. I don't remember the last Republican candidate who was a complete unknown.

I think we will get one of the Old Horse (John McCain are you listening?) candidates

RW....youy would do your credibility wonders if you stopped using the word conservatives when referring to the GOP.

They are our closest party, yes....but we conservatives have only about 1/3 say in the GOP candidates.

I agree with you. Growing up in New York, I used to be a Nelson Rockefeller Republican. At that time there were liberals and conservatives in each party and many candidates overlapped.
Right now the Republican Party is conservative. If they are not, Rush Limbaugh and FoxNews quickly set their minds right.

I was merely commenting that I have never seen a Conservative or a Republican run a Dark Horse for President. Do you know of any in the last 50 years?
Well, hopefully they'll learn their lesson. If they don't, I'll vote my 3rd party option as usual
I was talking about Obama and his debating skills.
Why do people continually compare Obama to Palin?
What is it about the left that they find Palin so intriguing...and worthy of comparing to Obama?

It's the Democrat's version of Clinton Derangement Syndrome.

Prior to 2008, nearly every GOP candidate was put up against HRC. She was the dream candidate for any GOP supporter and every candidate was measured by how well he'd beat her in an election.

Palin is the absolute dream DNC candidate. If the DNC supporters here had their way, Palin would run and win the party nomination every 4 years for the rest of her life.

Not quite. Democrats want Palin to run. Unlike republicans, who simply wanted Clinton to go away (because they knew they couldn't beat him). They became obsessed because he (Clinton) was smarter than them all. Democrats, on the other hand, don't want Palin to go away. They ARE astounded that the wingnuts have so much faith in an obviously 'intellectually challenged' candidate. But they don't want her to go away. They see Palin as Obama's BEST chance to win re-election. And as they believe Palin's coat tails to be non-existent, they believe she's also their best chance of restoring any 2010 congressional losses in 2012.
The problem is that Conservatives don't tend to nominate Dark Horse candidates. I don't remember the last Republican candidate who was a complete unknown.

I think we will get one of the Old Horse (John McCain are you listening?) candidates

RW....youy would do your credibility wonders if you stopped using the word conservatives when referring to the GOP.

They are our closest party, yes....but we conservatives have only about 1/3 say in the GOP candidates.

I agree with you. Growing up in New York, I used to be a Nelson Rockefeller Republican. At that time there were liberals and conservatives in each party and many candidates overlapped.
Right now the Republican Party is conservative. If they are not, Rush Limbaugh and FoxNews quickly set their minds right.

I was merely commenting that I have never seen a Conservative or a Republican run a Dark Horse for President. Do you know of any in the last 50 years?

I have not been politically "in the know" for more than 25 years....even a little less....but dark horse candidates....and right now I do not see the GOP as conservative....I see them as a party running scared...and I see them as a party that, if given the opportunity, will play the tit for tat game based on pandoras box that was opened with the reconciliation game played by the dems.

And to be frank, that "gaming the game" should bother all of us as it set a precedent for anyone in power to do it again....but I know....that is for a different thread.
I was talking about Obama and his debating skills.
Why do people continually compare Obama to Palin?
What is it about the left that they find Palin so intriguing...and worthy of comparing to Obama?

It's the Democrat's version of Clinton Derangement Syndrome.

Prior to 2008, nearly every GOP candidate was put up against HRC. She was the dream candidate for any GOP supporter and every candidate was measured by how well he'd beat her in an election.

Palin is the absolute dream DNC candidate. If the DNC supporters here had their way, Palin would run and win the party nomination every 4 years for the rest of her life.

Not quite. Democrats want Palin to run. Unlike republicans, who simply wanted Clinton to go away (because they knew they couldn't beat him). They became obsessed because he (Clinton) was smarter than them all. Democrats, on the other hand, don't want Palin to go away. They ARE astounded that the wingnuts have so much faith in an obviously 'intellectually challenged' candidate. But they don't want her to go away. They see Palin as Obama's BEST chance to win re-election. And as they believe Palin's coat tails to be non-existent, they believe she's also their best chance of restoring any 2010 congressional losses in 2012.

The minute you said that Clinton was smarter than "them all" your well written post became a partisan peice of crap.

Clinton is a birght man, yes...and there are equally bright men and women on the other side of the aisle.

I suggest you refrain from your partisan jabs you throw in your posts. They compromise the integrity of the point you are making.

Simply my opinion, however. Do as you please.
The Dems are salivating thinking of Palin as the GOP nominee in 2012. I mean, how many times can she wink in one debate?
Palin might not even run, but if she does and if Obama doesn't pussy out and does decide to debate her, she will fillet him like a fish.

Obama had already left a trail of lies and deception and he'll be stuttering and stammering when he has to defend his Stimulus Guaranteed 8% unemployment and 3,000% savings by switching to ObamaCare
Palin might not even run, but if she does....She will quit
Palin might not even run, but if she does and if Obama doesn't pussy out and does decide to debate her, she will fillet him like a fish.

Obama had already left a trail of lies and deception and he'll be stuttering and stammering when he has to defend his Stimulus Guaranteed 8% unemployment and 3,000% savings by switching to ObamaCare

Can I have some of what you've been smoking? Palin has no debate skills and will (if nominated) quit well before election day.
Palin might not even run, but if she does and if Obama doesn't pussy out and does decide to debate her, she will fillet him like a fish.

Obama had already left a trail of lies and deception and he'll be stuttering and stammering when he has to defend his Stimulus Guaranteed 8% unemployment and 3,000% savings by switching to ObamaCare

Can I have some of what you've been smoking? Palin has no debate skills and will (if nominated) quit well before election day.

Now now...calm down., I promise you...Sarah Palin wont hurt you. No need to continually express your fear of her.
there may very well be some liberals who are, indeed, afraid of Sarah Palin, but I certainly am not one of them. She doesn't frighten me in the least. I just continue to be flabbergasted by the fact that there are people in America that actually think that she is someone that they would consider as a leader of this country. I was amazed when McCain picked her, and I remain puzzled by her inexplicable attractiveness to so many people. It's almost like the people who think she is really a dynamic and wonderful leader are not even the same SPECIES as I am. very weird.
What is it you liberals don't understand about Romney's potential taking a nosedive.....?

It's because Romney was FOR Obama-type health care......

You know....the healthcare that 59% of the American people opposed....

But got it jammed down their throats anyway by the NaziMarxists in power....

ANY conservative will be the ticket winner next time...

...even Sarah Palin could beat the NaziMarxist in the oval office....


...and at the very least Sarah could provide a bonafide birth certificate...:lol:
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there may very well be some liberals who are, indeed, afraid of Sarah Palin, but I certainly am not one of them. She doesn't frighten me in the least. I just continue to be flabbergasted by the fact that there are people in America that actually think that she is someone that they would consider as a leader of this country. I was amazed when McCain picked her, and I remain puzzled by her inexplicable attractiveness to so many people. It's almost like the people who think she is really a dynamic and wonderful leader are not even the same SPECIES as I am. very weird.

If I may....

She was...and I emphasize was.....a shining light during a very difficult time for the GOP....she was a spark as the GOP, and conservatives as well, believed Obama was not in our best interest...and we saw McCain as a losing proposition.

So what did we see? A governor NONE OF US EVER HEARD OF...with a very high approval rating, good looks and charisma.

She was...dare I say..the great white hope for us.

Well.....the brighter ones saw otherwise as time went on...

Some STILL became enamored with her and still are.

And the last group? They simply like to shove her in the face of liberals as the liberals are the ones who cant get her out of their minds..

But overall...she was nothing but the glimmer of hope..until we saw what she was really all about.

And maineman..... How could you have been surprised at his picking her? How did you know about her before he picked her?
The problem is that Conservatives don't tend to nominate Dark Horse candidates. I don't remember the last Republican candidate who was a complete unknown.

I think we will get one of the Old Horse (John McCain are you listening?) candidates

RW....youy would do your credibility wonders if you stopped using the word conservatives when referring to the GOP.

They are our closest party, yes....but we conservatives have only about 1/3 say in the GOP candidates.

I agree with you. Growing up in New York, I used to be a Nelson Rockefeller Republican. At that time there were liberals and conservatives in each party and many candidates overlapped.
Right now the Republican Party is conservative. If they are not, Rush Limbaugh and FoxNews quickly set their minds right.

I was merely commenting that I have never seen a Conservative or a Republican run a Dark Horse for President. Do you know of any in the last 50 years?

I wouldnt call the GOP conservative......reactionary, maybe, but definitely not conservative.

The term "reactionary" refers to any political or social movement or ideology that seeks a return to a previous state (the status quo ante) and by extension an individual espousing such a viewpoint. The term is meant to stand in opposition to and as one end of a political spectrum whose opposite pole is "progressive".
What is it you liberals don't understand about Romney's potential taking a nosedive.....?

It's because Romney was FOR Obama-type health care......

You know....the healthcare that 59% of the American people opposed....

But got it jammed down their throats anyway by the NaziMarxists in power....

ANY conservative will be the ticket winner next time...

...even Sarah Palin could beat the NaziMarxist in the oval office....


...and at the very least Sarah could provide a bonafide birth certificate...:lol:

Then you should be pleased with the bill. It's does a lot of things, but the one thing it doesn't do is socialize American medicine.
Palin might not even run, but if she does and if Obama doesn't pussy out and does decide to debate her, she will fillet him like a fish.

Obama had already left a trail of lies and deception and he'll be stuttering and stammering when he has to defend his Stimulus Guaranteed 8% unemployment and 3,000% savings by switching to ObamaCare

Can I have some of what you've been smoking? Palin has no debate skills and will (if nominated) quit well before election day.

If Palin debated Obama it would end with Obama looking like something they found in Hannibal Lecter's basement