Sarah Palin joins with Phrump's obscenities

so, you feel like these protesters are just honest citizens wanting to participate in the political process?

Sarah is spot on with this
Sarah Palin on Donald Trump protesters: 'Punk-ass, little thuggery' -

I guess she is trying to gain another pick as VICE-President. It worked out so well for McCain.


You must be PROUD. She has a daughter who sleeps around. Her family has drunken parties. Isn’t it reasonable to thinks she will lower her “moral” standards ever further with Phrump?

Donald will soon be the LEADER OF THE GOP. Yes, the “Party of God” will soon have the Great Phrump as its leader. YOU MUST BE PROUD!
Donald will soon be the LEADER OF THE GOP. Yes, the “Party of God” will soon have the Great Phrump as its leader. YOU MUST BE PROUD!

Fuck the GOP asswipe.
If you knew Jack Shit about Trump, you'd know he doesn't give a fuck about the GOP either.
Trump is the new American, dingbat.
You'll find out when he's elected, your Obamaphone is taken away, and cocksuckers like you are put in Gitmo - where you fucking belong.
Adios motherfucker.
Secretary of State, former Senator, Former Presidential Candidate John Kerry's Rolling Stone interview during the 2004 election:

Did you feel you were blindsided by Dean's success?

Well, not blindsided. I mean, when I voted for the war, I voted for what I thought was best for the country. Did I expect Howard Dean to go off to the left and say, 'I'm against everything'? Sure. Did I expect George Bush to fuck it up as badly as he did? I don't think anybody did."

In case you missed it, that is Sen. John F. Kerry (no more wondering what the F. stands for) getting earthy with the all-purpose American word. Fuck. Fuckin'-A Mr. Senator, did you just say "fuck" in response to a question about Howard Dean?

I expect the OP will demand his resignation post-haste.

Unless of course the OP is a hypocrite of the first order.
Sarah Palin on Donald Trump protesters: 'Punk-ass, little thuggery' -

I guess she is trying to gain another pick as VICE-President. It worked out so well for McCain.


I don't know if Trump is another CFR/Bilderburg pawn or not but I know for a fact that Hiltery is.... along with Bill "drop trou". I would not trust either Clinton in a room alone with my blonde haired, blue-eyed if I can't trust them with that? Do you REALLY believe that I want them in any position of power that could affect my life? Fuck them both.....I wish that Hillary's mom had decided to use the business end of a broken beer bottle and ended her pregnancy than foist that sorry excuse for a human being on us........just keeping it real...
Sarah Palin on Donald Trump protesters: 'Punk-ass, little thuggery' -

I guess she is trying to gain another pick as VICE-President. It worked out so well for McCain.


You must be PROUD. She has a daughter who sleeps around. Her family has drunken parties. Isn’t it reasonable to thinks she will lower her “moral” standards ever further with Phrump?

Donald will soon be the LEADER OF THE GOP. Yes, the “Party of God” will soon have the Great Phrump as its leader. YOU MUST BE PROUD!

When did the GOP become the Party of God?

I must have missed that.
Well, with Palin, the quitter, hanging onto Phrump's coattails, we can be sure he will lose. Loser flock together, don't they?
Troll much? You offer nothing........but enjoy your cyber-dime, punkinpuss......
cyber-dime and punkinpuss, huh? LOL. I must admit, this is the first post I've seen of yours. Are they all this insightful?
Troll much? You offer nothing........but enjoy your cyber-dime, punkinpuss......
cyber-dime and punkinpuss, huh? LOL. I must admit, this is the first post I've seen of yours. Are they all this insightful?

I am a walking, talking encyclopedia of knowledge because I have put in the time and effort to learn how things really work and the mechanisms behind it......want to debate an issue? Bring it on, punkinpusss....because from my point of view, you have a big ol bag of nothing. I do not subscribe to a political affiliation because they are the same at the very top. I will admit much as I have disdain for neocons, it goes double for the Fabian socialists that make up the leftard clown posse of sniveling fools and morons.....bring your best game.....let's see what ya got.
Look where they are taking politics. Into a game of name calling chest puffing without substance
Look where they are taking politics. Into a game of name calling chest puffing without substance

I have yet to read a post from you where you didn't attempt to thrust forward your teeny, tiny pecs as if you had an opinion worth considering. You have an over-inflated sense of self..........just sayin' this as a casual observer.....

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