Sarah Palin Addresses Wisconsin Protesters: You Must Be 'Willing To Sacrifice'

Yeah, the Governor should get the money from the MONEY tree in his back yard.

How long are you going to take these Teachers and their Unions suck the life blood from you ?
We PAY their stinking salaries folks.
Was it teachers and unions that crashed the US economy two years ago?

Or was is Wall Street Republicans AND Democrats serving a bloated, corrupt US military/security complex's desire for profits?

What sacrifices are you personally calling for the richest 1% of Americans to make?

Class warfare, the magic elixir that solves all our problems. Not.

I believe in spreading opportunity, you believe in sending the bill. The difference is my path maximizes liberty and yours minimizes it. Feeding at someone else's trough makes you dependent on them, it does not make you their equal.
If we did not offer ANY BENEFITS for most government jobs that come available after someone retires or moves to another job in the public sector, there would STILL be a very long line of qualified candidates WILLING to take that job IMMEDIATELY.
Union benefits must drop, unions need to be banned from the government sector and union shop states need to change.

Really? Then why is the military spending billions on bonuses and pay raises, advertising, and incentives to try to get people to join or re-enlist?
All I see in that table were State and Local tax rates. The largest tax burden today are hidden taxes. George Bush was no friend of business, and Government under Obama has only intensified his attack. I own two businesses and the extent of what government makes me do and spend to comply with endless regulation and taxes is staggering. And none of that makes my businesses more competitive or is paid by me, it's in the price of what we sell. Consumers in the end pay all taxes. The only exception is the death tax.

Your contempt for facts is comical.

Your ignorance is sad

This from the idiot who doesn't think we should have to get driver's licenses to drive.


this is conservatism's best and brightest!!!!
Yeah because the military is actually a stressful, demanding and sacrificing job not alot of people are willing to do. And don't say teaching is anywhere near the level of military when it comes to stress, demand and sacrifice. Its not.

Yes you are. I made no claim there. I merely cited the one good example of what the other poster was talking about, and cited what followed.

HE is the one who claimed - without ANY evidence - that raising the top rate would have caused a job loss.

I was asking him for evidence to support his claim, and emphasizing the likelihood that he would not be able to find any evidence by giving a very significant example that contradicted his claim.

Now go bother him for making an unsubstantiated claim.

His claim was substantiated by the entire field of economics

His claim was proven false by the only good example we have.

Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy in 1993 and the 8 years of the Clinton administration produced 22 million jobs.

Now, tell me, if it is a FACT that raising taxes always causes job loss, how could that have happened?
Yeah because the military is actually a stressful, demanding and sacrificing job not alot of people are willing to do. And don't say teaching is anywhere near the level of military when it comes to stress, demand and sacrifice. Its not.

I was IN the military, genius. I was a clerk in the S-2 section of a missile battalion. It was a far easier job than the average teacher has.

Not to mention police or firefighters.
Oh, speaking of firefighters, despite their union having been expediently exempted by the corrupt governor,

they are showing up to support the pro-union people.
I was in the military too retard. And I spent 15 months in Iraq. There is a huge amount of sacrifice and dedication that goes on by a majority of soldiers. Maybe you werent one of those soldiers. So be it.
A strange thing about the relation between the middle class and the economy--they buy a lot of shit

just sayin'
its an AP story, yes, but it is a republish not a hotlink
but you should get a commission from huffypuffy for all the work you do for em

Funny how the left is always quoting the AP and the Huffington Post, but when the Huffington Post says that "the only thing weirder than a birther is an anti-birther" and then calls for Obama to release his citizenship records, these left-wing HuffPo quoters remain 100% dead silent when it comes to quoting one of their favorite liberal and biased sources.

Conclusion? In point of fact, there isn't an intellectually honest one among them. Not one.
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This is left wing bullshit. Class warfare to divide the people.... and you're such a sucker that you fall for it instead of asking why they keep fanning the flames of division. Rich people are not responsible for your problems. The rich pay 80% of the taxes in this country. How much more do you think they should pay? Why should the rich hand over yet more money to a bunch of incompetent idiots who clearly cannot manage a budget?

you mean class warfare by the right. destroying the collective bargaining ability of workers while cutting taxes for rich people.

you have it butt backward this time, hon.
Off topic Jillian but, how did your proclamation just hours after the Giffords shooting that it had to have been a tea partier fueled by right wing rhetoric work out for ya'?.......You abandonded that thread going mach 5 with your hair on fire after it became quite clear that so many of you lefty's were, AS USUAL, full of shit.

Back on topic........When a state is broke, in part due to unsustainable union gotten goods, and there is no money for collective bargaining, collective bargaining goes bye bye as it should.......The union employees aren't special. They need to start realizing it and get in line with every other american who are biting the bullet nowadays.....And those teachers who abandoned their students and classrooms, thereby stepping all over the rights of said students to an education, are nothing but a bunch of scumbags......NOTHING MORE!
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Yeah, the Governor should get the money from the MONEY tree in his back yard.

How long are you going to take these Teachers and their Unions suck the life blood from you ?
We PAY their stinking salaries folks.
Was it teachers and unions that crashed the US economy two years ago?

Or was is Wall Street Republicans AND Democrats serving a bloated, corrupt US military/security complex's desire for profits?

What sacrifices are you personally calling for the richest 1% of Americans to make?

Class warfare, the magic elixir that solves all our problems. Not.

I believe in spreading opportunity, you believe in sending the bill. The difference is my path maximizes liberty and yours minimizes it. Feeding at someone else's trough makes you dependent on them, it does not make you their equal.
Who's paying the bill for Wall Street's 13 trillion dollar bailout?

The Koch brothers?

The FIRE sector?

Opportunity for the majority hasn't been enhanced in the last generation by the richest 2% of Americans nearly doubling their share of returns to wealth.

That's another classic example of how feeding at someone else's trough enables governments to socialize cost while privatizing profit, and I don't think it's ever been done to maximize liberty for the majority.

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