Santorum Accuses Obama Of 'Snobbery' For Wanting All U.S. Kids To Attend College

Obama's step dad worked for big oil.

Lolo was the dude that was the P relations with Exxon Mobile.

Obama was never a street kid. He always had a silver spoon in his mouth.

These kids would be trying on this "raised by a single mother" crap on Susan Sarandon's kids if it advanced the leftist agenda. Rich sluts who think it's trendy to sleep around and have kids outside of marriage ain't exactly tuggin' the ol' heartstrings.
then why the fuck is congress considering passing a bill making applications to college mandatory? asswipe?

Oh no, you mean they are attempting to create a civilization of highly educated individuals?!

Fuck me!

You know what other bills they are considering in congress? On that bans evolution from being taught.

Not on your life.

So NOW libtards do not believe in CHOICE? how convenient.

What do you mean, "NOW"? They've never believed in choice.
Oh no, you mean they are attempting to create a civilization of highly educated individuals?!

Fuck me!

You know what other bills they are considering in congress? On that bans evolution from being taught.

Not on your life.

So NOW libtards do not believe in CHOICE? how convenient.

Requiring an application to be submitted is an awfully long way from forcing them to actually go to college.

:rolleyes: :lmao:
Do you honestly think the people who fix the best cars in the world learned that from their local car shop?

Trade school is not college....

I think the people who "fix the best cars in the world" went to trade school AND THEN did a long apprenticeship with a specialized car shop for those type of cars. If Stupid is aware of some college offering degrees in "Auto Mechanics for Rolls Royces" somewhere, I'd like to see a link to it.

Ford trains their own mechanics.
F-1 mechanics generally have degrees in mechanical engineering. Imagine that.

I doubt it.

Well they sure as fuck don't learn to work on fighter jets by being backyard grease monkeys. Man, you are one stupid motherfucker :lol::lol::lol:

Oh, so you're just ASSuming that because fighter jets are so spiffy and wonderful, it MUST require some sort of degree to work on them.

Newsflash, dumbass: the Air Force happily trains its own personnel to work on its equipment.
I see you can't answer the question either.

How the hell is anyone supposed to even try explain the benefits of a college education to someone who's so prediposed to discount it?

If it doesn't get you a good paying job, it saddles you with a mountain of debt, and it delays the beginning of your earning years by 4 years, what's the benefit?

For some people college is a benefit, but we all know there are plenty of people who will gain nothing. They aren't intellectually equipped to benefit from college. Included in this class of people are most liberal arts majors.

And if it convinces you that the way to handle problems is to go sit in a park, chanting slogans all day and doing without showers, then it's a DETRIMENT, to you and to society (especially those people who aren't downwind of you).
It is a decision we will make with our kids. It isn't Obama's business one way or the other. My kids are not wards of the State for him to decide what to do with their lives.

As I understand it, he aims to make it easier for your kids to go to College if you (collectively) decide that it's the thing to do.
I don't see compulsion in any statements.

You can relax...deep breath...that's
Make it easier how? By taking more money from me in the form of taxes so that i really pay for it anyway? How hard is it to go to college? There are tons of colleges all over the place. You save or work for the money or get loans and you go. It isn't rocket science. And, it isn't up to the rest of society to foot my kid's college bill. Maybe you want a total welfare state but i don't.
Has some truth to it...Most professors are far to the left of the general society.

This is because they are well educated.

Wrong. It's because they are all sucking on the government tit. A college faculty is like a private club where the current members can keep out whomever they don't like. Once the leftists get control of it, no one on the right is ever admitted again. It has nothing to do with the quality of your education.

Are you saying that a person with a PhD is not well educated?
And your club analogy is just plain stupidity and paranoia.
i definitely want my 7yo to go to college. i bet most parents want the same. i wonder what people would say if a president said something like...

"well, not everybody needs to have the opportunity to go to college."

I want my kids to go to whichever school allows them to train for the career that would make them happy. I certainly don't want them to go to college and rack up enormous debts for themselves if what they really want in life is to be an auto mechanic or an electrician or something like that.

And what the hell's wrong with technical trades, may I ask? I believe THAT would be the source of Santorum's "snobbery" comment: why does Obama think the only valid education and career training comes from colleges?

Has Obama said that?
It is a decision we will make with our kids. It isn't Obama's business one way or the other. My kids are not wards of the State for him to decide what to do with their lives.

As I understand it, he aims to make it easier for your kids to go to College if you (collectively) decide that it's the thing to do.
I don't see compulsion in any statements.

You can relax...deep breath...that's
Make it easier how? By taking more money from me in the form of taxes so that i really pay for it anyway? How hard is it to go to college? There are tons of colleges all over the place. You save or work for the money or get loans and you go. It isn't rocket science. And, it isn't up to the rest of society to foot my kid's college bill. Maybe you want a total welfare state but i don't.

Fair enough, if you disagree with funding people into higher education that's a reasonable argument.
But arguing that Obama intends to force your kids to go to college is simply dishonest (or mis-informed if I'm to give you the benefit of the doubt), which is what I've been trying to say to you.

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