Sanders vows to stop Obama trade deal


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
Somebody should ask Clinton how she feels about the TPP. ;) The important differences between Bernie and Hillary are so obvious it hurts. How can any informed Democrat support a Wall Street shill like Hillary Clinton? Bernie Sanders has been fighting for ordinary Americans his entire political life. That's probably why Wall Street isn't supporting his campaign.

Sanders vows to stop Obama trade deal

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Wednesday said he would stop a sweeping Asia-Pacific agreement if he wins the White House. The Vermont senator blasted the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as trade ministers for the 12 partners in the deal gathered in New Zealand to sign it. "As your president, not only will I make sure that the TPP does not get implemented, I will not send any trade deal to Congress that will make it easier for corporations to outsource American jobs overseas,” Sanders said.
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The TPP is a good deal. Sanders is proving once again why he will not be getting my vote.
Somebody should ask Clinton how she feels about the TPP. ;) The important differences between Bernie and Hillary are so obvious it hurts. How can any informed Democrat support a Wall Street shill like Hillary Clinton? Bernie Sanders has been fighting for ordinary Americans his entire political life. That's probably why Wall Street isn't supporting his campaign.

Sanders vows to stop Obama trade deal

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Wednesday said he would stop a sweeping Asia-Pacific agreement if he wins the White House. The Vermont senator blasted the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as trade ministers for the 12 partners in the deal gathered in New Zealand to sign it. "As your president, not only will I make sure that the TPP does not get implemented, I will not send any trade deal to Congress that will make it easier for corporations to outsource American jobs overseas,” Sanders said.
Did you even look at the deal? Not all trade deals are made the same. See CAFTA, we have a trade surplus will every country in that deal!

We wrote the bill. One of the signature items was the immediate elimination on all tariffs against US manufacturing and farm produce. Allows for no marketing restrictions. Look at the countries in the agreement and most are on par with our labor standard, Japan, Australia, NZ, Canada, Malaysia, Chile and Signapore. With two lower countries in Peru and Vietnam.

I am not fan of Obama's but this is not a bad deal.
The TPP is a good deal. Sanders is proving once again why he will not be getting my vote.
These trade deals like NAFTA and TPP override the sovereignty of our national laws, not to mention the loss of manufacturing jobs here. Is that what you want?
Somebody should ask Clinton how she feels about the TPP. ;) The important differences between Bernie and Hillary are so obvious it hurts. How can any informed Democrat support a Wall Street shill like Hillary Clinton? Bernie Sanders has been fighting for ordinary Americans his entire political life. That's probably why Wall Street isn't supporting his campaign.

Sanders vows to stop Obama trade deal

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Wednesday said he would stop a sweeping Asia-Pacific agreement if he wins the White House. The Vermont senator blasted the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as trade ministers for the 12 partners in the deal gathered in New Zealand to sign it. "As your president, not only will I make sure that the TPP does not get implemented, I will not send any trade deal to Congress that will make it easier for corporations to outsource American jobs overseas,” Sanders said.
Did you even look at the deal? Not all trade deals are made the same. See CAFTA, we have a trade surplus will every country in that deal!

We wrote the bill. One of the signature items was the immediate elimination on all tariffs against US manufacturing and farm produce. Allows for no marketing restrictions. Look at the countries in the agreement and most are on par with our labor standard, Japan, Australia, NZ, Canada, Malaysia, Chile and Signapore. With two lower countries in Peru and Vietnam.

I am not fan of Obama's but this is not a bad deal.
Yea, like "trickle-down economics" was a good idea in the 80s?
All the TPP is is a corporate whore. Deregulation, w stand to lose 150K jobs to Vietnam and Japan ALONE; it threatens internet freedom, collective bargaining rights etc. Do you understand how many corporate lobbyists were sitting at the negotiation table? You need to pay more attention to it unless you just simply hate America/Americans..
I think Perot said" you will hear the giant sucking sound" about NAFTA.. Repeating histories failures are insane.
BTW, those "tariffs" you hate so much, also include labor and environmental de-regulations (non-tariff barriers to trade)
NOT TO MENTION extended Executive authority.
This is an ABOMINATION. Period.

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