Sanders Vow to Fight and Contest Convention a BIG Mistake, But What do You Think?

Should Sanders gracefully throw in the towel and make the best deal he can for his movement?

  • Yes, rational practicality for his movement should reign over emotional resentment

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • No, the impact of fighting for what you believe in says more than deals ever could

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • I dunno, hope they all rot

    Votes: 3 25.0%

  • Total voters
Then you tell me what Senator DOES NOT KNOW that the Federal Government and the Federal Reserve Banks operate separately and independent of one another. IOW Sanders did not know that he nor the Federal Government has NO authority to break up the big banks, aka Wall Street Bankers. Yet his campaign platform is CENTERED around breaking up the big banks aka Wall Street Bankers.
Hey dummy, what does that mean about Hillary Clinton's campaign? Is she stupid too?

Require firms that are too large and too risky to be managed effectively to reorganize, downsize, or break apart.

Hillary Clinton: Wall Street Should Work for Main Street
Sanders is building a movement that recaptures the good name of 'Democratic Socialism' and that movement will eventually do us well in the coming 'jobless economy'.

But if Sanders makes too many bitter enemies by taking the fight to long and bitter depths, he might undo all the good he has done.

What do you think? Should Sanders continue to fight instead of uniting the Dems against Trump, or should he fight to the bitter end and risk being blamed for a Trump win?

Sanders vows to fight on, promises a contested convention

Good for Sanders, keep bugging the Hildebeast.
Sanders is building a movement that recaptures the good name of 'Democratic Socialism' and that movement will eventually do us well in the coming 'jobless economy'.

But if Sanders makes too many bitter enemies by taking the fight to long and bitter depths, he might undo all the good he has done.

What do you think? Should Sanders continue to fight instead of uniting the Dems against Trump, or should he fight to the bitter end and risk being blamed for a Trump win?

Sanders vows to fight on, promises a contested convention

The good name of democratic socialism?



According to whom ? The Somalians, Cubans, Venezuelans?


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