Sanctuary Law Is Killing Americans


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
This horrendous case this week of released illegal alien, Gustavo Garcia, is only the latest in a long series of THOUSANDS of murders of American citizens. Democrats' insane and massively dangerous sanctuary law is on record as worse than North Korea, Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Iran all combined, according to some people who have studied the subject.

But the numbers aren't the point. Even if the one person (Rocky Paul Jones) killed by Gustavo Garcia, had been the only person killed by a released illegal alien (who could've and should've been held for ICE), that would be reason enough to put a stop to all sanctuary city legislation.

The Garcia case, is very representitive of this huge problem in America. Democrats, having lost the backing of the American people as a whole have resorted to identity politics. And one of those identities they have come to rely on for votes, is illegal aliens. In their crazed struggle to maintain and recover power, they have shown a willingness to endanger Americans by releasing dangerous criminals, who repeatedly, after release, then go out and kill people.

Here is the account of what happened after Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreax released Gustavo Garcia. It is truly worth taking the time to read the article and watch the gunfight video to really get a feel for what Democrats are imposing on us. >>>


A man who had already been deported twice before went on a “reign of terror” this week in central California, one that included murder, attempted murder, robbery, carjacking, and a high-speed chase going the wrong way on the highway. All of that could have been prevented if local sheriff’s had been allowed to turn Gustavo Garcia over to ICE just two days before his rampage, but a new state sanctuary law prevented that.

Garcia was arrested last week on a misdemeanor charge of being under the influence of a controlled substance. When Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) saw that Garcia was under arrest they asked the police to turn him over.

Before Garcia’s release, ICE officials alerted deputies that Garcia was a criminal with a violent past who had been deported once in 2004 and again in 2014. Garcia served 27 months in a federal prison between deportations for illegally reentering the country. ICE agents issued an immigration hold against Garcia on Friday, following his arrest. The hold was not honored, however, and Garcia was released later that day, unbeknownst to ICE. (Visalia-Times Delta)

In the past, local sheriffs would have been allowed to turn Garcia directly over to ICE for deportation. But thanks to a new sanctuary state law, sheriffs were required to release him last Friday without notifying ICE. The next day, Garcia was wandering around the local Walmart asking strangers to buy him bullets. He couldn’t purchase them on his own because of his long criminal record. After he was turned down by at least one wary shopper, Garcia stole 300 rounds. Then on Sunday afternoon, less than 48-hours after his release from jail, Garcia went on a crime spree. Fox News reports how it began:

Garcia’s rampage started at around 1 p.m. Sunday when he shot a farm worker who was in the middle of unpacking fruit in Exeter. The farm worker was expected to recover.

Moments later, Garcia robbed a convenience store with surveillance footage showing Garcia firing shots at the ceiling and demanding more than $2,000 in cash, according to the Fresno Bee. Police believe the shooting of the farm worker was meant to be a distraction for the robbery.

At 7:30 p.m., Garcia shot a Motel 6 guest in the arm and chest in Tulare, police said. Her wounds weren’t considered to be life-threatening…

At around 1:30 a.m. Monday, Garcia shot up a Shell gas station near Pixley and then killed Rocky Paul Jones, 51, about an hour later outside an Arco AMPM in Visalia, police Chief Jason Salazar said…

He then fired shots from the backyard of his ex-girlfriend’s Visalia home as she and her children were inside. Police said the girlfriend and her children escaped unscathed.

Early Monday morning, police spotted Garcia in his car and gave chase. From ABC 30 >>

At around 6:30 a.m., Tulare County Sheriff’s deputies spotted Garcia’s vehicle and started a brief pursuit.

But they say Garcia’s car became disabled, and he started shooting at two deputies once he got out. Garcia finally crashed into several other cars and was ejected from the vehicle he had stolen driving. He died at the scene. ICE released a statement yesterday about the incident:

This deadly rampage could have been prevented if ICE had been notified of his release. This is an unfortunate and extremely tragic example of how public safety is impacted with laws or policies limiting local law enforcement agencies’ ability to cooperate with ICE.

Those deputies were able to return shots at Garcia, who ran into an orchard.

Police say Garcia carjacked some farmworkers in the orchard, but this time Visalia Police spotted him leaving the area, and started a pursuit.

Near Strathmore, the California Highway Patrol says Garcia started going the wrong way on Highway 65, trying to intentionally hit other cars, going at least 100 miles per hour.

Garcia finally crashed into several other cars and was ejected from the vehicle he had stolen driving. He died at the scene. ICE released a statement yesterday about the incident:

This deadly rampage could have been prevented if ICE had been notified of his release. This is an unfortunate and extremely tragic example of how public safety is impacted with laws or policies limiting local law enforcement agencies’ ability to cooperate with ICE.

Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux, the sheriff who released Garcia last Friday also expressed frustration over California’s Sanctuary law:

“Gustavo Garcia in times past would have been turned over to ICE officials. Even though it was a misdemeanor charge, they placed a detainer on him. That detainer can no longer be recognized,” Boudreaux said.

“That’s how we did it in the past and that’s how we had always done it. And now, that tool has been taken from law enforcement,”
Boudreaux continued. “After [the passage of] SB-54 we no longer have that power.

“That tool has been removed from our hands and because of that our county was shot up by a violent criminal that could have easily been prevented had we had the opportunity to reach out to our fellow counterparts,
” he added.

Update: Tulare County released this body camera video of the shootout Garcia had with police before he carjacked a second car and led police on a high-speed chase. Below that is a local news report on the murder victim in this case.

Tulare Sheriff's Office releases bodycam video from Monday gunbattle

This horrendous case this week of released illegal alien, Gustavo Garcia, is only the latest in a long series of THOUSANDS of murders of American citizens. Democrats' insane and massively dangerous sanctuary law is on record as worse than North Korea, Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Iran all combined, according to some people who have studied the subject.

But the numbers aren't the point. Even if the one person (Rocky Paul Jones) killed by Gustavo Garcia, had been the only person killed by a released illegal alien (who could've and should've been held for ICE), that would be reason enough to put a stop to all sanctuary city legislation.

The Garcia case, is very representitive of this huge problem in America. Democrats, having lost the backing of the American people as a whole have resorted to identity politics. And one of those identities they have come to rely on for votes, is illegal aliens. In their crazed struggle to maintain and recover power, they have shown a willingness to endanger Americans by releasing dangerous criminals, who repeatedly, after release, then go out and kill people.

Here is the account of what happened after Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreax released Gustavo Garcia. It is truly worth taking the time to read the article and watch the gunfight video to really get a feel for what Democrats are imposing on us. >>>


A man who had already been deported twice before went on a “reign of terror” this week in central California, one that included murder, attempted murder, robbery, carjacking, and a high-speed chase going the wrong way on the highway. All of that could have been prevented if local sheriff’s had been allowed to turn Gustavo Garcia over to ICE just two days before his rampage, but a new state sanctuary law prevented that.

Garcia was arrested last week on a misdemeanor charge of being under the influence of a controlled substance. When Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) saw that Garcia was under arrest they asked the police to turn him over.

Before Garcia’s release, ICE officials alerted deputies that Garcia was a criminal with a violent past who had been deported once in 2004 and again in 2014. Garcia served 27 months in a federal prison between deportations for illegally reentering the country. ICE agents issued an immigration hold against Garcia on Friday, following his arrest. The hold was not honored, however, and Garcia was released later that day, unbeknownst to ICE. (Visalia-Times Delta)

In the past, local sheriffs would have been allowed to turn Garcia directly over to ICE for deportation. But thanks to a new sanctuary state law, sheriffs were required to release him last Friday without notifying ICE. The next day, Garcia was wandering around the local Walmart asking strangers to buy him bullets. He couldn’t purchase them on his own because of his long criminal record. After he was turned down by at least one wary shopper, Garcia stole 300 rounds. Then on Sunday afternoon, less than 48-hours after his release from jail, Garcia went on a crime spree. Fox News reports how it began:

Garcia’s rampage started at around 1 p.m. Sunday when he shot a farm worker who was in the middle of unpacking fruit in Exeter. The farm worker was expected to recover.

Moments later, Garcia robbed a convenience store with surveillance footage showing Garcia firing shots at the ceiling and demanding more than $2,000 in cash, according to the Fresno Bee. Police believe the shooting of the farm worker was meant to be a distraction for the robbery.

At 7:30 p.m., Garcia shot a Motel 6 guest in the arm and chest in Tulare, police said. Her wounds weren’t considered to be life-threatening…

At around 1:30 a.m. Monday, Garcia shot up a Shell gas station near Pixley and then killed Rocky Paul Jones, 51, about an hour later outside an Arco AMPM in Visalia, police Chief Jason Salazar said…

He then fired shots from the backyard of his ex-girlfriend’s Visalia home as she and her children were inside. Police said the girlfriend and her children escaped unscathed.

Early Monday morning, police spotted Garcia in his car and gave chase. From ABC 30 >>

At around 6:30 a.m., Tulare County Sheriff’s deputies spotted Garcia’s vehicle and started a brief pursuit.

But they say Garcia’s car became disabled, and he started shooting at two deputies once he got out. Garcia finally crashed into several other cars and was ejected from the vehicle he had stolen driving. He died at the scene. ICE released a statement yesterday about the incident:

This deadly rampage could have been prevented if ICE had been notified of his release. This is an unfortunate and extremely tragic example of how public safety is impacted with laws or policies limiting local law enforcement agencies’ ability to cooperate with ICE.

Those deputies were able to return shots at Garcia, who ran into an orchard.

Police say Garcia carjacked some farmworkers in the orchard, but this time Visalia Police spotted him leaving the area, and started a pursuit.

Near Strathmore, the California Highway Patrol says Garcia started going the wrong way on Highway 65, trying to intentionally hit other cars, going at least 100 miles per hour.

Garcia finally crashed into several other cars and was ejected from the vehicle he had stolen driving. He died at the scene. ICE released a statement yesterday about the incident:

This deadly rampage could have been prevented if ICE had been notified of his release. This is an unfortunate and extremely tragic example of how public safety is impacted with laws or policies limiting local law enforcement agencies’ ability to cooperate with ICE.

Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux, the sheriff who released Garcia last Friday also expressed frustration over California’s Sanctuary law:

“Gustavo Garcia in times past would have been turned over to ICE officials. Even though it was a misdemeanor charge, they placed a detainer on him. That detainer can no longer be recognized,” Boudreaux said.

“That’s how we did it in the past and that’s how we had always done it. And now, that tool has been taken from law enforcement,”
Boudreaux continued. “After [the passage of] SB-54 we no longer have that power.

“That tool has been removed from our hands and because of that our county was shot up by a violent criminal that could have easily been prevented had we had the opportunity to reach out to our fellow counterparts,
” he added.

Update: Tulare County released this body camera video of the shootout Garcia had with police before he carjacked a second car and led police on a high-speed chase. Below that is a local news report on the murder victim in this case.

Tulare Sheriff's Office releases bodycam video from Monday gunbattle

The Corrupt Democratic Party has failed to do the most basic task of our government.
Their job is to protect the American citizens.
The Left has put their greed for power and money way ahead of the good of our country.
This horrendous case this week of released illegal alien, Gustavo Garcia, is only the latest in a long series of THOUSANDS of murders of American citizens. Democrats' insane and massively dangerous sanctuary law is on record as worse than North Korea, Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Iran all combined, according to some people who have studied the subject.

But the numbers aren't the point. Even if the one person (Rocky Paul Jones) killed by Gustavo Garcia, had been the only person killed by a released illegal alien (who could've and should've been held for ICE), that would be reason enough to put a stop to all sanctuary city legislation.

The Garcia case, is very representitive of this huge problem in America. Democrats, having lost the backing of the American people as a whole have resorted to identity politics. And one of those identities they have come to rely on for votes, is illegal aliens. In their crazed struggle to maintain and recover power, they have shown a willingness to endanger Americans by releasing dangerous criminals, who repeatedly, after release, then go out and kill people.

Here is the account of what happened after Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreax released Gustavo Garcia. It is truly worth taking the time to read the article and watch the gunfight video to really get a feel for what Democrats are imposing on us. >>>


A man who had already been deported twice before went on a “reign of terror” this week in central California, one that included murder, attempted murder, robbery, carjacking, and a high-speed chase going the wrong way on the highway. All of that could have been prevented if local sheriff’s had been allowed to turn Gustavo Garcia over to ICE just two days before his rampage, but a new state sanctuary law prevented that.

Garcia was arrested last week on a misdemeanor charge of being under the influence of a controlled substance. When Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) saw that Garcia was under arrest they asked the police to turn him over.

Before Garcia’s release, ICE officials alerted deputies that Garcia was a criminal with a violent past who had been deported once in 2004 and again in 2014. Garcia served 27 months in a federal prison between deportations for illegally reentering the country. ICE agents issued an immigration hold against Garcia on Friday, following his arrest. The hold was not honored, however, and Garcia was released later that day, unbeknownst to ICE. (Visalia-Times Delta)

In the past, local sheriffs would have been allowed to turn Garcia directly over to ICE for deportation. But thanks to a new sanctuary state law, sheriffs were required to release him last Friday without notifying ICE. The next day, Garcia was wandering around the local Walmart asking strangers to buy him bullets. He couldn’t purchase them on his own because of his long criminal record. After he was turned down by at least one wary shopper, Garcia stole 300 rounds. Then on Sunday afternoon, less than 48-hours after his release from jail, Garcia went on a crime spree. Fox News reports how it began:

Garcia’s rampage started at around 1 p.m. Sunday when he shot a farm worker who was in the middle of unpacking fruit in Exeter. The farm worker was expected to recover.

Moments later, Garcia robbed a convenience store with surveillance footage showing Garcia firing shots at the ceiling and demanding more than $2,000 in cash, according to the Fresno Bee. Police believe the shooting of the farm worker was meant to be a distraction for the robbery.

At 7:30 p.m., Garcia shot a Motel 6 guest in the arm and chest in Tulare, police said. Her wounds weren’t considered to be life-threatening…

At around 1:30 a.m. Monday, Garcia shot up a Shell gas station near Pixley and then killed Rocky Paul Jones, 51, about an hour later outside an Arco AMPM in Visalia, police Chief Jason Salazar said…

He then fired shots from the backyard of his ex-girlfriend’s Visalia home as she and her children were inside. Police said the girlfriend and her children escaped unscathed.

Early Monday morning, police spotted Garcia in his car and gave chase. From ABC 30 >>

At around 6:30 a.m., Tulare County Sheriff’s deputies spotted Garcia’s vehicle and started a brief pursuit.

But they say Garcia’s car became disabled, and he started shooting at two deputies once he got out. Garcia finally crashed into several other cars and was ejected from the vehicle he had stolen driving. He died at the scene. ICE released a statement yesterday about the incident:

This deadly rampage could have been prevented if ICE had been notified of his release. This is an unfortunate and extremely tragic example of how public safety is impacted with laws or policies limiting local law enforcement agencies’ ability to cooperate with ICE.

Those deputies were able to return shots at Garcia, who ran into an orchard.

Police say Garcia carjacked some farmworkers in the orchard, but this time Visalia Police spotted him leaving the area, and started a pursuit.

Near Strathmore, the California Highway Patrol says Garcia started going the wrong way on Highway 65, trying to intentionally hit other cars, going at least 100 miles per hour.

Garcia finally crashed into several other cars and was ejected from the vehicle he had stolen driving. He died at the scene. ICE released a statement yesterday about the incident:

This deadly rampage could have been prevented if ICE had been notified of his release. This is an unfortunate and extremely tragic example of how public safety is impacted with laws or policies limiting local law enforcement agencies’ ability to cooperate with ICE.

Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux, the sheriff who released Garcia last Friday also expressed frustration over California’s Sanctuary law:

“Gustavo Garcia in times past would have been turned over to ICE officials. Even though it was a misdemeanor charge, they placed a detainer on him. That detainer can no longer be recognized,” Boudreaux said.

“That’s how we did it in the past and that’s how we had always done it. And now, that tool has been taken from law enforcement,”
Boudreaux continued. “After [the passage of] SB-54 we no longer have that power.

“That tool has been removed from our hands and because of that our county was shot up by a violent criminal that could have easily been prevented had we had the opportunity to reach out to our fellow counterparts,
” he added.

Update: Tulare County released this body camera video of the shootout Garcia had with police before he carjacked a second car and led police on a high-speed chase. Below that is a local news report on the murder victim in this case.

Tulare Sheriff's Office releases bodycam video from Monday gunbattle

why not turn him over to a federal marshal if he has any outstanding federal issues.
why not turn him over to a federal marshal if he has any outstanding federal issues.
Because of DDD >> to these Deranged, Desperate Democrats, even 1 vote from a trashbag like Garcia, is more valuable than the lives of American citizens, that's why.
Border protection is my point being. Without it we get a lot less humorous events just like the OP is describing. Secure the border already.
Well, you make a good point regarding border protection, and I applaud you for that, but there's no humor in what's described in the OP. It's very sad.
The standard Democrat reply is "white guys shoot people too. Tim McVeigh Tim McVeigh. And what about the crusades, huh?"

We will not get protection from the Democrat socialist protectorate.
The standard Democrat reply is "white guys shoot people too. Tim McVeigh Tim McVeigh. And what about the crusades, huh?"

We will not get protection from the Democrat socialist protectorate.
Democrat citizens who vote for these trashbags, get what they asked for. Ask and ye shall receive.
Michael Bloomberg (R) boasted that NYC was a sanctuary city.
Rs disdain Illegals due to race but love cheap labor.
Depends on the Republican. Not many seem to care about cheap labor. In the House, they just voted 217 to 8 in favor of the border wall, and 3 of the 8 were responding to Hispanic-majority districts (Carlos Curbelo, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, David Valadao)
Michael Bloomberg (R) boasted that NYC was a sanctuary city.
Rs disdain Illegals due to race but love cheap labor.
Depends on the Republican. Not many seem to care about cheap labor. In the House, they just voted 217 to 8 in favor of the border wall, and 3 of the 8 were responding to Hispanic-majority districts (Carlos Curbelo, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, David Valadao)
The vote is to prevent Trump from destroying them at rallies.

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