Sanctions On Russia Now Is Extremely Unwise!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
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People advocating for sanctions against Vladimir Putin and Russia over President Vladimir Putin's recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine as separate states are not advocating wisdom. It is not prudent what they are talking about even if it is the lower range sanctions like freezing the assets and denying travel visas for Russian Oligarchs and their families. For every increment of sanctions the West would impose on Russia it would correspondingly be decreasing the deterrent on Russia for invading Ukraine because it is taking away that negative consequence toward Russia for such military attack, the negative consequence has already happened. People have to keep in the forefront of their mind the meaning of a "mass" invasion by the Russian army in Ukraine, people aren't considering how bloody this attack will be the harm will be much more than Russian mechanized units driving around Ukrainian cities.

Everyone has to keep in mind the history of Vladimir Putin and Russian Generals. Overall, Russian Generals do not have the moral character that one would expect for good Generals in the area of avoiding fatalities and casualties of civilians. In Syria around 2015 when the Russian air force was helping the dictator Bashar Assad fight the Syrian rebels Russian pilots often used unguided bombs, that is no laser guided systems on the bomb to direct where they landed. A lot of Syrian civilians were killed and wounded because of this manner of fighting by the Russians, some key people seeing this actually believed Russia's intent was to terrorize the affected civilian population to break their will to fight. In the battle of Debaltseve the second major battle in this Ukrainian Separatist war the Russian artillery commander deliberately bombed buses and cars with Ukrainian civilians in them to clog the only major exit road from the city to obstruct the withdrawal of the Ukrainian Army from the city.

Make no bones about it the stakes in a major Russian military invasion of Ukraine is that at minimum thousands of Ukrainian civilians and thousands of Ukrainian soldiers will die this is what this 150,000 strong Russian invasion force will bring upon Ukraine if they invade, it is not theoretical here it is the way the Russians fight it is the foreseeable effect! Authorities should not risk lessening the deterrent against this invasion in the least by front loading the sanctions this type of talk is foolishness! Otherwise, authorities aren't doing their best to not see the loss of Ukrainian citizens lives in this Russian conflict.
People advocating for sanctions against Vladimir Putin and Russia over President Vladimir Putin's recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine as separate states are not advocating wisdom. It is not prudent what they are talking about even if it is the lower range sanctions like freezing the assets and denying travel visas for Russian Oligarchs and their families. For every increment of sanctions the West would impose on Russia it would correspondingly be decreasing the deterrent on Russia for invading Ukraine because it is taking away that negative consequence toward Russia for such military attack, the negative consequence has already happened. People have to keep in the forefront of their mind the meaning of a "mass" invasion by the Russian army in Ukraine, people aren't considering how bloody this attack will be the harm will be much more than Russian mechanized units driving around Ukrainian cities.

Everyone has to keep in mind the history of Vladimir Putin and Russian Generals. Overall, Russian Generals do not have the moral character that one would expect for good Generals in the area of avoiding fatalities and casualties of civilians. In Syria around 2015 when the Russian air force was helping the dictator Bashar Assad fight the Syrian rebels Russian pilots often used unguided bombs, that is no laser guided systems on the bomb to direct where they landed. A lot of Syrian civilians were killed and wounded because of this manner of fighting by the Russians, some key people seeing this actually believed Russia's intent was to terrorize the affected civilian population to break their will to fight. In the battle of Debaltseve the second major battle in this Ukrainian Separatist war the Russian artillery commander deliberately bombed buses and cars with Ukrainian civilians in them to clog the only major exit road from the city to obstruct the withdrawal of the Ukrainian Army from the city.

Make no bones about it the stakes in a major Russian military invasion of Ukraine is that at minimum thousands of Ukrainian civilians and thousands of Ukrainian soldiers will die this is what this 150,000 strong Russian invasion force will bring upon Ukraine if they invade, it is not theoretical here it is the way the Russians fight it is the foreseeable effect! Authorities should not risk lessening the deterrent against this invasion in the least by front loading the sanctions this type of talk is foolishness! Otherwise, authorities aren't doing their best to not see the loss of Ukrainian citizens lives in this Russian conflict.

How is the weather in Moskva today, Tovarich? Early spring?
I'd not want to be on the receiving end of a Soviet artillery bombardment. The Russian army always referred to artillery as “the god of war" and for good reason.

In what is sometimes described as the largest artillery bombardment in history, the Soviets opened the road to Berlin in 1945 at the Battle of Seelow Heights with a massive barrage that saw over 9,000 Soviet guns and rockets firing along a front approximately 18.5 miles long. That’s one artillery piece every 11 feet.


This unstoppable artillery bombardment doomed Nazi Berlin.
People advocating for sanctions against Vladimir Putin and Russia over President Vladimir Putin's recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine as separate states are not advocating wisdom. It is not prudent what they are talking about even if it is the lower range sanctions like freezing the assets and denying travel visas for Russian Oligarchs and their families. For every increment of sanctions the West would impose on Russia it would correspondingly be decreasing the deterrent on Russia for invading Ukraine because it is taking away that negative consequence toward Russia for such military attack, the negative consequence has already happened. People have to keep in the forefront of their mind the meaning of a "mass" invasion by the Russian army in Ukraine, people aren't considering how bloody this attack will be the harm will be much more than Russian mechanized units driving around Ukrainian cities.

Everyone has to keep in mind the history of Vladimir Putin and Russian Generals. Overall, Russian Generals do not have the moral character that one would expect for good Generals in the area of avoiding fatalities and casualties of civilians. In Syria around 2015 when the Russian air force was helping the dictator Bashar Assad fight the Syrian rebels Russian pilots often used unguided bombs, that is no laser guided systems on the bomb to direct where they landed. A lot of Syrian civilians were killed and wounded because of this manner of fighting by the Russians, some key people seeing this actually believed Russia's intent was to terrorize the affected civilian population to break their will to fight. In the battle of Debaltseve the second major battle in this Ukrainian Separatist war the Russian artillery commander deliberately bombed buses and cars with Ukrainian civilians in them to clog the only major exit road from the city to obstruct the withdrawal of the Ukrainian Army from the city.

Make no bones about it the stakes in a major Russian military invasion of Ukraine is that at minimum thousands of Ukrainian civilians and thousands of Ukrainian soldiers will die this is what this 150,000 strong Russian invasion force will bring upon Ukraine if they invade, it is not theoretical here it is the way the Russians fight it is the foreseeable effect! Authorities should not risk lessening the deterrent against this invasion in the least by front loading the sanctions this type of talk is foolishness! Otherwise, authorities aren't doing their best to not see the loss of Ukrainian citizens lives in this Russian conflict.
Russia makes war the old-fashioned way. Every country should. That would help remind people that wars are not fought using the Queens rules but are brutal affairs; inflicting maximum mayhem and carnage.

If the west wishes to win a war with them -- provided it even comes to that -- it is best to remember that little fact and wage a no-holds-barred war against them. No prisoners. No quarter.

For they will be affording us none.
I'd not want to be on the receiving end of a Soviet artillery bombardment. The Russian army always referred to artillery as “the god of war" and for good reason.

In what is sometimes described as the largest artillery bombardment in history, the Soviets opened the road to Berlin in 1945 at the Battle of Seelow Heights with a massive barrage that saw over 9,000 Soviet guns and rockets firing along a front approximately 18.5 miles long. That’s one artillery piece every 11 feet.


This unstoppable artillery bombardment doomed Nazi Berlin.
The Russians might want to consider that they do NOT want to be on the end of an American Artillary bombardment. We have more and are five times more accurate.
Sanctions would put us in a very bad position. Sanctions would be given a wink and a nod then completely ignored. Europe will simply cheat. They will not freeze to make an individual that has Fuck as his professional title look good. Democrats won't mind our being in the dark at all.

Putin, looking at this, almost has to make his move now. When Trump was president we were energy exporters. We would have supplied Europe with energy, Fuck Biden ended our energy independence and forced Europe into business with Russia.

Knowing that democrats will lose big in 2022 and Trump will be president in 2024, Putin is boxed in to now or never.
Russia makes war the old-fashioned way. Every country should. That would help remind people that wars are not fought using the Queens rules but are brutal affairs; inflicting maximum mayhem and carnage.

If the west wishes to win a war with them -- provided it even comes to that -- it is best to remember that little fact and wage a no-holds-barred war against them. No prisoners. No quarter.

For they will be affording us none.
We don't have a military to fight that kind of war.
Unwise? Why? Sanctions ended the Castro regime.
We don't have a military to fight that kind of war.

Yes, we do. But we also have a military that can bring the rest of the 'hurt' along with the artillery.

... And they have been tempered by 20 years of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Let's just hope that the people pulling the vegetable's strings are smart enough to keep us out of it.
Sanctions would put us in a very bad position. Sanctions would be given a wink and a nod then completely ignored. Europe will simply cheat. They will not freeze to make an individual that has Fuck as his professional title look good. Democrats won't mind our being in the dark at all.

Putin, looking at this, almost has to make his move now. When Trump was president we were energy exporters. We would have supplied Europe with energy, Fuck Biden ended our energy independence and forced Europe into business with Russia.

Knowing that democrats will lose big in 2022 and Trump will be president in 2024, Putin is boxed in to now or never.
When Trump was president he placed sanctions against Venezuela and starts buying oil from Russia. Nordstream2 has been in the works for over a decade. It's a good deal for US allies if Putin doesn't screw it up. Maybe he'll just flare off all that gas. And that will totally piss off the stans.
The Russians might want to consider that they do NOT want to be on the end of an American Artillary bombardment. We have more and are five times more accurate.
Who says we would be involved? Lord, I hope not.

That and US arty is neutered by ROE....The Soviets Russians suffer under no such fanciful illusions. If you are in the way you are on your own.
Who says we would be involved? Lord, I hope not.

That and US arty is neutered by ROE....The Soviets Russians suffer under no such fanciful illusions. If you are in the way you are on your own.
I've already said as much. The Russians, AND the world, had the best hope we don't get involved. We'd win the conventional war against Russia. They wouldn't stand a chance.

AND that is where the real danger to the world lies.

When their backs are to the wall, the Russians will not have any navel-gazing officers wondering if they should follow orders. They'll launch their ICBM's and then all this fucking talk on an internet forum won't matter for anything.
I've already said as much. The Russians, AND the world, had the best hope we don't get involved. We'd win the conventional war against Russia. They wouldn't stand a chance.

AND that is where the real danger to the world lies.

When their backs are to the wall, the Russians will not have any navel-gazing officers wondering if they should follow orders. They'll launch their ICBM's and then all this fucking talk on an internet forum won't matter for anything.
OK then, it seems we are on the same page. :)
When Trump was president he placed sanctions against Venezuela and starts buying oil from Russia. Nordstream2 has been in the works for over a decade. It's a good deal for US allies if Putin doesn't screw it up. Maybe he'll just flare off all that gas. And that will totally piss off the stans.
Use a mouthwash for heaven's sake. You know that ass lick stays with you.

The big question is why do you follow me around as if you enjoy getting insulted. You have to. Do I remind you of giving Arabs lap Dances or something? Do ya wanna be friends?
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