San Francisco schools ban 'chief' from occupational titles after Native American concerns

Construction blueprints in my area have gone from the Master Bedroom to Owners Suite.

Master to Owner is better?
N word


Funny how we are. N WORD means the WORD that is the worst word to ever be used in the history of all man kind.

When will N WORD be banned?

What I find hilarious is that the stupid fucks who make such a big fucking deal about the "N" word have done the exact opposite of what they intended.

By whining non-stop about whites using the word, and attacking anyone who does use it, they have given the "N" word an almost unbelievable POWER. And, they have assured that the "N" word will live forever. And many people will be drawn to its use, just to piss off all the crybabies. Lol...

Funny, too, is the fact that blacks are "allowed" to use the "N" word as often and loudly as they choose. They're the most hypocritical imbeciles on the planet.

And white wusses who allow themselves to be bullied as to which words they can, or cannot use, are just as bad as the self-righteous, cowardly chypocrites who join the whiners in banning everything THEY find offensive.
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I'm 47 years old and not once have I ever heard the word chief used as a derogatory term. Even the sports team the chiefs wasn't intended or used an insult, even the braves team was used as a positive.

Our country is becoming fucking ridiculous. Everyday it's another dent in the armor making us just a tiny bit weaker and dumber.

Wokesters are turning up every rock
Language modifications always improve conditions.

Changes in language that occur naturally, following the way people are actually using words, is the way changes in language usually take place.

What we're seeing in America today, is NOT the way language changes normally occur.

What we have today, is a bunch of phony, self-righteous "woke" shitheads trying to ban all words that THEY find offensive. Then, they're trying to force all other Americans to use ONLY the words the "woke" assholes approve of.

1984 anyone?

Fuck BLM and it's traitorous supporters. And fuck the "woke" tyrant wannabes.
Some of you won't believe this. But I got this info from an honest, highly reliable source who wishes, for safety reasons, to remain anonymous.

It seems the widdle "woke" tyrant wannabes now want to ban the word "How."

As you know from old western movies, the word, "How" is "Indian-speak" for "Howdy," or, "Peace," or some shit like that.

But just think how banning the word "How" will affect our efforts to communicate with one another!

There will be NO MORE:
* "How" you doin' this morning?
* "How" much is that doggie in the window?
* "How" would you like to do it tonight?
* "How" about a little kiss...and...?

Well, you get the idea. We're allowing the least articulate, least productive, most divisive and criminal elements in our society to control how we are allowed to use OUR own native language.

Changes in language that occur naturally, following the way people are actually using words, is the way changes in language usually take place.

What we're seeing in America today, is NOT the way language changes normally occur.

What we have today, is a bunch of phony, self-righteous "woke" shitheads trying to ban all words that THEY find offensive. Then, they're trying to force all other Americans to use ONLY the words the "woke" assholes approve of.

1984 anyone?

Fuck BLM and it's traitorous supporters. And fuck the "woke" tyrant wannabes.
Your irony detector broken?
Gonna have to stop saying >>>

1. drum
2. dance
3. pony
4. braid
5. mocassin
6. arrow
7. bow (watch out, all you violinists)
8. pipe
9. beads
10. scalp


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