San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin has been recalled

No, Your bet was that he was elected by purely by pedophiles, for pedophile purposes. His failure is from incompetance, as all democrats think they have the answers, but do not understand human nature.
I'm saying the da is pedo. He's following orders. He is part of a larger attack on America. If he wasn't a sick fuck, he could never hold high rank in the groomercrats cult.
I'm saying the da is pedo. He's following orders. He is part of a larger attack on America. If he wasn't a sick fuck, he could never hold high rank in the groomercrats cult.

You believe you man. I see no evidence of him being a pedo. He didn't spare pedos, while locking up candy store bandits at the same time. The entire democrat party isn't made up of pedos.
So far no comment or pushback from the usual bleeding heart libs that infest this forum

That makes the victory even more total
DAs letting criminals free is just another angle groomercrats use to attack America and Americans. I'm surprised SF woke up to it rather then let it continue.
They've been awake, but just like the country is now, they've become powerless to do anything about it (uh the good citizen's that is or what I mean).

They're is still good and great Americans everywhere in this country, but they've been made silent, and in that they've become powerless against a party HELL bent on destroying them for it's selfish wants and way's.
I'm saying the da is pedo. He's following orders. He is part of a larger attack on America. If he wasn't a sick fuck, he could never hold high rank in the groomercrats cult.
Frisco elects Pelosi. Frisco elects Prog extremists. Pelosi did her part to get this guy elected. Frisco citizens do not care for Republicans. The crime became more personal to citizens. Enough to warrant them to do this recall. So now we know they do not want their beliefs darker sides in front of them.
And it’s amazing that they elected this guy in the first place. His own parents were criminals, driving the getaway car during an armed robbery, and he was surrounded by Weather Underground radicals growing up. He was GROOMED to be soft on criminals and hostile to the establishment.
It's not enough to save San Francisco.
Probably not. But it’s a good thing that even liberal voters are pushing back on the far-left radicals.

And if liberals have had enough with coddling criminals, think of how strongly moderates will turn out in November. We are going to sweep them out of office, put a muzzle on Biden and his anti-American puppeteers, and put the destruction on hold until Trump or DeSantis takes the reins.
San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin has been recalled, signaling rough road ahead for Gascon. More details to come.

Mr. Boudin was acting the fool just like he promised when he first ran for office. I can't believe the voters in San Francisco voted out someone who was just fulfilling the promises they made.
Mr. Boudin was acting the fool just like he promised when he first ran for office. I can't believe the voters in San Francisco voted out someone who was just fulfilling the promises they made.

We are talking about Democrats here. They have no idea WTF they're voting on. Look at who our President is. He ran on killing our energy sector and morons voted for him. He ran on virtually taking away our guns and morons voted for him. He ran on destroying what are now safe quiet suburbs and the morons voted for him.

Then when these little commies destroy everything they had by voting Democrat, they run to a red or purple state and vote the same way and the destruction starts all over again.

I was watching an interview of the mother who was ran over with her baby by a lowlife car thief. She said she voted for Gascon, but didn't think "reform" would mean this little punk would only get five months in a youth camp (whatever TF a youth camp is) but is still behind prison reform. Laura asked if she is going to stay in California. She responded by saying, for now, but not in the long run.

Whenever she does move out of the state, she will likely continue to vote Democrat even though voting for Democrats in California almost led to the death of her and her baby.

San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin has been recalled, signaling rough road ahead for Gascon. More details to come.

The gun crime levels in this country are directly linked to left wing, democrat party judges and prosecutors......stop them, and we can stop the gun crime in the democrat party controlled cities.
President Trump should have gone to San Francisco to have a rally in favor of recall to help seal the deal.

That would have fired up the libs I think.

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