
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Preparing the Masses For The Coming Messiah Age

Betrayal, Disappointment, Disenfranchised, Disenchantment, Delusion, & Failure.
The most devastating to ones own pride, or spirit of being.
Words against which there is no certain defense.
Words which can erect an impassable barrier between authority and the masses, or amongst people.
It is a fact that the church has lost many people over the centuries,
because of betrayal of their trust by someone in authority.
The next few years will be trying for man, for he will be revealed things that was never before
revealed and he will feel betrayed, angry, inadequate and in SHAME.

It is though, important that people start preparing man for this dissapointment and humbling pride.
If not then this will be displaced into areas which will create more tensions and more problems to those who are innocent of these mistakes. To often one single group has been the target of this displaced behavior and laying blame for ones own inadequacies, which always placed themselves
on the lap of this suffering servant. Yes I am talking about those who held the unpopular truth,
only to become punching bags and guinea pigs for the worlds excuses & displacement of behavior.
The keepers of the Covenant, the keepers of the Laws of God, of his books of truth, of his will
and knowledge of his plans, promises, and path to fulfillment. The sacrifice of a nation of people
who by their devotion and struggle to survive, have managed to save us from ourselves and held the
fort till we were ready to understand their mission.
Even John said;
You worship what you do not know; we worship what we
know, for salvation (restore/redeem/salvage in Hebrew=HaShev)is from the Jews.- John 4:22
Preparing the Masses For The Coming Messiah Age

Betrayal, Disappointment, Disenfranchised, Disenchantment, Delusion, & Failure.
The most devastating to ones own pride, or spirit of being.
Words against which there is no certain defense.
Words which can erect an impassable barrier between authority and the masses, or amongst people.
It is a fact that the church has lost many people over the centuries,
because of betrayal of their trust by someone in authority.
The next few years will be trying for man, for he will be revealed things that was never before
revealed and he will feel betrayed, angry, inadequate and in SHAME.

It is though, important that people start preparing man for this dissapointment and humbling pride.
If not then this will be displaced into areas which will create more tensions and more problems to those who are innocent of these mistakes. To often one single group has been the target of this displaced behavior and laying blame for ones own inadequacies, which always placed themselves
on the lap of this suffering servant. Yes I am talking about those who held the unpopular truth,
only to become punching bags and guinea pigs for the worlds excuses & displacement of behavior.
The keepers of the Covenant, the keepers of the Laws of God, of his books of truth, of his will
and knowledge of his plans, promises, and path to fulfillment. The sacrifice of a nation of people
who by their devotion and struggle to survive, have managed to save us from ourselves and held the
fort till we were ready to understand their mission.
Even John said;
You worship what you do not know; we worship what we
know, for salvation (restore/redeem/salvage in Hebrew=HaShev)is from the Jews.- John 4:22
This reminds me of a very famous Johnny Carson skit on the tonight show where Johnny portrays himself as president Ronald Reagan in the Oval Office and Baker comes in and thouroughly confuses him with Yasser , No sir etc etc.... Anyone reading this can go on you tube and watch it... It is quite telling and humorous....Salvation or Yasa in the Hebrew in its simplistic form is to " Set Free" or recue and deliver from distress....Johnny Carson or "J C " was a thoroughly confused person who did not get these simple concepts and even though he was a person of great power he needed someone to explain it to him so he could understand it and get it...Patience and guidance is required from the teacher(the Jews) so that the pupil or student ( the rest of the world) can learn and apply these concepts for the salvation of the Whole world so that all of us can be set free once and for all... The teacher is always hated for making the students sit in class and learn and live by certain guidelines and rules because the student would rather be outside running around and having fun in the sun and doing whatever gives him or her pleasure.... Not much has changed and the students are still foot loose and fancy free and failing those courses which explains why they watered down the " New" Textbook(Testament) to give the students a chance to get a passing grade even though it left the student unprepared to deal with the real world once he left the confines of said classroom...

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