Saint Greta Thunberg's speech to UN Strangely Resembles a 1992 UN Speech by Another 12-year-old

Last time I looked, Asperger's Syndrome was considered part of the array of mental illnesses covered under a wide range described as autistic.

And, if you had a fucking brain, Asperger's does not mean you are mentally deficient and it has to do with social skills & communicating.

The use of mentally ill was that she was mentally incompetent.

But hey, mocking people with disability was one of Trump's tactics & I see is spread to you Trumpettes as well.
Is Chris Hahn employed by Fox because he is such a great spokesman for the left wing?
Or because he's such a stupid fool? "Attacking a child" is such a petty ridiculous tactic.

But attacking a gay, a black, immigrant, Asian, Hispanic, woman, a child, a whatever is such an integral go to move
for the left I'm not surprised.
Anything to avoid the issue and try to personalize or politicize it. It's "left speak" in action. It's reflexive. It's instinctive.
It's uncontrollable.
And, if you had a fucking brain, Asperger's does not mean you are mentally deficient and it has to do with social skills & communicating.

The use of mentally ill was that she was mentally incompetent.

But hey, mocking people with disability was one of Trump's tactics & I see is spread to you Trumpettes as well.
If Greta Thunberg has become the spokesperson for an entire movement, as she has, and has all sorts of resources at her disposal, as she does, and she truly believes what no other climatologist in the world believes, as she does, then I would say she indeed has a mental deficiency.

She is a paranoid delusional and the fact that none of her Soros provided people have bothered to correct her as she blabs out total scientific nonsense as she speaks to audiences around most of the West (but not China as it is the global warming sacred cow...another reason to scoff at the IPCC approved version of things) show what a hoax her little act is.

Which tells me either she hasn't truly informed herself or her handlers prefer the ignorant psychologically damaged Greta because she is a more valuable shill as is...
pathetically convinced that the end of the planet is just a few years away despite no proof at all to corroborate her ranting.

So she is cynically being exploited precisely because she has Chicken Little's Syndrome and a more rational and informed spokesperson wouldn't evoke the same amount of sympathy and fear that she strikes in the minds of her truly convinced believers....either very young ignorant dupes or angry mentally ill alcoholics like yourself.
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By the way, here are the deniers heaping praise on a a young woman who pushed their own POV.

How not to measure temperature, part 22

One consistent thing about deniers is their hypocrisy.
What is at all hypocritical in mentioning a woman who discovered a government climate monitoring station that is
made moot by their own sloppy sub standard practices?

You make no sense. Well done, if that was your goal.
Funny how Trumpettes can't handle 16 year olds that put them to shame. That show they are better informed, more knowledgeable, and more of a adult.

Do you want to know what child abuse is in this case?

Dumbass, uneducated, ignorant people like you that will condemn every child on this planet & now & those to be born later to a more difficult life . So fuck you & fuck your orange buddy & all you Trumpettes that are so fucking stupid to deny climate change and refuse to do anything to cut emissions to fight the AGW we face,

Instead all you pantry waisted morons can do is pick on a 16 year old girl. Some tough guys you are.

Just how pathetic can you get?

Mini-AOC called and said to "Go Fuck Your Fascist Self!"

Somebody driven and harassed out of the public sphere by the same whiny pricks who are shedding crocodile tears
for St Greta Thunberg, or Jesus 2.0, whichever you prefer.
Michael Knowles Banned From Fox News After Calling Greta Thunberg Mentally Ill

Michael Knowles: Climate hysteria movement is not about science. If it were about science it would be led by scientists rather that politicians and a mentally ill Swedish child who’s been exploited by her parents and politicians. It’s fulfilling political goals nut is not doing very much to science.

Chris Hahn: You’re a grown man and you’re attacking a child. Shame on you!

Michael Knowles: No, I’m attacking grown ups who are using a child.

Media hates the truth in USA, even Fox News. Good bye, American freedom of speech.

What an evil and win-win goal of those politicians who keep exploiting her, it makes them so easy to attack everybody who tries to attack that BS she keeps spreading around the world: they just derail all attacks of her BS to alleged attacks of herself, the child. It's so primitive but it works so well especially with big part of the world being already successfully brainwashed.

So it is OK to call a girl with Azburgers, mentally ill in order to denounce what she is saying?

Wow, funny hpw Trump has degraded all of you.

Greta has a huge following of young people. You keep mocking them. You keep calling them mentally ill & too stupid to know what they are doing. With in 4 years, most will be voting & hopefully they will vote out all the ignorant people.

What the hell is Azburgers? A burger from the southwest? Maybe you are talking Asperger Syndrome? Weren't you the guy berating others for not having an "EDUCATION"?
LOL...what an unhinged rant! Get help for your condition.
Fuck off Trump Boy.

There is a cute for what you have. It is called an EDUCATION.

I Schools almost out., Better rush down to see if you can pick on any high schoolers.

You are crying about education then misspell cure? Then you write, "I Schools almost out"?


Typing is obvious the best sign ever of intelligence.

I get it.

I am typing on a message board & not writing a thesis,. Fuck off.
Michael Knowles Banned From Fox News After Calling Greta Thunberg Mentally Ill

Michael Knowles: Climate hysteria movement is not about science. If it were about science it would be led by scientists rather that politicians and a mentally ill Swedish child who’s been exploited by her parents and politicians. It’s fulfilling political goals nut is not doing very much to science.

Chris Hahn: You’re a grown man and you’re attacking a child. Shame on you!

Michael Knowles: No, I’m attacking grown ups who are using a child.

Media hates the truth in USA, even Fox News. Good bye, American freedom of speech.

What an evil and win-win goal of those politicians who keep exploiting her, it makes them so easy to attack everybody who tries to attack that BS she keeps spreading around the world: they just derail all attacks of her BS to alleged attacks of herself, the child. It's so primitive but it works so well especially with big part of the world being already successfully brainwashed.

So it is OK to call a girl with Azburgers, mentally ill in order to denounce what she is saying?

Wow, funny hpw Trump has degraded all of you.

Greta has a huge following of young people. You keep mocking them. You keep calling them mentally ill & too stupid to know what they are doing. With in 4 years, most will be voting & hopefully they will vote out all the ignorant people.

What the hell is Azburgers? A burger from the southwest? Maybe you are talking Asperger Syndrome? Weren't you the guy berating others for not having an "EDUCATION"?

I misspelled it. At least I knew it was a social/communication syndrome & not having to due with the ability to think. But hey, I appreciate how you took the effort to comment on my spelling & remaining silent on the use of "mental illness" to trash a 16 year old.

BTW it is Asperger's not Asperger. OMG OMG OMG OMG !!!!!!!! Holy ShIt!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG
LOL...what an unhinged rant! Get help for your condition.
Fuck off Trump Boy.

There is a cute for what you have. It is called an EDUCATION.

I Schools almost out., Better rush down to see if you can pick on any high schoolers.
Your scientific expert is a 16 year old high school dropout. :lmao:
My experts are the scientists. As are Greta's experts.

She is on sabbatical. Not a drop out.

Dropping is out is what your hero Rush Limbaugh did.
And, if you had a fucking brain, Asperger's does not mean you are mentally deficient and it has to do with social skills & communicating.

The use of mentally ill was that she was mentally incompetent.

But hey, mocking people with disability was one of Trump's tactics & I see is spread to you Trumpettes as well.
If Greta Thunberg has become the spokesperson for an entire movement, as she has, and has all sorts of resources at her disposal, as she does, and she truly believes what no other climatologist in the world believes, as she does, then I would say she indeed has a mental deficiency.

She is a paranoid delusional and the fact that none of her Soros provided people have bothered to correct her as she blabs out total scientific nonsense as she speaks to audiences around most of the West (but not China as it is the global warming sacred cow...another reason to scoff at the IPCC approved version of things) show what a hoax her little act is.

Which tells me either she hasn't truly informed herself or her handlers prefer the ignorant psychologically damaged Greta because she is a more valuable shill as is...
pathetically convinced that the end of the planet is just a few years away despite no proof at all to corroborate her ranting.

So she is cynically being exploited precisely because she has Chicken Little's Syndrome and a more rational and informed spokesperson wouldn't evoke the same amount of sympathy and fear that she strikes in the minds of her truly convinced believers....either very young ignorant dupes or angry mentally ill alcoholics like yourself.

The mere idea you think she is wrong is proof of your ignorance.

China??????? China's per capita emissions are far far far below ours. See, you are this fucking stupid.

Then you are so fucking stupid you think Greta days the planet ends in a few years whern the message is that we need to act.

Keep picking on 16 year olds. Especially those far smarter & far better informed than you.

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