Saint Greta Thunberg's speech to UN Strangely Resembles a 1992 UN Speech by Another 12-year-old

I challenge each and every worshiper of the great climate hoax to put their money where their mouth is. Stop emitting CO2. Go ahead, convince me of your sincerity.

Yup! I though so.
We do not need to go to zero emissions. I've done my share now stupid ass you wants me to do yours? Why? Because you are an uneducated fool?

I cut my emissions more than in half. I own 25 acres, of which 24 are green & trees.

I understand you hate your own children. Do they know that? Or do they carry your genetics.
Triggered. Hilarious. You can almost see his bulging eyes.

Take a lesson for the future.

If you don't write stupid things, I won't point it out.

If you don't lie, I won't point it out.

If you don't act like a whiny hypocrite, I won't point it out.

I don't need to cut a deal because I can stand behind everything I've posted and documented.
So you're ignorant & proud of it.
Here is one who agrees with Greta. A Harvard SCIENTIST. ( Ummm a SCIENTIST VS USMB know-it-all deniers - who should we believe ....)
We Have Five Years To Save Ourselves From Climate Change, Harvard Scientist Says
Actually St. Greta gives us ten years before the earth turns into a hostile wasteland.
So is she a fraud? Or this Harvard guy?

So I guess you will give up your car (there goes your home) and never board an airplane again (if you ever have) and support a pre industrial revolution life style. You go first, moron.

Who is going to force Barack Obama out of his big wasteful evil ocean side mansion?

Who is going to force China to stop filling the atmosphere with greenhouse gases?
Not St. Greta . She won't even mention their name when calling out nations.
What kind of "savior" is that? Why should the average skeptic care when the
crazed true believers won't even act in accordance with their own doomsday prophecies?
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Here is one who agrees with Greta. A Harvard SCIENTIST. ( Ummm a SCIENTIST VS USMB know-it-all deniers - who should we believe ....)
We Have Five Years To Save Ourselves From Climate Change, Harvard Scientist Says
Actually St. Greta gives us ten years before the earth turns into a hostile wasteland.
So is she a fraud? Or this Harvard guy?

So I guess you will give up your car (there goes your home) and never board an airplane again (if you ever have) and support a pre industrial revolution life style. You go first, moron.

Who is going to force Barack Obama out of his big wasteful evil ocean side mansion?

Who is going to force China to stop filling the atmosphere with greenhouse gases?
Not St. Greta . She won't even mention their name when calling out nations.
What kind of "savior" is that? Why should the average skeptic care when the
crazed true believers won't even act in accordance with their own doomsday prophecies?

5 years or ten years or twelve years, is not relevant because you deny the entirety of the Climate Change science.

1) I already reduced my carbon footprint.
2) You asssfucks really need to grasp the fact that being oceanfront does not mean sea level. I can't believe you are actually this fucking stupid.
3) China is working on it as per their agreement in the Paris Accord. Remember, their emissions are way less than ours on a per person rate.


Jesus fuck. You are too stupid to be a skeptic.
5 years or ten years or twelve years, is not relevant because you deny the entirety of the Climate Change science.
It is entirely relevant because it demonstrates how all these
Chicken Little-ists are making this up as they go.

1) I already reduced my carbon footprint.
Recycling all your empty liquor bottles? That is impressive.
A nice dirt nap would reduce that footprint even more.

2) You asssfucks really need to grasp the fact that being oceanfront does not mean sea level. I can't believe you are actually this fucking stupid.
Who is surprised that Mr. Reduced Carbon Footprint doesn't even understand
the concept of rising ocean levels due to global warming. It's only one of the key scare mongering talking points of the Chicken Little-ists.

What's ocean front today will be underwater in a few your Gods St. Greta
and Al Gore say.

Either you completely don't know what the hell you claim to believe in or you are lying through your yellowing booze soaked teeth. Which is it?
3) China is working on it as per their agreement in the Paris Accord. Remember, their emissions are way less than ours on a per person rate.
Remember they pollute more than the US and the EU combined! Fuck your weak per capita nonsense! Pollution is aggregate...not an individualized problem. They have a billion people that make about $350 dollars per year. They couldn't pollute if they wanted to.
It's the Chinese government that is putting up coal powered energy plants at a rate of two per week!
Jesus Christ how times must I repeat myself? I can't insult your idiocy enough. You're a fucking know nothing.

Read this if you are able. Why Is China Placing A Global Bet On Coal?

I hope your lips don't get too tired.


Jesus fuck. You are too stupid to be a skeptic.
I am skeptical because this issue has been so politicized by the IPCC and moron know nothings like yourself. I don't doubt the scientific principle of AGW.
I have to see one single non politicized honest appraisal of the issue. Alcoholic apes like yourself aren't helping things.
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Greta and her family are getting rich over the lies she is spouting. Bought and paid for by the globalist elites. So they get a cut.

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