Saddam Caught?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
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Let's hope it's true!

Yahoo just posted:

New Agency Says Saddam Detained in Iraq
2 minutes ago

TEHRAN, Iran - Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) has been detained in Iraq (news - web sites), Iran's official news agency reported Sunday.

"Saddam Hussein was arrested in his hometown of Tikrit," IRNA quoted top Iraqi leader, Jalal Talabani as saying. It gave no further details.

In Iraq, a separate rumor that Saddam was captured or killed near Tikrit sent hundreds of exultant people into the streets of this northern Iraqi city Sunday. They fired in the air in celebration and congratulated each other.

In Baghdad, a spokeswoman for the U.S.-led occupation notified reporters that a "very important" announcement will be made at a news conference scheduled for 7 a.m. EST, but did not say who would be the speaker. The spokeswoman requested anonymity.

In Tikrit, rumors that the former dictator was in custody were making the rounds, but reporters attached to the 4th Infantry Division, the U.S. unit in charge of security in the area, said there was no unusual activity there overnight or early Sunday.

"We are celebrating like it's a wedding," said Mustapha Sheriff, a resident of Kirkuk. "We are finally rid of that criminal."

"This is the joy of a lifetime," said Ali Al-Bashiri, another Kirkuk resident. "I am speaking on behalf of all the people that suffered under his rule."

Saddam, who ruled Iraq for 23 years until his ouster in April, has been a fugitive since then with a $25 million bounty on his head.

Rumors about Saddam's capture or death periodically surface, and a hotline set up by the occupation authorities for tips on his whereabouts is flooded with callers.
What news to wake up to!

I can only assume it's true at this point, it's been verified supposedly by Paul Bremer, Chalabi & Jalal Talabani.

I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR THE LIBERALS SPIN ON THIS if it turns out to be true!!!

"This isn't good news, infidels, it's just another sad event of war"
"Where's the WMD"?
"What took them so long"?
"The sources aren't reliable"
"Saddam has so many doubles, I'm sure it isn't even him"
"They are probably just going to make him a member of PNAC"

Oh Happy Day! What great news first thing in the morning!!
First Tests Show Captured Man Is Saddam

WASHINGTON - U.S. military captured a man in the basement of a building in Tikrit, Iraq (news - web sites), during raids seeking Saddam Hussein (news - web sites), and initial efforts to verify his identity indicate he is the deposed Iraqi dictator, U.S. officials said Sunday

"It certainly looks good," one senior U.S. official said, cautioning more scientific testing, possibly DNA, was being done early Sunday morning to try to confirm the identity.

The official said the captured man's appearance did not immediately look like Saddam, but additional efforts to ascertain his identity indicated he was the former leader.

The officials spoke only on condition of anonymity.

The military raids in and near Tikrit, Saddam's hometown, were based on fresh intelligence and were aimed at capturing Saddam, the officials said, and the man was captured in one of the targeted buildings.

"He was in a cellar of the building. His appearance was such that it made it not immediately certain you could say it was Saddam Hussein," the official said.

Saddam's capture would be a defining moment in the Iraq war and subsequent rebuilding process, and Bush administration officials have hoped it would lessen or break the organized resistance against U.S. troops that have led to scores of deaths since the end of combat operations.
I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR THE LIBERALS SPIN ON THIS if it turns out to be true!!!

They will downplay the importance of his capture and look foolish as normal. :cof:
Yee ha! and praise Allah.

I'm glad that our gallant troops found him and were gentlemen/ladies enough to leave him alive. I truly wish he had been shot in the eyeballs but for the troops sake, it's better that he be alive.

I don't want to hear another word from anyone that the US troops are recklessly killing. This is one of the two most hated men out there and we treated him humanely, nicer even than he treated his own people.
Well, I sure did miss all the good stuff!!!! can't WAIT to read what all the whiny libs have to say about this on Yahoo! for months it has been "but no WMD's, no Hussein" blah blah!!! Such good news to wake up to!!!!!!
Apparently, bumpy's not phased at all:

"Re: Bush Wins In Landslide!
by: bumpy197625 (26/M/Wenatchee, WA) 12/14/03 10:26 am
Msg: 11167 of 11168

He wont win anything if they dont find any WMD anytime soon. This really will be either make it or break it for Bush."

:laugh: or how about this one:

And this changes what?
by: craigmartin1168 (35/M/TX) 12/14/03 09:59 am
Msg: 11165 of 11170

I am happy we got Saddam. But if you people think this will change the way things are going in Iraq, then you seriously need to change your bong water. The suicide bombings will continue as will the roadside bombings for the simple fact the iraqi people don't want us there. So the Republicans can gloat in their hollow victory until the next suicide bomber slams into a american checkpoint or roadside bomb turns another HMMWV into a burning hulk of aluminum and fiberglass. Then what will your excuse be? That OJ did it?

SSG Craig Martin
Fort Hood, Tx

or this one:

This is Dubya. You caught Saddam who?
by: goodsnake4u 12/14/03 09:59 am
Msg: 11164 of 11172

Oh I remember him. Good! Now he won't be able to run against me in '04.
>>apparently this one was planning to nominate him for the presidency.
The only reason we gloat is because we have been under constant assault by the left. When hostilities commenced we cared about one thing, the safety of our fighting men and women and assuring a victory for the security of our nation. I guess in some ways I am naive, I thought it was a victory for all Americans. Then we find out we MIGHT have had some bad intelligence and all of a sudden it became a partisian issue and the assault on anyone who still believes we did a good thing. Its funny how the left thinks everyone has a right to their own opinions, that is unless they are different for theirs.
today the people of Iraq can truly feel liberated, today is their '4th of july':beer: now the rebuilding can began in earnest
Well great! I think Saddam being caught is good for everyone. Maybe now some of those tough questions will be answered.
Lets start the vivisection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funny thing is, in two pages of posts on this topic alone I havent seen any of the doubters posting. Must not having anything to say.

I'm hearing that the people of Baghdad and Iraq in general were dancing in the streets upon the news of Saddams capture. So much for the other side's views that the Iraqis didnt want us in their country... hmmm.
Originally posted by lilcountriegal
Funny thing is, in two pages of posts on this topic alone I havent seen any of the doubters posting. Must not having anything to say.

I'm hearing that the people of Baghdad and Iraq in general were dancing in the streets upon the news of Saddams capture. So much for the other side's views that the Iraqis didnt want us in their country... hmmm.

No one doubted that Saddam was bad. What was debated was whether the end justifies the means. That's one thing that I cannot stand people accuse people on the other side of the fence of. No disrespect to yourself of course.

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