RW'ers: If in power, would you let a state break away from the union if they wanted?

Quick question for Republicans and Libertarians. I know your type really looks up to the Founding Fathers and puts them on a high pedestal. And that's fine, they were great men. But, they were unhappy under British rule, they didn't like the laws they were under, so they rebelled, and broke away.

Would you support a state doing that? Seriously, lets say the GOP wins in 2016. Lets say the GOP wins the House and Senate next year, then the White House in 2016.

But, a state like Florida, or lets say, New Hampshire, wants to break off from the union. Lets use Florida.

Florida puts it to a statewide vote, and 95% vote to break away from the United States. The state says they don't like federal laws, and they want their right to be FREE.....just like the Founding Fathers.

If they did that, and declared independence, and started printing their own money, and put up walls on the Florida/GA/AL border, and armed it with a state military that they formed.....would you in power order the Federal government to crack down on that state? Or, allow them to break off and gain the freedom they want?

Your answer matters a lot, as it shows a macro version of your thoughts towards a people's right to freedom.

Of course they wouldn't.

States' Rights are another one of those conservative mantras that flares up whenever a Democrat is President.

Just like with their "free markets" and "small government" crap that vanishes the moment they're in the White House, busting the budget with programs like Medicare D.:lol:
Quick question for Republicans and Libertarians. I know your type really looks up to the Founding Fathers and puts them on a high pedestal. And that's fine, they were great men. But, they were unhappy under British rule, they didn't like the laws they were under, so they rebelled, and broke away.

Would you support a state doing that? Seriously, lets say the GOP wins in 2016. Lets say the GOP wins the House and Senate next year, then the White House in 2016.

But, a state like Florida, or lets say, New Hampshire, wants to break off from the union. Lets use Florida.

Florida puts it to a statewide vote, and 95% vote to break away from the United States. The state says they don't like federal laws, and they want their right to be FREE.....just like the Founding Fathers.

If they did that, and declared independence, and started printing their own money, and put up walls on the Florida/GA/AL border, and armed it with a state military that they formed.....would you in power order the Federal government to crack down on that state? Or, allow them to break off and gain the freedom they want?

Your answer matters a lot, as it shows a macro version of your thoughts towards a people's right to freedom.

Let them go, it's a free country isn't it? Why would they or we put up walls? That sounds stupid.
What would be the argument on why a state should not be allowed to secede


It could destabilize the Union. It would show huge instability and scare the world away from our markets. That's one reason.

Its called governing. No matter how big or small the issue, there are several sides to it, and they wont all fit on a Ted Cruz bumper sticker.
There you go, fear will keep the states in line, fear of this battle station.

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