

Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
While Michele Bachmann crisscrossed South Carolina this week breathing fire against government spending, she did so with the support of a political director whose right-wing nonprofit benefited from federal funds for years.

Handling Bachmann’s Palmetto State effort is Sheri Few, who runs an anti-gay, abstinence-only organization that hauled in millions in federal tax dollars since 2005.

The organization she started a decade ago, SC Parents Involved in Education, also promotes school choice and the teachings of intelligent design.

That would jibe well with Bachmann’s worldview, which has been shaped by likeminded institutions.

From 2005 to 2007, the nonprofit run by Bachmann’s South Carolina director snared more than $2.2 million in federal tax dollars, according to records. Meanwhile, in one year as director, her salary increased nearly 18 percent, from $52,622 in 2005 to $61,878 per year in 2006.

“That’s an annual salary, it’s not unusual for a director of a nonprofit,” Few told Free Times about her pay.

From 2005 to 2007, the organization took in approximately $755,000 a year from the federal government, according to records.

They might want to rethink the "cut spending" angle, what with all the money that would cost them. :eusa_shhh:

Free Times: This Just In
It never fails to scare me that so many people just accept whatever the media tells them without any examination.

That is all.
While Michele Bachmann crisscrossed South Carolina this week breathing fire against government spending, she did so with the support of a political director whose right-wing nonprofit benefited from federal funds for years.

Handling Bachmann’s Palmetto State effort is Sheri Few, who runs an anti-gay, abstinence-only organization that hauled in millions in federal tax dollars since 2005.

The organization she started a decade ago, SC Parents Involved in Education, also promotes school choice and the teachings of intelligent design.

That would jibe well with Bachmann’s worldview, which has been shaped by likeminded institutions.

From 2005 to 2007, the nonprofit run by Bachmann’s South Carolina director snared more than $2.2 million in federal tax dollars, according to records. Meanwhile, in one year as director, her salary increased nearly 18 percent, from $52,622 in 2005 to $61,878 per year in 2006.

“That’s an annual salary, it’s not unusual for a director of a nonprofit,” Few told Free Times about her pay.

From 2005 to 2007, the organization took in approximately $755,000 a year from the federal government, according to records.

They might want to rethink the "cut spending" angle, what with all the money that would cost them. :eusa_shhh:

Free Times: This Just In

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