Russia? Obama KNEW & Ordered His People To 'STAND DOWN'!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama cyber chief: You'd better believe I was ordered to stand down on Russia

Obama and Mueller knew about Russian crimes associated with their attempt to acquire Uranium One ... And they STOOD DOWN and let it happen.

In 2015 when Russia was running ops and manipulating snowflakes, buying liberal groups, and attempting to hack our power grid Obama again ordered his people to STAND DOWN and let it happen.

Obama cyber chief: You'd better believe I was ordered to stand down on Russia

'Consider this a confirmation of an allegation that first emerged in March, because the co-author of the book that contained it certainly does. Michael Isikoff and David Corn published an explosive allegation that the Obama administration issued a stand-down order to efforts to counter Russian cyberwarfare in 2016. Yesterday, the head of the Obama administration’s cyber programs told the Senate Intelligence Committee that’s precisely what happened:

The Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a “back burner” after he was ordered to “stand down” his efforts in the summer of 2016.'

THERE is your illegal Russian collusion, snowflakes!

What a huge f*ing TRAITOR!
Obama cyber chief: You'd better believe I was ordered to stand down on Russia

Obama and Mueller knew about Russian crimes associated with their attempt to acquire Uranium One ... And they STOOD DOWN and let it happen.

In 2015 when Russia was running ops and manipulating snowflakes, buying liberal groups, and attempting to hack our power grid Obama again ordered his people to STAND DOWN and let it happen.

Obama cyber chief: You'd better believe I was ordered to stand down on Russia

'Consider this a confirmation of an allegation that first emerged in March, because the co-author of the book that contained it certainly does. Michael Isikoff and David Corn published an explosive allegation that the Obama administration issued a stand-down order to efforts to counter Russian cyberwarfare in 2016. Yesterday, the head of the Obama administration’s cyber programs told the Senate Intelligence Committee that’s precisely what happened:

The Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a “back burner” after he was ordered to “stand down” his efforts in the summer of 2016.'

THERE is your illegal Russian collusion, snowflakes!

What a huge f*ing TRAITOR!
Does this mean he won't be getting retirement pay?
just means he was / is a traitor who ran the most criminal administration in US CONFIRMED...even more.
just means he was / is a traitor who ran the most criminal administration in US CONFIRMED...even more.
Does it ever get old being you? It must be exhausting living in a world of hate and lies
Republicans celebrate Russia subverting the election. Wtf is the point of this thread?
There is a huge difference between celebrating and knowing russian trolling had zero fucking effect on the election. Next election don't select Hillary for her third times a loser run.
just means he was / is a traitor who ran the most criminal administration in US CONFIRMED...even more.
Does it ever get old being you? It must be exhausting living in a world of hate and lies
Obama allowed Russian hacking. End of story

The President was supposed to stop hacking.... Really?

In 2018 (thus far), here is a list of who has been hacked (mostly in the US)


hold on, not done yet.


Hold on...not done yet


Think that's all? Think again...


Now, simply a question. Is the current pervert in the WH responsible for all of the times a US institution was hacked?
just means he was / is a traitor who ran the most criminal administration in US CONFIRMED...even more.
Does it ever get old being you? It must be exhausting living in a world of hate and lies
Obama allowed Russian hacking. End of story
Wait wait wait!!

YOU said there was NO HACKING!
Obama said there was no hacking. He assured us. He lied. He allowed the Russians to hack
just means he was / is a traitor who ran the most criminal administration in US CONFIRMED...even more.
Does it ever get old being you? It must be exhausting living in a world of hate and lies
Obama allowed Russian hacking. End of story
Wait wait wait!!

YOU said there was NO HACKING!
Obama said there was no hacking. He assured us. He lied. He allowed the Russians to hack
No. The republican cult said there was no HACKING
Pi$$-poor attempt to justify Obama exposed once again for helping Putin commit crimes against the United States....

Obama team told to halt efforts against Russian cyberattacks, ex-staffer says

'Former Obama administration National Security Council cybersecurity coordinator Michael Daniel confirmed on Wednesday that a "stand down" order was given to counter Russian cyberattacks during the 2016 election.'

Barry was 'so worried' about Russian interference that when he found out about it he....ORDERED HIS PEOPLE TO 'STAND DOWN' AND 'DO NOTHING'.

(...not the 1st time Barry had given a 'Stand Down' order, either...)

The Nobel Peace Prize winner was too busy too busy trying to get Vlad's approval for him to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria...not to mention already ass-deep in his own treasonous criminal conspiracy against Trump to worry about the Russians.

Evidence has shown that Obama and the Democrats violated more laws and interfered in the 2016 election WAY more than Putin and Russia ever did.

Republicans celebrate Russia subverting the election. Wtf is the point of this thread?
The point is Republicans celebrating Russia subverting our election, clearly. That's the point. It gives them something to cheer about.

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