Russia Issues Urgent Nuclear War Warning as Doomsday Clock Moves Closest Ever to Midnight, Prompting WHO to Urge Countries to Stockpile Medicines....

What if Putin is not all there and decides to go out with a big bang?

Then we should go first; he's made the threats, now wipe him out. Sitting and waiting to see what nutjobs do is pure idiocy, and so is caving in to their demands. His 'friends' will put slugs into his head if they think he's serious about launching any nukes. The fact he's still alive means he's bluffing. Fuck him if he is, fuck him if he ain't. No point in dragging it out.
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I would rather have Trump negotiating with Putin than Biden.

Trump is old but seems mentally sharp. Biden is older but not as mentally sharp as he was a decade ago. Trump knows how to make a deal. Biden knows how to sell his influence.

Nuclear war is a serious issue. The last time we were as close to an all out nuclear war was during the Cuban Missile Crisis. At that time JFK was President and JFK found a way to get Russia to remove the missiles from Cuba by removing our missiles from Turkey.

Unfortunately it seems we are stuck with Biden and if he is impeached or resigns with Kamala. Kamala hasn’t proved all that impressive at this time.

A sharp negotiator might find a way to avoid an all out nuclear war and perhaps even preserve Ukraine‘s independence. Putin may see Biden as weak and push the issue by using tactical nukes. At that moment one simple mistake could result in the end of the world as we know it.

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Trump has the mental capacity of a 10 year old. Trump is just a Russian bitch, doing what he is told like a good little whore! Biden don't take no shit from Putin.
Bullshit! Trump is no pawn to anyone. His agenda is America First.
Putin owned your blob.


Its good to see Biden slapping both of them around.
Agree about the unbelievable Biden Bungle era but the alleged Russian comments are all theatre .

The Pentagon knows that the US would be destroyed by Russian hypersonic weapons and even Jill will have let it be known that Piss Pants must never have nuclear access codes .
The only way that Russia launches is if they suddenly develop a Death Wish...
The only way that Russia launches is if they suddenly develop a Death Wish...

I seriously doubt the gangsters that he needs to keep in power are also willing to die for his personal version of Mein Kampf.
Trump has the mental capacity of a 10 year old. Trump is just a Russian bitch, doing what he is told like a good little whore! Biden don't take no shit from Putin.

So you think he's about 4 years older than you? Interesting admission that he's a much better leader than you are.
Trump has the mental capacity of a 10 year old. Trump is just a Russian bitch, doing what he is told like a good little whore! Biden don't take no shit from Putin.
Why didn't Putin invade Ukraine when Trump was in office if Trump is as dumb as you think he is?

If Biden is a real tough guy who took on Corn Pop at the pool then why wasn’t Putin afraid to invade Ukraine?

I also found this report interesting as it shows the weakness of Joe Biden and how his his poor decision making has negative effects.

Do you really beleive Putin's bullshit threats?

Yes . Because they are factually correct.
A vastly superior arsenal and military .

At what point he might unleash them is another matter .As are the possible circumstances .
I 99% believe he never will because the US is privately fully aware of the current situation and can do nothing about it short term ..

Naturally that is something that will never be publicly admitted .

Imagine the public hysteria and panic if it was . And then the violent internal retribution .
Keep in mind the more the U.S. callously abandons its allies and caves in to these vermins' threats nuclear wars get a lot more likely, not less.
I am not saying we have to give in to anything. I am saying I feel Joe Biden is the wrong President to have at this moment. I don’t believe he is sharp enough to negotiate nor do I believe John Kerry could fill In.

Joe doesn’t seem to take the nuclear codes seriously. While Biden was VP, Putin could have launched a first strike on our nation and Joe might not have be able to even get to the nuclear codes. Perhaps Joe would refuse to launch our nuclear retaliation. He may be against nuclear weapons or Putin might suspect he is.

Also -
Gavrilov said: 'We warn Western sponsors of the Kyiv military machine from encouraging nuclear provocations and blackmail.

'We know that the Leopard 2 tank, as well as the Bradley and Marder infantry fighting vehicles, are armed with uranium-core armor-piercing projectiles, the use of which leads to contamination of the area, as happened in Yugoslavia and Iraq.

'If Kyiv is supplied with such shells for NATO heavy military equipment, we will consider this as the use of dirty nuclear bombs against Russia with all the ensuing consequences.'

Then we should go first; he's made the threats, now wipe him out. Sitting and waiting to see what nutjobs do is pure idiocy, and so is caving in to their demands. His 'friends' will put slugs into his head if they think he's serious about launching any nukes. The fact he's still alive means he's bluffing. Fuck him if he is, fuck him if he ain't. No point in dragging it out.
So you are saying we should use a first strike involving nuclear weapons against Russia or just strike Putin’s bunker?
es . Because they are factually correct.
A vastly superior arsenal and military .

lol stop the drugs and booze. He's just a bully who can't intimidate anybody but tiny little countries as corrupt as his. He relies on panicking snowflakes in the West who are too comfy and infantile to resist threats from scum.
So you are saying we should use a first strike involving nuclear weapons against Russia or just strike Putin’s bunker?

When somebody threatens to start throwing nukes like he does damn right. Only idiots would let a psycho 'shoot first'; school yard stuff doesn't work well with gangsters and killers. Same for the Mad Midget in NK and the Mullah nutjobs. I would nuke his nukes first, if I had to choose, but yes, his bunker if we know where it is; if not, well it sucks to be Russian and to have tolerated this piece of shit.

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