Russia Investigation will have a bad ending

I could care less what the career-long sexual deviant sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, rapist and pedophile does ... however ... The office of the President and the President of the United States represents the entire country - its integrity, its morals, its ethics, what this nation stands for, etc.... Bill Clinton, in that entire event, was completely embarrassing for the entire country.

I'm sorry, I'm not electing a moral paragon. I'm electing a manager, and Clinton was the best manager in that office in my lifetime. Now, you can call him bad names, but Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars, and the only thing he was able to prove was that the guy got a blow job from another consenting adult.

Do I think he deserved to be Impeached for that? No...and he wasn't. Again, he was Impeached because he lied under oath, he attempted to strip an American citizen to her Constitutional Right to a fair trial - the Constitution he swore an oath to defend, protect, and uphold, and he was found Guilty of Contempt of court and stripped of his license to practice law.

Paula Jones got a fair trail. Her case was found to be lacking merit, and then she was paid a bunch of money to go away. Except she never seems to go away. So they gave her a bunch of money to show her nasty snatch on Penthouse. And then we got to watch Tonya Harding beat the shit out of her... that was fun.
no difference?

Wide Receiver was shut down because they found out it didn't work, no one killed.

Fast and Furious started, despite the knowledge the program didn't work, as least one person killed.

Stating Fast and Furious started under Bush is the lazy mans way of reading history.

Nobody was killed because of either. Both let guns into Mexico, but those people would have gotten guns, regardless.

You know, guns don't kill people, people kill people.
Some day the beef will show up.....some day...

I am enjoying the karma payback coming back on the pseudocons. I really am. Their whines and gnashing of teeth is pleasing to my ears. They deserve it. They totally deserve it. After screaming for Obama's impeachment non-stop for eight years, they had this coming to them. They had this coming to them.

Trump also deserves this. He went on CNN to demand Bush be impeached. Trump went on CNN as often as he could to trash Bush, America, and the Iraq War. Then during Obama's Administration, he went on CNN to trash Obama and he called for Obama's impeachment. Now he calls CNN "fake news" and the stupid rubes don't even notice what big CNN fan boi Trump was.

So Trump, after trashing America and calling for the impeachments of his two predecessors, totally deserves this. He had this coming to him. His pain is very pleasing to me.

And you know what? The Democrats deserve Trump, too. They totally deserve Trump.

However, this is not good for America. It just isn't, folks. This switching of hats every eight years and everybody acting like hypocrites and assholes is making our country irrelevant on the world stage. We look like fucking stooges, okay? We look stupid, because we ARE stupid.

This is stupid.

We elected a stupid President. A very stupid President. We ALWAYS get the politicians we deserve.

We got Trump because Trump is what we deserve. The Democrats put up a corrupt, tired, old hag with old ideas. They deserve Trump.

The Republican party is so far off the reservation, having hand fed bigotry and hatred and ignorance for so long, they deserve Trump.

Trump won't be the end, folks. He won't be the end.

As long as we let the hacks and hypocrites and bigots and liars own our parties, we will get more Trumps. Presidents even worse than Trump.

So ask yourself, do you want more Trumps? No? Then clean your own fucking house. The Democrats can beat any fucking Trump that comes down the pike by cleaning house. The GOP can ensure no fucking Trump ever infiltrates our party ever again by ejecting the bigots and liars and hypocrites and psychopaths.

That's why I spend most of my time on this forum cleaning out the fucking pseudocon trash in the GOP house.
What was is Obama said about people who whine about a hacked election?
The FBI raided Paul Manafort's home looking for documents they didn't trust him he'd submit.
If you need to go to your safe place with Obama, go right at it.
But Mueller means business.
After this stunt by Mueller, Trump needs to take the gloves off and take out the entire Democrat Leadership
No one knows what the ending of the Russia investigation will bring. my hope would be that we figure out how to keep them out of our political system.
What was is Obama said about people who whine about a hacked election?
The FBI raided Paul Manafort's home looking for documents they didn't trust him he'd submit.
If you need to go to your safe place with Obama, go right at it.
But Mueller means business.
I hope that the FBI beats the living shit out of Paul Manafort ....
What is it with the left? Do they think the Trump/Russia investigation is legitimate political payback when Bill Clinton couldn't keep his fly zipped in the Oval Office and lied under oath? Advice to libs, don't take up a career in law.
What was is Obama said about people who whine about a hacked election?
The FBI raided Paul Manafort's home looking for documents they didn't trust him he'd submit.
If you need to go to your safe place with Obama, go right at it.
But Mueller means business.
I hope that the FBI beats the living shit out of Paul Manafort ....
And you don't care whether he has actually committed a crime, do you?
What was is Obama said about people who whine about a hacked election?
The FBI raided Paul Manafort's home looking for documents they didn't trust him he'd submit.
If you need to go to your safe place with Obama, go right at it.
But Mueller means business.
I hope that the FBI beats the living shit out of Paul Manafort ....
And you don't care whether he has actually committed a crime, do you?
Fuck all you all Fuck off cry Baby that Man Boy Trump is a Criminal who called Clinton crooked and had nothing ...your Orange boy is a bastard and a piece of shit
What was is Obama said about people who whine about a hacked election?
The FBI raided Paul Manafort's home looking for documents they didn't trust him he'd submit.
If you need to go to your safe place with Obama, go right at it.
But Mueller means business.
I hope that the FBI beats the living shit out of Paul Manafort ....
And you don't care whether he has actually committed a crime, do you?
Fuck all you all Fuck off cry Baby that Man Boy Trump is a Criminal who called Clinton crooked and had nothing ...your Orange boy is a bastard and a piece of shit
What crime did Trump commit other than beating Hillary?
What was is Obama said about people who whine about a hacked election?
The FBI raided Paul Manafort's home looking for documents they didn't trust him he'd submit.
If you need to go to your safe place with Obama, go right at it.
But Mueller means business.
I hope that the FBI beats the living shit out of Paul Manafort ....
And you don't care whether he has actually committed a crime, do you?
Fuck all you all Fuck off cry Baby that Man Boy Trump is a Criminal who called Clinton crooked and had nothing ...your Orange boy is a bastard and a piece of shit
Ah, but sweet smelling Orange shit it is. LOL
no difference?

Wide Receiver was shut down because they found out it didn't work, no one killed.

Fast and Furious started, despite the knowledge the program didn't work, as least one person killed.

Stating Fast and Furious started under Bush is the lazy mans way of reading history.

Nobody was killed because of either. Both let guns into Mexico, but those people would have gotten guns, regardless.

You know, guns don't kill people, people kill people.
What was is Obama said about people who whine about a hacked election?
The FBI raided Paul Manafort's home looking for documents they didn't trust him he'd submit.
If you need to go to your safe place with Obama, go right at it.
But Mueller means business.
I hope that the FBI beats the living shit out of Paul Manafort ....
And you don't care whether he has actually committed a crime, do you?
Fuck all you all Fuck off cry Baby that Man Boy Trump is a Criminal who called Clinton crooked and had nothing ...your Orange boy is a bastard and a piece of shit
Ah, but sweet smelling Orange shit it is. LOL
ahhh but there is no crime. there is no ability for a crime. unless you have a voting machine that you could lend old Mueller.

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