Russia, China warn Biden at same time to stay out of Ukraine, Taiwan


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
On Tuesday, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov warned President Joe Biden’s administration against getting involved in Ukraine, amid Russian forces massing on the Ukrainian border. Also on Tuesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian warned the Biden administration against getting involved in Taiwan.

According to Reuters, Russia’s Ryabkov said “The United States is our adversary and does everything it can to undermine Russia’s position on the world stage. We do not see any other elements in their approach. Those are our conclusions.”

Ryabkov went on to say, “We warn the United States that it will be better for them to stay far away from Crimea and our Black Sea coast. It will be for their own good.”

On the same day Ryabkov warned the U.S. and other NATO nations against supporting Ukraine, China’s Zhao warned the U.S. against “playing with fire” by interacting with Taiwan.

Watcha gon do Joe?
Well he’s holding “aid” from Ukraine until they stop investigating Hunter. LOL, no conflict of interests going on there.

Either way, we don’t belong in Ukraine at all. Ukraine has no claim on Donbas and Crimea. Torching your constitution and creating a new government has consequences.
He's going to sit there and watch the Russians invade Ukraine and the Chinese invade Taiwan, and do nothing about it except harshly condemn those actions.

There really isn't anything the US can do to stop them ... we can only work to expel them after the fact ... or block their trade goods from entering the US ... the Trump administration did do this, and had to just plain give money to the US businesses that were harmed by the higher tariffs ...

Democracy only works if The People choose to cow-tow to the United States ... otherwise we install brutal dictatorships who will cow-tow to us ... you might be surprised at how many countries in the world where the de facto Chief Executive is the US ambassador ...
On Tuesday, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov warned President Joe Biden’s administration against getting involved in Ukraine, amid Russian forces massing on the Ukrainian border. Also on Tuesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian warned the Biden administration against getting involved in Taiwan.

According to Reuters, Russia’s Ryabkov said “The United States is our adversary and does everything it can to undermine Russia’s position on the world stage. We do not see any other elements in their approach. Those are our conclusions.”

Ryabkov went on to say, “We warn the United States that it will be better for them to stay far away from Crimea and our Black Sea coast. It will be for their own good.”

On the same day Ryabkov warned the U.S. and other NATO nations against supporting Ukraine, China’s Zhao warned the U.S. against “playing with fire” by interacting with Taiwan.

Watcha gon do Joe?

With all due respect, let's not make this a partisan issue. Biden is a president, he represents the U.S, so if he fails, the U.S fails. Canada will be quickly right behind you in this decline (something we've been experiencing for decades).

We should say "I hope Joe does this or that". This needs to be more loudly stated publicly, we needed to stymie their economy as Trump was doing. We need to work with Taiwan in training, War Game scenarios and what have you.

China is telling America, "we are past you now, try and stop us and nobody stopped us in Hong Kong".

All that we are seeing is the direct outcome of greedy SOB's who have and continue to profit off of Chinas cheap labour. We sold ourselves out to prop up the CCP, believing foolishly that it wasn't a permanent cult that was running the country.

Oh, and a special shout out to all the naive, low performing intel agencies around the world who were so wrong on this issue. You were player checkers while Putin was playing chess and making sure China wouldn't become what we wanted. He learned from Russias mistakes in the 1980s, it seems we in the West don't learn our history as well..
Take all those criminal invaders that crossed the border and put them in the military. Send them off to fight in China and Russia. Solve two problems at once. Three problems since sending the invaders off to die would put a big dent in the invasion.
He's got his orders....don't expect anything from the US as the Communist Party of China and Putin to continue to do as they wish on the world stage now that their puppet in chief is in office....
On Tuesday, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov warned President Joe Biden’s administration against getting involved in Ukraine, amid Russian forces massing on the Ukrainian border. Also on Tuesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian warned the Biden administration against getting involved in Taiwan.

According to Reuters, Russia’s Ryabkov said “The United States is our adversary and does everything it can to undermine Russia’s position on the world stage. We do not see any other elements in their approach. Those are our conclusions.”

Ryabkov went on to say, “We warn the United States that it will be better for them to stay far away from Crimea and our Black Sea coast. It will be for their own good.”

On the same day Ryabkov warned the U.S. and other NATO nations against supporting Ukraine, China’s Zhao warned the U.S. against “playing with fire” by interacting with Taiwan.

Watcha gon do Joe?

Coolio! :dance:

I see they got my message in 'Badlands' last week. What took them so long?
On Tuesday, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov warned President Joe Biden’s administration against getting involved in Ukraine, amid Russian forces massing on the Ukrainian border. Also on Tuesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian warned the Biden administration against getting involved in Taiwan.

According to Reuters, Russia’s Ryabkov said “The United States is our adversary and does everything it can to undermine Russia’s position on the world stage. We do not see any other elements in their approach. Those are our conclusions.”

Ryabkov went on to say, “We warn the United States that it will be better for them to stay far away from Crimea and our Black Sea coast. It will be for their own good.”

On the same day Ryabkov warned the U.S. and other NATO nations against supporting Ukraine, China’s Zhao warned the U.S. against “playing with fire” by interacting with Taiwan.

Watcha gon do Joe?

With all due respect, let's not make this a partisan issue. Biden is a president, he represents the U.S, so if he fails, the U.S fails. Canada will be quickly right behind you in this decline (something we've been experiencing for decades).

We should say "I hope Joe does this or that". This needs to be more loudly stated publicly, we needed to stymie their economy as Trump was doing. We need to work with Taiwan in training, War Game scenarios and what have you.

China is telling America, "we are past you now, try and stop us and nobody stopped us in Hong Kong".

All that we are seeing is the direct outcome of greedy SOB's who have and continue to profit off of Chinas cheap labour. We sold ourselves out to prop up the CCP, believing foolishly that it wasn't a permanent cult that was running the country.

Oh, and a special shout out to all the naive, low performing intel agencies around the world who were so wrong on this issue. You were player checkers while Putin was playing chess and making sure China wouldn't become what we wanted. He learned from Russias mistakes in the 1980s, it seems we in the West don't learn our history as well..

It does appear this way.
On Tuesday, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov warned President Joe Biden’s administration against getting involved in Ukraine, amid Russian forces massing on the Ukrainian border. Also on Tuesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian warned the Biden administration against getting involved in Taiwan.

According to Reuters, Russia’s Ryabkov said “The United States is our adversary and does everything it can to undermine Russia’s position on the world stage. We do not see any other elements in their approach. Those are our conclusions.”

Ryabkov went on to say, “We warn the United States that it will be better for them to stay far away from Crimea and our Black Sea coast. It will be for their own good.”

On the same day Ryabkov warned the U.S. and other NATO nations against supporting Ukraine, China’s Zhao warned the U.S. against “playing with fire” by interacting with Taiwan.

Watcha gon do Joe?
It appears that russia and china are coordinating their aggression.

probably because they know biden is senile and weak

if so we can look for iran and north korea to makes moves also
On Tuesday, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov warned President Joe Biden’s administration against getting involved in Ukraine, amid Russian forces massing on the Ukrainian border. Also on Tuesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian warned the Biden administration against getting involved in Taiwan.

According to Reuters, Russia’s Ryabkov said “The United States is our adversary and does everything it can to undermine Russia’s position on the world stage. We do not see any other elements in their approach. Those are our conclusions.”

Ryabkov went on to say, “We warn the United States that it will be better for them to stay far away from Crimea and our Black Sea coast. It will be for their own good.”

On the same day Ryabkov warned the U.S. and other NATO nations against supporting Ukraine, China’s Zhao warned the U.S. against “playing with fire” by interacting with Taiwan.

Watcha gon do Joe?
A lot of posturing born out of frustration mixed in with some frantic arm waving. It's the Democratic Party shit show.

And then nothing.
And then nothing.
If taiwan falls to the communist dictatorship that will be more than nothing

though to be fair US trade policy over the past 30 years has financed the rise of the chinese military and thats not all bidens fault
And then nothing.
If taiwan falls to the communist dictatorship that will be more than nothing

though to be fair US trade policy over the past 30 years has financed the rise of the chinese military and thats not all bidens fault
What do you see Biden doing? I don't see him doing a damn thing.

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