Russia building up forces near Crimea


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
It seems like Russia wants to tie the loose end ASAP.


EXCLUSIVE – Two weeks after Russia fired on and seized three Ukrainian vessels in the contested Kerch Strait, satellite images obtained exclusively by Fox News on Sunday show that additional forces may be headed to the region.

In the images taken on Saturday, three Russian Ilyushin -76 cargo planes were spotted in the Dzhankoi airbase in Crimea.

The images, captured by Imagesat International, appear to show that Russia is continuing to step up and consolidate its military forces in the Crimea, which it annexed from Ukraine in 2014.

According to social media reports in Russia, Four IL-76 planes departed on December 6 from Anapa airport in Novorossiysk and landed in Dzhankoi.

One of those airplanes returned Saturday to Anapa, while the three remain on base.

Ilushin-76 cargo planes are used by the Russian Army to deliver outsized or heavy cargo unable to be carried on the ground. The cargo planes are also used for mobilizing large numbers of troops.


Russia building up forces near Crimea amid tensions with Ukraine, satellite photos show
Putin: Ukrainians did not respond to our border guard’s requests. They entered our territorial waters. I would like you to note that they entered our territorial waters which were ours before Crimea became part of the Russian Federation. That is, they entered the waters which have always been Russian territorial waters.

Without responding to our border guards, they proceeded to move towards the [Kerch] Bridge. Neither did they respond to our proposal to moor the ships at the marina. Our proposal to take a pilot – even after the violation of our state border they, nevertheless, were offered to take a pilot – was met with silence, there was no reaction whatsoever.

What should border guards do in a situation like this? Military ships had entered Russian territorial waters and were not responding to our border guards and it was unclear what they were going to do. What did the border guards have to do? Had they acted differently, all of them would have been put on trial. They were fulfilling their military duty, the order they were given and, as things stand, they were fulfilling their legitimate functions to protect the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.
Russia Calling! Investment Forum
Crimean bridge was just built by Russia for easier access to Crimea and back because Ukraine stopped the public transportation (trains, buses) to Crimea through Ukraine. (Earlier Ukraine blocked Crimea from water and electricity supply.) Ukrainian officials were so mad due to the new comfortable bridge, they threatened to destroy it.
Ukraine's 'main provocative attacks' aimed at Kerch bridge – FSB

Ukrainian MP suggests destroying Crimean Bridge: EADaily
That was the long story short for Western people whose Media does not tell them any truth when it comes to Ukraine or Russia. Meanwhile Ukrainian officials need and are looking for conflicts.

Nov, 17, former deputy head of the Main Headquarters of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Igor Romanenko:
It is necessary to sharpen and tranfigure the situation into a large-scale war. In this situation, Ukraine will be able to count on the help of the West in diplomatic and economic formats. And if the conflict is aggravated, then we will be more actively helped with weapons - not in the way it is now.
https: //

That's why Russia is consolidating her cost guard in Black Sea.

Bottom line:
NTV: Interview with former German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel: “Ukraine wanted to pull us into the war”

"I think we should not let Ukraine draw us into a war, and Ukraine tried to do that,"

In an interview, published by Tagesspiegel newspaper on Saturday, Gabriel also criticized Kiev’s demands to send warships to the Black Sea and its suggestion to close international ports for Russian vessels traveling from the Sea of Azov.
"Ukraine wollte uns in einen Krieg ziehen"
Former German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel: 'The World Is Changing Dramatically' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International
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If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?

Why are we letting ourselves be dragged into everyone’s quarrels from whether Transnistria had a right to secede from Moldova, to whether South Ossetia and Abkhazia had the right to break free of Georgia, when Georgia broke free of Russia?

Do the American people care a fig for these places? Are we really willing to risk war with Russia or China over who holds title to them?

Why is Ukraine’s Kerch Crisis Any of Our Business?

This is about fresh build up of Russian troops. Satellite images show Russian heavy lift military airplanes landing in Crimea. Is something cooking?

This is about fresh build up of Russian troops. Satellite images show Russian heavy lift military airplanes landing in Crimea. Is something cooking?
I tried to explain: I think Russia is trying to have a better protection of her territorial waters to discourage Ukrainian officials from further provocations who badly need conflicts to blame Russia for them.

This is about fresh build up of Russian troops. Satellite images show Russian heavy lift military airplanes landing in Crimea. Is something cooking?
I tried to explain: I think Russia is trying to have a better protection of her territorial waters to discourage Ukrainian officials from further provocations who badly need conflicts to blame Russia for them.

I see.

I guess you were referring to this:

MINSK, Belarus — Ukraine’s defense ministry warned Russia on Friday that it will soon send navy ships through the Kerch Strait where Russia fired on and seized three Ukrainian vessels two weeks ago.

The announcement sets up another possible flashpoint in the long-simmering conflict between Russia and Ukraine that erupted in 2014 with Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula burst into the open on Nov. 25 when Russian border guards opened fire on three Ukrainian navy vessels that were moving through the Kerch Strait near Crimea and seized the ships and their crews.

Ukraine says will send naval ships through Kerch Strait soon
My God! Crimea is Russian

That's where the Romanovs vacationed ....that has always been part of Russia! always!

Crimea is has always been!

the Grand Duchesses who where killed by the Bolshevist scum .... this photo well before the tragedy ...while vacationing in Crimea...that gentleman was their tutor their teacher.

everybody Crimea


This is about fresh build up of Russian troops. Satellite images show Russian heavy lift military airplanes landing in Crimea. Is something cooking?
I tried to explain: I think Russia is trying to have a better protection of her territorial waters to discourage Ukrainian officials from further provocations who badly need conflicts to blame Russia for them.

I see.

I guess you were referring to this:

MINSK, Belarus — Ukraine’s defense ministry warned Russia on Friday that it will soon send navy ships through the Kerch Strait where Russia fired on and seized three Ukrainian vessels two weeks ago.

The announcement sets up another possible flashpoint in the long-simmering conflict between Russia and Ukraine that erupted in 2014 with Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula burst into the open on Nov. 25 when Russian border guards opened fire on three Ukrainian navy vessels that were moving through the Kerch Strait near Crimea and seized the ships and their crews.

Ukraine says will send naval ships through Kerch Strait soon
It was actually, just a tip of iceberg: Poroshenko is desperate with presidential coming elections in March (his rating is 7-8%) and he may do whatever to allow him to prolong martial law, to cancel the elections and to save his crooked bu*t (if he loses he may go to jail for his numerous crimes).

Vladimir Putin: The current president is, I think, fifth in the popularity rating and there is a chance he may not make it into the second round. Therefore, he needs to do something to escalate the situation and create unsurpassable obstacles for his rivals, especially in the opposition.

Now, a small Black Sea incident resulted in martial law. This is clearly a measure taken because of the presidential election. It is absolutely obvious.
Russia Calling! Investment Forum

Vladimir Putin: the ship’s log journal says these ships had the explicit task of secretly penetrating our territorial waters and secretly passing the Kerch Strait? What was it? It was a planned provocation, that’s what it was. This is evidenced by the documents found and the testimony of the sailors themselves. That's all.

I already said and I want to repeat: even amid the events of a greater scale involving Ukraine, martial law was never introduced, but now, in the run-up to the elections, they found it indispensable to do so. Why? Naturally, to limit civil rights and freedoms, limit political activity in the country.

But, what’s even worse, they introduced martial law in ten areas, precisely those where the incumbent president does not enjoy special support and his policy does not find unanimous approval. What does this mean? Just think: this means that the current leadership of Ukraine has with its own hands divided the country in two parts – one trustworthy and the other not so much. I can’t even imagine a worse mistake.

But even this, perhaps, is not the most important thing. The most important thing after all is the analysis … indeed, they are now talking about the sailors who were detained for the illegal crossing of our state border. But who remembers the victims of the events in the Trade Unions House in Odessa? Does anyone even remember this? They cite some investigation by the Ukrainian official authorities, but there is no investigation. And there’s silence.

What especially troubles me is that analysis of recent events, this incident or the provocation in the Black Sea, or what we see in Donbass, suggests that the current leadership of Ukraine is actually not interested in resolving this crisis, let alone by peaceful means. They are a party of war, and while they remain in power, all these tragedies and the war will continue. Why? Because during any kind of hostilities, with provocations similar to the one in the Black Sea, it is always easier for oligarchic authorities to pursue a policy aimed at plundering their own people and their state. This is the case when the situation both in our country and in Ukraine can be described by this proverb: “War makes some people rich”. This is the first reason why the current government is not interested in a peaceful settlement.

And here is the second. War helps cover up their failures in economic and social policy. They are not the ones to blame – it is the external aggressor who is. The external aggressor is to blame for the impoverishment of people, and for the state budget that can’t seem to make ends meet, so that Ukraine is compelled to go, hat in hand, to the IMF and other sponsors, shifting the responsibility and burden to future generations. It is much easier to blame everything on external aggression.
Answers to media questions

^That explains a lot, it's a little too long but it makes it pretty clear for those who really want to know what's going on.
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in Crimea....the Romanov girls in Crimea

so sad .... they should have never been killed by the Bolshevik scum...never!

My God! Crimea is Russian
Always was, and hopefully, always will be Russian. Russia actually saved 3 million people in Crimea from death because in 2014 Ukrainian Nazis promised "to sink Crimea in blood".
Was it U.S. complicity in the Kiev coup that ousted the elected pro-Russian regime that caused Putin to seize Crimea to hold onto Russia’s Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol?

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?

Trump Calls Off Cold War II
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