Rush - The Great Right Hope?


Grand Inquistor
Jul 15, 2008
Back in the day, when someone asked if you’d heard the latest from Rush, it immediately conjured up visions of the legendary power rock band from Canada. The same question today, though, is more likely to evoke images of a mercurial and wily Conservative talk radio host than the talented trio from the Great White North.

Where once the reply would have been, “Do they have a new record out”, today it’s “What’d he say now?!”

Of course, I’m referring to Rush Limbaugh, he whose talent is on loan from God.

The self-styled voice of Conservatism and a consummate self-promoter, Rush has selflessly stepped forward to defend the movement and its principals from the unmitigated assault he sees emanating from the White House and the Obama administration.

Rallying the faithful at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference, Rush launched into a blistering tour de force that has propelled his exposure and ego back to the heady days of the Clinton era when he was the face of the “Great Right Wing Conspiracy”. In the process, he has unwittingly given the President and the White House priceless political cover by becoming the story itself, instead of commenting on it.

Don’t get me wrong. Rush is an intellectual and ideological powerhouse of the first magnitude. In truth, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and legions of authors, pundits and talk show hosts across the nation owe their success in no small part to Rush’s indefatigable and dogged efforts.

However, at this point not only is he rallying the faithful among the Conservative ranks, he is also doing it among the devoutly Liberal. He inspires unrivaled passion and fury in both camps; one in support and the other opposition.

The question on the minds of many is - How did this come to pass?

The answer lies in two parts really. And both are relatively easy to understand.

First, politics, like nature, abhors a vacuum.

There is currently a power vacuum in the Conservative movement and the Republican Party. Rush, with his weekly audience of 16 million-plus loyal listeners, his reputation and influence among Conservatives generally speaking and his zeal for political combat – however personal it may become – is naturally positioned to fill that void.

Many would naturally look to the leadership of the Republican Party and the Chairman in particular to step into the breach. While Michael Steele’s taking the helm at the Republican National Committee was greeted with great expectation and hope, he has to date been disjointed and incoherent at best and a bitter disappointment at worst.

More than a month into his term, Steele’s executive staff lacks a chief of staff, a political director, a finance director or a communications director. So long as these critical elements of his staff are missing, his effectiveness will remain chronically crippled.

In addition to offending and then subsequently kowtowing to Rush after the Conservative icon dressed him down on-air and condemned him to the children’s table of the movement, Steele has made repeated and highly embarrassing public gaffes that have left many Republicans nervous and questioning his ability to lead the Party organizationally, much less philosophically out of the political wilderness.

That being the case, in the absence of any other credible and substantive contender, Rush is the de facto face of Conservatism and the loyal opposition for the time being. Controlling the largest bullhorn in the movement, with the White House, its Liberal base and the cable news networks eagerly awaiting his show each day and the target de jour of his scathing wit and analysis; this will remain so for some time to come.

The second part of the answer can be found in the preferences of the White House and its’ supporters.

Instead of having to defend the President’s proposed $3.55 trillion budget and projected $1.17 trillion deficit for fiscal year 2010, the White House and Liberal stalwarts like Paul Begala and James Carville are more than happy to play up Rush’s latest diatribe. They delight in highlighting the internecine warfare that is part and parcel of a political party wandering in the wilderness in search of direction, purpose and leadership. In the process, they have succeeded in transforming the debate into a clash of personalities and not ideas. Substance has been sacrificed for style as discussion of the nation’s future degenerates into the political equivalent of pro wrestling.

While the outcome may be unknown at this point, what is certain is that it will not be Rush in the cage match for the title come November, 2012. While I have no doubt he’ll be at ring side loudly cheering on the President’s opponent, it will ultimately be someone else hitting the political mat and looking for the three count that John McCain never came close to sealing last November. The sooner the Republican Party can develop a staple of legitimate contenders to challenge for the belt, the better off they and the nation will be.

In the meantime, Rush is gonna run wild on the Obama-maniacs, faithful readers! Oooohh yeeeeaahhh!!!

Stay tuned for further updates as events warrant, the Republican Royal Rumble rises to a fevered pitch and the White House continues to benefit from a loyal opposition that is disjointed and leaderless.
An excellent analysis, I think.

Yes, Rush is a real tool that serves the interests of those who seek to keep Americans targeting their neighbors, no doubt about it.

The liberal wing of the Ruling class have no spokeperson that equals Rush.

No single spokemouth claiming to be a liberal has the audience or the devoted followers that Rush has.

Of course people like Carvel love the fact that Rush exists.

He serves to reinforce the myth that liberalism and conservatism cannot coexist in America and that each philosophy cannot serve the interests of this nation, as they BOTH once did.

Divide and conquor...truly the very best way to control any population in a shamocracy.
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Rush has a lot of listeners, and a lot of them agree with him. That does not make him the voice of the Republican party, far from it. While there are some who agree with him on everything, most people I talk to, who have listened to him, say they agree with some of what he says but not everything.

You have to give the guy credit though. He knows how to attract an audience.
Rush has a lot of listeners, and a lot of them agree with him. That does not make him the voice of the Republican party, far from it. While there are some who agree with him on everything, most people I talk to, who have listened to him, say they agree with some of what he says but not everything.

You have to give the guy credit though. He knows how to attract an audience.

It's not that he becomes the VOICE of the Republican party.

It's that his supporters become the controling power within the Republican Party.

He doesn't have to get every conservative to agree with him...just enough to give that wing of the party the power to nominate those who march to his drumbeat.
Only politcal junkies are following the Rush-white house thing, for most people it's a non starter.

More and more are noticing it isn't getting better, stocks and still falling and the POTUS is proposing MORE spending, higher taxes and even a devasting cap & tax on energy that will put prices through the roof.

Carvelle can craft all he wants, but when people get a doubled electric bill it isn't Rush they will be mad at, it will be obama.
Back in the day, when someone asked if you’d heard the latest from Rush, it immediately conjured up visions of the legendary power rock band from Canada. The same question today, though, is more likely to evoke images of a mercurial and wily Conservative talk radio host than the talented trio from the Great White North.

Where once the reply would have been, “Do they have a new record out”, today it’s “What’d he say now?!”

Of course, I’m referring to Rush Limbaugh, he whose talent is on loan from God.

The self-styled voice of Conservatism and a consummate self-promoter, Rush has selflessly stepped forward to defend the movement and its principals from the unmitigated assault he sees emanating from the White House and the Obama administration.

Rallying the faithful at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference, Rush launched into a blistering tour de force that has propelled his exposure and ego back to the heady days of the Clinton era when he was the face of the “Great Right Wing Conspiracy”. In the process, he has unwittingly given the President and the White House priceless political cover by becoming the story itself, instead of commenting on it.

Don’t get me wrong. Rush is an intellectual and ideological powerhouse of the first magnitude. In truth, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and legions of authors, pundits and talk show hosts across the nation owe their success in no small part to Rush’s indefatigable and dogged efforts.

However, at this point not only is he rallying the faithful among the Conservative ranks, he is also doing it among the devoutly Liberal. He inspires unrivaled passion and fury in both camps; one in support and the other opposition.

The question on the minds of many is - How did this come to pass?

The answer lies in two parts really. And both are relatively easy to understand.

First, politics, like nature, abhors a vacuum.

There is currently a power vacuum in the Conservative movement and the Republican Party. Rush, with his weekly audience of 16 million-plus loyal listeners, his reputation and influence among Conservatives generally speaking and his zeal for political combat – however personal it may become – is naturally positioned to fill that void.

Many would naturally look to the leadership of the Republican Party and the Chairman in particular to step into the breach. While Michael Steele’s taking the helm at the Republican National Committee was greeted with great expectation and hope, he has to date been disjointed and incoherent at best and a bitter disappointment at worst.

More than a month into his term, Steele’s executive staff lacks a chief of staff, a political director, a finance director or a communications director. So long as these critical elements of his staff are missing, his effectiveness will remain chronically crippled.

In addition to offending and then subsequently kowtowing to Rush after the Conservative icon dressed him down on-air and condemned him to the children’s table of the movement, Steele has made repeated and highly embarrassing public gaffes that have left many Republicans nervous and questioning his ability to lead the Party organizationally, much less philosophically out of the political wilderness.

That being the case, in the absence of any other credible and substantive contender, Rush is the de facto face of Conservatism and the loyal opposition for the time being. Controlling the largest bullhorn in the movement, with the White House, its Liberal base and the cable news networks eagerly awaiting his show each day and the target de jour of his scathing wit and analysis; this will remain so for some time to come.

The second part of the answer can be found in the preferences of the White House and its’ supporters.

Instead of having to defend the President’s proposed $3.55 trillion budget and projected $1.17 trillion deficit for fiscal year 2010, the White House and Liberal stalwarts like Paul Begala and James Carville are more than happy to play up Rush’s latest diatribe. They delight in highlighting the internecine warfare that is part and parcel of a political party wandering in the wilderness in search of direction, purpose and leadership. In the process, they have succeeded in transforming the debate into a clash of personalities and not ideas. Substance has been sacrificed for style as discussion of the nation’s future degenerates into the political equivalent of pro wrestling.

While the outcome may be unknown at this point, what is certain is that it will not be Rush in the cage match for the title come November, 2012. While I have no doubt he’ll be at ring side loudly cheering on the President’s opponent, it will ultimately be someone else hitting the political mat and looking for the three count that John McCain never came close to sealing last November. The sooner the Republican Party can develop a staple of legitimate contenders to challenge for the belt, the better off they and the nation will be.

In the meantime, Rush is gonna run wild on the Obama-maniacs, faithful readers! Oooohh yeeeeaahhh!!!

Stay tuned for further updates as events warrant, the Republican Royal Rumble rises to a fevered pitch and the White House continues to benefit from a loyal opposition that is disjointed and leaderless.

The left has empowered Rush WAY more than the right. Maybe one day you guys will figure out your wailing and gnashing of teeth does more to popularize someone like Rush than anything HE actually does.
Back in the day, when someone asked if you’d heard the latest from Rush, it immediately conjured up visions of the legendary power rock band from Canada. The same question today, though, is more likely to evoke images of a mercurial and wily Conservative talk radio host than the talented trio from the Great White North.

Where once the reply would have been, “Do they have a new record out”, today it’s “What’d he say now?!”

Of course, I’m referring to Rush Limbaugh, he whose talent is on loan from God.

The self-styled voice of Conservatism and a consummate self-promoter, Rush has selflessly stepped forward to defend the movement and its principals from the unmitigated assault he sees emanating from the White House and the Obama administration.

Rallying the faithful at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference, Rush launched into a blistering tour de force that has propelled his exposure and ego back to the heady days of the Clinton era when he was the face of the “Great Right Wing Conspiracy”. In the process, he has unwittingly given the President and the White House priceless political cover by becoming the story itself, instead of commenting on it.

Don’t get me wrong. Rush is an intellectual and ideological powerhouse of the first magnitude. In truth, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and legions of authors, pundits and talk show hosts across the nation owe their success in no small part to Rush’s indefatigable and dogged efforts.

However, at this point not only is he rallying the faithful among the Conservative ranks, he is also doing it among the devoutly Liberal. He inspires unrivaled passion and fury in both camps; one in support and the other opposition.

The question on the minds of many is - How did this come to pass?

The answer lies in two parts really. And both are relatively easy to understand.

First, politics, like nature, abhors a vacuum.

There is currently a power vacuum in the Conservative movement and the Republican Party. Rush, with his weekly audience of 16 million-plus loyal listeners, his reputation and influence among Conservatives generally speaking and his zeal for political combat – however personal it may become – is naturally positioned to fill that void.

Many would naturally look to the leadership of the Republican Party and the Chairman in particular to step into the breach. While Michael Steele’s taking the helm at the Republican National Committee was greeted with great expectation and hope, he has to date been disjointed and incoherent at best and a bitter disappointment at worst.

More than a month into his term, Steele’s executive staff lacks a chief of staff, a political director, a finance director or a communications director. So long as these critical elements of his staff are missing, his effectiveness will remain chronically crippled.

In addition to offending and then subsequently kowtowing to Rush after the Conservative icon dressed him down on-air and condemned him to the children’s table of the movement, Steele has made repeated and highly embarrassing public gaffes that have left many Republicans nervous and questioning his ability to lead the Party organizationally, much less philosophically out of the political wilderness.

That being the case, in the absence of any other credible and substantive contender, Rush is the de facto face of Conservatism and the loyal opposition for the time being. Controlling the largest bullhorn in the movement, with the White House, its Liberal base and the cable news networks eagerly awaiting his show each day and the target de jour of his scathing wit and analysis; this will remain so for some time to come.

The second part of the answer can be found in the preferences of the White House and its’ supporters.

Instead of having to defend the President’s proposed $3.55 trillion budget and projected $1.17 trillion deficit for fiscal year 2010, the White House and Liberal stalwarts like Paul Begala and James Carville are more than happy to play up Rush’s latest diatribe. They delight in highlighting the internecine warfare that is part and parcel of a political party wandering in the wilderness in search of direction, purpose and leadership. In the process, they have succeeded in transforming the debate into a clash of personalities and not ideas. Substance has been sacrificed for style as discussion of the nation’s future degenerates into the political equivalent of pro wrestling.

While the outcome may be unknown at this point, what is certain is that it will not be Rush in the cage match for the title come November, 2012. While I have no doubt he’ll be at ring side loudly cheering on the President’s opponent, it will ultimately be someone else hitting the political mat and looking for the three count that John McCain never came close to sealing last November. The sooner the Republican Party can develop a staple of legitimate contenders to challenge for the belt, the better off they and the nation will be.

In the meantime, Rush is gonna run wild on the Obama-maniacs, faithful readers! Oooohh yeeeeaahhh!!!

Stay tuned for further updates as events warrant, the Republican Royal Rumble rises to a fevered pitch and the White House continues to benefit from a loyal opposition that is disjointed and leaderless.

The left has empowered Rush WAY more than the right. Maybe one day you guys will figure out your wailing and gnashing of teeth does more to popularize someone like Rush than anything HE actually does.

That's the only reason I have ever listened to him. Because the left was whining about him and I wanted to see why..

They also lie about what he says,which I also found out after listening to him..
Stay tuned for further updates as events warrant,

Stay tuned to what? You're not on TV. You're about a week and a half late with this and what events? You never update these "blogs" or whatever the fuck you call them. You're annoying as fuck.

Stay tuned as I continue to stomp mud holes in your candy ass!
I wasn't really buying into this "Rush is the leader of the Republican party" talk until today when every conservative talk show host in America skewered Newt Gingrich for his comments. Now I'm not so sure that the party has any real leadership at all other than Rush.
Rush isn't the leader of the GOP because he isn't one. He is a conservative and a darn good one. Like GWB, Rush will not sell his soul to be liked. In 1994, Newt and the GOP made Rush an honorary member of congress if my memory serves me. Rush has not been elected to any post in the GOP party, but like all Americas can and does have the freedom to speak out and or against the government. Which Rush did during Bush's time in office. Granted he does hammer the left and does so hard but it's hard to point to an area where Rush is wrong. It is an the other hand not hard to point out where the current president has side stepped some of his promises from the stump.
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Back in the day, when someone asked if you’d heard the latest from Rush, it immediately conjured up visions of the legendary power rock band from Canada. The same question today, though, is more likely to evoke images of a mercurial and wily Conservative talk radio host than the talented trio from the Great White North.

Where once the reply would have been, “Do they have a new record out”, today it’s “What’d he say now?!”

Of course, I’m referring to Rush Limbaugh, he whose talent is on loan from God.

The self-styled voice of Conservatism and a consummate self-promoter, Rush has selflessly stepped forward to defend the movement and its principals from the unmitigated assault he sees emanating from the White House and the Obama administration.

Rallying the faithful at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference, Rush launched into a blistering tour de force that has propelled his exposure and ego back to the heady days of the Clinton era when he was the face of the “Great Right Wing Conspiracy”. In the process, he has unwittingly given the President and the White House priceless political cover by becoming the story itself, instead of commenting on it.

Don’t get me wrong. Rush is an intellectual and ideological powerhouse of the first magnitude. In truth, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and legions of authors, pundits and talk show hosts across the nation owe their success in no small part to Rush’s indefatigable and dogged efforts.

However, at this point not only is he rallying the faithful among the Conservative ranks, he is also doing it among the devoutly Liberal. He inspires unrivaled passion and fury in both camps; one in support and the other opposition.

The question on the minds of many is - How did this come to pass?

The answer lies in two parts really. And both are relatively easy to understand.

First, politics, like nature, abhors a vacuum.

There is currently a power vacuum in the Conservative movement and the Republican Party. Rush, with his weekly audience of 16 million-plus loyal listeners, his reputation and influence among Conservatives generally speaking and his zeal for political combat – however personal it may become – is naturally positioned to fill that void.

Many would naturally look to the leadership of the Republican Party and the Chairman in particular to step into the breach. While Michael Steele’s taking the helm at the Republican National Committee was greeted with great expectation and hope, he has to date been disjointed and incoherent at best and a bitter disappointment at worst.

More than a month into his term, Steele’s executive staff lacks a chief of staff, a political director, a finance director or a communications director. So long as these critical elements of his staff are missing, his effectiveness will remain chronically crippled.

In addition to offending and then subsequently kowtowing to Rush after the Conservative icon dressed him down on-air and condemned him to the children’s table of the movement, Steele has made repeated and highly embarrassing public gaffes that have left many Republicans nervous and questioning his ability to lead the Party organizationally, much less philosophically out of the political wilderness.

That being the case, in the absence of any other credible and substantive contender, Rush is the de facto face of Conservatism and the loyal opposition for the time being. Controlling the largest bullhorn in the movement, with the White House, its Liberal base and the cable news networks eagerly awaiting his show each day and the target de jour of his scathing wit and analysis; this will remain so for some time to come.

The second part of the answer can be found in the preferences of the White House and its’ supporters.

Instead of having to defend the President’s proposed $3.55 trillion budget and projected $1.17 trillion deficit for fiscal year 2010, the White House and Liberal stalwarts like Paul Begala and James Carville are more than happy to play up Rush’s latest diatribe. They delight in highlighting the internecine warfare that is part and parcel of a political party wandering in the wilderness in search of direction, purpose and leadership. In the process, they have succeeded in transforming the debate into a clash of personalities and not ideas. Substance has been sacrificed for style as discussion of the nation’s future degenerates into the political equivalent of pro wrestling.

While the outcome may be unknown at this point, what is certain is that it will not be Rush in the cage match for the title come November, 2012. While I have no doubt he’ll be at ring side loudly cheering on the President’s opponent, it will ultimately be someone else hitting the political mat and looking for the three count that John McCain never came close to sealing last November. The sooner the Republican Party can develop a staple of legitimate contenders to challenge for the belt, the better off they and the nation will be.

In the meantime, Rush is gonna run wild on the Obama-maniacs, faithful readers! Oooohh yeeeeaahhh!!!

Stay tuned for further updates as events warrant, the Republican Royal Rumble rises to a fevered pitch and the White House continues to benefit from a loyal opposition that is disjointed and leaderless.

The left has empowered Rush WAY more than the right. Maybe one day you guys will figure out your wailing and gnashing of teeth does more to popularize someone like Rush than anything HE actually does.

That's the only reason I have ever listened to him. Because the left was whining about him and I wanted to see why..

They also lie about what he says,which I also found out after listening to him..

They don't count it as lying because NONE OF THEM LISTEN TO HIM. They simply go on the propaganda they hear and spread.

That's the way the left is. Facts are negligible. The only thing they care about is keeping the machine going, and marginalizing the competition, and they'll do it any way they can. No tactic is too slimy, and "legal" is just a word.
The left has empowered Rush WAY more than the right. Maybe one day you guys will figure out your wailing and gnashing of teeth does more to popularize someone like Rush than anything HE actually does.

That's the only reason I have ever listened to him. Because the left was whining about him and I wanted to see why..

They also lie about what he says,which I also found out after listening to him..

They don't count it as lying because NONE OF THEM LISTEN TO HIM. They simply go on the propaganda they hear and spread.

That's the way the left is. Facts are negligible. The only thing they care about is keeping the machine going, and marginalizing the competition, and they'll do it any way they can. No tactic is too slimy, and "legal" is just a word.

Now everyone needs to be honest the right has lied just as much as the left. The right has been just as slimy as the left so this is funny when one side says the other is when both are just as bad.
If Rush is your last hope, you should be in despair. The man is a liar, a demagogue, and a jerk. I seriously don't know how you can defend the baldfaced lies he tells on a regular basis.

The current situation, with GOP officials all but kneeling down to fellate him is as hilarious as it is pathetic. Republicans have marginalized themselves so badly that they can only count on the support of extremists.

For those itching to defend rush, I challenge you to provide one example where "the left" has misquoted him, and show us what he actually meant to say. For instance, when he said that Obama is of Arab instead of African ancestry:
On the September 22 broadcast of his syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh baselessly claimed that Sen. Barack Obama is "not black," and went on to ask: "Do you know he has not one shred of African-American blood?" Limbaugh continued: "He's Arab. You know, he's from Africa. He's from Arab parts of Africa. ... [H]e's not African-American. The last thing that he is is African-American."

or this from Media Matters:
Rush Limbaugh falsely stated that President Obama said "that we all must learn to live within our means and not expect the values of our homes to go up 10, 20 percent over our lifetimes ever again," later adding, "This is what I mean by him talking down the economy." In fact, Obama said that we should "not assume that housing prices are going to go up 20, 30, 40 percent every year"

Can any of you seriously defend this tripe?
Rush, with his weekly audience of 16 million-plus loyal listeners, his reputation and influence among Conservatives generally speaking and his zeal for political combat – however personal it may become – is naturally positioned to fill that void.

Actually the new numbers for the last Arbitron period put the regular listener total at closer to 27- 28 million... Which is up 35%... from the long standing average of 21 million.

In the meantime, Rush is gonna run wild on the Obama-maniacs, faithful readers! Oooohh yeeeeaahhh!!!

Stay tuned for further updates as events warrant, the Republican Royal Rumble rises to a fevered pitch and the White House continues to benefit from a loyal opposition that is disjointed and leaderless.[/QUOTE]

ROFL... so Limbaugh is the leader of Conservatism and the opposition to the Marxism being advance by President Hussein (Conservatism) is leaderless...

Are you sure ya thought this one through?
If Rush is your last hope, you should be in despair. The man is a liar, a demagogue, and a jerk. I seriously don't know how you can defend the baldfaced lies he tells on a regular basis.

The current situation, with GOP officials all but kneeling down to fellate him is as hilarious as it is pathetic. Republicans have marginalized themselves so badly that they can only count on the support of extremists.

For those itching to defend rush, I challenge you to provide one example where "the left" has misquoted him, and show us what he actually meant to say. For instance, when he said that Obama is of Arab instead of African ancestry:
On the September 22 broadcast of his syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh baselessly claimed that Sen. Barack Obama is "not black," and went on to ask: "Do you know he has not one shred of African-American blood?" Limbaugh continued: "He's Arab. You know, he's from Africa. He's from Arab parts of Africa. ... [H]e's not African-American. The last thing that he is is African-American."

or this from Media Matters:
Rush Limbaugh falsely stated that President Obama said "that we all must learn to live within our means and not expect the values of our homes to go up 10, 20 percent over our lifetimes ever again," later adding, "This is what I mean by him talking down the economy." In fact, Obama said that we should "not assume that housing prices are going to go up 20, 30, 40 percent every year"

Can any of you seriously defend this tripe?

Well I won't defend them, but then I rarely defend mis-quotes, stripped of context; which are then advanced in an overt attempt to decieve...

But even as represented, neither one amount to jack... Limbaugh's entitled to his opinion and if he feels that President Hussein being born in Africa means that he's not an American, that's fine with me. I personally believe that it's his Marxism that prevents President Hussein from being an American... Limbaugh qualified the stat percentage comment, stating he didn't have the quote right in front of him... Hussein's comment was, even as YOUR PRESENTING IT, is an indisputable example of 'talking down the economy.'
Well I won't defend them, but then I rarely defend mis-quotes, stripped of context; which are then advanced in an overt attempt to decieve...
If it's out of context, then please, give me the context. That's literally what I'm asking for.
But even as represented, neither one amount to jack... Limbaugh's entitled to his opinion and if he feels that President Hussein being born in Africa means that he's not an American, that's fine with me. I personally believe that it's his Marxism that prevents President Hussein from being an American... Limbaugh qualified the stat percentage comment, stating he didn't have the quote right in front of him... Hussein's comment was, even as YOUR PRESENTING IT, is an indisputable example of 'talking down the economy.'

So someone's political ideals can disqualify their citizenship? Is that seriously what you're advocating? Isn't that the kind of thing that America is specifically NOT supposed to be about?

And I suppose in that case Rush's general idea was valid, even if he was hyping the numbers up to an incredible degree. I'm willing to even accept that in this instance he was only grossly mistaken about the numbers, rather than lying about them to incite fear.
Rush isn't the leader of the GOP because he isn't one. He is a conservative and a darn good one. Like GWB, Rush will not sell his soul to be liked. In 1994, Newt and the GOP made Rush an honorary member of congress if my memory serves me. Rush has not been elected to any post in the GOP party, but like all Americas can and does have the freedom to speak out and or against the government. Which Rush did during Bush's time in office. Granted he does hammer the left and does so hard :lol: It is an the other hand not hard to point out where the current president has side stepped some of his promises from the stump.

Well I won't defend them, but then I rarely defend mis-quotes, stripped of context; which are then advanced in an overt attempt to decieve...
If it's out of context, then please, give me the context. That's literally what I'm asking for.
But even as represented, neither one amount to jack... Limbaugh's entitled to his opinion and if he feels that President Hussein being born in Africa means that he's not an American, that's fine with me. I personally believe that it's his Marxism that prevents President Hussein from being an American... Limbaugh qualified the stat percentage comment, stating he didn't have the quote right in front of him... Hussein's comment was, even as YOUR PRESENTING IT, is an indisputable example of 'talking down the economy.'

So someone's political ideals can disqualify their citizenship?

Not that I'm aware of... there's no hat-trick to being a US Citizen... most US Citizens are squeezed out of a birth canal... We're not discussing 'citizenship' we're discussing adherence and advocacy to and of the bed-rock principles on which America rests; I.e.: An AMERICAN.

Isn't that the kind of thing that America is specifically NOT supposed to be about?
America is about providing people with the means to destroy her? Where'd you get that idea?

And I suppose in that case Rush's general idea was valid, even if he was hyping the numbers up to an incredible degree.


I'm willing to even accept that in this instance he was only grossly mistaken about the numbers, rather than lying about them to incite fear.

Then you concede the point in it's entirety... Such is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Rush isn't the leader of the GOP because he isn't one. He is a conservative and a darn good one. Like GWB, Rush will not sell his soul to be liked. In 1994, Newt and the GOP made Rush an honorary member of congress if my memory serves me. Rush has not been elected to any post in the GOP party, but like all Americas can and does have the freedom to speak out and or against the government. Which Rush did during Bush's time in office. Granted he does hammer the left and does so hard :lol: It is an the other hand not hard to point out where the current president has side stepped some of his promises from the stump.


Few Concessions are presented with less intellectual savy... congrats dumbass: YA PEAKED!

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