Rush Limbaugh to be honored at CPAC, inducted into Conservative Hall of Fame


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
bravo, El Rushbo! the leftist press corps will have no choice but to cover it!

I was supposed to shoot CPAC this year, but got into a scheduling conflict. I opted for the better paying gig; two days instead of four, for twice as much money.

I shot CPAC in Maryland last year, and it was quite the experience...
Conservative Hall of Fame?

Do Liberals have a similar shindig each year and a Hall of Fame? Just curious.
I didn't even know there was a Conservative Hall of Fame.

Is there anything that doesn't have a hall of fame?

If there's one for message board trolls, I damn well deserve a spot.
bravo, El Rushbo! the leftist press corps will have no choice but to cover it!

Proof of what anti-American scum CON$ervoFascists are!
I was supposed to shoot CPAC this year, but got into a scheduling conflict. I opted for the better paying gig; two days instead of four, for twice as much money.

I shot CPAC in Maryland last year, and it was quite the experience...
I was supposed to shoot CPAC this year

I was about to call the IBF; or is that the FBI?
bravo, El Rushbo! the leftist press corps will have no choice but to cover it!

Proof of what anti-American scum CON$ervoFascists are!

I bet with you pulling and a couple friends with a winch, you might be able to get your big fat head out of your ass.
It's troglodytes like you that force government action including some that's nonsensical. If you could only mind your own business and let others mind theirs, no one would have to force equal treatment for transgender kids.
During the speech, Rush said the funniest joke about Larry King getting to heaven and meeting St Peter who told him that Rush Limbaugh had a big room in heaven, which was actually God’s room

The Conservative Hall of Fame began on 5/5/18. The NRA was the first inductee.
Wow, almost three years of depth!
before Hannity and Tucker, before Ann Coulter and Steven Crowder...there was Rush Limbaugh!
bravo, El Rushbo! the leftist press corps will have no choice but to cover it!

Wtf is the "conservative hall of fame"?

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